path: root/doc
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authorisaacs <>2012-06-20 10:14:45 -0700
committerisaacs <>2012-06-21 16:18:17 -0700
commit8f1a38d916326e37bc830a5c56c5d42866c8c423 (patch)
treee7e6213d6c708126f5c68bbc3706d886dc6a711e /doc
parentddf52bd3473edd2d017e2eaeb2a95cd8611bfe3f (diff)
Generate static HTML blog content out of markdown
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62 files changed, 2624 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/doc/blog.html b/doc/blog.html
new file mode 100644
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diff --git a/doc/blog/Uncategorized/ b/doc/blog/Uncategorized/
index 3507b61e19..57d4af7fe1 100644
--- a/doc/blog/Uncategorized/
+++ b/doc/blog/Uncategorized/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ slug: ldapjs-a-reprise-of-ldap
This post has been about 10 years in the making. My first job out of college was at IBM working on the <a title="Tivoli Directory Server" href="">Tivoli Directory Server</a>, and at the time I had a preconceived notion that working on anything related to Internet RFCs was about as hot as you could get. I spent a lot of time back then getting "down and dirty" with everything about LDAP: the protocol, performance, storage engines, indexing and querying, caching, customer use cases and patterns, general network server patterns, etc. Basically, I soaked up as much as I possibly could while I was there. On top of that, I listened to all the "gray beards" tell me about the history of LDAP, which was a bizarre marriage of telecommunications conglomerates and graduate students. The point of this blog post is to give you a crash course in LDAP, and explain what makes <a title="ldapjs" href="">ldapjs</a> different. Allow me to be the gray beard for a bit...
<h2>What is LDAP and where did it come from?</h2>
Directory services were largely pioneered by the telecommunications companies (e.g., AT&amp;T) to allow fast information retrieval of all the crap you'd expect would be in a telephone book and directory. That is, given a name, or an address, or an area code, or a number, or a foo support looking up customer records, billing information, routing information, etc. The efforts of several telcos came to exist in the <a title="X.500" href="">X.500</a> standard(s). An X.500 directory is one of the most complicated beasts you can possibly imagine, but on a high note, there's
probably not a thing you can imagine in a directory service that wasn't thought of in there. It is literally the kitchen sink. Oh, and it doesn't run over IP (it's <em>actually</em> on the <a title="OSI Model" href="">OSI</a> model).
@@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ Macro point is that there have actually been very few "fresh" implementations o
That said, while there certainly is some wacky stuff in the LDAP protocol itself, it really suffered from poor and buggy implementations more than the fact that LDAP itself was fundamentally flawed. As <a title="Engine Yard LDAP" href="">engine yard pointed out a few years back</a>, you can think of LDAP as the original NoSQL store.
<h2>LDAP: The Good Parts</h2>
So what's awesome about LDAP? Since it's a directory system it maintains a hierarchy of your data, which as an information management pattern aligns
with _a lot_ of use case (the quintessential example is white pages for people in your company, but subscriptions to SaaS applications, "host groups"
for tracking machines/instances, physical goods tracking, etc., all have use cases that fit that organization scheme). For example, presumably at your job
@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ I could keep going, but the gist is that LDAP has "full" boolean predicate logi
Oh, and on top of the technical merits, better or worse, it's an established standard for both administrators and applications (i.e., most "shipped" intranet software has either a local user repository or the ability to leverage an LDAP server somewhere). So there's a lot of compelling reasons to look at leveraging LDAP.
<h2>ldapjs: Why do I care?</h2>
As I said earlier, I spent a lot of time at IBM observing how customers used LDAP, and the real items I took away from that experience were:
<li>LDAP implementations have suffered a lot from never having been designed from the ground up for a large number of concurrent connections with asynchronous operations.</li>
@@ -57,7 +60,6 @@ As I said earlier, I spent a lot of time at IBM observing how customers used LD
<li>Replication was always a sticking point. LDAP vendors all tried to offer a big multi-master, multi-site replication model. It was a lot of "bolt-on" complexity, done before the <a title="CAP Theorem" href="">CAP theorem</a> was written, and certainly before it was accepted as "truth."</li>
<li>Nobody uses all of the protocol. In fact, 20% of the features solve 80% of the use cases (I'm making that number up, but you get the idea).</li>
For all the good parts of LDAP, those are really damned big failing points, and even I eventually abandoned LDAP for the greener pastures of NoSQL somewhere
along the way. But it always nagged at me that LDAP didn't get it's due because of a lot of implementation problems (to be clear, if I could, I'd change some
@@ -70,7 +72,6 @@ Well, in the last year, I went to work for <a title="Joyent" href="
<li><strong>Replication is hard. CAP is right:</strong> There are a lot of distributed databases out vying to solve exactly this problem. At Joyent we went with <a title="Riak" href="">Riak</a>. Check!</li>
<li><strong>Don't need all of the protocol:</strong> I'm lazy. Let's just skip the stupid things most people don't need. Check!</li>
So that's the crux of ldapjs right there. Giving you the ability to put LDAP back into your application while nailing those 4 fundamental problems that plague most existing LDAP deployments.
@@ -78,11 +79,6 @@ The obvious question is how it turned out, and the answer is, honestly, better 
Within 24 hours of releasing ldapjs on <a title="twitter" href="!/mcavage/status/106767571012952064">Twitter</a>, there was an <a title="github ldapjs address book" href="">implementation of an address book</a> that works with Thunderbird/Evolution, by the end of that weekend there was some <a href="">slick integration with CouchDB</a>, and ldapjs even got used in one of the <a href="!/jheusala/status/108977708649811970">node knockout apps</a>. Off to a pretty good start!
<h2>The Road Ahead</h2>
Hopefully you've been motivated to learn a little bit more about LDAP and try out <a href="">ldapjs</a>. The best place to start is probably the <a title="ldapjs guide" href="">guide</a>. After that you'll probably need to pick up a book from <a href="">back in the day</a>. ldapjs itself is still in its infancy; there's quite a bit of room to add some slick client-side logic (e.g., connection pools, automatic reconnects), easy to use schema validation, backends, etc. By the time this post is live, there will be experimental <a href="">dtrace</a> support if you're running on Mac OS X or preferably Joyent's <a href="">SmartOS</a> (shameless plug). And that nagging percentage of the protocol I didn't do will get filled in over time I suspect. If you've got an interest in any of this, send me some pull requests, but most importantly, I just want to see LDAP not just be a skeleton in the closet and get used in places where you should be using it. So get out there and write you some LDAP.
diff --git a/doc/blog/Uncategorized/ b/doc/blog/Uncategorized/
deleted file mode 100644
index 103b8e391e..0000000000
--- a/doc/blog/Uncategorized/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-title: Welcome to the Node blog
-author: ryandahl
-date: Thu Mar 17 2011 20:17:12 GMT-0700 (PDT)
-status: publish
-category: Uncategorized
-slug: welcome-to-the-node-blog
-Since Livejournal is disintegrating into Russian spam, I'm moving my technical blog to I hope to do frequent small posts about what's going on in Node development and include posts from other core Node developers. Please subscribe to the RSS feed.
-To avoid making this post completely devoid of content, here is a new video from a talk I gave at the SF PHP group tastefully produced by <A href="">Marakana</a>:
-<iframe width="640" height="360"
-src="" frameborder="0"
diff --git a/doc/blog/module/ b/doc/blog/module/
index 9a764be3c2..7d76ad894c 100644
--- a/doc/blog/module/
+++ b/doc/blog/module/
@@ -15,41 +15,41 @@ slug: multi-server-continuous-deployment-with-fleet
<p>To start using fleet, just install the fleet command with <a href="">npm</a>: </p>
-<pre style="font-size:1.2em;">$ npm install -g fleet </pre>
+<pre style="">npm install -g fleet </pre>
<p>Then on one of your servers, start a fleet hub. From a fresh directory, give it a passphrase and a port to listen on: </p>
-<pre style="font-size:1.2em;">$ fleet hub --port=7000 --secret=beepboop </pre>
+<pre style="">fleet hub --port=7000 --secret=beepboop </pre>
<p>Now fleet is listening on :7000 for commands and has started a git server on :7001 over http. There's no ssh keys or post commit hooks to configure, just run that command and you're ready to go! </p>
<p>Next set up some worker drones to run your processes. You can have as many workers as you like on a single server but each worker should be run from a separate directory. Just do: </p>
-<pre style="font-size:1.2em;">$ fleet drone --hub=x.x.x.x:7000 --secret=beepboop </pre>
+<pre style="">fleet drone --hub=x.x.x.x:7000 --secret=beepboop </pre>
<p>where <span class="code">x.x.x.x</span> is the address where the fleet hub is running. Spin up a few of these drones. </p>
<p>Now navigate to the directory of the app you want to deploy. First set a remote so you don't need to type <span class="code">--hub</span> and <span class="code">--secret</span> all the time. </p>
-<pre style="font-size:1.2em;">$ fleet remote add default --hub=x.x.x.x:7000 --secret=beepboop </pre>
+<pre style="">fleet remote add default --hub=x.x.x.x:7000 --secret=beepboop </pre>
<p>Fleet just created a <span class="code">fleet.json</span> file for you to save your settings. </p>
<p>From the same app directory, to deploy your code just do: </p>
-<pre style="font-size:1.2em;">$ fleet deploy </pre>
+<pre style="">fleet deploy </pre>
<p>The deploy command does a <span class="code">git push</span> to the fleet hub's git http server and then the hub instructs all the drones to pull from it. Your code gets checked out into a new directory on all the fleet drones every time you deploy. </p>
<p>Because fleet is designed specifically for managing applications with lots of tiny services, the deploy command isn't tied to running any processes. Starting processes is up to the programmer but it's super simple. Just use the <span class="code">fleet spawn</span> command: </p>
-<pre style="font-size:1.2em;">$ fleet spawn -- node server.js 8080 </pre>
+<pre style="">fleet spawn -- node server.js 8080 </pre>
<p>By default fleet picks a drone at random to run the process on. You can specify which drone you want to run a particular process on with the <span class="code">--drone</span> switch if it matters. </p>
<p>Start a few processes across all your worker drones and then show what is running with the <span class="code">fleet ps</span> command: </p>
-<pre style="font-size:1.2em;">$ fleet ps
+<pre style="">fleet ps
├─┬ pid#1e99f4
│ ├── status: running
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ drone#3dfe17b8
<p>Fleet has many more commands that you can learn about with its git-style manpage-based help system! Just do <span class="code">fleet help</span> to get a list of all the commands you can run. </p>
-<pre style="font-size:1.2em;">$ fleet help
+<pre style="">fleet help
Usage: fleet &lt;command&gt; [&lt;args&gt;]
The commands are:
diff --git a/doc/blog/npm/ b/doc/blog/npm/
index cec489ac30..e162f226de 100644
--- a/doc/blog/npm/
+++ b/doc/blog/npm/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ status: publish
category: npm
slug: managing-node-js-dependencies-with-shrinkwrap
-<p><div style="float:right;text-align:center;font-size:x-small;margin:5px;"><a href=""><img class="size-medium wp-image-652" style="border:1px #000000 solid;" title="Web" src="" alt="" width="250" height="250" /></a>
+<p><div style="float:right;text-align:center;margin:5px;"><a href=""><img class="size-medium wp-image-652" style="border:1px #000000 solid;" title="Web" src="" alt="" width="250" height="250" /></a>
Photo by Luc Viatour (flickr)</div>Managing dependencies is a fundamental problem in building complex software. The terrific success of github and <a href="">npm</a> have made code reuse especially easy in the Node world, where packages don&#039;t exist in isolation but rather as nodes in a large graph. The software is constantly changing (releasing new versions), and each package has its own constraints about what other packages it requires to run (dependencies). npm keeps track of these constraints, and authors express what kind of changes are compatible using <a href="">semantic versioning</a>, allowing authors to specify that their package will work with even future versions of its dependencies as long as the semantic versions are assigned properly.
