path: root/.eslintrc
diff options
authorRich Trott <>2016-02-08 20:23:42 -0800
committerRich Trott <>2016-02-10 10:55:27 -0800
commit783a563d3aeefc70c7920efb4d39804af71bcf71 (patch)
tree7bcbd48236779edf45715eb865416515ac3bdbfb /.eslintrc
parent25713861c074893a4a3855ec1aa63fe1725238c8 (diff)
tools: remove excessive comments from .eslintrc
The comments make the config hard to scan. They do not provide any information that isn't in the documentation links referred to in comments (that are not being removed here). Additionally, all rule config sections are alphabetically ordered for easier scanning etc. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Roman Reiss <>
Diffstat (limited to '.eslintrc')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/.eslintrc b/.eslintrc
index 6fc8883b41..624c46e8b9 100644
--- a/.eslintrc
+++ b/.eslintrc
@@ -16,103 +16,62 @@ ecmaFeatures:
# Possible Errors
- # list:
- ## Disallow Use of __proto__
- no-proto: 2
- ## disallow control characters in regular expressions
+ #
no-control-regex: 2
- ## check debugger sentence
no-debugger: 2
- ## check duplicate arguments
no-dupe-args: 2
- ## check duplicate object keys
no-dupe-keys: 2
- ## check duplicate switch-case
no-duplicate-case: 2
- ## disallow the use of empty character classes in regular expressions
no-empty-character-class: 2
- ## disallow assignment of exceptional params
no-ex-assign: 2
- ## disallow extra boolean casts
no-extra-boolean-cast : 2
- ## disallow superfluous semicolons
no-extra-semi: 2
- ## validate regular expressions
no-invalid-regexp: 2
- ## forbid weird whitespace characters
no-irregular-whitespace: 2
- ## avoid unexpected multiline expressions
+ no-proto: 2
no-unexpected-multiline: 2
- ## disallow unreachable code
no-unreachable: 2
- ## require valid typeof compared string like typeof foo === 'strnig'
valid-typeof: 2
# Best Practices
- # list:
- ## require falls through comment on switch-case
+ #
no-fallthrough: 2
- ## disallow declaring the same variable more than once
no-redeclare: 2
# Stylistic Issues
- # list:
- ## add space after comma
+ #
comma-spacing: 2
- ## require newline at end of files
eol-last: 2
- ## 2 space indentation
indent: [2, 2, {SwitchCase: 1}]
- ## max 80 length
max-len: [2, 80, 2]
- ## require parens for Constructor
new-parens: 2
- ## disallow mixed spaces and tabs for indentation
no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs: 2
- ## max 2 consecutive empty lines
no-multiple-empty-lines: [2, {max: 2}]
- ## no trailing spaces
no-trailing-spaces: 2
- ## use single quote, we can use double quote when escape chars
quotes: [2, "single", "avoid-escape"]
- ## put semi-colon
semi: 2
- ## require space after keywords, eg 'for (..)'
space-after-keywords: 2
- ## require space before blocks, eg 'function() {'
space-before-blocks: [2, "always"]
- ## no space before function, eg. 'function()'
space-before-function-paren: [2, "never"]
- ## no leading/trailing spaces in parens
space-in-parens: [2, "never"]
- ## require spaces operator like var sum = 1 + 1;
space-infix-ops: 2
- ## require spaces return, throw, case
space-return-throw-case: 2
- ## no spaces with non-word unary operators, require for word unary operators
space-unary-ops: 2
# ECMAScript 6
- # list:
- ## Suggest using 'const' wherever possible
- prefer-const: 2
- ## Enforce parens around arrow function arguments
+ #
arrow-parens: [2, "always"]
- ## Require a space on each side of arrow operator
arrow-spacing: [2, {"before": true, "after": true}]
- ## Prevent using => in a condition where <= is intended
no-arrow-condition: 2
+ prefer-const: 2
# Strict Mode
- # list:
- ## 'use strict' on top
+ #
strict: [2, "global"]
# Variables
- # list:
- ## disallow use of undefined variables (globals)
+ #
no-undef: 2
- ## disallow declaration of variables that are not used in the code
no-unused-vars: [2, {"args": "none"}]
# Custom rules in tools/eslint-rules