variables: BUILD_IMAGES_PROJECT: gnutls/build-images DEBIAN_CROSS_BUILD: buildenv-debian-cross FEDORA_BUILD: buildenv-fedora31 DEBIAN_X86_CROSS_BUILD: buildenv-debian-x86-cross GET_SOURCES_ATTEMPTS: "3" # remove any pre-installed headers from nettle before_script: - yum remove -y nettle-devel # See for documentation. build/x86-64: image: $CI_REGISTRY/$BUILD_IMAGES_PROJECT:$FEDORA_BUILD script: - ./.bootstrap && ./configure --disable-static --disable-documentation && make -j4 && NETTLE_TEST_SEED=0 make check -j4 && NETTLE_TEST_SEED=0 make check-fat tags: - shared - linux except: - tags build/mini-gmp: image: $CI_REGISTRY/$BUILD_IMAGES_PROJECT:$FEDORA_BUILD script: - ./.bootstrap && ./configure --disable-documentation --disable-fat --enable-mini-gmp && make -j4 && make check -j4 tags: - shared - linux except: - tags build/c89: image: $CI_REGISTRY/$BUILD_IMAGES_PROJECT:$FEDORA_BUILD script: - ./.bootstrap && ./configure CC='gcc -std=c89' --disable-static --disable-assembler --disable-documentation && make -j4 && NETTLE_TEST_SEED=0 make check -j4 tags: - shared - linux except: - tags build/ndebug: image: $CI_REGISTRY/$BUILD_IMAGES_PROJECT:$FEDORA_BUILD script: - ./.bootstrap && ./configure CPPFLAGS='-DNDEBUG' --disable-static --disable-assembler --disable-documentation && make -j4 && NETTLE_TEST_SEED=0 make check -j4 tags: - shared - linux except: - tags build/ubsan: image: $CI_REGISTRY/$BUILD_IMAGES_PROJECT:$FEDORA_BUILD script: - ./.bootstrap && CXXFLAGS="-fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize-recover -g -O2" CFLAGS="-fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize-recover -g -O2" ./configure --disable-assembler --disable-documentation && make -j4 && NETTLE_TEST_SEED=0 make check -j4 tags: - shared - linux except: - tags build/asan: image: $CI_REGISTRY/$BUILD_IMAGES_PROJECT:$FEDORA_BUILD script: - ./.bootstrap && - CXXFLAGS="-fsanitize=address -g -O2" CFLAGS="-fsanitize=address -g -O2" ./configure --disable-documentation --disable-assembler && make -j4 && NETTLE_TEST_SEED=0 make check -j4 tags: - shared - linux except: - tags build/static-analyzers: image: $CI_REGISTRY/$BUILD_IMAGES_PROJECT:$FEDORA_BUILD script: - ./.bootstrap - scan-build ./configure --disable-documentation --disable-assembler - scan-build --status-bugs -o scan-build-lib make -j$(nproc) tags: - shared - linux except: - tags artifacts: expire_in: 1 week when: on_failure paths: - scan-build-lib/* build/gnutls: image: $CI_REGISTRY/$BUILD_IMAGES_PROJECT:$FEDORA_BUILD script: - ./.bootstrap && ./configure --disable-documentation --prefix="$(pwd)/local" --libdir="$(pwd)/local/lib" && make -j4 && make install - git clone --depth 1 --branch master gnutls-git - cd gnutls-git && git submodule update --init && ./bootstrap && ./configure PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$(pwd)/../local/lib/pkgconfig" CPPFLAGS="-I$(pwd)/../local/include" LDFLAGS="-L$(pwd)/../local/lib -Wl,-rpath,$(pwd)/../local/lib" --disable-cxx --disable-guile --disable-doc && make -j$(nproc) && make -j $(nproc) check tags: - shared - linux except: - tags artifacts: expire_in: 1 week when: on_failure paths: - gnutls-git/guile/tests/*.log - gnutls-git/tests/*.log - gnutls-git/*.log - gnutls-git/tests/*/*.log - gnutls-git/tests/suite/*/*.log Debian.cross.x86: image: $CI_REGISTRY/$BUILD_IMAGES_PROJECT:$DEBIAN_X86_CROSS_BUILD before_script: - apt-get remove -y nettle-dev:i386 script: - build=$(dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE) - host=i686-linux-gnu - export CC_FOR_BUILD="gcc" - export CC="$host-gcc" - ./.bootstrap && CFLAGS="-O2 -g" ./configure --build=$build --host=$host --disable-documentation && make -j4 && NETTLE_TEST_SEED=0 make check -j4 tags: - shared - linux except: - tags .Debian.cross.template: &Debian_cross_template image: $CI_REGISTRY/$BUILD_IMAGES_PROJECT:$DEBIAN_CROSS_BUILD before_script: - host="${CI_JOB_NAME#*.cross.