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7a14d60d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/blog/release/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+version: 0.4.10
+title: Node v0.4.10
+author: ryandahl
+date: Wed Jul 20 2011 07:36:38 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-4-10
+2011.07.19, Version 0.4.10 (stable)
+<ul><li>#394 Fix Buffer drops last null character in UTF-8
+<li>#829 Backport r8577 from V8 (Ben Noordhuis)
+<li>#877 Don't wait for HTTP Agent socket pool to establish connections.
+<li>#915 Find kqueue on FreeBSD correctly (Brett Kiefer)
+<li>#1085 HTTP: Fix race in abort/dispatch code (Stefan Rusu)
+<li>#1274 debugger improvement (Yoshihiro Kikuchi)
+<li>#1291 Properly respond to HEAD during end(body) hot path (Reid Burke)
+<li>#1304 TLS: Fix race in abort/connection code (Stefan Rusu)
+<li>#1360 Allow _ in url hostnames.
+<li>Revert 37d529f8 - unbreaks debugger command parsing.
+<li>Bring back global execScript
+<li>Doc improvements</ul>
+Download: <a href=""></a>
+Website: <a href=""></a>
+Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eca36d3ac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/blog/release/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+version: 0.4.11
+title: Node v0.4.11
+author: ryandahl
+date: Thu Aug 18 2011 01:44:42 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-4-11
+2011.08.17, Version 0.4.11 (stable)
+<ul><li><a href="">#738</a> Fix crypto encryption/decryption with Base64. (SAWADA Tadashi)
+<li><a href="">#1202</a> net.createConnection defer DNS lookup error events to next tick (Ben Noordhuis)
+<li><a href="">#1374</a> fix setting ServerResponse.statusCode in writeHead (Trent Mick)
+<li><a href="">#1417</a> Fix http.ClientRequest crashes if end() was called twice
+<li><a href="">#1497</a> querystring: Replace 'in' test with 'hasOwnProperty' (isaacs)
+<li><a href="">#1546</a> http perf improvement
+<li>fix memleak in libeio (Tom Hughes)
+<li>cmake improvements (Tom Hughes)
+<li> fix incorrect sizeof() (Tom Hughes)
+<li>Windows/cygwin: no more GetConsoleTitleW errors on XP (Bert Belder)
+<li>Doc improvements (koichik, Logan Smyth, Ben Noordhuis, Arnout Kazemier)</ul>
+Download: <a href=""></a>
+Website: <a href=""></a>
+Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e9aedd704
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/blog/release/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+version: 0.4.12
+title: Node v0.4.12
+author: ryandahl
+date: Thu Sep 15 2011 17:32:07 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-4-12
+2011.09.15, Version 0.4.12 (stable)
+<li>Improve docs
+<li>#1563 overflow in ChildProcess custom_fd.
+<li>#1569, parse error on multi-line HTTP headers. (Ben Noordhuis)
+<li>#1586 net: Socket write encoding case sensitivity (koichik)
+<li>#1610 Remove DigiNotar CA from trusted list (isaacs)
+<li>#1624 buffer: Avoid overrun with 'binary' encoding. (koichik)
+<li>#1633 buffer: write() should always set _charsWritten. (koichik)
+<li>#1707 hasOwnProperty usage security hole in querystring (isaacs)
+<li>#1719 Drain OpenSSL error queue
+<li>Fix error reporting in net.Server.listen</ul>
+Download: <a href=""></a>
+Website: <a href=""></a>
+Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7672f8493
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/blog/release/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+version: 0.4.3
+title: Node v0.4.3
+author: ryandahl
+date: Fri Mar 18 2011 22:17:59 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-4-3
+2011.03.18, Version 0.4.3 (stable)
+<li> Don't decrease server connection counter again if destroy() is called more than once GH-431 (Andreas Reich, Anders Conbere)
+<li> Documentation improvements (koichik)
+<li> Fix bug with setMaxListeners GH-682
+<li> Start up memory footprint improvement. (Tom Hughes)
+<li> Solaris improvements.
+<li> Buffer::Length(Buffer*) should not invoke itself recursively GH-759 (Ben Noordhuis)
+<li> TLS: Advertise support for client certs GH-774 (Theo Schlossnagle)
+<li> HTTP Agent bugs: GH-787, GH-784, GH-803.
+<li> Don't call GetMemoryUsage every 5 seconds.
+<li> Upgrade V8 to
+<a href="">Announcement</a>
+<a href="">commit</a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c911ccebd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/blog/release/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+version: 0.4.4
+title: Node v0.4.4
+author: ryandahl
+date: Sat Mar 26 2011 08:58:45 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-4-4
+2011.03.26, Version 0.4.4 (stable)
+<li> CryptoStream.end shouldn't throw if not writable GH-820
+<li> Drop out if connection destroyed before connect() GH-819
+<li> expose https.Agent
+<li> Correctly setsid in GH-815
+<li> Bug fix for failed buffer construction
+<li> Added support for removing .once listeners (GH-806)
+<li> Upgrade V8 to</ul>
+Download: <a href=""></a>
+Website: <a href=""></a>
+Documentation: <a href=""></a>
+<a href="">announcement</a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a27c56cc77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/blog/release/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+version: 0.4.5
+title: node v0.4.5
+author: ryandahl
+date: Sat Apr 02 2011 02:04:58 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-4-5
+2011.04.01, Version 0.4.5 (stable)
+<li> Fix listener leak in stream.pipe() (Mikeal Rogers)
+<li> Retain buffers in GH-814 (Jorge Chamorro Bieling)
+<li> TLS performance improvements
+<li> SlowBuffer.prototype.slice bug GH-843
+<li> process.stderr.write should return true
+<li> Immediate pause/resume race condition GH-535 (isaacs)
+<li> Set default host header properly GH-721 (isaacs)
+<li> Upgrade V8 to</ul>
+Download: <a href=""></a>
+Website: <a href=""></a>
+Documentation: <a href=""></a>
+<a href="">announcement</a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e4e887122
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+version: 0.4.6
+title: Node v0.4.6
+author: ryandahl
+date: Thu Apr 14 2011 05:00:30 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-4-6
+2011.04.13, Version 0.4.6 (stable)
+<ul><li> Don't error on ENOTCONN from shutdown() #670
+<li> Auto completion of built-in debugger suggests prefix match rather than partial match. (koichik)
+<li> circular reference in vm modules. #822 (Jakub Lekstan)
+<li> http response.readable should be false after 'end' #867 (Abe Fettig)
+<li> Implemenet os.cpus() and os.uptime() on Solaris (Scott McWhirter)
+<li> fs.ReadStream: Allow omission of end option for range reads #801 (Felix Geisendörfer)
+<li> Buffer.write() with UCS-2 should not be write partial char #916 (koichik)
+<Li> Pass secureProtocol through on tls.Server creation (Theo Schlossnagle)
+<li> TLS use RC4-SHA by default
+<li> Don't strangely drop out of event loop on HTTPS client uploads #892
+<li> Doc improvements
+<li> Upgrade v8 to</ul>
+Download: <a href=""></a>
+Website: <a href=""></a>
+Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38816c8134
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+version: 0.4.7
+title: Node v0.4.7
+author: ryandahl
+date: Sat Apr 23 2011 00:47:55 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-4-7
+2011.04.22, Version 0.4.7 (stable)
+<ul><li> Don't emit error on ECONNRESET from read() #670
+<li> Fix: Multiple pipes to the same stream were broken #929 (Felix Geisendörfer)
+<li> URL parsing/formatting corrections #954 (isaacs)
+<li> make it possible to do repl.start('', stream) (Wade Simmons)
+<li> Add os.loadavg for SunOS (Robert Mustacchi)
+<li> Fix timeouts with floating point numbers #897 (Jorge Chamorro Bieling)
+<li> Improve docs.</ul>
+Download: <a href=""></a>
+Website: <a href=""></a>
+Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b7859edec0
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+version: 0.4.8
+title: Node v0.4.8
+author: ryandahl
+date: Sat May 21 2011 07:06:00 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-4-8
+2011.05.20, Version 0.4.8 (stable)
+* #974 Properly report traceless errors (isaacs)
+* #983 Better JSON.parse error detection in REPL (isaacs)
+* #836 Agent socket errors bubble up to req only if req exists
+* #1041 Fix event listener leak check timing (koichik)
+* #1038 Fix dns.resolve() with 'PTR' throws Error: Unknown type "PTR"
+ (koichik)
+* #1073 Share SSL context between server connections (Fedor Indutny)
+* Disable compression with OpenSSL. Improves memory perf.
+* Implement os.totalmem() and os.freemem() for SunOS (Alexandre Marangone)
+* Fix a special characters in URL regression (isaacs)
+* Fix idle timeouts in HTTPS (Felix Geisendörfer)
+* SlowBuffer.write() with 'ucs2' throws ReferenceError. (koichik)
+* http.ServerRequest 'close' sometimes gets an error argument
+ (Felix Geisendörfer)
+* Doc improvements
+* cleartextstream.destroy() should close(2) the socket. Previously was being
+ mapped to a shutdown(2) syscall.
+* No longer compile out asserts and debug statements in normal build.
+* Debugger improvements.
