navit  0.5.3-trunk
gui_priv Struct Reference

#include <graphics_win32.h>

Data Structures

struct  gesture_elem
struct  html

Data Fields

struct navitnav
GtkWidget * win
GtkWidget * dialog_win
GtkWidget * dialog_entry
struct pcoord dialog_coord
GtkWidget * vbox
GtkWidget * menubar
GtkActionGroup * base_group
GtkActionGroup * debug_group
GtkActionGroup * dyn_group
GtkUIManager * ui_manager
GSList * layout_group
GSList * projection_group
GSList * vehicle_group
GtkUIManager * menu_manager
struct statusbar_privstatusbar
int menubar_enable
int toolbar_enable
int statusbar_enable
int dyn_counter
struct datawindow_privdatawindow
struct attr self
struct windowwin
struct graphicsgra
struct graphics_gcbackground
struct graphics_gcbackground2
struct graphics_gchighlight_background
struct graphics_gcforeground
struct graphics_gctext_foreground
struct graphics_gctext_background
struct color background_color background2_color text_foreground_color text_background_color
int spacing
int font_size
char * font_name
int fullscreen
struct graphics_fontfonts [3]
int icon_xs
int icon_s
int icon_l
int pressed
struct widgetwidgets
int widgets_count
int redraw
struct widget root
struct widgethighlighted
struct widgeteditable
struct widgethighlighted_menu
struct pcoord clickp vehiclep
struct attrclick_coord_geo
struct attrposition_coord_geo
struct search_listsl
int ignore_button
int menu_on_map_click
char * on_map_click
int signal_on_map_click
char * country_iso2
int speech
int keyboard
int keyboard_required
struct gui_config_settings config
struct event_idleidle
struct callbackmotion_cb
struct callbackbutton_cb
struct callbackresize_cb
struct callbackkeypress_cb
struct callbackwindow_closed_cb
struct callbackidle_cb
struct callbackmotion_timeout_callback
struct event_timeoutmotion_timeout_event
struct point current
struct callbackvehicle_cb
struct route_data route_data
struct gui_internal_data data
struct callback_listcbl
int flags
int cols
struct attr osd_configuration
int pitch
int flags_town
int flags_street
int flags_house_number
int radius
int mouse_button_clicked_on_map
char * html_text
int html_depth
struct widgethtml_container
int html_skip
char * html_anchor
char * href
int html_anchor_found
struct formform
struct gui_priv::html html [10]
struct gui_priv::gesture_elem gesture_ring [GESTURE_RINGSIZE]
int gesture_ring_last
int gesture_ring_first
int hide_keys
int results_map_population
struct guigui
struct vehiclecurrVehicle
int w
int h
char * source
char * skin
char * icon_src
int lazy
QCoreApplication * app
QWidget * mainWindow
QWidget * graphicsWidget
QDeclarativeView * guiWidget
QDeclarativeView * prevGuiWidget
QStackedLayout * switcherWidget
class NGQProxyGuiguiProxy
class NGQProxyNavitnavitProxy
class NGQProxyVehiclevehicleProxy
class NGQProxySearchsearchProxy
class NGQProxyBookmarksbookmarksProxy
class NGQProxyRouterouteProxy
class NGQPointcurrentPoint
struct attr attributes
struct callback_listcallbacks
QQmlApplicationEngine * engine
QObject * loader
class Backendbackend

Detailed Description

Private data for the internal GUI.

Martin Schaller (04/2008)

Navit, a modular navigation system. Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Navit Team

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

Field Documentation

◆ app

QCoreApplication* gui_priv::app

Referenced by gui_qml_set_graphics().

◆ attributes

struct attr gui_priv::attributes

Referenced by gui_qt5_qml_new().

◆ backend

class Backend* gui_priv::backend

◆ background

struct graphics_gc* gui_priv::background

◆ background2

struct graphics_gc* gui_priv::background2

◆ base_group

GtkActionGroup* gui_priv::base_group

◆ bookmarks_menuitems

GList* gui_priv::bookmarks_menuitems

◆ bookmarksProxy

class NGQProxyBookmarks* gui_priv::bookmarksProxy

Referenced by gui_qml_set_graphics().

◆ button_cb

struct callback * gui_priv::button_cb

◆ callbacks

struct callback_list* gui_priv::callbacks

Referenced by gui_qt5_qml_new().

◆ cbl

◆ click_coord_geo

struct attr* gui_priv::click_coord_geo

◆ cols

int gui_priv::cols

Referenced by select_row().

◆ config

struct gui_config_settings gui_priv::config

The setting information read from the configuration file. values of -1 indicate no value was specified in the config file.

◆ country_iso2

char* gui_priv::country_iso2

◆ current

struct point gui_priv::current

Referenced by gui_internal_motion().

◆ currentPoint

◆ currVehicle

◆ data

struct gui_internal_data gui_priv::data

Referenced by gui_internal_get_data().

