/* Can we get down to 8 registers? Possible strategy: * * Do what's needed to compute y3. At this point, we need to keep * inputs, t01, t04, y3, so we only have one temporary left (and we * discard t02, recomputing it frpm x3 when needed later. * * Compute y1: Discard t04. Use one register to compute t08 and t10. * Use the other to compute t05 (then but t15 in x2), and t09. We can * then get to y1, and have one spare register. * * Put t13 in x1. Use the spare register to compute t04 (again), t11, * t16 and y2. The rest should be easy, y0 can be done in parallel * with y2. */ strict digraph sbox6 { x0 [shape=box]; x1 [shape=box]; x2 [shape=box]; x3 [shape=box]; t01 [label="\N\ny0\n1"]; t04 [label="\N\ny2\n2"]; t06 [label="\N\ny3\n3"]; t02 [label="\N\ny1,x3\n4,18"]; t03 [label="\N\ny1\n5"]; y3 [label="\N\n6", shape=box]; t11 [label="\N\ny2\n7"]; t08 [label="\N\ny1\n8"]; t10 [label="\N\ny1\n9"]; t05 [label="\N\nt\n10"]; t15 [label="\N\nx2\n11"]; t09 [label="\N\nt\n12"]; y1 [label="\N\n13", shape=box]; t13 [label="\N\nx1\n14"]; t16 [label="\N\ny2\n15"]; y2 [label="\N\n16", shape=box]; t14 [label="\N\ny0\n17"]; t17 [label="\N\ny0\n18"]; y0 [label="\N\n19", shape=box]; x0 -> t01; x2 -> t01; // t01 = x0 & x2; x3 -> t02; // t02 = ~ x3; x0 -> t03; t02 -> t03; // t03 = x0 & t02; x1 -> t04; t01 -> t04; // t04 = x1 | t01; x0 -> t05; x1 -> t05; // t05 = x0 & x1; x2 -> t06; t04 -> t06; // t06 = x2 ^ t04; t03 -> y3; t06 -> y3; // y3 = t03 ^ t06; x2 -> t08; y3 -> t08; // t08 = x2 | y3; x3 -> t09; t05 -> t09; // t09 = x3 | t05; x0 -> t10; t08 -> t10; // t10 = x0 ^ t08; t04 -> t11; y3 -> t11; // t11 = t04 & y3; t09 -> y1; t10 -> y1; // y1 = t09 ^ t10; x1 -> t13; y1 -> t13; // t13 = x1 ^ y1; t01 -> t14; y1 -> t14; // t14 = t01 ^ y1; x2 -> t15; t05 -> t15; // t15 = x2 ^ t05; t11 -> t16; t13 -> t16; // t16 = t11 | t13; t02 -> t17; t14 -> t17; // t17 = t02 | t14; t15 -> y0; t17 -> y0; // y0 = t15 ^ t17; x0 -> y2; t16 -> y2; // y2 = x0 ^ t16; }