+* Upgrade V8 to
+Website: <a href=""></a>
+Download: <a href=""></a>
+Documentation: <a href=""></a>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e2eccf2e0c
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+version: 0.4.9
+title: Node v0.4.9
+author: ryandahl
+date: Wed Jun 29 2011 11:41:05 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-4-9
+2011.06.29, Version 0.4.9 (stable)<ul>
+<li> Improve documentation
+<li> #1095 error handling bug in stream.pipe() (Felix Geisendörfer)
+<li> #1097 Fix a few leaks in (Ben Noordhuis)
+<li> #562 #1078 Parse file:// urls properly (Ryan Petrello)
+<li> #880 Option to disable SSLv2 (Jérémy Lal)
+<li> #1087 Disabling SSL compression disabled with early OpenSSLs.
+<li> #1144 debugger: don't allow users to input non-valid commands (Siddharth Mahendraker)
+<li> Perf improvement for util.inherits
+<li> #1166 Support for signature verification with RSA/DSA public keys (Mark Cavage)
+<li> #1177 Remove node_modules lookup optimization to better support nested project structures (Mathias Buus)
+<li> #1203 Add missing scope.Close to fs.sendfileSync
+<li> #1187 Support multiple 'link' headers
+<li> #1196 Fix -e/--eval can't load module from node_modules (Koichi Kobayashi)
+<li> Upgrade V8 to, upgrade http-parser.</ul>
+Download: <a href=""></a>
+Website: <a href=""></a>
+Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..883b9a7f31
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+version: 0.5.0
+title: Node v0.5.0 (Unstable)
+author: ryandahl
+date: Wed Jul 06 2011 02:23:17 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-5-0-unstable
+2011.07.05, Version 0.5.0 (unstable)
+<li> New non-default libuv backend to support IOCP on Windows. Use <code>--use-uv</code> to enable.
+<li> deprecate
+<li> docs improved.
+<li> add child_process.fork
+<li> add fs.utimes() and fs.futimes() support (Ben Noordhuis)
+<li> add process.uptime() (Tom Huges)
+<li> add path.relative (Tony Huang)
+<li> add os.getNetworkInterfaces()
+<li> add remoteAddress and remotePort for client TCP connections (Brian White)
+<li> add secureOptions flag, setting ciphers, SSL_OP_CRYPTOPRO_TLSEXT_BUG to TLS (Theo Schlossnagle)
+<li> add process.arch (Nathan Rajlich)
+<li> add reading/writing of floats and doubles from/to buffers (Brian White)
+<li> Allow script to be read from stdin
+<li> #477 add Buffer::fill method to do memset (Konstantin Käfer)
+<li> #573 Diffie-Hellman support to crypto module (Håvard Stranden)
+<li> #695 add 'hex' encoding to buffer (isaacs)
+<li> #851 Update how REPLServer uses contexts (Ben Weaver)
+<li> #853 add fs.lchow, fs.lchmod, fs.fchmod, fs.fchown (isaacs)
+<li> #889 Allow to remove all EventEmitter listeners at once (Felix Geisendörfer)
+<li> #926 OpenSSL NPN support (Fedor Indutny)
+<li> #955 Change ^C handling in REPL (isaacs)
+<li> #979 add support for Unix Domain Sockets to HTTP (Mark Cavage)
+<li> #1173 #1170 add AMD, asynchronous module definition (isaacs)
+<li> DTrace probes: support X-Forwarded-For (Dave Pacheco) </ul>
+Download: <a href=""></a>
+Website: <a href=""></a>
+Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f9799d40bc
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+version: 0.5.1
+title: Node v0.5.1
+author: ryandahl
+date: Thu Jul 14 2011 23:48:08 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-5-1
+2011.07.14, Version 0.5.1 (unstable)
+<ul><li> #1233 Fix os.totalmem on FreeBSD amd64 (Artem Zaytsev)
+<li> #1149 IDNA and Punycode support in url.parse (Jeremy Selier, Ben Noordhuis, isaacs)
+<li> Export $CC and $CXX to uv and V8's build systems
+<li> Include pthread-win32 static libraries in build (Igor Zinkovsky)
+<li> #1199, #1094 Fix fs can't handle large file on 64bit platform (koichik)
+<li> #1281 Make require a public member of module (isaacs)
+<li> #1303 Stream.pipe returns the destination (Elijah Insua)
+<li> #1229 Addons should not -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 (Brian White)
+<li> libuv backend improvements
+<li> Upgrade V8 to 3.4.10</ul>
+Download: <a href=""></a>
+Windows Build: <a href=""></a>
+Documentation: <a href=""></a>
+Website: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..47fb926427
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+version: 0.5.10
+title: Node v0.5.10
+author: ryandahl
+date: Fri Oct 21 2011 19:12:31 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-5-10
+2011.10.21, Version 0.5.10 (unstable)
+<ul><li>Remove cmake build system, support for Cygwin, legacy code base, process.ENV, process.ARGV, process.memoryUsage().vsize, os.openOSHandle</li>
+<li>Documentation improvments (Igor Zinkovsky, Bert Belder, Ilya Dmitrichenko, koichik, Maciej Małecki, Guglielmo Ferri, isaacs)</li>
+<li>Performance improvements (Daniel Ennis, Bert Belder, Ben Noordhuis) </li>
+<li>Long process.title support (Ben Noordhuis)</li>
+<li>net: register net.Server callback only once (Simen Brekken)</li>
+<li>net: fix connect queue bugs (Ben Noordhuis)</li>
+<li>debugger: fix backtrace err handling (Fedor Indutny)</li>
+<li>Use getaddrinfo instead of c-ares for dns.lookup</li>
+<li>Emit 'end' from crypto streams on close</li>
+<li>repl: print out `undefined` (Nathan Rajlich)</li>
+<li>#1902 buffer: use NO_NULL_TERMINATION flag (koichik)</li>
+<li>#1907 http: Added support for HTTP PATCH verb (Thomas Parslow)</li>
+<li>#1644 add GetCPUInfo on windows (Karl Skomski)</li>
+<li>#1484, #1834, #1482, #771 Don't use a separate context for the repl. (isaacs)</li>
+<li>#1882 zlib Update 'availOutBefore' value, and test (isaacs)</li>
+<li>#1888 child_process.fork: don't modify args (koichik)</li>
+<li>#1516 tls: requestCert unusable with Firefox and Chrome (koichik)</li>
+<li>#1467 tls: The TLS API is inconsistent with the TCP API (koichik)</li>
+<li>#1894 net: fix error handling in listen() (koichik)</li>
+<li>#1860 console.error now goes through uv_tty_t</li>
+<li>Upgrade V8 to 3.7.0</li>
+<li>Upgrade GYP to r1081</li></ul>
+Download: <a href=""></a>
+Windows Executable: <a href=""></a>
+Website: <a href=""></a>
+Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
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index 0000000000..c44690f346
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+version: 0.5.2
+title: Node v0.5.2
+author: ryandahl
+date: Fri Jul 22 2011 11:40:22 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-5-2
+2011.07.22, Version 0.5.2 (unstable)
+<ul><li>libuv improvements; named pipe support
+<li>#1242 check for SSL_COMP_get_compression_methods() (Ben Noordhuis)
+<li>#1348 remove require.paths (isaacs)
+<li>#1349 Delimit NODE_PATH with ; on Windows (isaacs)
+<li>#1335 Remove EventEmitter from C++
+<li>#1357 Load json files with require() (isaacs)
+<li>#1374 fix setting ServerResponse.statusCode in writeHead (Trent Mick)
+<li>Fixed: GC was being run too often.
+<li>Upgrade V8 to 3.4.14
+<li>doc improvements</ul>
+Download: <a href=""></a>
+Windows Executable: <a href=""></a>
+Website: <a href=""></a>
+Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f84a955f55
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+version: 0.5.3
+title: Node v0.5.3
+author: ryandahl
+date: Tue Aug 02 2011 08:03:06 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-5-3
+2011.08.01, Version 0.5.3 (unstable)
+<ul><li>Fix crypto encryption/decryption with Base64. (SAWADA Tadashi)
+<li>#243 Add an optional length argument to Buffer.write() (koichik)
+<li>#657 convert nonbuffer data to string in fs.writeFile/Sync (Daniel Pihlström)
+<li>Add process.features, remove process.useUV (Ben Noordhuis)
+<li>#324 Fix crypto hmac to accept binary keys + add test cases from rfc 2202 and 4231 (Stefan Bühler)
+<li>Add Socket::bytesRead, Socket::bytesWritten (Alexander Uvarov)
+<li>#572 Don't print result of --eval in CLI (Ben Noordhuis)
+<li>#1223 Fix http.ClientRequest crashes if end() was called twice (koichik)
+<li>#1383 Emit 'close' after all connections have closed (Felix Geisendörfer)
+<li>Add sprintf-like util.format() function (Ben Noordhuis)
+<li>Add support for TLS SNI (Fedor Indutny)
+<li>New http agent implementation. Off by default the command line flag <code>--use-http2</code> will enable it. <code>make test-http2</code> will run the tests for the new implementation. (Mikeal Rogers)
+<li>Revert AMD compatibility. (isaacs)
+<li>Windows: improvements, child_process support.
+<li>Remove pkg-config file.
+<li>Fix startup time regressions.
+<li>doc improvements</ul>
+Download: <a href=""></a>
+Windows Executable: <a href=""></a>
+Website: <a href=""></a>
+Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2dd02e12ad
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+version: 0.5.4
+title: Node v0.5.4
+author: ryandahl
+date: Fri Aug 12 2011 08:38:26 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-5-4
+2011.08.12, Version 0.5.4 (unstable)
+<ul><li>libuv/Windows compatibility improvements
+<li>Build on Microsoft Visual Studio via GYP. Use generate-projects.bat in the to build sln files. (Peter Bright, Igor Zinkovsky)
+<li>Make Mikeal's HTTP agent client the default. Use old HTTP client with <code>--use-http1</code>
+<li>Fixes https host header default port handling. (Mikeal Rogers)
+<li>#1440 strip byte order marker when loading *.js and *.json files (Ben Noordhuis)
+<li>#1434 Improve util.format() compatibility with browser. (Koichi Kobayashi)
+<li>Provide unchecked uint entry points for integer methods. (Robert Mustacchi)
+<li>CMake improvements (Tom Huges)
+<li>Upgrade V8 to 3.5.4.</ul>
+Download: <a href=""></a>
+Windows Executable: <a href=""></a>
+Website: <a href=""></a>
+Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..886fac90ef
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+version: 0.5.5
+title: Node v0.5.5
+author: bennoordhuis
+date: Fri Aug 26 2011 23:20:10 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-5-5
+<p>2011.08.26, Version 0.5.5 (unstable)</p>
+<li>typed arrays, implementation from Plesk
+<li>fix IP multicast on SunOS
+<li>fix DNS lookup order: IPv4 first, IPv6 second (--use-uv only)
+<li>remove support for UNIX datagram sockets (--use-uv only)
+<li>UDP support for Windows (Bert Belder)
+<li>#1572 improve tab completion for objects in the REPL (Nathan Rajlich)
+<li>#1563 fix buffer overflow in child_process module (reported by Dean McNamee)
+<li>#1546 fix performance regression in http module (reported by Brian Geffon)
+<li>#1491 add PBKDF2 crypto support (Glen Low)
+<li>#1447 remove deprecated function (Mikeal Rogers)
+<li>#1140 fix incorrect dispatch of vm.runInContext's filename argument<br />
+ (Antranig Basman)</p>
+<li>#1140 document vm.runInContext() and vm.createContext() (Antranig Basman)
+<li>#1428 fix os.freemem() on 64 bits freebsd (Artem Zaytsev)
+<li>#1164 make all DNS lookups async, fixes uncatchable exceptions<br />
+ (Koichi Kobayashi)</p>
+<li>fix incorrect ssl shutdown check (Tom Hughes)
+<li>various cmake fixes (Tom Hughes)
+<li>improved documentation (Koichi Kobayashi, Logan Smyth, Fedor Indutny,<br />
+ Mikeal Rogers, Maciej Małecki, Antranig Basman, Mickaël Delahaye)</p>
+<li>upgrade libuv to commit 835782a
+<li>upgrade V8 to 3.5.8
+<p>Download: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Windows Executable: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Website: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Documentation: <a href=""></a></p>
+<br /><br />
+<b>Update:</b> The <code>.exe</code> has a bug that results in incompatibility with Windows XP and Server 2003. This has been reported in <a href="">issue #1592</a> and fixed. A new binary was made that is compatibile with the older Windows: <a href=""></a>.
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
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+version: 0.5.6
+title: Node v0.5.6 (unstable)
+author: piscisaureus
+date: Fri Sep 09 2011 16:30:39 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-5-6
+2011.09.08, Version 0.5.6 (unstable)
+ <li>#345, #1635, #1648 Documentation improvements (Thomas Shinnick, Abimanyu Raja, AJ ONeal, Koichi Kobayashi, Michael Jackson, Logan Smyth, Ben Noordhuis)</li>
+ <li>#650 Improve path parsing on windows (Bert Belder)</li>
+ <li>#752 Remove headers sent check in OutgoingMessage.getHeader() (Peter Lyons)</li>
+ <li>#1236, #1438, #1506, #1513, #1621, #1640, #1647 Libuv-related bugs fixed (Jorge Chamorro Bieling, Peter Bright, Luis Lavena, Igor Zinkovsky)</li>
+ <li>#1296, #1612 crypto: Fix BIO's usage. (Koichi Kobayashi)</li>
+ <li>#1345 Correctly set socket.remoteAddress with libuv backend (Bert Belder)</li>
+ <li>#1429 Don't clobber quick edit mode on windows (Peter Bright)</li>
+ <li>#1503 Make libuv backend default on unix, override with `node --use-legacy`</li>
+ <li>#1565 Fix fs.stat for paths ending with \ on windows (Igor Zinkovsky)</li>
+ <li>#1568 Fix x509 certificate subject parsing (Koichi Kobayashi)</li>
+ <li>#1586 Make socket write encoding case-insensitive (Koichi Kobayashi)</li>
+ <li>#1591, #1656, #1657 Implement fs in libuv, remove libeio and pthread-win32 dependency on windows (Igor Zinkovsky, Ben Noordhuis, Ryan Dahl, Isaac Schlueter)</li>
+ <li>#1592 Don't load-time link against CreateSymbolicLink on windows (Peter Bright)</li>
+ <li>#1601 Improve API consistency when dealing with the socket underlying a HTTP client request (Mikeal Rogers)</li>
+ <li>#1610 Remove DigiNotar CA from trusted list (Isaac Schlueter)</li>
+ <li>#1617 Added some win32 os functions (Karl Skomski)</li>
+ <li>#1624 avoid buffer overrun with 'binary' encoding (Koichi Kobayashi)</li>
+ <li>#1633 make Buffer.write() always set _charsWritten (Koichi Kobayashi)</li>
+ <li>#1644 Windows: set executables to be console programs (Peter Bright)</li>
+ <li>#1651 improve inspection for sparse array (Koichi Kobayashi)</li>
+ <li>#1672 set .code='ECONNRESET' on socket hang up errors (Ben Noordhuis)</li>
+ <li>Add test case for foaf+ssl client certificate (Niclas Hoyer)</li>
+ <li>Added RPATH environment variable to override run-time library paths (Ashok Mudukutore)</li>
+ <li>Added TLS client-side session resumption support (Sean Cunningham)</li>
+ <li>Added additional properties to getPeerCertificate (Nathan Rixham, Niclas Hoyer)</li>
+ <li>Don't eval repl command twice when an error is thrown (Nathan Rajlich)</li>
+ <li>Improve util.isDate() (Nathan Rajlich)</li>
+ <li>Improvements in libuv backend and bindings, upgrade libuv to bd6066cb349a9b3a1b0d87b146ddaee06db31d10</li>
+ <li>Show warning when using lib/sys.js (Maciej Malecki)</li>
+ <li>Support plus sign in url protocol (Maciej Malecki)</li>
+ <li>Upgrade V8 to 3.6.2</li>
+Download: <a href=""></a>
+Windows Executable: <a href=""></a>
+Website: <a href=""></a>
+Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
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+version: 0.5.7
+title: Node v0.5.7 (unstable)
+author: ryandahl
+date: Fri Sep 16 2011 18:57:03 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-5-7-unstable
+2011.09.16, Version 0.5.7 (unstable)
+<li>Upgrade V8 to 3.6.4
+<li>Improve Windows compatibility
+<li>Documentation improvements
+<li>Debugger and REPL improvements (Fedor Indutny)
+<li>Add legacy API support: net.Stream(fd), process.stdout.writable, process.stdout.fd
+<li>Fix mkdir EEXIST handling (isaacs)
+<li>Use net_uv instead of net_legacy for stdio
+<li>Do not load readline from util.inspect
+<li>#1673 Fix bug related to V8 context with accessors (Fedor Indutny)
+<li>#1634 util: Fix inspection for Error (koichik)
+<li>#1645 fs: Add positioned file writing feature to fs.WriteStream (Thomas Shinnick)
+<li>#1637 fs: Unguarded fs.watchFile cache statWatchers checking fixed (Thomas Shinnick)
+<li>#1695 Forward customFds to ChildProcess.spawn
+<li>#1707 Fix hasOwnProperty security problem in querystring (isaacs)
+<li>#1719 Drain OpenSSL error queue</ul>
+Download: <a href=""></a>
+Windows Executable: <a href=""></a>
+Website: <a href=""></a>
+Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f0fc146c3
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+version: 0.5.8
+title: Node v0.5.8
+author: ryandahl
+date: Fri Sep 30 2011 16:47:11 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-5-8
+2011.09.30, Version 0.5.8 (unstable)<ul><li>zlib bindings (isaacs)
+<li>Windows supports TTY ANSI escape codes (Bert Belder)
+<li>Debugger improvements (Fedor Indutny)
+<li>crypto: look up SSL errors with ERR_print_errors() (Ben Noordhuis)
+<li>dns callbacks go through MakeCallback now
+<li>Raise an error when a malformed package.json file is found. (Ben Leslie)
+<li>buffers: handle bad length argument in constructor (Ben Noordhuis)
+<li>#1726, unref process.stdout
+<li>Doc improvements (Ben Noordhuis, Fedor Indutny, koichik)
+<li>Upgrade libuv to fe18438</ul>
+Download: <a href=""></a>
+Windows Executable: <a href=""></a>
+Website: <a href=""></a>
+Documentation: <a href=""></a>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e361bcc4f
--- /dev/null
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+version: 0.5.9
+title: Node v0.5.9
+author: ryandahl
+date: Mon Oct 10 2011 19:06:21 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-5-9
+2011.10.10, Version 0.5.9 (unstable)
+<ul><li> interface backed by kqueue, inotify, and ReadDirectoryChangesW (Igor Zinkovsky, Ben Noordhuis)</li>
+<li>add dns.resolveTxt (Christian Tellnes)</li>
+<li>Remove legacy http library (Ben Noordhuis)</li>
+<li>child_process.fork returns and works on Windows. Allows passing handles. (Igor Zinkovsky, Bert Belder)</li>
+<li>#1774 Lint and clean up for --harmony_block_scoping (Tyler Larson, Colton Baker)</li>
+<li>#1813 Fix ctrl+c on Windows (Bert Belder)</li>
+<li>#1844 unbreak --use-legacy (Ben Noordhuis)</li>
+<li>process.stderr now goes through libuv. Both process.stdout and process.stderr are blocking when referencing a TTY.</li>
+<li>net_uv performance improvements (Ben Noordhuis, Bert Belder)</li></ul>
+Download: <a href=""></a>
+Windows Executable: <a href=""></a>
+Website: <a href=""></a>
+Documentation: <a href=""></a>
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index 0000000000..ea0e71373b
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+version: 0.6.0
+title: Node v0.6.0
+author: ryandahl
+date: Sat Nov 05 2011 02:07:10 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-6-0
+We are happy to announce the third stable branch of Node v0.6. We will be freezing JavaScript, C++, and binary interfaces for all v0.6 releases.
+The major differences between v0.4 and v0.6 are<ul>
+<li>Native Windows support using I/O Completion Ports for sockets.
+<li>Integrated load balancing over multiple processes. <a href="">docs</a>
+<li>Better support for IPC between Node instances <a href="">docs</a>
+<li>Improved command line debugger <a href="">docs</a>
+<li>Built-in binding to zlib for compression <a href="">docs</a>
+<li>Upgrade v8 from 3.1 to 3.6</ul>
+In order to support Windows we reworked much of the core architecture. There was some fear that our work would degrade performance on UNIX systems but this was not the case. Here is a Linux system we benched for demonstration:
+<table><tr> <th></th> <th>v0.4.12 (linux)</th><th>v0.6.0 (linux)</th></tr>
+<tr> <td>http_simple.js /bytes/1024</td> <td>5461 r/s</td> <td>6263 r/s</td> </tr>
+<tr> <td>io.js read </td> <td>19.75 mB/s</td> <td>26.63 mB/s</td> </tr>
+<tr> <td>io.js write </td> <td>21.60 mB/s</td> <td>17.40 mB/s</td> </tr>
+<tr> <td>startup.js </td> <td>74.7 ms</td> <td>49.6 ms</td> </tr></table>
+Bigger is better in http and io benchmarks, smaller is better in startup. The http benchmark was done with 600 clients on a 10GE network served from three load generation machines.