◆ datawindow

◆ debug_group

GtkActionGroup* gui_priv::debug_group

◆ dest_menuitems

GList* gui_priv::dest_menuitems

◆ dialog_coord

struct pcoord gui_priv::dialog_coord

◆ dialog_entry

GtkWidget* gui_priv::dialog_entry

◆ dialog_win

GtkWidget* gui_priv::dialog_win

◆ dyn_counter

int gui_priv::dyn_counter

Referenced by add_menu().

◆ dyn_group

GtkActionGroup* gui_priv::dyn_group

Referenced by add_menu(), and remove_menu().

◆ editable

struct widget * gui_priv::editable

◆ engine

QQmlApplicationEngine* gui_priv::engine

◆ flags

int gui_priv::flags

◆ flags_house_number

int gui_priv::flags_house_number

◆ flags_street

int gui_priv::flags_street

◆ flags_town

int gui_priv::flags_town

◆ font_name

char* gui_priv::font_name

◆ font_size

int gui_priv::font_size

◆ fonts

struct graphics_font* gui_priv::fonts[3]

◆ foreground

struct graphics_gc* gui_priv::foreground

◆ form

struct form* gui_priv::form

◆ fullscreen

int gui_priv::fullscreen

◆ gesture_ring

struct gui_priv::gesture_elem gui_priv::gesture_ring[GESTURE_RINGSIZE]

◆ gesture_ring_first

int gui_priv::gesture_ring_first

◆ gesture_ring_last

int gui_priv::gesture_ring_last

◆ gra

◆ graphicsWidget

QWidget* gui_priv::graphicsWidget

◆ gui

◆ guiProxy

◆ guiWidget

QDeclarativeView* gui_priv::guiWidget

◆ h

◆ hide_keys

int gui_priv::hide_keys

◆ highlight_background

struct graphics_gc* gui_priv::highlight_background

◆ highlighted

struct widget* gui_priv::highlighted

◆ highlighted_menu

struct widget* gui_priv::highlighted_menu

◆ href

char* gui_priv::href

◆ html

◆ html_anchor

char* gui_priv::html_anchor

◆ html_anchor_found

int gui_priv::html_anchor_found

◆ html_container

struct widget* gui_priv::html_container

◆ html_depth

int gui_priv::html_depth

◆ html_skip

int gui_priv::html_skip

◆ html_text

char* gui_priv::html_text

◆ hwnd

◆ icon_l

int gui_priv::icon_l

The size (in pixels) that l style icons should be scaled to

◆ icon_s

int gui_priv::icon_s

The size (in pixels) that s style icons (small) should be scaled to

◆ icon_src

char* gui_priv::icon_src

◆ icon_xs

int gui_priv::icon_xs

The size (in pixels) that xs style icons should be scaled to. This icon size can be too small to click it on some devices.

◆ idle

struct event_idle* gui_priv::idle

◆ idle_cb

struct callback * gui_priv::idle_cb

◆ ignore_button

int gui_priv::ignore_button

◆ keyboard

int gui_priv::keyboard

Whether the internal GUI keyboard is enabled

◆ keyboard_required

int gui_priv::keyboard_required

Whether keyboard input is needed. This is only used by the HTML menu, text entry dialogs do not use this member.

◆ keypress_cb

struct callback * gui_priv::keypress_cb

◆ layout_group

GSList* gui_priv::layout_group

◆ lazy

int gui_priv::lazy

◆ loader

QObject* gui_priv::loader

◆ mainWindow

QWidget* gui_priv::mainWindow

◆ menu_manager

GtkUIManager* gui_priv::menu_manager

◆ menu_on_map_click

int gui_priv::menu_on_map_click

◆ menubar

GtkWidget* gui_priv::menubar

◆ menubar_enable

int gui_priv::menubar_enable

◆ motion_cb

struct callback * gui_priv::motion_cb

◆ motion_timeout_callback

struct callback * gui_priv::motion_timeout_callback

Referenced by gui_internal_motion().

◆ motion_timeout_event

struct event_timeout* gui_priv::motion_timeout_event

Referenced by gui_internal_motion().

