diff options
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 161 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index f518fbb..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-# first pass, unify names of licenses and remove duplicates.
-# we trick regarding gpl related licenses so they are "clustered" together..
-# replace GPL with __GPL
-# replace exception in the text with ___exception
-use strict;
-my %equiv = (
- "boostV1Ref" => "boostV1",
- "X11" => "X11mit",
- "X11Festival" => "X11mit",
- "X11mitNoSellNoDocDocBSDvar" => "X11mit",
- "X11mitwithoutSell" => 'X11mit',
- "X11mitBSDvar" => "X11mit",
- "X11mitwithoutSellCMUVariant" => "X11mit",
- "X11mitwithoutSellCMUVariant" => "X11mit",
- "X11mitwithoutSellandNoDocumentationRequi" => "X11mit",
- "MITvar3" => "X11mit",
- "MITvar2" => "X11mit",
- "MIT" => "X11mit",
- "ZLIBref" => "ZLIB",
- "BSD3NoWarranty" => "BSD3",
- "BSD2EndorseInsteadOfBinary" => "BSD2",
- "BSD2var2" => "BSD2",
- "LesserGPLv2" => "LibraryGPLv2",
- "LesserGPLv2+" => "LibraryGPLv2+",
- "orLGPLVer2.1" => "LesserGPLVer2.1",
- "postgresqlRef" => "postgresql",
- );
-while (<>) {
- chomp;
- my @f = split(/;/);
- # first remove duplicates
- my $l = $f[1];
- # do a simple rewriting of this exception which is an incomplete license
- $l =~ s/^Exception$/UNKNOWN/;
- my @l = split(/,/,$l);
- my %lics = %{{ map { $_ => 1 } @l }};
- %lics = Do_Equivalent(%lics);
- %lics = Remove_Redundant(%lics);
- %lics = Do_Exceptions(%lics);
- my @out = sort keys %lics;
- my $t = join(',', @out);
- if ($t eq "") {
- $t = "UNKNOWN";
- }
- print $f[0], ";$t\n";
-sub Do_Exceptions
- my (%lics) = @_;
- if ($lics{'digiaQTExceptionNoticeVer1.1'} ne '' and $lics{'Qt'}) {
- delete $lics{'digiaQTExceptionNoticeVer1.1'};
- delete $lics{'Qt'};
- $lics{'Qt-qtExcep'} = 'Qt-qtExcep';
- }
- if ($lics{'BisonException'} ne "" and $lics{"GPLv3+"} ne "") {
- delete $lics{'BisonException'};
- delete $lics{"GPLv3+"};
- $lics{'GPLv3+-bisonExcep'} = 'GPLv3+-bisonExcep';
- }
- if ($lics{'BisonException'} ne "" and $lics{"GPLv2+"} ne "") {
- delete $lics{'BisonException'};
- delete $lics{"GPLv2+"};
- $lics{'GPLv2+-bisonExcep'} = 'GPLv2+-bisonExcep';
- }
- if ($lics{'BisonException'} ne "" and $lics{"GPLv2"} ne "") {
- delete $lics{'BisonException'};
- delete $lics{"GPLv2"};
- $lics{'GPLv2-bisonExcep'} = 'GPLv2-bisonExcep';
- }
- if ($lics{'ClassPathException'} ne "" and $lics{"GPLv2"} ne "") {
- delete $lics{'ClassPathException'};
- delete $lics{"GPLv2"};
- $lics{"GPLv2-classPathExcep"} = "GPLv2-classPathExcep";
- }
- if ($lics{'CDDLorGPLv2'} ne "" and $lics{"ClassPathExceptionGPLv2"} ne "") {
- delete $lics{'CDDLorGPLv2'};
- delete $lics{"ClassPathExceptionGPLv2"};
- $lics{'CDDLorGPLv2-classPathExcep'} = 'CDDLorGPLv2-classPathExcep';
- }
- if ($lics{'LinkException'} ne "" and $lics{"GPLv3+"} ne "") {
- delete $lics{'LinkException'};
- delete $lics{"GPLv3+"};
- $lics{'GPLv3+-linkExcep'} = 'GPLv3+-linkExcep';
- }
- if ($lics{'LinkException'} ne "" and $lics{"GPLv2+"} ne "") {
- delete $lics{'LinkException'};
- delete $lics{"GPLv2+"};
- $lics{'GPLv2+-linkExcep'} = 'GPLv2+-linkExcep';
- }
- if ($lics{'LinkException'} ne "" and $lics{"GPLv3"} ne "") {
- delete $lics{'LinkException'};
- delete $lics{"GPLv3"};
- $lics{'GPLv3-linkExcep'} = 'GPLv3-linkExcep';
- }
- if ($lics{'LinkException'} ne "" and $lics{"GPLv2"} ne "") {
- delete $lics{'LinkException'};
- delete $lics{"GPLv2"};
- $lics{'GPLv2-linkExcep'} = 'GPLv2-linkExcep';
- }
- return %lics;
-sub Remove_Redundant
- my (%lics) = @_;
- if ($lics{"GPLnoVersion"} ne "" and $lics{"GPLv2"} . $lics{"GPLv2+"} .$lics{"GPLv3"} . $lics{"GPLv3+"} ne "") {
- delete $lics{"GPLnoVersion"};
- }
- if ($lics{"GPLv2+"} ne "" and $lics{"GPLv3+"} ne "") {
- delete $lics{"GPLv2+"};
- }
- if ($lics{'MPL1_1andLGPLv2_1'} ne "" and $lics{"MPLv1_1"} ne "") {
- delete $lics{"MPLv1_1"};
- }
- return %lics;
-sub Do_Equivalent
- my (%lics) = @_;
- my %outA;
- # then normalize licenses
- foreach my $a (keys %lics) {
- next if $a eq "SeeFile";
- if ($equiv{$a} ne "") {
- $outA{$equiv{$a}} = $equiv{$a};
- } else {
- $outA{$a} = $a;
- }
- }
- return %outA;
-sub uniq {
- return keys %{{ map { $_ => 1 } @_ }};