navit  0.5.3-trunk
navigation_itm Struct Reference

Data Fields

struct navigation_way way
int angle_end
struct coord start end
int time
int length
int speed
int dest_time
int dest_length
int told
int streetname_told
int dest_count
struct navigation_itmnext
struct navigation_itmprev

Field Documentation

◆ angle_end

◆ dest_count

int navigation_itm::dest_count

◆ dest_length

◆ dest_time

int navigation_itm::dest_time

◆ end

struct coord start navigation_itm::end

Referenced by navigation_itm_new().

◆ length

◆ next

◆ prev

◆ speed

int navigation_itm::speed

◆ streetname_told

int navigation_itm::streetname_told

Indicates if this item's streetname has been told in speech navigation

Referenced by navigation_itm_new(), and show_maneuver().

◆ time

int navigation_itm::time

◆ told

int navigation_itm::told

Indicates if this item's announcement has been told earlier and should not be told again

Referenced by show_next_maneuvers().

◆ way

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: