# This file is part of LibCSS. # Licensed under the MIT License, # http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php # Copyright 2017 Lucas Neves overrides = { 'get': {}, 'set': {}, 'properties': {} } overrides['get']['clip'] = '''\ static inline uint8_t get_clip( const css_computed_style *style, css_computed_clip_rect *rect) { uint32_t bits = style->i.bits[CLIP_INDEX]; bits &= CLIP_MASK; bits >>= CLIP_SHIFT; /* 26bits: tt tttr rrrr bbbb blll llTR BLyy: units: top | right | bottom | left opcodes: top | right | bottom | left | type */ if ((bits & 0x3) == CSS_CLIP_RECT) { rect->left_auto = (bits & 0x4); rect->bottom_auto = (bits & 0x8); rect->right_auto = (bits & 0x10); rect->top_auto = (bits & 0x20); rect->top = style->i.clip_a; rect->tunit = bits & 0x3e00000 >> 21; rect->right = style->i.clip_b; rect->runit = bits & 0x1f0000 >> 16; rect->bottom = style->i.clip_c; rect->bunit = (bits & 0xf800) >> 11; rect->left = style->i.clip_d; rect->lunit = (bits & 0x7c0) >> 6; } return (bits & 0x3); }''' overrides['set']['clip'] = '''\ static inline css_error set_clip( css_computed_style *style, uint8_t type, css_computed_clip_rect *rect) { uint32_t *bits; bits = &style->i.bits[CLIP_INDEX]; /* 26bits: tt tttr rrrr bbbb blll llTR BLyy: units: top | right | bottom | left opcodes: top | right | bottom | left | type */ *bits = (*bits & ~CLIP_MASK) | ((type & 0x3) << CLIP_SHIFT); if (type == CSS_CLIP_RECT) { *bits |= (((rect->top_auto ? 0x20 : 0) | (rect->right_auto ? 0x10 : 0) | (rect->bottom_auto ? 0x8 : 0) | (rect->left_auto ? 0x4 : 0)) << CLIP_SHIFT); *bits |= (((rect->tunit << 5) | rect->runit) << (CLIP_SHIFT + 16)); *bits |= (((rect->bunit << 5) | rect->lunit) << (CLIP_SHIFT + 6)); style->i.clip_a = rect->top; style->i.clip_b = rect->right; style->i.clip_c = rect->bottom; style->i.clip_d = rect->left; } return CSS_OK; }''' overrides['get']['line_height'] = '''\ static inline uint8_t get_line_height( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit) { uint32_t bits = style->i.bits[LINE_HEIGHT_INDEX]; bits &= LINE_HEIGHT_MASK; bits >>= LINE_HEIGHT_SHIFT; /* 7bits: uuuuutt : units | type */ if ((bits & 0x3) == CSS_LINE_HEIGHT_NUMBER || (bits & 0x3) == CSS_LINE_HEIGHT_DIMENSION) { *length = style->i.line_height; } if ((bits & 0x3) == CSS_LINE_HEIGHT_DIMENSION) { *unit = bits >> 2; } return (bits & 0x3); }''' overrides['set']['content'] = '''\ static inline css_error set_content( css_computed_style *style, uint8_t type, css_computed_content_item *content) { uint32_t *bits; css_computed_content_item *oldcontent; css_computed_content_item *c; /* 2bits: type */ bits = &style->i.bits[CONTENT_INDEX]; oldcontent = style->content; *bits = (*bits & ~CONTENT_MASK) | ((type & 0x3) << CONTENT_SHIFT); for (c = content; c != NULL && c->type != CSS_COMPUTED_CONTENT_NONE; c++) { switch (c->type) { case CSS_COMPUTED_CONTENT_STRING: c->data.string = lwc_string_ref(c->data.string); break; case CSS_COMPUTED_CONTENT_URI: c->data.uri = lwc_string_ref(c->data.uri); break; case CSS_COMPUTED_CONTENT_ATTR: c->data.attr = lwc_string_ref(c->data.attr); break; case CSS_COMPUTED_CONTENT_COUNTER: c->data.counter.name = lwc_string_ref(c->data.counter.name); break; case CSS_COMPUTED_CONTENT_COUNTERS: c->data.counters.name = lwc_string_ref(c->data.counters.name); c->data.counters.sep = lwc_string_ref(c->data.counters.sep); break; default: break; } } style->content = content; /* Free existing array */ if (oldcontent != NULL) { for (c = oldcontent; c->type != CSS_COMPUTED_CONTENT_NONE; c++) { switch (c->type) { case CSS_COMPUTED_CONTENT_STRING: lwc_string_unref(c->data.string); break; case CSS_COMPUTED_CONTENT_URI: lwc_string_unref(c->data.uri); break; case CSS_COMPUTED_CONTENT_ATTR: lwc_string_unref(c->data.attr); break; case CSS_COMPUTED_CONTENT_COUNTER: lwc_string_unref(c->data.counter.name); break; case CSS_COMPUTED_CONTENT_COUNTERS: lwc_string_unref(c->data.counters.name); lwc_string_unref(c->data.counters.sep); break; default: break; } } if (oldcontent != content) free(oldcontent); } return CSS_OK; }'''