}" - dpkg --add-architecture ppc64el - dpkg --add-architecture s390x - apt-get update -q # remove any previously installed nettle headers to avoid conflicts - for arch in armhf arm64 ppc64el;do apt-get remove -y nettle-dev:$arch;done - if [ "$host" == "powerpc64-linux-gnu" ];then apt-get install -y software-properties-common && add-apt-repository "deb bullseye-backports main" && apt-get update && apt-get install -y -t bullseye-backports binfmt-support qemu-user && apt-get install -y gcc-$host g++-$host && export QEMU_LD_PREFIX=/usr/$host EXTRA_CONFIGURE_FLAGS='--enable-mini-gmp';fi - if [ "$host" == "powerpc64le-linux-gnu" ];then apt-get install -y software-properties-common && add-apt-repository "deb bullseye-backports main" && apt-get update && apt-get install -y -t bullseye-backports binfmt-support qemu-user && apt-get install -y gcc-$host g++-$host libgmp-dev:ppc64el && export QEMU_LD_PREFIX=/usr/$host;fi - if [ "$host" == "s390x-linux-gnu" ];then apt-get update && apt-get install -y gcc-$host g++-$host libgmp-dev:s390x && export EXTRA_CONFIGURE_FLAGS='--disable-assembler';fi script: - build=$(dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE) - host="${CI_JOB_NAME#*.cross.}" # not setting CC_FOR_BUILD paired with qemu-user/binfmt somehow causes # config.guess to detect the target as the build platform and not activate # cross-compile mode even though --build is given - export CC_FOR_BUILD="gcc" - export CC="$host-gcc" - ./.bootstrap - ./configure --disable-static --disable-documentation $EXTRA_CONFIGURE_FLAGS --build=$build --host=$host - make -j$(nproc) - NETTLE_TEST_SEED=0 make -j$(nproc) check - NETTLE_TEST_SEED=0 make -j$(nproc) check-fat tags: - shared - linux except: - tags Debian.cross.arm-linux-gnueabihf: <<: *Debian_cross_template Debian.cross.aarch64-linux-gnu: <<: *Debian_cross_template Debian.cross.powerpc64-linux-gnu: <<: *Debian_cross_template Debian.cross.powerpc64le-linux-gnu: <<: *Debian_cross_template Debian.cross.s390x-linux-gnu: <<: *Debian_cross_template remote/s390x: image: $CI_REGISTRY/$BUILD_IMAGES_PROJECT:$FEDORA_BUILD before_script: # File created as world-readable by gitlab ci machinery. - chmod 0600 $SSH_PRIVATE_KEY - ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -i "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" "$S390X_ACCOUNT" "mkdir -p ci-work/$CI_PIPELINE_IID" script: - echo $CI_PIPELINE_IID - ./.bootstrap && ./configure && make PACKAGE_VERSION=snapshot dist && ls -l *.tar.gz - cat nettle-snapshot.tar.gz | ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -i "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" "$S390X_ACCOUNT" "cd ci-work/$CI_PIPELINE_IID && tar xzf -" - ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -i "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" "$S390X_ACCOUNT" "cd ci-work/$CI_PIPELINE_IID/nettle-snapshot && ./configure --disable-documentation --enable-s390x-msa" - ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -i "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" "$S390X_ACCOUNT" "cd ci-work/$CI_PIPELINE_IID/nettle-snapshot && make" - ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -i "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" "$S390X_ACCOUNT" "cd ci-work/$CI_PIPELINE_IID/nettle-snapshot && NETTLE_TEST_SEED=0 make check" after_script: - ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -i "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" "$S390X_ACCOUNT" "rm -rf ci-work/$CI_PIPELINE_IID" only: variables: - $SSH_PRIVATE_KEY != "" - $S390X_ACCOUNT != "" tags: - shared - linux except: - tags