# This file is part of LibCSS. # Licensed under the MIT License, # http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php # Copyright 2017 Lucas Neves # Configuration of CSS values. # The tuples in this set will be unpacked as arguments to the CSSValue # class. # Args: see docstring for class CSSValue in select_generator.py. values = { ('length', 'css_fixed', 4, '0', 'unit', 'css_unit', 5, 'CSS_UNIT_PX'), ('integer', 'int32_t', 4, '0'), ('fixed', 'css_fixed', 4, '0'), ('color', 'css_color', 4, '0'), ('string', 'lwc_string*'), ('string_arr', 'lwc_string**'), ('counter_arr', 'css_computed_counter*'), ('content_item', 'css_computed_content_item*') } # Configuration of property groups. # The tuples in these sets will be unpacked as arguments to the # CSSproperty class. # Args: see docstring for class CSSProperty in select_generator.py. style = { # Style group, only opcode ('align_content', 3), ('align_items', 3), ('align_self', 3), ('background_attachment', 2), ('background_repeat', 3), ('border_collapse', 2), ('border_top_style', 4), ('border_right_style', 4), ('border_bottom_style', 4), ('border_left_style', 4), ('box_sizing', 2), ('caption_side', 2), ('clear', 3), ('direction', 2), ('display', 5), ('empty_cells', 2), ('flex_direction', 3), ('flex_wrap', 2), ('float', 2), ('font_style', 2), ('font_variant', 2), ('font_weight', 4), ('justify_content', 3), ('list_style_position', 2), ('list_style_type', 6), ('overflow_x', 3), ('overflow_y', 3), ('outline_style', 4), ('position', 3), ('table_layout', 2), ('text_align', 4), ('text_decoration', 5), ('text_transform', 3), ('unicode_bidi', 2), ('visibility', 2), ('white_space', 3), # Style group, with additional value ('background_color', 2, 'color'), ('background_image', 1, 'string'), ('background_position', 1, (('length',), ('length',)), 'CSS_BACKGROUND_POSITION_SET'), ('border_top_color', 2, 'color'), ('border_right_color', 2, 'color'), ('border_bottom_color', 2, 'color'), ('border_left_color', 2, 'color'), ('border_top_width', 3, 'length', 'CSS_BORDER_WIDTH_WIDTH'), ('border_right_width', 3, 'length', 'CSS_BORDER_WIDTH_WIDTH'), ('border_bottom_width', 3, 'length', 'CSS_BORDER_WIDTH_WIDTH'), ('border_left_width', 3, 'length', 'CSS_BORDER_WIDTH_WIDTH'), ('top', 2, 'length', 'CSS_TOP_SET', None, None, 'get'), ('right', 2, 'length', 'CSS_RIGHT_SET', None, None, 'get'), ('bottom', 2, 'length', 'CSS_BOTTOM_SET', None, None, 'get'), ('left', 2, 'length', 'CSS_LEFT_SET', None, None, 'get'), ('color', 1, 'color'), ('flex_basis', 2, 'length', 'CSS_FLEX_BASIS_SET'), ('flex_grow', 1, 'fixed', 'CSS_FLEX_GROW_SET'), ('flex_shrink', 1, 'fixed', 'CSS_FLEX_SHRINK_SET'), ('font_size', 4, 'length', 'CSS_FONT_SIZE_DIMENSION'), ('height', 2, 'length', 'CSS_HEIGHT_SET'), ('line_height', 2, 'length', None, None, None, 'get'), ('list_style_image', 1, 'string'), ('margin_top', 2, 'length', 'CSS_MARGIN_SET'), ('margin_right', 2, 'length', 'CSS_MARGIN_SET'), ('margin_bottom', 2, 'length', 'CSS_MARGIN_SET'), ('margin_left', 2, 'length', 'CSS_MARGIN_SET'), ('max_height', 2, 'length', 'CSS_MAX_HEIGHT_SET'), ('max_width', 2, 'length', 'CSS_MAX_WIDTH_SET'), ('min_height', 2, 'length', 'CSS_MIN_HEIGHT_SET'), ('min_width', 2, 'length', 