/** * Navit, a modular navigation system. * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Navit Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500 #include "config.h" #ifdef HAVE_API_WIN32_BASE #include #include #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include "item.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "speech.h" #include "util.h" #include "file.h" #include "debug.h" #include "support/espeak/speech.h" #include "support/espeak/speak_lib.h" #include "support/espeak/phoneme.h" #include "support/espeak/synthesize.h" #include "support/espeak/voice.h" #include "support/espeak/translate.h" #define BUFFERS 4 // ----- some stuff needed by espeak ---------------------------------- char path_home[N_PATH_HOME]; // this is the espeak-data directory int (* uri_callback)(int, const char *, const char *) = NULL; int (* phoneme_callback)(const char *) = NULL; FILE *f_wave = NULL; int GetFileLength(const char *filename) { struct stat statbuf; if(stat(filename,&statbuf) != 0) return(0); if((statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) return(-2); // a directory return(statbuf.st_size); } void MarkerEvent(int type, unsigned int char_position, int value, unsigned char *out_ptr) { } char *Alloc(int size) { return g_malloc(size); } void Free(void *ptr) { g_free(ptr); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- enum speech_messages { msg_say = WM_USER, msg_exit }; enum speech_state { state_available, state_speaking_phase_1, state_speaking_phase_2, state_speaking_phase_3 }; struct speech_priv { GList *free_buffers; HWAVEOUT h_wave_out; enum speech_state state; GList *phrases; HWND h_queue; HANDLE h_message_thread; }; static void waveout_close(struct speech_priv* sp_priv) { waveOutClose(sp_priv->h_wave_out); } static BOOL waveout_open(struct speech_priv* sp_priv) { MMRESULT result = 0; HWAVEOUT hwo; static WAVEFORMATEX wmTemp; wmTemp.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; wmTemp.nChannels = 1; wmTemp.nSamplesPerSec = 22050; wmTemp.wBitsPerSample = 16; wmTemp.nBlockAlign = wmTemp.nChannels * wmTemp.wBitsPerSample / 8; wmTemp.nAvgBytesPerSec = wmTemp.nSamplesPerSec * wmTemp.nBlockAlign; wmTemp.cbSize = 0; result = waveOutOpen(&hwo, (UINT) WAVE_MAPPER, &wmTemp, (DWORD)sp_priv->h_queue, (DWORD)sp_priv, CALLBACK_WINDOW); sp_priv->h_wave_out = hwo; return (result==MMSYSERR_NOERROR); } static int wave_out(struct speech_priv* sp_priv) { int isDone; WAVEHDR *WaveHeader = g_list_first(sp_priv->free_buffers)->data; sp_priv->free_buffers = g_list_remove(sp_priv->free_buffers, WaveHeader); out_ptr = out_start = WaveHeader->lpData; out_end = WaveHeader->lpData + WaveHeader->dwBufferLength; isDone = WavegenFill(0); if ( out_ptr < out_end ) { memset ( out_ptr, 0, out_end - out_ptr ); } waveOutWrite(sp_priv->h_wave_out, WaveHeader, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); return isDone; } static BOOL initialise(void) { int param; int result; WavegenInit(22050,0); // 22050 if((result = LoadPhData()) != 1) { if(result == -1) { dbg(lvl_error, "Failed to load espeak-data\n"); return FALSE; } else dbg(lvl_error, "Wrong version of espeak-data 0x%x (expects 0x%x) at %s\n",result,version_phdata,path_home); } LoadConfig(); SetVoiceStack(NULL); SynthesizeInit(); for(param=0; paramfree_buffers && this->state != state_speaking_phase_3 ) { if(Generate(phoneme_list,&n_phoneme_list,1)==0) { if (!SpeakNextClause(NULL,NULL,1)) { this->state = state_speaking_phase_2; } } if ( wave_out(this)!= 0 && this->state == state_speaking_phase_2) { this->state = state_speaking_phase_3; } } } static void start_speaking(struct speech_priv* sp_priv) { char *phrase = g_list_first(sp_priv->phrases)->data; sp_priv->state = state_speaking_phase_1; SpeakNextClause(NULL, phrase,0); wave_out(sp_priv); fill_buffer(sp_priv); } static LRESULT CALLBACK speech_message_handler( HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { dbg(lvl_debug, "message_handler called\n"); switch (uMsg) { case msg_say: { struct speech_priv* sp_priv = (struct speech_priv*)wParam; sp_priv->phrases = g_list_append(sp_priv->phrases, (char*)lParam); if ( sp_priv->state == state_available ) { start_speaking(sp_priv); } } break; case MM_WOM_DONE: { WAVEHDR *WaveHeader = (WAVEHDR *)lParam; struct speech_priv* sp_priv; dbg(lvl_info, "Wave buffer done\n"); sp_priv = (struct speech_priv*)WaveHeader->dwUser; sp_priv->free_buffers = g_list_append(sp_priv->free_buffers, WaveHeader); if ( sp_priv->state != state_speaking_phase_3) { fill_buffer(sp_priv); } else if ( g_list_length(sp_priv->free_buffers) == BUFFERS && sp_priv->state == state_speaking_phase_3 ) { // remove the spoken phrase from the list char *phrase = g_list_first(sp_priv->phrases)->data; g_free( phrase ); sp_priv->phrases = g_list_remove(sp_priv->phrases, phrase); if ( sp_priv->phrases ) { start_speaking(sp_priv); } else { sp_priv->state = state_available; } } } break; case msg_exit: ExitThread(0); break; default: break; } return TRUE; } static void speech_message_dispatcher( struct speech_priv * sp_priv) { BOOL bRet; MSG msg; while( (bRet = GetMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0 )) != 0) { if (bRet == -1) { dbg(lvl_error, "Error getting message from queue\n"); break; } else { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } } static void create_buffers(struct speech_priv *sp_priv) { int buffer_counter; char *buffer_head; SYSTEM_INFO system_info; GetSystemInfo (&system_info); buffer_head = VirtualAlloc(0, system_info.dwPageSize * BUFFERS, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_NOACCESS); for (buffer_counter = 0; buffer_counter < BUFFERS; buffer_counter++) { WAVEHDR *WaveHeader = g_new0(WAVEHDR, 1); WaveHeader->dwBufferLength = system_info.dwPageSize; WaveHeader->lpData = (char *)VirtualAlloc(buffer_head, WaveHeader->dwBufferLength, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); buffer_head += WaveHeader->dwBufferLength; WaveHeader->dwUser = (DWORD)sp_priv; waveOutPrepareHeader(sp_priv->h_wave_out, WaveHeader, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); sp_priv->free_buffers = g_list_append( sp_priv->free_buffers, WaveHeader ); } } static DWORD startThread( LPVOID sp_priv) { struct speech_priv *this = (struct speech_priv *) sp_priv; // Create message queue TCHAR *g_szClassName = TEXT("SpeechQueue"); WNDCLASS wc; HWND hwnd; HWND hWndParent; memset(&wc, 0 , sizeof(WNDCLASS)); wc.lpfnWndProc = speech_message_handler; wc.hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL); wc.lpszClassName = g_szClassName; if (!RegisterClass(&wc)) { dbg(lvl_error, "Window registration for message queue failed\n"); return 1; } hWndParent = NULL; #ifndef HAVE_API_WIN32_CE hWndParent = HWND_MESSAGE; #endif // create a message only window hwnd = CreateWindow( g_szClassName, TEXT("Navit"), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, hWndParent, NULL, GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL); if (hwnd == NULL) { dbg(lvl_error, "Window creation failed: %d\n", GetLastError()); return 1; } this->h_queue = hwnd; this->phrases = NULL; this->state = state_available; if(!waveout_open(this)) { dbg(lvl_error, "Can't open wave output\n"); return 1; } this->free_buffers = NULL; create_buffers(this); speech_message_dispatcher(this); return 0; } static int espeak_say(struct speech_priv *this, const char *text) { char *phrase = g_strdup(text); dbg(lvl_debug, "Speak: '%s'\n", text); if (!PostMessage(this->h_queue, msg_say, (WPARAM)this, (LPARAM)phrase)) { dbg(lvl_error, "PostThreadMessage 'say' failed\n"); } return 0; } static void free_list(gpointer pointer, gpointer this ) { if ( this ) { struct speech_priv *sp_priv = (struct speech_priv *)this; WAVEHDR *WaveHeader = (WAVEHDR *)pointer; waveOutUnprepareHeader(sp_priv->h_wave_out, WaveHeader, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); VirtualFree(WaveHeader->lpData, WaveHeader->dwBufferLength, MEM_DECOMMIT); } g_free(pointer); } static void espeak_destroy(struct speech_priv *this) { g_list_foreach( this->free_buffers, free_list, (gpointer)this ); g_list_free( this->free_buffers ); g_list_foreach( this->phrases, free_list, 0 ); g_list_free(this->phrases); waveout_close(this); g_free(this); } static struct speech_methods espeak_meth = { espeak_destroy, espeak_say, }; static struct speech_priv * espeak_new(struct speech_methods *meth, struct attr **attrs, struct attr *parent) { struct speech_priv *this = NULL; struct attr *path; struct attr *language; char *lang_str=NULL; path=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_path); if (path) strcpy(path_home,path->u.str); else sprintf(path_home,"%s/espeak-data",getenv("NAVIT_SHAREDIR")); dbg(lvl_debug,"path_home set to %s\n",path_home); if ( !initialise() ) { return NULL; } language=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_language); if ( language ) { lang_str=g_strdup(language->u.str); } else { char *lang_env=getenv("LANG"); if (lang_env) { char *country,*lang,*lang_full; char *file1; char *file2; lang_full=g_strdup(lang_env); strtolower(lang_full,lang_env); lang=g_strdup(lang_full); country=strchr(lang_full,'_'); if (country) { lang[country-lang_full]='\0'; *country++='-'; } file1=g_strdup_printf("%s/voices/%s",path_home,lang_full); file2=g_strdup_printf("%s/voices/%s/%s",path_home,lang,lang_full); dbg(lvl_debug,"Testing %s and %s\n",file1,file2); if (file_exists(file1) || file_exists(file2)) lang_str=g_strdup(lang_full); else lang_str=g_strdup(lang); dbg(lvl_debug,"Language full %s lang %s result %s\n",lang_full,lang,lang_str); g_free(lang_full); g_free(lang); g_free(file1); g_free(file2); } } if(lang_str && SetVoiceByName(lang_str) != EE_OK) { dbg(lvl_error, "Error setting language to: '%s',falling back to default\n", lang_str); g_free(lang_str); lang_str=NULL; } if(!lang_str && SetVoiceByName("default") != EE_OK) { dbg(lvl_error, "Error setting language to default\n"); } SetParameter(espeakRATE,170,0); SetParameter(espeakVOLUME,100,0); SetParameter(espeakCAPITALS,option_capitals,0); SetParameter(espeakPUNCTUATION,option_punctuation,0); SetParameter(espeakWORDGAP,0,0); // if(pitch_adjustment != 50) // { // SetParameter(espeakPITCH,pitch_adjustment,0); // } DoVoiceChange(voice); this=g_new(struct speech_priv,1); this->h_message_thread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)startThread, (PVOID)this, 0, NULL); *meth=espeak_meth; return this; } void plugin_init(void) { plugin_register_speech_type("espeak", espeak_new); }