+In the last version of Node, v0.4, we could only run Node on Windows with Cygwin. Therefore we've gotten massive improvements by targeting the native APIs. Benchmarks on the same machine:
+<table><tr><th></th><th>v0.4.12 (windows)</th><th>v0.6.0 (windows)</th></tr>
+<tr> <td>http_simple.js /bytes/1024</td> <td>3858 r/s</td> <td>5823 r/s</td> </tr>
+<tr> <td>io.js read </td> <td>12.41 mB/s</td> <td>26.51 mB/s</td> </tr>
+<tr> <td>io.js write </td> <td>12.61 mB/s</td> <td>33.58 mB/s</td> </tr>
+<tr> <td>startup.js </td> <td>152.81 ms</td> <td>52.04 ms</td> </tr></table>
+We consider this a good intermediate stage for the Windows port. There is still work to be done. For example, we are not yet providing users with a blessed path for building addon modules in MS Visual Studio. Work will continue in later releases.
+For users upgrading code bases from v0.4 to v0.6 <a href="">we've documented</a> most of the issues that you will run into. Most people find the change painless. Despite the long list of changes most core APIs remain untouched.
+Our release cycle will be tightened dramatically now. Expect to see a new stable branch in January. We wish to eventually have our releases in sync with Chrome and V8's 6 week cycle.
+Thank you to everyone who contributed code, tests, docs, or sent in bug reports.
+Here are the changes between v0.5.12 and v0.6.0:
+2011.11.04, Version 0.6.0 (stable)
+<ul><li>print undefined on undefined values in REPL (Nathan Rajlich)</li>
+<li>doc improvements (koichik, seebees, bnoordhuis, Maciej Małecki, Jacob Kragh)</li>
+<li>support native addon loading in windows (Bert Belder)</li>
+<li>rename getNetworkInterfaces() to networkInterfaces() (bnoordhuis)</li>
+<li>add pending accepts knob for windows (igorzi)</li>
+<li>http.request(url.parse(x)) (seebees)</li>
+<li>#1929 zlib Respond to 'resume' events properly (isaacs)</li>
+<li>stream.pipe: Remove resume and pause events</li>
+<li>test fixes for windows (igorzi)</li>
+<li>build system improvements (bnoordhuis)</li>
+<li>#1936 tls: does not emit 'end' from EncryptedStream (koichik)</li>
+<li>#758 tls: add address(), remoteAddress/remotePort</li>
+<li>#1399 http: emit Error object after .abort() (bnoordhuis)</li>
+<li>#1999 fs: make mkdir() default to 0777 permissions (bnoordhuis)</li>
+<li>#2001 fix pipe error codes</li>
+<li>#2002 Socket.write should reset timeout timer</li>
+<li>stdout and stderr are blocking when associated with file too.</li>
+<li>remote debugger support on windows (Bert Belder)</li>
+<li>convenience methods for zlib (Matt Robenolt)</li>
+<li>process.kill support on windows (igorzi)</li>
+<li>process.uptime() support on windows (igorzi)</li>
+<li>Return IPv4 addresses before IPv6 addresses from getaddrinfo</li>
+<li>util.inspect improvements (Nathan Rajlich)</li>
+<li>cluster module api changes</li>
+<li>Downgrade V8 to</li></ul>
+Download: <a href=""></a>
+Windows Executable: <a href=""></a>
+Website: <a href=""></a>
+Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..14a0db4952
--- /dev/null
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+version: 0.6.1
+title: Node v0.6.1
+author: ryandahl
+date: Fri Nov 11 2011 15:34:15 GMT-0800 (PST)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-6-1
+2011.11.11, Version 0.6.1 (stable)
+<ul><li>doc improvements (Eric Lovett, Ben Noordhuis, Scott Anderson, Yoji SHIDARA)</li>
+<li>crypto: make thread-safe (Ben Noordhuis)</li>
+<li>fix process.kill error object</li>
+<li>debugger: correctly handle source with multi-byte characters (Shigeki Ohtsu)</li>
+<li>make stdout and stderr non-destroyable (Igor Zinkovsky)</li>
+<li>fs: don't close uninitialized handle (Ben Noordhuis)</li>
+<li>#2026 fix man page install on BSDs (Ben Noordhuis)</li>
+<li>#2040 fix unrecognized errno assert in uv_err_name</li>
+<li>#2043 fs: mkdir() should call callback if mode is omitted</li>
+<li>#2045 fs: fix fs.realpath on windows to return on error (Benjamin Pasero)</li>
+<li>#2047 minor cluster improvements</li>
+<li>#2052 readline get window columns correctly</li>
+<li>Upgrade V8 to</li></ul>
+Source Code: <a href=""></a>
+Windows Installer: <a href=""></a>
+Macintosh Installer: <a href=""></a>
+Website: <a href=""></a>
+Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a0ca4e4a37
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+version: 0.6.10
+title: Node v0.6.10
+author: Isaac Schlueter
+date: Thu Feb 02 2012 17:22:03 GMT-0800 (PST)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-6-10
+<p>2012.02.02, Version 0.6.10 (stable)</p>
+<li><p>Update V8 to</p></li>
+<li><p>Add npm msysgit bash shim to msi installer (isaacs)</p></li>
+<li><p>buffers: fix intermittent out of bounds error (Ben Noordhuis)</p></li>
+<li><p>buffers: honor length argument in base64 decoder (Ben Noordhuis)</p></li>
+<li><p>windows: Fix path.exists regression (Bert Belder)</p></li>
+<li><p>Make QueryString.parse run faster (Philip Tellis)</p></li>
+<li><p>http: avoid freeing http-parser objects too early (koichik)</p></li>
+<li><p>timers: add v0.4 compatibility hack (Ben Noordhuis)</p></li>
+<li><p>Proper EPERM error code support (Igor Zinkovsky, Brandon Philips)</p></li>
+<li><p>dgram: Implement udp multicast methods on windows (Bert Belder)</p></li>
+</ul><p>Source Code: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Windows Installer: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Macintosh Installer: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Website: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Documentation: <a href=""></a></p>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b405268bc7
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+version: 0.6.2
+title: Node v0.6.2
+author: bennoordhuis
+date: Fri Nov 18 2011 15:35:32 GMT-0800 (PST)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-6-2
+<p>2011.11.18, Version 0.6.2 (stable)</p>
+<li>doc improvements (Artur Adib, Trevor Burnham, Ryan Emery, Trent Mick)</li>
+<li>timers: remember extra setTimeout() arguments when timeout==0</li>
+<li>punycode: use Mathias Bynens's punycode library, it's more compliant</li>
+<li>repl: improved tab completion (Ryan Emery)</li>
+<li>buffer: fix range checks in .writeInt() functions (Lukasz Walukiewicz)</li>
+<li>tls: make cipher list configurable</li>
+<li>addons: make Buffer and ObjectWrap visible to Windows add-ons (Bert Belder)</li>
+<li>crypto: add PKCS#1 a.k.a RSA public key verification support</li>
+<li>windows: fix stdout writes when redirected to nul</li>
+<li>sunos: fix build on Solaris and Illumos</li>
+<li>Upgrade V8 to</li>
+<p>Source Code: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Windows Installer: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Macintosh Installer: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Website: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Documentation: <a href=""></a></p>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
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+version: 0.6.3
+title: Node v0.6.3
+author: piscisaureus
+date: Fri Nov 25 2011 02:54:08 GMT-0800 (PST)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-6-3
+2011.11.25, Version 0.6.3 (stable)
+ <li>#2083 Land NPM in Node. It is included in packages/installers and installed on `make install`.</li>
+ <li>#2076 Add logos to windows installer.</li>
+ <li>#1711 Correctly handle http requests without headers. (Ben Noordhuis, Felix Geisendörfer)</li>
+ <li>TLS: expose more openssl SSL context options and constants. (Ben Noordhuis)</li>
+ <li>#2177 Windows: don't kill UDP socket when a packet fails to reach its destination. (Bert Belder)</li>
+ <li>Windows: support paths longer than 260 characters. (Igor Zinkovsky)</li>
+ <li>Windows: correctly resolve drive-relative paths. (Bert Belder)</li>
+ <li>#2166 Don't leave file descriptor open after lchmod. (Isaac Schlueter)</li>
+ <li>#2084 Add OS X .pkg build script to make file.</li>
+ <li>#2160 Documentation improvements. (Ben Noordhuis)</li>
+Source Code: <a href=""></a>
+Windows Installer: <a href=""></a>
+Macintosh Installer: <a href=""></a>
+Website: <a href=""></a>
+Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f99f15fc59
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+version: 0.6.4
+title: Node v0.6.4
+author: bennoordhuis
+date: Thu Dec 01 2011 18:20:14 GMT-0800 (PST)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-6-4
+2011.12.02, Version 0.6.4 (stable)
+<li>doc improvements (Kyle Young, Tim Oxley, Roman Shtylman, Mathias Bynens)</li>
+<li>upgrade bundled npm (Isaac Schlueter)</li>
+<li>polish Windows installer (Igor Zinkovsky, Isaac Schlueter)</li>
+<li>punycode: upgrade to v0.2.1 (Mathias Bynens)</li>
+<li>build: add --without-npm flag to configure script</li>
+<li>sys: deprecate module some more, print stack trace if NODE_DEBUG=sys</li>
+<li>cli: add -p switch, prints result of --eval</li>
+<li>#1997: fix Blowfish ECB encryption and decryption (Ingmar Runge)</li>
+<li>#2223: fix socket 'close' event being emitted twice</li>
+<li>#2224: fix RSS memory usage &gt; 4 GB reporting (Russ Bradberry)</li>
+<li>#2225: fix util.inspect() object stringification bug (Nathan Rajlich)</li>
+Source Code: <a href=""></a>
+Windows Installer: <a href=""></a>
+Macintosh Installer: <a href=""></a>
+Website: <a href=""></a>
+Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..832da74148
--- /dev/null
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+version: 0.6.5
+title: Node v0.6.5
+author: ryandahl
+date: Sun Dec 04 2011 00:59:57 GMT-0800 (PST)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-6-5
+2011.12.04, Version 0.6.5 (stable)
+<ul><li>npm workaround Windows antivirus software (isaacs)
+<li>Upgrade V8 to</ul>
+Source Code: <a href=""></a>
+Windows Installer: <a href=""></a>
+Macintosh Installer: <a href=""></a>
+Website: <a href=""></a>
+Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c52169a15a
--- /dev/null
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+version: 0.6.6
+title: Node v0.6.6
+author: Isaac Schlueter
+date: Thu Dec 15 2011 11:07:57 GMT-0800 (PST)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-6-6
+2011.12.14, Version 0.6.6 (stable)
+<li>npm update to 1.1.0-beta-4 (Isaac Z. Schlueter)</li>
+<li>cli: fix output of --help (Ben Noordhuis)</li>
+<li>new website</li>
+<li>pause/resume semantics for stdin (Isaac Z. Schlueter)</li>
+<li>Travis CI integration (Maciej Małecki)</li>
+<li>child_process: Fix bug regarding closed stdin (Ben Noordhuis)</li>
+<li>Enable upgrades in MSI. (Igor Zinkovsky)</li>
+<li>net: Fixes memory leak (Ben Noordhuis)</li>
+<li>fs: handle fractional or NaN ReadStream buffer size (Ben Noordhuis)</li>
+<li>crypto: fix memory leaks in PBKDF2 error path (Ben Noordhuis)</li>
+Source Code: <a href=""></a>
+Windows Installer: <a href=""></a>
+Macintosh Installer: <a href=""></a>
+Website: <a href=""></a>
+Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0346f51c0c