◆ mouse_button_clicked_on_map

int gui_priv::mouse_button_clicked_on_map

◆ nav

struct navit * gui_priv::nav

Referenced by NGQPoint::_coordName(), NGQProxyBookmarks::AddBookmark(), NGQProxyRoute::addDestination(), NGQProxyBookmarks::AddFolder(), autozoom_action(), NGQProxyBookmarks::Copy(), cursor_action(), NGQProxyBookmarks::Cut(), NGQProxyBookmarks::Delete(), destination_action(), follow_vehicle_action(), NGQProxyRoute::getAttrFunc(), NGQProxyNavit::getAttrFunc(), NGQProxyNavit::getAttrList(), NGQProxyBookmarks::getBookmarks(), NGQPoint::getPOI(), NGQProxyNavit::getPosition(), gui_gtk_action_activate(), gui_gtk_action_changed(), gui_gtk_action_toggled(), gui_gtk_add_bookmark_do(), gui_gtk_route_callback(), gui_gtk_statusbar_new(), gui_internal_motion(), gui_internal_resize(), gui_qml_button(), gui_qml_dbus_signal(), gui_qml_keypress(), gui_qml_motion(), gui_qml_new(), gui_qml_resize(), gui_qml_set_graphics(), gui_qt5_qml_button(), gui_qt5_qml_motion(), gui_qt5_qml_new(), gui_qt5_qml_resize(), gui_qt5_qml_set_graphics(), info_action(), NGQProxyBookmarks::moveDown(), NGQProxyBookmarks::moveRoot(), NGQProxyBookmarks::moveUp(), NGQPoint::NGQPoint(), NGQProxySearch::NGQProxySearch(), orient_north_action(), NGQProxyBookmarks::Paste(), poi_search_action(), quit_action(), refresh_action(), roadbook_action(), route_clear_action(), NGQProxyRoute::setAttrFunc(), NGQProxyNavit::setAttrFunc(), NGQProxyNavit::setCenter(), NGQProxyNavit::setDestination(), NGQPoint::setNewPoint(), NGQProxyNavit::setObjectByName(), NGQProxyBookmarks::setPoint(), NGQProxyNavit::setPosition(), NGQProxyNavit::stopNavigation(), tracking_action(), win32_gui_new(), WndProc(), zoom_in_action(), and zoom_out_action().

◆ navitProxy

class NGQProxyNavit* gui_priv::navitProxy

◆ on_map_click

char* gui_priv::on_map_click

◆ osd_configuration

struct attr gui_priv::osd_configuration

The OSD configuration, a set of flags controlling which OSD items will be visible.

◆ pitch

int gui_priv::pitch

The pitch for the 3D map view.

Referenced by gui_qml_get_attr(), gui_qml_new(), and gui_qml_set_attr().

◆ position_coord_geo

struct attr * gui_priv::position_coord_geo

◆ pressed

int gui_priv::pressed

Referenced by gui_internal_motion().

◆ prevGuiWidget

QDeclarativeView* gui_priv::prevGuiWidget

◆ projection_group

GSList* gui_priv::projection_group

◆ radius

int gui_priv::radius

◆ redraw

int gui_priv::redraw

◆ resize_cb

struct callback * gui_priv::resize_cb

◆ results_map_population

int gui_priv::results_map_population

◆ root

struct widget gui_priv::root

◆ route_data

struct route_data gui_priv::route_data

Stores information about the route.

Referenced by gui_internal_route_screen_free().

◆ routeProxy

class NGQProxyRoute* gui_priv::routeProxy

Referenced by gui_qml_set_graphics().

◆ searchProxy

class NGQProxySearch* gui_priv::searchProxy

Referenced by gui_qml_set_graphics().

◆ self

struct attr gui_priv::self

Referenced by gui_qml_new().

◆ signal_on_map_click

int gui_priv::signal_on_map_click

Referenced by gui_qml_button(), and gui_qml_new().

◆ skin

char* gui_priv::skin

◆ sl

struct search_list* gui_priv::sl

◆ source

char* gui_priv::source

◆ spacing

int gui_priv::spacing

◆ speech

int gui_priv::speech

◆ statusbar

struct statusbar_priv* gui_priv::statusbar

◆ statusbar_enable

int gui_priv::statusbar_enable

◆ switcherWidget

QStackedLayout* gui_priv::switcherWidget

Referenced by gui_qml_set_graphics().

◆ text_background

struct graphics_gc* gui_priv::text_background

◆ text_background_color

struct color background_color background2_color text_foreground_color gui_priv::text_background_color

◆ text_foreground

struct graphics_gc* gui_priv::text_foreground

◆ toolbar_enable

int gui_priv::toolbar_enable

◆ ui_manager

GtkUIManager* gui_priv::ui_manager

◆ vbox

GtkWidget* gui_priv::vbox

Referenced by gui_gtk_statusbar_new().

◆ vehicle_cb

struct callback* gui_priv::vehicle_cb

◆ vehicle_group

GSList* gui_priv::vehicle_group

◆ vehicle_menuitems

GList* gui_priv::vehicle_menuitems

◆ vehiclep

struct pcoord clickp gui_priv::vehiclep

◆ vehicleProxy

class NGQProxyVehicle* gui_priv::vehicleProxy

◆ w

◆ widgets

struct widget* gui_priv::widgets

◆ widgets_count

int gui_priv::widgets_count

◆ win [1/2]

◆ win [2/2]

struct window* gui_priv::win

◆ window_closed_cb

struct callback * gui_priv::window_closed_cb

Referenced by gui_qml_set_graphics().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: