/* utils tests Copyright (C) 2001-2004, Joe Orton This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "config.h" #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H #include #endif #include "ne_utils.h" #include "ne_md5.h" #include "ne_alloc.h" #include "ne_dates.h" #include "ne_string.h" #include "tests.h" static const struct { const char *status; int major, minor, code; const char *rp; } accept_sl[] = { /* These are really valid. */ { "HTTP/1.1 200 OK", 1, 1, 200, "OK" }, { "HTTP/1.1000 200 OK", 1, 1000, 200, "OK" }, { "HTTP/1000.1000 200 OK", 1000, 1000, 200, "OK" }, { "HTTP/00001.1 200 OK", 1, 1, 200, "OK" }, { "HTTP/1.00001 200 OK", 1, 1, 200, "OK" }, { "HTTP/99.99 999 99999", 99, 99, 999, "99999" }, { "HTTP/1.1 100 ", 1, 1, 100, "" }, /* these aren't really valid but we should be able to parse them. */ { "HTTP/1.1 100", 1, 1, 100, "" }, { "HTTP/1.1 200 OK", 1, 1, 200, "OK" }, { "HTTP/1.1 200 \t OK", 1, 1, 200, "OK" }, { " HTTP/1.1 200 OK", 1, 1, 200, "OK" }, { "Norman is a dog HTTP/1.1 200 OK", 1, 1, 200, "OK" }, { NULL } }; static const char *bad_sl[] = { "", "HTTP/1.1 1000 OK", "HTTP/1.1 1000", "HTTP/-1.1 100 OK", "HTTP/1.1 -100 OK", "HTTP/ 200 OK", "HTTP/", "HTTP/1.1A 100 OK", "HTTP/1.", "HTTP/1.1 1", "Fish/1.1 100 OK", "HTTP/1.1 10", "HTTP", "H\0TP/1.1 100 OK", NULL }; static int status_lines(void) { ne_status s; int n; for (n = 0; accept_sl[n].status != NULL; n++) { ONV(ne_parse_statusline(accept_sl[n].status, &s), ("valid #%d: parse", n)); ONV(accept_sl[n].major != s.major_version, ("valid #%d: major", n)); ONV(accept_sl[n].minor != s.minor_version, ("valid #%d: minor", n)); ONV(accept_sl[n].code != s.code, ("valid #%d: code", n)); ONV(strcmp(accept_sl[n].rp, s.reason_phrase), ("valid #%d: reason phrase", n)); ne_free(s.reason_phrase); } for (n = 0; bad_sl[n] != NULL; n++) { ONV(ne_parse_statusline(bad_sl[n], &s) == 0, ("invalid #%d", n)); } return OK; } /* Write MD5 of 'len' bytes of 'str' to 'digest' */ static unsigned char *digest_md5(const char *data, size_t len, unsigned char digest[16]) { struct ne_md5_ctx ctx; #define CHUNK 100 ne_md5_init_ctx(&ctx); /* exercise the buffering interface */ while (len > CHUNK) { ne_md5_process_bytes(data, CHUNK, &ctx); len -= CHUNK; data += CHUNK; } ne_md5_process_bytes(data, len, &ctx); ne_md5_finish_ctx(&ctx, digest); return digest; } static int md5(void) { unsigned char buf[17] = {0}, buf2[17] = {0}; char ascii[33] = {0}; char zzzs[500]; ne_md5_to_ascii(digest_md5("", 0, buf), ascii); ONN("MD5(null)", strcmp(ascii, "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e")); ne_md5_to_ascii(digest_md5("foobar", 7, buf), ascii); ONN("MD5(foobar)", strcmp(ascii, "b4258860eea29e875e2ee4019763b2bb")); /* $ perl -e 'printf "z"x500' | md5sum * 8b9323bd72250ea7f1b2b3fb5046391a - */ memset(zzzs, 'z', sizeof zzzs); ne_md5_to_ascii(digest_md5(zzzs, sizeof zzzs, buf), ascii); ONN("MD5(\"z\"x512)", strcmp(ascii, "8b9323bd72250ea7f1b2b3fb5046391a")); ne_ascii_to_md5(ascii, buf2); ON(memcmp(buf, buf2, 16)); return OK; } static int md5_alignment(void) { char *bb = ne_malloc(66); struct ne_md5_ctx ctx; /* regression test for a bug in md5.c in <0.15.0 on SPARC, where * the process_bytes function would SIGBUS if the buffer argument * isn't 32-bit aligned. Won't trigger on x86 though. */ ne_md5_init_ctx(&ctx); ne_md5_process_bytes(bb + 1, 65, &ctx); ne_free(bb); return OK; } static const struct { const char *str; time_t time; enum { d_rfc1123, d_iso8601, d_rfc1036 } type; } good_dates[] = { { "Fri, 08 Jun 2001 22:59:46 GMT", 992041186, d_rfc1123 }, { "Friday, 08-Jun-01 22:59:46 GMT", 992041186, d_rfc1036 }, { "Wednesday, 06-Jun-01 22:59:46 GMT", 991868386, d_rfc1036 }, /* some different types of ISO8601 dates. */ { "2001-06-08T22:59:46Z", 992041186, d_iso8601 }, { "2001-06-08T22:59:46.9Z", 992041186, d_iso8601 }, { "2001-06-08T26:00:46+03:01", 992041186, d_iso8601 }, { "2001-06-08T20:58:46-02:01", 992041186, d_iso8601 }, { NULL } }; static int parse_dates(void) { int n; for (n = 0; good_dates[n].str != NULL; n++) { time_t res; const char *str = good_dates[n].str; switch (good_dates[n].type) { case d_rfc1036: res = ne_rfc1036_parse(str); break; case d_iso8601: res = ne_iso8601_parse(str); break; case d_rfc1123: res = ne_rfc1123_parse(str); break; default: res = -1; break; } ONV(res == -1, ("date %d parse", n)); #define FT "%" NE_FMT_TIME_T ONV(res != good_dates[n].time, ( "date %d incorrect (" FT " not " FT ")", n, res, good_dates[n].time)); } return OK; } /* trigger segfaults in ne_rfc1036_parse() in <=0.24.5. */ static int regress_dates(void) { static const char *dates[] = { "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" }; size_t n; for (n = 0; n < sizeof(dates)/sizeof(dates[0]); n++) { ne_rfc1036_parse(dates[n]); ne_iso8601_parse(dates[n]); ne_rfc1123_parse(dates[n]); } return OK; } static int versioning(void) { #define GOOD(n,m,msg) ONV(ne_version_match(n,m), \ ("match of " msg " failed (%d.%d)", n, m)) #define BAD(n,m,msg) ONV(ne_version_match(n,m) == 0, \ ("match of " msg " succeeded (%d.%d)", n, m)) GOOD(NEON_VERSION_MAJOR, NEON_VERSION_MINOR, "current version"); BAD(NEON_VERSION_MAJOR, NEON_VERSION_MINOR + 1, "later minor"); BAD(NEON_VERSION_MAJOR + 1, 0, "later major"); #if NEON_VERSION_MINOR > 0 GOOD(NEON_VERSION_MAJOR, NEON_VERSION_MINOR - 1, "earlier minor"); #endif #if NEON_VERSION_MAJOR > 0 BAD(NEON_VERSION_MAJOR - 1, 0, "earlier major"); #endif #undef GOOD #undef BAD return OK; } /* basic ne_version_string() sanity tests */ static int version_string(void) { char buf[1024]; ne_snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%s", ne_version_string()); NE_DEBUG(NE_DBG_HTTP, "Version string: %s\n", buf); ONN("version string too long", strlen(buf) > 200); ONN("version string contained newline", strchr(buf, '\n') != NULL); return OK; } static int support(void) { #ifdef NE_HAVE_SSL ONN("SSL support not advertised", !ne_has_support(NE_FEATURE_SSL)); #else ONN("SSL support advertised", ne_has_support(NE_FEATURE_SSL)); #endif #ifdef NE_HAVE_ZLIB ONN("zlib support not advertised", !ne_has_support(NE_FEATURE_ZLIB)); #else ONN("zlib support advertised", ne_has_support(NE_FEATURE_ZLIB)); #endif #ifdef NE_HAVE_IPV6 ONN("IPv6 support not advertised", !ne_has_support(NE_FEATURE_IPV6)); #else ONN("IPv6 support advertised", ne_has_support(NE_FEATURE_IPV6)); #endif #ifdef NE_HAVE_IDNA ONN("IDNA support not advertised", !ne_has_support(NE_FEATURE_IDNA)); #else ONN("IDNA support advertised", ne_has_support(NE_FEATURE_IDNA)); #endif #ifdef NE_HAVE_LFS ONN("LFS support not advertised", !ne_has_support(NE_FEATURE_LFS)); #else ONN("LFS support advertised", ne_has_support(NE_FEATURE_LFS)); #endif return OK; } ne_test tests[] = { T(status_lines), T(md5), T(md5_alignment), T(parse_dates), T(regress_dates), T(versioning), T(version_string), T(support), T(NULL) };