/** * Navit, a modular navigation system. * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Navit Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "debug.h" #include "callback.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "coord.h" #include "item.h" #include "event.h" #include "vehicle.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "support/win32/ConvertUTF.h" #define SwitchToThread() Sleep(0) typedef int (WINAPI *PFN_BthSetMode)(DWORD pBthMode); typedef int (WINAPI *PFN_BthGetMode)(DWORD* pBthMode); char *_convert = NULL; wchar_t *_wconvert = NULL; #define W2A(lpw) (\ ((LPCSTR)lpw == NULL) ? NULL : (\ _convert = alloca(wcslen(lpw)+1), wcstombs(_convert, lpw, wcslen(lpw) + 1), _convert) ) #define A2W(lpa) (\ ((LPCSTR)lpa == NULL) ? NULL : (\ _wconvert = alloca(strlen(lpa)*2+1), mbstowcs(_wconvert, lpa, strlen(lpa) * 2 + 1), _wconvert) ) static void vehicle_wince_disable_watch(struct vehicle_priv *priv); static void vehicle_wince_enable_watch(struct vehicle_priv *priv); static int vehicle_wince_parse(struct vehicle_priv *priv, char *buffer); static int vehicle_wince_open(struct vehicle_priv *priv); static void vehicle_wince_close(struct vehicle_priv *priv); enum file_type { file_type_pipe = 1, file_type_device, file_type_file, file_type_socket }; static int buffer_size = 1024; struct gps_sat { int prn; int elevation; int azimuth; int snr; }; struct vehicle_priv { char *source; struct callback_list *cbl; struct callback_list *priv_cbl; int is_running; int thread_up; int fd; HANDLE m_hGPSDevice; // Handle to the device HANDLE m_hGPSThread; // Handle to the thread DWORD m_dwGPSThread; // Thread id char *buffer; int buffer_pos; char *read_buffer; int read_buffer_pos; char *nmea_data; char *nmea_data_buf; struct coord_geo geo; double speed; double direction; double height; double hdop; double vdop; char fixtime[20]; int fixyear; int fixmonth; int fixday; int status; int sats_used; int sats_visible; int sats_signal; int time; int on_eof; int baudrate; enum file_type file_type; struct attr ** attrs; char fixiso8601[128]; int checksum_ignore; HMODULE hBthDll; PFN_BthSetMode BthSetMode; int magnetic_direction; int current_count; struct gps_sat current[24]; int next_count; struct gps_sat next[24]; struct item sat_item; int valid; int has_data; GMutex lock; }; static void initBth(struct vehicle_priv *priv) { BOOL succeeded = FALSE; priv->hBthDll = LoadLibrary(TEXT("bthutil.dll")); if ( priv->hBthDll ) { DWORD bthMode; PFN_BthGetMode BthGetMode = (PFN_BthGetMode)GetProcAddress(priv->hBthDll, TEXT("BthGetMode") ); if ( BthGetMode && BthGetMode(&bthMode) == ERROR_SUCCESS && bthMode == 0 ) { priv->BthSetMode = (PFN_BthSetMode)GetProcAddress(priv->hBthDll, TEXT("BthSetMode") ); if( priv->BthSetMode && priv->BthSetMode(1) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { dbg(1, "bluetooth activated\n"); succeeded = TRUE; } } } else { dbg(0, "Bluetooth library notfound\n"); } if ( !succeeded ) { dbg(1, "Bluetooth already enabled or failed to enable it.\n"); priv->BthSetMode = NULL; if ( priv->hBthDll ) { FreeLibrary(priv->hBthDll); } } } static int initDevice(struct vehicle_priv *priv) { COMMTIMEOUTS commTiming; HANDLE hGPS; if ( priv->m_hGPSDevice ) CloseHandle(priv->m_hGPSDevice); if ( priv->file_type == file_type_device ) { dbg(0, "Init Device\n"); /* GPD0 is the control port for the GPS driver */ hGPS = CreateFile(L"GPD0:", GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (hGPS != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { #ifndef IOCTL_SERVICE_REFRESH #define IOCTL_SERVICE_REFRESH 0x4100000C #endif DeviceIoControl(hGPS,IOCTL_SERVICE_REFRESH,0,0,0,0,0,0); #ifndef IOCTL_SERVICE_START #define IOCTL_SERVICE_START 0x41000004 #endif DeviceIoControl(hGPS,IOCTL_SERVICE_START,0,0,0,0,0,0); CloseHandle(hGPS); } while (priv->is_running && (priv->m_hGPSDevice = CreateFile(A2W(priv->source), GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Sleep(1000); dbg(0, "Waiting to connect to %s\n", priv->source); } GetCommTimeouts (priv->m_hGPSDevice, &commTiming); commTiming.ReadIntervalTimeout = 20; commTiming.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0; commTiming.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 200; commTiming.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier=5; commTiming.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant=5; SetCommTimeouts (priv->m_hGPSDevice, &commTiming); if (priv->baudrate) { DCB portState; if (!GetCommState(priv->m_hGPSDevice, &portState)) { MessageBox (NULL, TEXT ("GetCommState Error"), TEXT (""), MB_APPLMODAL|MB_OK); priv->thread_up = 0; return 0; } portState.BaudRate = priv->baudrate; if (!SetCommState(priv->m_hGPSDevice, &portState)) { MessageBox (NULL, TEXT ("SetCommState Error"), TEXT (""), MB_APPLMODAL|MB_OK); priv->thread_up = 0; return 0; } } } else { dbg(0, "Open File\n"); priv->m_hGPSDevice = CreateFileW( A2W(priv->source), GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); if ( priv->m_hGPSDevice == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { dbg(0, "Could not open %s\n", priv->source); return 0; } } return 1; } static int read_win32(struct vehicle_priv *priv, char *buffer, size_t size) { int ret_size; g_mutex_lock(&priv->lock); ret_size = MIN(size,priv->read_buffer_pos); priv->has_data = 0; memcpy(buffer, priv->read_buffer, ret_size); memmove(priv->read_buffer, priv->read_buffer + ret_size, buffer_size - ret_size); priv->read_buffer_pos -= ret_size; g_mutex_unlock(&priv->lock); return ret_size; } static DWORD WINAPI wince_reader_thread (LPVOID lParam) { struct vehicle_priv *priv = lParam; char chunk_buffer[3*82]; BOOL status; DWORD bytes_read; int waitcounter; dbg(0, "GPS Port:[%s]\n", priv->source); priv->thread_up = 1; if ( !initDevice(priv) ) { return -1; } while (priv->is_running) { dbg(1,"readfile\n"); waitcounter = 0; status = ReadFile(priv->m_hGPSDevice, chunk_buffer, sizeof(chunk_buffer), &bytes_read, NULL); if ( !status ) { dbg(0,"Error reading file/device. Try again.\n"); initDevice(priv); continue; } while ( priv->read_buffer_pos + bytes_read > buffer_size ) { /* TODO (rikky#1#): should use blocking */ if ( priv->file_type != file_type_file ) { dbg(3, "GPS data comes too fast. Have to wait here\n"); } Sleep(50); waitcounter++; if ( waitcounter % 8 == 0 ) { dbg(1, "Remind them of the data\n"); event_call_callback(priv->priv_cbl); } if(waitcounter % 200 == 0) { dbg(0,"Will main thread ever be ready for the GPS data? Already %d intervals gone.\n",waitcounter); } } if(waitcounter>2) dbg(0,"Sent GPS data to the main thread after %d intervals delay.\n",waitcounter); g_mutex_lock(&priv->lock); memcpy(priv->read_buffer + priv->read_buffer_pos , chunk_buffer, bytes_read ); priv->read_buffer_pos += bytes_read; if ( !priv->has_data ) { event_call_callback(priv->priv_cbl); priv->has_data = 1; } g_mutex_unlock(&priv->lock); } return TRUE; } static int vehicle_wince_available_ports(void) { HKEY hkResult; HKEY hkSubResult; wchar_t keyname[20]; wchar_t devicename[100]; wchar_t devicetype[100]; int index = 0; DWORD regkey_length = sizeof(keyname); DWORD regdevtype_length = sizeof(devicetype); RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("Drivers\\Active"), 0, 0, &hkResult); while (RegEnumKeyEx( hkResult, index++, keyname, ®key_length, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if (RegOpenKeyEx( hkResult, keyname, 0, 0, &hkSubResult) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { regkey_length = sizeof(keyname); if ( RegQueryValueEx( hkSubResult, L"Name", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)devicename, ®key_length) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { regdevtype_length = sizeof(devicetype); if ( RegQueryValueEx( hkSubResult, L"Key", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)devicetype, ®devtype_length) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { dbg(0, "Found device '%s' (%s)\n", W2A(devicename), W2A(devicetype)); } else { dbg(0, "Found device '%s'\n", W2A(devicename)); } } RegCloseKey(hkSubResult); } regkey_length = sizeof(keyname); } RegCloseKey(hkResult); return 0; } static int vehicle_wince_open(struct vehicle_priv *priv) { char* raw_setting_str; char* strport; char* strsettings; dbg(1, "enter vehicle_wince_open, priv->source='%s'\n", priv->source); if (priv->source ) { if ( strcmp(priv->source, "list") == 0 ) { vehicle_wince_available_ports(); return 0; } raw_setting_str = g_strdup( priv->source ); strport = strchr(raw_setting_str, ':' ); strsettings = strchr(raw_setting_str, ' ' ); if (raw_setting_str && strport&&strsettings ) { strport++; *strsettings = '\0'; strsettings++; dbg(0, "serial('%s', '%s')\n", strport, strsettings ); } if (raw_setting_str) g_free( raw_setting_str ); } return 1; } static void vehicle_wince_close(struct vehicle_priv *priv) { dbg(1,"enter"); } static int vehicle_wince_parse(struct vehicle_priv *priv, char *buffer) { char *nmea_data_buf, *p, *item[32]; double lat, lng; int i, j, bcsum; int len = strlen(buffer); unsigned char csum = 0; int valid=0; int ret = 0; dbg(2, "enter: buffer='%s'\n", buffer); for (;;) { if (len < 4) { dbg(0, "'%s' too short\n", buffer); return ret; } if (buffer[len - 1] == '\r' || buffer[len - 1] == '\n') { buffer[--len] = '\0'; if (buffer[len - 1] == '\r') buffer[--len] = '\0'; } else break; } if (buffer[0] != '$') { dbg(0, "no leading $ in '%s'\n", buffer); return ret; } if (buffer[len - 3] != '*') { dbg(0, "no *XX in '%s'\n", buffer); return ret; } for (i = 1; i < len - 3; i++) { csum ^= (unsigned char) (buffer[i]); } if (!sscanf(buffer + len - 2, "%x", &bcsum) && priv->checksum_ignore != 2) { dbg(0, "no checksum in '%s'\n", buffer); return ret; } if (bcsum != csum && priv->checksum_ignore == 0) { dbg(0, "wrong checksum in '%s'\n", buffer); return ret; } if (!priv->nmea_data_buf || strlen(priv->nmea_data_buf) < 65536) { nmea_data_buf=g_strconcat(priv->nmea_data_buf ? priv->nmea_data_buf : "", buffer, "\n", NULL); g_free(priv->nmea_data_buf); priv->nmea_data_buf=nmea_data_buf; } else { dbg(0, "nmea buffer overflow, discarding '%s'\n", buffer); } i = 0; p = buffer; while (i < 31) { item[i++] = p; while (*p && *p != ',') p++; if (!*p) break; *p++ = '\0'; } if (!strncmp(buffer, "$GPGGA", 6)) { /* 1 1111 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1234 $GPGGA,184424.505,4924.2811,N,01107.8846,E,1,05,2.5,408.6,M,,,,0000*0C UTC of Fix[1],Latitude[2],N/S[3],Longitude[4],E/W[5],Quality(0=inv,1=gps,2=dgps)[6],Satelites used[7], HDOP[8],Altitude[9],"M"[10],height of geoid[11], "M"[12], time since dgps update[13], dgps ref station [14] */ if (*item[2] && *item[3] && *item[4] && *item[5]) { lat = g_ascii_strtod(item[2], NULL); priv->geo.lat = floor(lat / 100); lat -= priv->geo.lat * 100; priv->geo.lat += lat / 60; if (!g_strcasecmp(item[3],"S")) priv->geo.lat=-priv->geo.lat; lng = g_ascii_strtod(item[4], NULL); priv->geo.lng = floor(lng / 100); lng -= priv->geo.lng * 100; priv->geo.lng += lng / 60; if (!g_strcasecmp(item[5],"W")) priv->geo.lng=-priv->geo.lng; priv->valid=attr_position_valid_valid; dbg(2, "latitude '%2.4f' longitude %2.4f\n", priv->geo.lat, priv->geo.lng); } else priv->valid=attr_position_valid_invalid; if (*item[6]) sscanf(item[6], "%d", &priv->status); if (*item[7]) sscanf(item[7], "%d", &priv->sats_used); if (*item[8]) sscanf(item[8], "%lf", &priv->hdop); if (*item[1]) strncpy(priv->fixtime, item[1], sizeof(priv->fixtime)); if (*item[9]) sscanf(item[9], "%lf", &priv->height); g_free(priv->nmea_data); priv->nmea_data=priv->nmea_data_buf; priv->nmea_data_buf=NULL; } if (!strncmp(buffer, "$GPVTG", 6)) { /* 0 1 2 34 5 6 7 8 $GPVTG,143.58,T,,M,0.26,N,0.5,K*6A Course Over Ground Degrees True[1],"T"[2],Course Over Ground Degrees Magnetic[3],"M"[4], Speed in Knots[5],"N"[6],"Speed in KM/H"[7],"K"[8] */ if (item[1] && item[7]) valid = 1; if (i >= 10 && (*item[9] == 'A' || *item[9] == 'D')) valid = 1; if (valid) { priv->direction = g_ascii_strtod( item[1], NULL ); priv->speed = g_ascii_strtod( item[7], NULL ); dbg(2,"direction %lf, speed %2.1lf\n", priv->direction, priv->speed); } } if (!strncmp(buffer, "$GPRMC", 6)) { /* 1 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 $GPRMC,123519,A,4807.038,N,01131.000,E,022.4,084.4,230394,003.1,W*6A Time[1],Active/Void[2],lat[3],N/S[4],long[5],W/E[6],speed in knots[7],track angle[8],date[9], magnetic variation[10],magnetic variation direction[11] */ if (*item[2] == 'A') valid = 1; if (i >= 13 && (*item[12] == 'A' || *item[12] == 'D')) valid = 1; if (valid) { priv->direction = g_ascii_strtod( item[8], NULL ); priv->speed = g_ascii_strtod( item[7], NULL ); priv->speed *= 1.852; sscanf(item[9], "%02d%02d%02d", &priv->fixday, &priv->fixmonth, &priv->fixyear); priv->fixyear += 2000; } ret = 1; } if (!strncmp(buffer, "$GPGSV", 6) && i >= 4) { /* 0 GSV Satellites in view 1 2 Number of sentences for full data 2 1 sentence 1 of 2 3 08 Number of satellites in view 4 01 Satellite PRN number 5 40 Elevation, degrees 6 083 Azimuth, degrees 7 46 SNR - higher is better for up to 4 satellites per sentence *75 the checksum data, always begins with * */ if (item[3]) { sscanf(item[3], "%d", &priv->sats_visible); } j=4; while (j+4 <= i && priv->current_count < 24) { struct gps_sat *sat=&priv->next[priv->next_count++]; sat->prn=atoi(item[j]); sat->elevation=atoi(item[j+1]); sat->azimuth=atoi(item[j+2]); sat->snr=atoi(item[j+3]); j+=4; } if (!strcmp(item[1], item[2])) { priv->sats_signal=0; for (i = 0 ; i < priv->next_count ; i++) { priv->current[i]=priv->next[i]; if (priv->current[i].snr) priv->sats_signal++; } priv->current_count=priv->next_count; priv->next_count=0; } } if (!strncmp(buffer, "$GPZDA", 6)) { /* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 $GPZDA,hhmmss.ss,dd,mm,yyyy,xx,yy*CC hhmmss HrMinSec(UTC) dd,mm,yyy Day,Month,Year xx local zone hours -13..13 yy local zone minutes 0..59 */ if (item[1] && item[2] && item[3] && item[4]) { strncpy(priv->fixtime, item[1], strlen(priv->fixtime)); priv->fixday = atoi(item[2]); priv->fixmonth = atoi(item[3]); priv->fixyear = atoi(item[4]); } } if (!strncmp(buffer, "$IISMD", 6)) { /* 0 1 2 3 4 $IISMD,dir,press,height,temp*CC" dir Direction (0-359) press Pressure (hpa, i.e. 1032) height Barometric height above ground (meter) temp Temperature (Degree Celsius) */ if (item[1]) { priv->magnetic_direction = g_ascii_strtod( item[1], NULL ); dbg(1,"magnetic %d\n", priv->magnetic_direction); } } return ret; } static void vehicle_wince_io(struct vehicle_priv *priv) { int size, rc = 0; char *str, *tok; dbg(1, "vehicle_file_io : enter\n"); size = read_win32(priv, priv->buffer + priv->buffer_pos, buffer_size - priv->buffer_pos - 1); if (size <= 0) { switch (priv->on_eof) { case 0: vehicle_wince_close(priv); vehicle_wince_open(priv); break; case 1: vehicle_wince_disable_watch(priv); break; case 2: exit(0); break; } return; } priv->buffer_pos += size; priv->buffer[priv->buffer_pos] = '\0'; dbg(1, "size=%d pos=%d buffer='%s'\n", size, priv->buffer_pos, priv->buffer); str = priv->buffer; while ((tok = strchr(str, '\n'))) { *tok++ = '\0'; dbg(1, "line='%s'\n", str); rc +=vehicle_wince_parse(priv, str); str = tok; if (priv->file_type == file_type_file && rc) break; } if (str != priv->buffer) { size = priv->buffer + priv->buffer_pos - str; memmove(priv->buffer, str, size + 1); priv->buffer_pos = size; dbg(2, "now pos=%d buffer='%s'\n", priv->buffer_pos, priv->buffer); } else if (priv->buffer_pos == buffer_size - 1) { dbg(0, "Overflow. Most likely wrong baud rate or no nmea protocol\n"); priv->buffer_pos = 0; } if (rc) callback_list_call_attr_0(priv->cbl, attr_position_coord_geo); } static void vehicle_wince_enable_watch(struct vehicle_priv *priv) { dbg(1, "enter"); vehicle_wince_disable_watch(priv); priv->is_running = 1; InitializeCriticalSection(&priv->lock); priv->m_hGPSThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, wince_reader_thread, priv, 0, &priv->m_dwGPSThread); if (!priv->m_hGPSThread) { priv->is_running = 0; // error creating thread MessageBox (NULL, TEXT ("Can not create GPS reader thread"), TEXT (""), MB_APPLMODAL|MB_OK); } } static void vehicle_wince_disable_watch(struct vehicle_priv *priv) { int wait = 5000; dbg(1, "enter"); priv->is_running = 0; while (wait-- > 0 && priv->thread_up) { SwitchToThread(); } if (priv->m_hGPSThread) { // Terminate reader, sorry TerminateThread(priv->m_hGPSThread, -1); } } /** * @brief Frees the wince_vehicle * * @param priv vehicle_priv structure for the vehicle */ static void vehicle_wince_destroy(struct vehicle_priv *priv) { vehicle_wince_disable_watch(priv); vehicle_wince_close(priv); if (priv->BthSetMode) { (void)priv->BthSetMode(0); FreeLibrary(priv->hBthDll); } if (priv->source) g_free(priv->source); if (priv->buffer) g_free(priv->buffer); if (priv->read_buffer) g_free(priv->read_buffer); g_free(priv); } /** * @brief Retrieves a vehicle attribute. * * @param priv vehicle_priv structure for the vehicle * @param type The attribute type to retrieve * @param attr Points to an attr structure that will receive the attribute data * @returns True for success, false for failure */ static int vehicle_wince_position_attr_get(struct vehicle_priv *priv, enum attr_type type, struct attr *attr) { switch (type) { case attr_position_fix_type: attr->u.num = priv->status; break; case attr_position_height: attr->u.numd = &priv->height; break; case attr_position_speed: attr->u.numd = &priv->speed; break; case attr_position_direction: attr->u.numd = &priv->direction; break; case attr_position_magnetic_direction: attr->u.num = priv->magnetic_direction; break; case attr_position_hdop: attr->u.numd = &priv->hdop; break; case attr_position_qual: attr->u.num = priv->sats_visible; break; case attr_position_sats_signal: attr->u.num = priv->sats_signal; break; case attr_position_sats_used: attr->u.num = priv->sats_used; break; case attr_position_coord_geo: attr->u.coord_geo = &priv->geo; break; case attr_position_nmea: attr->u.str=priv->nmea_data; if (! attr->u.str) return 0; break; case attr_position_time_iso8601: if (!priv->fixyear || !priv->fixtime[0]) return 0; sprintf(priv->fixiso8601, "%04d-%02d-%02dT%.2s:%.2s:%sZ", priv->fixyear, priv->fixmonth, priv->fixday, priv->fixtime, (priv->fixtime+2), (priv->fixtime+4)); attr->u.str=priv->fixiso8601; break; case attr_position_sat_item: dbg(0,"at here\n"); priv->sat_item.id_lo++; if (priv->sat_item.id_lo > priv->current_count) { priv->sat_item.id_lo=0; return 0; } attr->u.item=&priv->sat_item; break; case attr_position_valid: attr->u.num=priv->valid; break; default: return 0; } if (type != attr_position_sat_item) priv->sat_item.id_lo=0; attr->type = type; return 1; } static int vehicle_wince_sat_attr_get(void *priv_data, enum attr_type type, struct attr *attr) { struct vehicle_priv *priv=priv_data; struct gps_sat *sat; if (priv->sat_item.id_lo < 1) return 0; if (priv->sat_item.id_lo > priv->current_count) return 0; sat=&priv->current[priv->sat_item.id_lo-1]; switch (type) { case attr_sat_prn: attr->u.num=sat->prn; break; case attr_sat_elevation: attr->u.num=sat->elevation; break; case attr_sat_azimuth: attr->u.num=sat->azimuth; break; case attr_sat_snr: attr->u.num=sat->snr; break; default: return 0; } attr->type = type; return 1; } static struct item_methods vehicle_wince_sat_methods = { NULL, NULL, NULL, vehicle_wince_sat_attr_get, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, }; struct vehicle_methods vehicle_wince_methods = { vehicle_wince_destroy, vehicle_wince_position_attr_get, NULL, }; /** * @brief Creates a new wince_vehicle * * @param meth * @param cbl * @param attrs * @returns vehicle_priv */ static struct vehicle_priv * vehicle_wince_new(struct vehicle_methods *meth, struct callback_list *cbl, struct attr **attrs) { struct vehicle_priv *ret; struct attr *source; struct attr *time; struct attr *on_eof; struct attr *baudrate; struct attr *checksum_ignore; struct attr *handle_bluetooth; char *cp; dbg(1, "enter\n"); source = attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_source); ret = g_new0(struct vehicle_priv, 1); ret->fd = -1; ret->cbl = cbl; ret->file_type = file_type_device; cp = strchr(source->u.str,':'); if (cp) { if ( strncmp(source->u.str, "file", 4) == 0 ) ret->file_type = file_type_file; cp++; } else cp = source->u.str; ret->source = g_strdup(cp); ret->buffer = g_malloc(buffer_size); ret->time=1000; ret->baudrate=0; // do not change the rate if not configured time = attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_time); if (time) ret->time=time->u.num; baudrate = attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_baudrate); if (baudrate) { ret->baudrate = baudrate->u.num; } checksum_ignore = attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_checksum_ignore); if (checksum_ignore) ret->checksum_ignore=checksum_ignore->u.num; ret->attrs = attrs; on_eof = attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_on_eof); if (on_eof && !g_strcasecmp(on_eof->u.str, "stop")) ret->on_eof=1; if (on_eof && !g_strcasecmp(on_eof->u.str, "exit")) ret->on_eof=2; dbg(0,"on_eof=%d\n", ret->on_eof); *meth = vehicle_wince_methods; ret->priv_cbl = callback_list_new(); callback_list_add(ret->priv_cbl, callback_new_1(callback_cast(vehicle_wince_io), ret)); ret->sat_item.type=type_position_sat; ret->sat_item.id_hi=ret->sat_item.id_lo=0; ret->sat_item.priv_data=ret; ret->sat_item.meth=&vehicle_wince_sat_methods; ret->read_buffer = g_malloc(buffer_size); handle_bluetooth = attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_bluetooth); if ( handle_bluetooth && handle_bluetooth->u.num == 1 ) initBth(ret); if (vehicle_wince_open(ret)) { vehicle_wince_enable_watch(ret); return ret; } dbg(0, "Failed to open '%s'\n", ret->source); vehicle_wince_destroy(ret); return NULL; } /** * @brief Registers the vehicle_wince plugin */ void plugin_init(void) { dbg(1, "enter\n"); plugin_register_vehicle_type("wince", vehicle_wince_new); plugin_register_vehicle_type("file", vehicle_wince_new); }