'CSS_MIN_WIDTH_SET'), ('opacity', 1, 'fixed', 'CSS_OPACITY_SET'), ('order', 1, 'integer', 'CSS_ORDER_SET'), ('padding_top', 1, 'length', 'CSS_PADDING_SET'), ('padding_right', 1, 'length', 'CSS_PADDING_SET'), ('padding_left', 1, 'length', 'CSS_PADDING_SET'), ('padding_bottom', 1, 'length', 'CSS_PADDING_SET'), ('text_indent', 1, 'length', 'CSS_TEXT_INDENT_SET'), ('vertical_align', 4, 'length', 'CSS_VERTICAL_ALIGN_SET'), ('width', 2, 'length', 'CSS_WIDTH_SET'), ('z_index', 2, 'integer'), # Style group, arrays ('font_family', 3, 'string_arr', None, None, 'Encode font family as an array of string objects, terminated with a ' 'blank entry.'), ('quotes', 1, 'string_arr', None, None, 'Encode quotes as an array of string objects, terminated with a ' 'blank entry.'), # Page group ('page_break_after', 3, None, None, 'CSS_PAGE_BREAK_AFTER_AUTO'), ('page_break_before', 3, None, None, 'CSS_PAGE_BREAK_BEFORE_AUTO'), ('page_break_inside', 2, None, None, 'CSS_PAGE_BREAK_INSIDE_AUTO'), ('widows', 1, (('integer', '2'),), None, 'CSS_WIDOWS_SET'), ('orphans', 1, (('integer', '2'),), None, 'CSS_ORPHANS_SET'), # Uncommon group ('border_spacing', 1, (('length',), ('length',)), 'CSS_BORDER_SPACING_SET', 'CSS_BORDER_SPACING_SET'), ('break_after', 4, None, None, 'CSS_BREAK_AFTER_AUTO'), ('break_before', 4, None, None, 'CSS_BREAK_BEFORE_AUTO'), ('break_inside', 4, None, None, 'CSS_BREAK_INSIDE_AUTO'), ('clip', 6, (('length',), ('length',), ('length',), ('length',)), 'CSS_CLIP_RECT', 'CSS_CLIP_AUTO', None, ('get', 'set')), ('column_count', 2, 'integer', None, 'CSS_COLUMN_COUNT_AUTO'), ('column_fill', 2, None, None, 'CSS_COLUMN_FILL_BALANCE'), ('column_gap', 2, 'length', 'CSS_COLUMN_GAP_SET', 'CSS_COLUMN_GAP_NORMAL'), ('column_rule_color', 2, 'color', None, 'CSS_COLUMN_RULE_COLOR_CURRENT_COLOR'), ('column_rule_style', 4, None, None, 'CSS_COLUMN_RULE_STYLE_NONE'), ('column_rule_width', 3, 'length', 'CSS_COLUMN_RULE_WIDTH_WIDTH', 'CSS_COLUMN_RULE_WIDTH_MEDIUM'), ('column_span', 2, None, None, 'CSS_COLUMN_SPAN_NONE'), ('column_width', 2, 'length', 'CSS_COLUMN_WIDTH_SET', 'CSS_COLUMN_WIDTH_AUTO'), ('letter_spacing', 2, 'length', 'CSS_LETTER_SPACING_SET', 'CSS_LETTER_SPACING_NORMAL'), ('outline_color', 2, 'color', 'CSS_OUTLINE_COLOR_COLOR', 'CSS_OUTLINE_COLOR_INVERT'), ('outline_width', 3, 'length', 'CSS_OUTLINE_WIDTH_WIDTH', 'CSS_OUTLINE_WIDTH_MEDIUM'), ('word_spacing', 2, 'length', 'CSS_WORD_SPACING_SET', 'CSS_WORD_SPACING_NORMAL'), ('writing_mode', 2, None, None, 'CSS_WRITING_MODE_HORIZONTAL_TB'), # Uncommon group, arrays ('counter_increment', 1, 'counter_arr', None, 'CSS_COUNTER_INCREMENT_NONE', 'Encode counter_increment as an array of name, value pairs, ' 'terminated with a blank entry.'), ('counter_reset', 1, 'counter_arr', None, 'CSS_COUNTER_RESET_NONE', 'Encode counter_reset as an array of name, value pairs, ' 'terminated with a blank entry.'), ('cursor', 5, 'string_arr', None, 'CSS_CURSOR_AUTO', 'Encode cursor uri(s) as an array of string objects, terminated ' 'with a blank entry'), ('content', 2, 'content_item', 'CSS_CONTENT_SET', 'CSS_CONTENT_NORMAL', 'Encode content as an array of content items, terminated with ' 'a blank entry.', 'set') } groups = [ { 'name': 'style', 'props': style } ]