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+version: 0.6.7
+title: Node v0.6.7
+author: Isaac Schlueter
+date: Fri Jan 06 2012 17:54:49 GMT-0800 (PST)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-6-7
+<p>2012.01.06, Version 0.6.7 (stable)</p>
+<li><p>V8 hash collision fix (Breaks MIPS) (Bert Belder, Erik Corry)</p></li>
+<li><p>Upgrade V8 to</p></li>
+<li><p>Upgrade npm to 1.1.0-beta-10 (isaacs)</p></li>
+<li><p>many doc updates (Ben Noordhuis, Jeremy Martin, koichik, Dave Irvine,
+Seong-Rak Choi, Shannen, Adam Malcontenti-Wilson, koichik)</p></li>
+<li><p>Fix segfault in <code></code></p></li>
+<li><p>dgram, timers: fix memory leaks (Ben Noordhuis, Yoshihiro Kikuchi)</p></li>
+<li><p>repl: fix repl.start not passing the <code>ignoreUndefined</code> arg (Damon Oehlman)</p></li>
+<li><p>#1980: Socket.pause null reference when called on a closed Stream (koichik)</p></li>
+<li><p>#2263: XMLHttpRequest piped in a writable file stream hang (koichik)</p></li>
+<li><p>#2069: http resource leak (koichik)</p></li>
+<li><p>buffer.readInt global pollution fix (Phil Sung)</p></li>
+<li><p>timers: fix performance regression (Ben Noordhuis)</p></li>
+<li><p>#2308, #2246: node swallows openssl error on request (koichik)</p></li>
+<li><p>#2114: timers: remove _idleTimeout from item in .unenroll() (James Hartig)</p></li>
+<li><p>#2379: debugger: Request backtrace w/o refs (Fedor Indutny)</p></li>
+<li><p>simple DTrace ustack helper (Dave Pacheco)</p></li>
+<li><p>crypto: rewrite HexDecode without snprintf (Roman Shtylman)</p></li>
+<li><p>crypto: don&#8217;t ignore DH init errors (Ben Noordhuis)</p></li>
+<p>Source Code: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Windows Installer: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Macintosh Installer: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Website: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Documentation: <a href=""></a></p>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..55de31eb6b
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+version: 0.6.8
+title: Node v0.6.8
+author: Isaac Schlueter
+date: Thu Jan 19 2012 19:59:53 GMT-0800 (PST)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-6-8
+<p>2012.01.19, Version 0.6.8 (stable)</p>
+<li><p>Update V8 to</p></li>
+<li><p>Numeric key hash collision fix for V8 (Erik Corry, Fedor Indutny)</p></li>
+<li><p>Add missing TTY key translations for F1-F5 on Windows (Brandon Benvie)</p></li>
+<li><p>path.extname bugfix with . and .. paths (Bert Belder)</p></li>
+<li><p>cluster: don't always kill the master on uncaughtException (Ben Noordhuis)</p></li>
+<li><p>Update npm to 1.1.0-2 (isaacs)</p></li>
+<li><p>typed arrays: set class name (Ben Noordhuis)</p></li>
+<li><p>zlib binding cleanup (isaacs, Bert Belder)</p></li>
+<li><p>dgram: use slab memory allocator (Michael Bernstein)</p></li>
+<li><p>fix segfault #2473</p></li>
+<li><p>#2521 60% improvement in fs.stat on Windows (Igor Zinkovsky)</p></li>
+</ul><p>Source Code: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Windows Installer: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Macintosh Installer: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Website: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Documentation: <a href=""></a></p>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05d992febd
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+version: 0.6.9
+title: Node v0.6.9
+author: Isaac Schlueter
+date: Fri Jan 27 2012 16:58:18 GMT-0800 (PST)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-6-9
+<p>2012.01.27, Version 0.6.9 (stable)</p>
+<p>dgram: Bring back missing functionality for Unix (Dan VerWeire,
+Roman Shtylman, Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<p>- Note: Windows UDP support not yet complete.</p></li>
+<li><p>http: Fix parser memory leak (koichik)</p></li>
+<li><p>zlib: Fix #2365 crashes on invalid input (Nicolas LaCasse)</p></li>
+<li><p>module: fix --debug-brk on symlinked scripts (Fedor Indutny)</p></li>
+<li><p>Documentation Restyling (Matthew Fitzsimmons)</p></li>
+<li><p>Update npm to 1.1.0-3 (isaacs)</p></li>
+<li><p>Windows: fix regression in stat() calls to C:\ (Bert Belder)</p></li>
+</ul><p>Source Code: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Windows Installer: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Macintosh Installer: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Website: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Documentation: <a href=""></a></p>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3036b9228f
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+version: 0.7.0
+title: Node v0.7.0 (Unstable)
+author: ryandahl
+date: Mon Jan 16 2012 19:58:28 GMT-0800 (PST)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-7-0-unstable
+<strong>This is the first release in the unstable v0.7 series. Almost all users will want to remain using the stable v0.6 releases.</strong>
+2012.01.16, Version 0.7.0 (unstable)
+<li>Upgrade V8 to 3.8.6
+<li>Use GYP build system on unix (Ben Noordhuis)
+<li>Experimenetal isolates support (Ben Noordhuis)
+<li>Improvements to Cluster API (Andreas Madsen)
+<li>Use isolates for internal debugger (Fedor Indutny)
+<li>Bug fixes</ul>
+Source Code: <a href=""></a>
+Windows Installer: <a href=""></a>
+Macintosh Installer: <a href=""></a>
+Website: <a href=""></a>
+Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..efb89d045d
--- /dev/null
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+version: 0.7.1
+title: Node v0.7.1
+author: Isaac Schlueter
+date: Mon Jan 23 2012 17:35:59 GMT-0800 (PST)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-7-1
+<p>2012.01.23, Version 0.7.1 (unstable)</p>
+<li><p>Update V8 to 3.8.8</p></li>
+<li><p>Install node-waf by default (Fedor Indutny)</p></li>
+<li><p>crypto: Add ability to turn off PKCS padding (Ingmar Runge)</p></li>
+<li><p>v8: implement VirtualMemory class on SunOS (Ben Noordhuis)</p></li>
+<li><p>Add cluster.setupMaster (Andreas Madsen)</p></li>
+<li><p>move <code>path.exists*</code> to <code>fs.exists*</code> (Maciej Małecki)</p></li>
+<li><p>typed arrays: set class name (Ben Noordhuis)</p></li>
+<li><p>libuv bug fixes (Igor Zinkovsky, Ben Noordhuis, Dan VerWeire)</p></li>
+<p>Source: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Windows Installer: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Macintosh Installer: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Website: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Documentation: <a href=""></a></p>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5c1f8fb82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/blog/release/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+version: 0.7.2
+title: Node v0.7.2 (unstable)
+author: Isaac Schlueter
+date: Wed Feb 01 2012 13:13:04 GMT-0800 (PST)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-7-2-unstable
+<p>2012.02.01, Version 0.7.2 (unstable)</p>
+<li><p>Update V8 to 3.8.9</p></li>
+<li><p>Support for sharing streams across Isolates (Igor Zinkovsky)</p></li>
+<li><p>#2636 - Fix case where http_parsers are freed too early (koichik)</p></li>
+<li><p>url: Support for IPv6 addresses in URLs (Łukasz Walukiewicz)</p></li>
+<li><p>child_process: Add disconnect() method to child processes (Andreas Madsen)</p></li>
+<li><p>fs: add O_EXCL support, exclusive open file (Ben Noordhuis)</p></li>
+<li><p>fs: more specific error messages (Tj Holowaychuk)</p></li>
+<li><p>tty: emit 'unknown' key event if key sequence not found (Dan VerWeire, Nathan Rajlich)</p></li>
+<li><p>build: compile release build too if BUILDTYPE=Debug (Ben Noordhuis)</p></li>
+<li><p>module: fix --debug-brk on symlinked scripts (Fedor Indutny)</p></li>
+<li><p>zlib: fix <code>Failed to set dictionary</code> issue (Fedor Indutny)</p></li>
+<li><p>waf: predict target arch for OS X (Fedor Indutny)</p></li>
+</ul><p>Source Code: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Windows Installer: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Macintosh Installer: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Website: <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Documentation: <a href=""></a></p>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a0d93df12d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/blog/release/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+version: 0.7.3
+title: Node v0.7.3 (unstable)
+author: Isaac Schlueter
+date: Tue Feb 07 2012 17:08:27 GMT-0800 (PST)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-v0-7-3
+<p>2012.02.07, Version 0.7.3 (unstable)
+<li><p>Upgrade V8 to 3.9.2</p>
+<li><p>Revert support for isolates. (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>cluster: Cleanup docs, event handling, and process.disconnect (Andreas Madsen)</p>
+<li><p>gyp_addon: link with node.lib on Windows (Nathan Rajlich)</p>
+<li><p>http: fix case where http-parser is freed twice (koichik)</p>
+<li><p>Windows: disable RTTI and exceptions (Bert Belder)</p>
+<p>Source Code: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows Installer: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Macintosh Installer: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Website: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a29556c57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/blog/release/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+version: 0.6.19
+title: Node Version 0.6.19 (stable)
+author: Isaac Schlueter
+date: Wed Jun 06 2012 09:55:37 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-version-0-6-19-stable
+<p>2012.06.06 Version 0.6.19 (stable)
+<li><p>npm: upgrade to 1.1.24</p>
+<li><p>fs: no end emit after createReadStream.pause() (Andreas Madsen)</p>
+<li><p>vm: cleanup module memory leakage (Marcel Laverdet)</p>
+<li><p>unix: fix loop starvation under high network load (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>unix: remove abort() in ev_unref() (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>windows/tty: never report error after forcibly aborting line-buffered read (Bert Belder)</p>
+<li><p>windows: skip GetFileAttributes call when opening a file (Bert Belder)</p>
+<p>Source Code: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows Installer: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows x64 Files: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Macintosh Installer (Universal): <a href=""></a>
+<p>Other release files: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Website: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Documentation: <a href=""></a>
+<pre>ef4f5c1e5f12f6ef3478a794d6a81f59669332f9 node-v0.6.19.msi
+781616f33208f532f168633758a648c20e1ea68b node-v0.6.19.pkg
+f6c5cfbadff4788ac3a95f8263a0c2f4e07444b6 node-v0.6.19.tar.gz
+10f729ca236825821d97556441fa64f994cb4ca8 node.exe
+5b8cd02e5f92ed6512aabdac11766ad8c1abc436 node.exp
+20037e4901de605e08e48d0c85531334912844e3 node.lib
+c44f62852918d449850014d9b29dd073cb6920a5 node.pdb
+04db25c93c5357394941dd2de12cb61959eb82d1 x64/node-v0.6.19.msi
+f77c77f2e470cfc9071853af2f277ba91d660b9c x64/node.exe
+fcf26a3f984a3f19804e0567414604b77b1d3bac x64/node.exp
+bfed2a24f253dbac99379d6f22fc8e9e85ade7ed x64/node.lib
+95226c1cc5170ea05c2e54431040f06c3e95e99f x64/node.pdb</pre>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cb077d6258
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/blog/release/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+version: 0.7.9
+title: Node Version 0.7.9 (unstable)
+author: Isaac Schlueter
+date: Tue May 29 2012 10:11:45 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: node-version-0-7-9-unstable
+<p>2012.05.28, Version 0.7.9 (unstable)
+<li><p>Upgrade V8 to 3.11.1</p>
+<li><p>Upgrade npm to 1.1.23</p>
+<li><p>uv: rework reference counting scheme (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>uv: add interface for joining external event loops (Bert Belder)</p>
+<li><p>repl, readline: Handle Ctrl+Z and SIGCONT better (Nathan Rajlich)</p>
+<li><p>fs: 64bit offsets for fs calls (Igor Zinkovsky)</p>
+<li><p>fs: add sync open flags &apos;rs&apos; and &apos;rs+&apos; (Kevin Bowman)</p>
+<li><p>windows: enable creating directory junctions with fs.symlink (Igor Zinkovsky, Bert Belder)</p>
+<li><p>windows: fix fs.lstat to properly detect symlinks. (Igor Zinkovsky)</p>
+<li><p>Fix #3270 Escape url.parse delims (isaacs)</p>
+<li><p>http: make http.get() accept a URL (Adam Malcontenti-Wilson)</p>
+<li><p>Cleanup vm module memory leakage (Marcel Laverdet)</p>
+<li><p>Optimize writing strings with Socket.write (Bert Belder)</p>
+<li><p>add support for CESU-8 and UTF-16LE encodings (koichik)</p>
+<li><p>path: add path.sep to get the path separator. (Yi, EungJun)</p>
+<li><p>net, http: add backlog parameter to .listen() (Erik Dubbelboer)</p>
+<li><p>debugger: support mirroring Date objects (Fedor Indutny)</p>
+<li><p>addon: add AtExit() function (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>net: signal localAddress bind failure in connect (Brian Schroeder)</p>
+<li><p>util: handle non-string return value in .inspect() (Alex Kocharin)</p>
+<p>Source Code: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows Installer: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows x64 Files: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Macintosh Installer (Universal): <a href=""></a>
+<p>Other release files: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Website: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d57068f275
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/blog/release/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+version: 0.6.11
+title: Version 0.6.11 (stable)
+author: Isaac Schlueter
+date: Fri Feb 17 2012 13:32:55 GMT-0800 (PST)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: version-0-6-11-stable
+<p>2012.02.17 Version 0.6.11 (stable)
+<li><p>http: allow multiple WebSocket RFC6455 headers (Einar Otto Stangvik)</p>
+<li><p>http: allow multiple WWW-Authenticate headers (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>windows: support unicode argv and environment variables (Bert Belder)</p>
+<li><p>tls: mitigate session renegotiation attacks (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>tcp, pipe: don&apos;t assert on uv_accept() errors (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>tls: Allow establishing secure connection on the existing socket (koichik)</p>
+<li><p>dgram: handle close of dgram socket before DNS lookup completes (Seth Fitzsimmons)</p>
+<li><p>windows: Support half-duplex pipes (Igor Zinkovsky)</p>
+<li><p>build: disable omit-frame-pointer on solaris systems (Dave Pacheco)</p>
+<li><p>debugger: fix --debug-brk (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>net: fix large file downloads failing (koichik)</p>
+<li><p>fs: fix ReadStream failure to read from existing fd (Christopher Jeffrey)</p>
+<li><p>net: destroy socket on DNS error (Stefan Rusu)</p>
+<li><p>dtrace: add missing translator (Dave Pacheco)</p>
+<li><p>unix: don&apos;t flush tty on switch to raw mode (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>windows: reset brightness when reverting to default text color (Bert Belder)</p>
+<li><p>npm: update to 1.1.1</p>
+<p>- Update which, fstream, mkdirp, request, and rimraf<br>- Fix #2123 Set path properly for lifecycle scripts on windows<br>- Mark the root as seen, so we don&apos;t recurse into it. Fixes #1838. (Martin Cooper)</p>
+<p>Source Code: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows Installer: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Macintosh Installer: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Website: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd20ef7da9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/blog/release/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+version: 0.6.12
+title: Version 0.6.12 (stable)
+author: Isaac Schlueter
+date: Fri Mar 02 2012 13:22:49 GMT-0800 (PST)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: version-0-6-12-stable
+<p>2012.03.02 Version 0.6.12 (stable)
+<li><p>Upgrade V8 to</p>
+<li><p>dtrace ustack helper improvements (Dave Pacheco)</p>
+<li><p>API Documentation refactor (isaacs)</p>
+<li><p>#2827 net: fix race write() before and after connect() (koichik)</p>
+<li><p>#2554 #2567 throw if fs args for &apos;start&apos; or &apos;end&apos; are strings (AJ ONeal)</p>
+<li><p>punycode: Update to v1.0.0 (Mathias Bynens)</p>
+<li><p>Make a fat binary for the OS X pkg (isaacs)</p>
+<li><p>Fix hang on accessing process.stdin (isaacs)</p>
+<li><p>repl: make tab completion work on non-objects (Nathan Rajlich)</p>
+<li><p>Fix on OS X (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>Fix #2515 nested setTimeouts cause premature process exit (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>windows: fix time conversion in stat (Igor Zinkovsky)</p>
+<li><p>windows: fs: handle EOF in read (Brandon Philips)</p>
+<li><p>windows: avoid IOCP short-circuit on non-ifs lsps (Igor Zinkovsky)</p>
+<li><p>Upgrade npm to 1.1.4 (isaacs)</p>
+- windows fixes<br>
+- Bundle nested bundleDependencies properly<br>
+- install: support --save with url install targets<br>
+- shrinkwrap: behave properly with url-installed modules<br>
+- support installing uncompressed tars or single file modules from urls etc.<br>
+- don&apos;t run make clean on rebuild<br>
+- support HTTPS-over-HTTP proxy tunneling<br>
+<p>Source Code: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows Installer: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Macintosh Installer: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Website: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2561c1df46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/blog/release/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+version: 0.6.13
+title: Version 0.6.13 (stable)
+author: Isaac Schlueter
+date: Thu Mar 15 2012 10:37:02 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: version-0-6-13-stable
+<p>2012.03.15 Version 0.6.13 (stable)
+<li><p>Windows: Many libuv test fixes (Bert Belder)</p>
+<li><p>Windows: avoid uv_guess_handle crash in when fd &lt; 0 (Bert Belder)</p>
+<li><p>Map EBUSY and ENOTEMPTY errors (Bert Belder)</p>
+<li><p>Windows: include syscall in fs errors (Bert Belder)</p>
+<li><p>Fix ENOSYS on Linux kernel version mismatch (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>Update npm to 1.1.9</p>
+- upgrade node-gyp to 0.3.5 (Nathan Rajlich)<br>
+- Fix isaacs/npm#2249 Add cache-max and cache-min configs<br>
+- Properly redirect across https/http registry requests<br>
+- log config usage if undefined key in set function (Kris Windham)<br>
+- Add support for os/cpu fields in package.json (Adam Blackburn)<br>
+- Automatically node-gyp packages containing a binding.gyp<br>
+- Fix failures unpacking in UNC shares<br>
+- Never create un-listable directories<br>
+- Handle cases where an optionalDependency fails to build
+<p>Source Code: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows Installer: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Macintosh Installer: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Website: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ba5183414c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/blog/release/
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+version: 0.6.14
+title: Version 0.6.14 (stable)
+author: Isaac Schlueter
+date: Fri Mar 23 2012 11:22:22 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: version-0-6-14-stable
+<p>2012.03.22 Version 0.6.14 (stable)
+<li><p>net: don&apos;t crash when queued write fails (Igor Zinkovsky)</p>
+<li><p>sunos: fix EMFILE on process.memoryUsage() (Bryan Cantrill)</p>
+<li><p>crypto: fix compile-time error with openssl 0.9.7e (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>unix: ignore ECONNABORTED errors from accept() (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>Add UV_ENOSPC and mappings to it (Bert Belder)</p>
+<li><p>http-parser: Fix response body is not read (koichik)</p>
+<li><p>Upgrade npm to 1.1.12</p>
+- upgrade node-gyp to 0.3.7<br>
+- work around AV-locked directories on Windows<br>
+- Fix isaacs/npm#2293 Don&apos;t try to &apos;uninstall&apos; /<br>
+- Exclude symbolic links from packages.<br>
+- Fix isaacs/npm#2275 Spurious &apos;unresolvable cycle&apos; error.<br>
+- Exclude/include dot files as if they were normal files
+<p>Source Code: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows Installer: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows x64 Files: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Macintosh Installer (Universal): <a href=""></a>
+<p>Other release files: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Website: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e6f0502f74
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+version: 0.6.15
+title: Version 0.6.15 (stable)
+author: Isaac Schlueter
+date: Mon Apr 09 2012 10:39:18 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: version-0-6-15-stable
+<p>2012.04.09 Version 0.6.15 (stable)
+<li><p>Update npm to 1.1.16</p>
+<li><p>Show licenses in binary installers.</p>
+<li><p>unix: add uv_fs_read64, uv_fs_write64 and uv_fs_ftruncate64 (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>add 64bit offset fs functions (Igor Zinkovsky)</p>
+<li><p>windows: don&apos;t report ENOTSOCK when attempting to bind an udp handle twice (Bert Belder)</p>
+<li><p>windows: backport pipe-connect-to-file fixes from master (Bert Belder)</p>
+<li><p>windows: never call fs event callbacks after closing the watcher (Bert Belder)</p>
+<li><p>fs.readFile: don&apos;t make the callback before the fd is closed (Bert Belder)</p>
+<li><p>windows: use 64bit offsets for uv_fs apis (Igor Zinkovsky)</p>
