ne_set_session_flag 3 ne_set_session_flag ne_get_session_flag set and retrieve session flags #include <ne_request.h> void ne_set_session_flag ne_session *sess ne_session_flag flag int value int ne_get_session_flag ne_session *sess ne_session_flag flag Description The ne_set_session_flag function enables or disables a session flag. Passing a non-zero value argument enables the flag, and zero disables it. The following flags are defined: NE_SESSFLAG_PERSIST disable this flag to prevent use of persistent connections NE_SESSFLAG_ICYPROTO enable this flag to enable support for non-HTTP ShoutCast-style "ICY" responses NE_SESSFLAG_SSLv2 disable this flag to disable support for the SSLv2 protocol NE_SESSFLAG_RFC4918 enable this flag to enable support for RFC4918-only WebDAV features; losing backwards-compatibility with RFC2518 servers NE_SESSFLAG_CONNAUTH enable this flag if an RFC-violating connection-based HTTP authentication scheme is in use Return value The ne_get_session_flag function returns zero if a flag is disabled, less than zero if the flag is not supported, or greater than zero if the flag is enabled. See also .