#!/usr/bin/env bash set -u # ##################################################################################################################### # This script runs on circle CI to verify that the code of the PR has been # sanitized before push. # # WARNING: make sure you commit ALL your changes before running it locally if you ever do it because it will run a git # checkout -- which will reset your changes on all files... # ##################################################################################################################### return_code=0 # Check if any file has been modified. If yes, that means the best practices # have not been followed, so we will fail the job later but print a message here. check_diff(){ git diff --exit-code code=$? if [[ $code -ne 0 ]]; then echo "[ERROR] You may need to do some cleanup in the files you commited, see the git diff output above." fi git checkout -- . return_code=$(($return_code + $code)) } # List the files that are different from the trunk from=$(git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/trunk) to=$(git rev-parse HEAD) interval=${from}..${to} [[ "${from}" == "${to}" ]] && interval=${to} for f in $(git diff --name-only ${interval} | sort -u); do if [[ "${f}" =~ navit/support/ ]] || [[ "${f}" =~ navit/fib-1\.1/ ]]; then echo "[DEBUG] Skipping file ${f} ..." continue fi if [[ -e "${f}" ]]; then # Checks for trailing spaces if [[ "${f: -4}" != ".bat" ]]; then echo "[INFO] Checking for trailing spaces on ${f}..." if [[ "$(file -bi """${f}""")" =~ ^text ]]; then sed 's/\s*$//' -i "${f}" check_diff fi fi # Formats any *.c and *.cpp files if [[ "${f: -2}" == ".c" ]] || [[ "${f: -4}" == ".cpp" ]]; then echo "[INFO] Checking for indentation and style compliance on ${f}..." astyle --indent=spaces=4 --style=attach -n --max-code-length=120 -xf -xh "${f}" check_diff fi if [[ "${f}" == "navit/navit_shipped.xml" ]]; then echo "[INFO] Checking for compliance with the DTD using xmllint on ${f}..." xmllint --noout --dtdvalid navit/navit.dtd "$f" rc=$? if [[ $rc -ne 0 ]]; then echo "[ERROR] Your ${f} file doesn't validate against the navit/navit.dtd using xmllint" fi fi fi done exit $return_code