/** * Navit, a modular navigation system. * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Navit Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "debug.h" #include "coord.h" #include "item.h" #include "log.h" #include "callback.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "vehicle.h" #include "util.h" struct vehicle { struct vehicle_priv *priv; struct vehicle_methods meth; struct callback_list *cbl; struct log *nmea_log, *gpx_log; struct attr **attrs; }; static void vehicle_log_nmea(struct vehicle *this_, struct log *log) { struct attr pos_attr; if (!this_->meth.position_attr_get) return; if (!this_->meth.position_attr_get(this_->priv, attr_position_nmea, &pos_attr)) return; log_write(log, pos_attr.u.str, strlen(pos_attr.u.str)); } static void vehicle_log_gpx(struct vehicle *this_, struct log *log) { struct attr attr,*attrp; enum attr_type *attr_types; char *logstr; char *extensions="\t\n"; if (!this_->meth.position_attr_get) return; if (log_get_attr(log, attr_attr_types, &attr, NULL)) attr_types=attr.u.attr_types; else attr_types=NULL; if (!this_->meth.position_attr_get(this_->priv, attr_position_coord_geo, &attr)) return; logstr=g_strdup_printf("\n",attr.u.coord_geo->lat,attr.u.coord_geo->lng); if (attr_types && attr_types_contains_default(attr_types, attr_position_time_iso8601, 0)) { if (this_->meth.position_attr_get(this_->priv, attr_position_time_iso8601, &attr)) { logstr=g_strconcat_printf(logstr,"\t\n",attr.u.str); } else { char *timep = current_to_iso8601(); logstr=g_strconcat_printf(logstr,"\t\n",timep); g_free(timep); } } if (attr_types_contains_default(attr_types, attr_position_direction,0) && this_->meth.position_attr_get(this_->priv, attr_position_direction, &attr)) logstr=g_strconcat_printf(logstr,"\t%.1f\n",*attr.u.numd); if (attr_types_contains_default(attr_types, attr_position_speed, 0) && this_->meth.position_attr_get(this_->priv, attr_position_speed, &attr)) logstr=g_strconcat_printf(logstr,"\t%.2f\n",*attr.u.numd); if (attr_types_contains_default(attr_types, attr_profilename, 0) && (attrp=attr_search(this_->attrs, NULL, attr_profilename))) { logstr=g_strconcat_printf(logstr,"%s\t\t%s\n",extensions,attrp->u.str); extensions=""; } if (attr_types_contains_default(attr_types, attr_position_radius, 0) && this_->meth.position_attr_get(this_->priv, attr_position_radius, &attr)) { logstr=g_strconcat_printf(logstr,"%s\t\t%.2f\n",extensions,*attr.u.numd); extensions=""; } if (!strcmp(extensions,"")) { logstr=g_strconcat_printf(logstr,"\t\n"); } logstr=g_strconcat_printf(logstr,"\n"); callback_list_call_attr_1(this_->cbl, attr_log_gpx, &logstr); log_write(log, logstr, strlen(logstr)); g_free(logstr); } static void vehicle_log_textfile(struct vehicle *this_, struct log *log) { struct attr pos_attr; char *logstr; if (!this_->meth.position_attr_get) return; if (!this_->meth.position_attr_get(this_->priv, attr_position_coord_geo, &pos_attr)) return; logstr=g_strdup_printf("%f %f type=trackpoint\n", pos_attr.u.coord_geo->lng, pos_attr.u.coord_geo->lat); callback_list_call_attr_1(this_->cbl, attr_log_textfile, &logstr); log_write(log, logstr, strlen(logstr)); } static int vehicle_add_log(struct vehicle *this_, struct log *log) { struct callback *cb; struct attr type_attr; if (!log_get_attr(log, attr_type, &type_attr, NULL)) return 1; if (!strcmp(type_attr.u.str, "nmea")) { cb=callback_new_attr_2(callback_cast(vehicle_log_nmea), attr_position_coord_geo, this_, log); } else if (!strcmp(type_attr.u.str, "gpx")) { char *header = "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n"; char *trailer = "\n\n\n"; log_set_header(log, header, strlen(header)); log_set_trailer(log, trailer, strlen(trailer)); cb=callback_new_attr_2(callback_cast(vehicle_log_gpx), attr_position_coord_geo, this_, log); } else if (!strcmp(type_attr.u.str, "textfile")) { char *header = "type=track\n"; log_set_header(log, header, strlen(header)); cb=callback_new_attr_2(callback_cast(vehicle_log_textfile), attr_position_coord_geo, this_, log); } else return 1; callback_list_add(this_->cbl, cb); return 0; } struct vehicle * vehicle_new(struct attr *parent, struct attr **attrs) { struct vehicle *this_; struct attr *source; struct vehicle_priv *(*vehicletype_new) (struct vehicle_methods * meth, struct callback_list * cbl, struct attr ** attrs); char *type, *colon; dbg(1, "enter\n"); source = attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_source); if (!source) { dbg(0, "no source\n"); return NULL; } type = g_strdup(source->u.str); colon = strchr(type, ':'); if (colon) *colon = '\0'; dbg(1, "source='%s' type='%s'\n", source->u.str, type); vehicletype_new = plugin_get_vehicle_type(type); if (!vehicletype_new) { dbg(0, "invalid type '%s'\n", type); return NULL; } this_ = g_new0(struct vehicle, 1); this_->cbl = callback_list_new(); this_->priv = vehicletype_new(&this_->meth, this_->cbl, attrs); if (!this_->priv) { dbg(0, "vehicletype_new failed\n"); callback_list_destroy(this_->cbl); g_free(this_); return NULL; } this_->attrs=attr_list_dup(attrs); dbg(1, "leave\n"); return this_; } struct attr_iter * vehicle_attr_iter_new(void) { return g_new0(void *,1); } void vehicle_attr_iter_destroy(struct attr_iter *iter) { g_free(iter); } int vehicle_get_attr(struct vehicle *this_, enum attr_type type, struct attr *attr, struct attr_iter *iter) { int ret; if (this_->meth.position_attr_get) { ret=this_->meth.position_attr_get(this_->priv, type, attr); if (ret) return ret; } return attr_generic_get_attr(this_->attrs, NULL, type, attr, iter); } int vehicle_set_attr(struct vehicle *this_, struct attr *attr, struct attr **attrs) { int ret=1; if (this_->meth.set_attr) ret=this_->meth.set_attr(this_->priv, attr, attrs); if (ret == 1 && attr->type != attr_navit) this_->attrs=attr_generic_set_attr(this_->attrs, attr); return ret != 0; } int vehicle_add_attr(struct vehicle *this_, struct attr *attr) { int ret=1; switch (attr->type) { case attr_callback: callback_list_add(this_->cbl, attr->u.callback); break; case attr_log: ret=vehicle_add_log(this_, attr->u.log); break; default: break; } if (ret) this_->attrs=attr_generic_add_attr(this_->attrs, attr); return ret; } int vehicle_remove_attr(struct vehicle *this_, struct attr *attr) { switch (attr->type) { case attr_callback: callback_list_remove(this_->cbl, attr->u.callback); break; default: return 0; } return 1; } void vehicle_destroy(struct vehicle *this_) { this_->meth.destroy(this_->priv); callback_list_destroy(this_->cbl); attr_list_free(this_->attrs); g_free(this_); }