package Ninka; use strict; use warnings; use Ninka::FileCleaner; use Ninka::CommentExtractor; use Ninka::LicenseMatcher; use Ninka::SentenceExtractor; use Ninka::SentenceFilter; use Ninka::SentenceTokenizer; our $VERSION = '1.3.1'; sub process_file { my ($input_file, $create_intermediary_files, $verbose) = @_; print STDERR "analysing file [$input_file]\n" if $verbose; if (not (-f $input_file)) { print STDERR "file [$input_file] is not a file\n"; return; } my %common_parameters = (verbose => $verbose); my %parameters_step0 = (%common_parameters, input_file => $input_file); my $cleaned_input_file = Ninka::FileCleaner->new(%parameters_step0)->execute; my %parameters_step1 = (%common_parameters, input_file => $cleaned_input_file); my $comments = Ninka::CommentExtractor->new(%parameters_step1)->execute(); my %parameters_step2 = (%common_parameters, comments => $comments); my $sentences_ref = Ninka::SentenceExtractor->new(%parameters_step2)->execute(); my %parameters_step3 = (%common_parameters, sentences => $sentences_ref); my ($good_sentences_ref, $bad_sentences_ref) = Ninka::SentenceFilter->new(%parameters_step3)->execute(); my %parameters_step4 = (%common_parameters, sentences => $good_sentences_ref); my $license_tokens_ref = Ninka::SentenceTokenizer->new(%parameters_step4)->execute(); my %parameters_step5 = (%common_parameters, license_tokens => $license_tokens_ref); my $license_result = Ninka::LicenseMatcher->new(%parameters_step5)->execute(); if ($create_intermediary_files) { create_intermediary_file($input_file, 'comments', $comments); create_intermediary_file($input_file, 'sentences', join("\n", @$sentences_ref)); create_intermediary_file($input_file, 'goodsent', join("\n", @$good_sentences_ref)); create_intermediary_file($input_file, 'badsent', join("\n", @$bad_sentences_ref)); create_intermediary_file($input_file, 'senttok', join("\n", @$license_tokens_ref)); create_intermediary_file($input_file, 'license', $license_result); } return $license_result; } sub create_intermediary_file { my ($input_file, $output_extension, $content) = @_; my $output_file = "$input_file.$output_extension"; open my $output_fh, '>', $output_file or die "can't create output file [$output_file]: $!"; print $output_fh $content; close $output_fh; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Ninka - source file license identification tool =head1 SYNOPSIS use Ninka; my $input_file = 'some/path/file_of_interest'; my $create_intermediary_files = 0; my $verbose = 0; my $license_result = Ninka::process_file($input_file, $create_intermediary_files, $verbose); =head1 DESCRIPTION Scans a source file and returns the found licenses. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2009-2014,2017 Yuki Manabe and Daniel M. German This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . =cut