+<li><p>Fix #2061: segmentation fault on OS X due to stat size mismatch (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<p>Source Code: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows Installer: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows x64 Files: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Macintosh Installer (Universal): <a href=""></a>
+<p>Other release files: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Website: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..69f8b31700
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/blog/release/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+version: 0.6.16
+title: Version 0.6.16 (stable)
+author: Isaac Schlueter
+date: Mon Apr 30 2012 11:13:50 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: version-0-6-16-stable
+<p>2012.04.30 Version 0.6.16 (stable)
+<li><p>Upgrade V8 to</p>
+<li><p>Upgrade npm to 1.1.18</p>
+<li><p>Windows: add mappings for UV_ENOENT (Bert Belder)</p>
+<li><p>linux: add IN_MOVE_SELF to inotify event mask (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>unix: call pipe handle connection cb on accept() error (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>unix: handle EWOULDBLOCK (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>map EWOULDBLOCK to UV_EAGAIN (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>Map ENOMEM to UV_ENOMEM (isaacs)</p>
+<li><p>Child process: support the <code>gid</code> and <code>uid</code> options (Bert Belder)</p>
+<li><p>test: cluster: add worker death event test (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>typo in node_http_parser (isaacs)</p>
+<li><p>http_parser: Eat CRLF between requests, even on connection:close. (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>don&apos;t check return value of unsetenv (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<p>Source Code: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows Installer: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows x64 Files: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Macintosh Installer (Universal): <a href=""></a>
+<p>Other release files: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Website: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3512e1df2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/blog/release/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+version: 0.6.17
+title: Version 0.6.17 (stable)
+author: Isaac Schlueter
+date: Fri May 04 2012 13:33:12 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: version-0-6-17-stable
+<p>2012.05.04 Version 0.6.17 (stable)
+<li><p>Upgrade npm to 1.1.21</p>
+<li><p>uv: Add support for EROFS errors (Ben Noordhuis, Maciej Małecki)</p>
+<li><p>uv: Add support for EIO and ENOSPC errors (Fedor Indutny)</p>
+<li><p>windows: Add support for EXDEV errors (Bert Belder)</p>
+<li><p>http: Fix client memory leaks (isaacs, Vincent Voyer)</p>
+<li><p>fs: fix file descriptor leak in sync functions (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>fs: fix ReadStream / WriteStream double close bug (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<p>Source Code: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows Installer: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows x64 Files: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Macintosh Installer (Universal): <a href=""></a>
+<p>Other release files: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Website: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0cf179bfce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/blog/release/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+version: 0.6.18
+title: Version 0.6.18 (stable)
+author: Isaac Schlueter
+date: Tue May 15 2012 10:06:13 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: version-0-6-18-stable
+<p>2012.05.15 Version 0.6.18 (stable)
+<li><p>windows: skip GetFileAttributes call when opening a file (Bert Belder)</p>
+<li><p>crypto: add PKCS12/PFX support (Sambasiva Suda)</p>
+<li><p>#3240: child_process: delete NODE_CHANNEL_FD from env in spawn (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>windows: add test for path.normalize with UNC paths (Bert Belder)</p>
+<li><p>windows: make path.normalize convert all slashes to backslashes (Bert Belder)</p>
+<li><p>fs: Automatically close FSWatcher on error (Bert Belder)</p>
+<li><p>#3258: fs.ReadStream.pause() emits duplicate data event (koichik)</p>
+<li><p>pipe_wrap: don&apos;t assert() on pipe accept errors (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>Better exception output for module load and process.nextTick (Felix Geisendörfer)</p>
+<li><p>zlib: fix error reporting (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>http: Don&apos;t destroy on timeout (isaacs)</p>
+<li><p>#3231: http: Don&apos;t try to emit error on a null&apos;ed req object (isaacs)</p>
+<li><p>#3236: http: Refactor ClientRequest.onSocket (isaacs)</p>
+<p>Source Code: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows Installer: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows x64 Files: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Macintosh Installer (Universal): <a href=""></a>
+<p>Other release files: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Website: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e14911147
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/blog/release/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+version: 0.7.10
+title: Version 0.7.10 (unstable)
+author: Isaac Schlueter
+date: Mon Jun 11 2012 09:00:25 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: version-0-7-10-unstable
+<p>2012.06.11, Version 0.7.10 (unstable)
+<p>This is the second-to-last release on the 0.7 branch. Version 0.8.0
+will be released some time next week. As other even-numbered Node
+releases before it, the v0.8.x releases will maintain API and binary
+<p>The major changes are detailed in
+<a href=""></a>
+<p>Please try out this release. There will be very few changes between
+this and the v0.8.x release family. This is the last chance to comment
+on the API before it is locked down for stability.
+<li><p>Roll V8 back to</p>
+<li><p>build: x64 target should always pass -m64 (Robert Mustacchi)</p>
+<li><p>add NODE_EXTERN to node::Start (Joel Brandt)</p>
+<li><p>repl: Warn about running npm commands (isaacs)</p>
+<li><p>slab_allocator: fix crash in dtor if V8 is dead (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>slab_allocator: fix leak of Persistent handles (Shigeki Ohtsu)</p>
+<li><p>windows/msi: add node.js prompt to startmenu (Jeroen Janssen)</p>
+<li><p>windows/msi: fix adding node to PATH (Jeroen Janssen)</p>
+<li><p>windows/msi: add start menu links when installing (Jeroen Janssen)</p>
+<li><p>windows: don&apos;t install x64 version into the &apos;program files (x86)&apos; folder (Matt Gollob)</p>
+<li><p>domain: Fix #3379 domain.intercept no longer passes error arg to cb (Marc Harter)</p>
+<li><p>fs: make callbacks run in global context (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>fs: enable fs.realpath on windows (isaacs)</p>
+<li><p>child_process: expose UV_PROCESS_DETACHED as options.detached (Charlie McConnell)</p>
+<li><p>child_process: new stdio API for .spawn() method (Fedor Indutny)</p>
+<li><p>child_process: spawn().ref() and spawn().unref() (Fedor Indutny)</p>
+<li><p>Upgrade npm to 1.1.25</p>
+<ul><li>Enable npm link on windows</li>
+<li>Properly remove sh-shim on Windows</li>
+<li>Abstract out registry client and logger</li></ul>
+<p>Source Code: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows Installer: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows x64 Files: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Macintosh Installer (Universal): <a href=""></a>
+<p>Other release files: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Website: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e8fd71a4e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/blog/release/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+version: 0.7.11
+title: Version 0.7.11 (unstable)
+author: Isaac Schlueter
+date: Fri Jun 15 2012 12:45:20 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: version-0-7-11-unstable
+<p>This is the most stable 0.7 release yet. Please try it out.
+<p>Version 0.8 will be out very soon. You can follow the remaining issues
+on the github issue tracker.
+<p><a href=";state=open">;state=open</a>
+<p>2012.06.15, Version 0.7.11 (unstable)
+<li><p>V8: Upgrade to v3.11.10</p>
+<li><p>npm: Upgrade to 1.1.26</p>
+<li><p>doc: Improve cross-linking in API docs markdown (Ben Kelly)</p>
+<li><p>Fix #3425: removeAllListeners should delete array (Reid Burke)</p>
+<li><p>cluster: don&apos;t silently drop messages when the write queue gets big (Bert Belder)</p>
+<li><p>Add Buffer.concat method (isaacs)</p>
+<li><p>windows: make symlinks tolerant to forward slashes (Bert Belder)</p>
+<li><p>build: Add node.d and node.1 to installer (isaacs)</p>
+<li><p>cluster: rename worker.unqiueID to (Andreas Madsen)</p>
+<li><p>Windows: Enable ETW events on Windows for existing DTrace probes. (Igor Zinkovsky)</p>
+<li><p>test: bundle node-weak in test/gc so that it doesn&apos;t need to be downloaded (Nathan Rajlich)</p>
+<li><p>Make many tests pass on Windows (Bert Belder)</p>
+<li><p>Fix #3388 Support listening on file descriptors (isaacs)</p>
+<li><p>Fix #3407 Add os.tmpDir() (isaacs)</p>
+<li><p>Unbreak the snapshotted build on Windows (Bert Belder)</p>
+<li><p>Clean up child_process.kill throws (Bert Belder)</p>
+<li><p>crypto: make cipher/decipher accept buffer args (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<p>Source Code: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Macintosh Installer (Universal): <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows Installer: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows x64 Installer: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows x64 Files: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Other release files: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Website: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..91e571d2e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/blog/release/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+version: 0.7.12
+title: Version 0.7.12
+author: Isaac Schlueter
+date: Tue Jun 19 2012 16:31:09 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: version-0-7-12
+<p>2012.06.19, Version 0.7.12 (unstable) </p>
+<p>This is the last release on the 0.7 branch. Version 0.8.0 will be released some time later this week, barring any major problems. </p>
+<p>As with other even-numbered Node releases before it, the v0.8.x releases will maintain API and binary compatibility. </p>
+<p>The major changes between v0.6 and v0.8 are detailed in <a href=""></a> </p>
+<p>Please try out this release. There will be very virtually no changes between this and the v0.8.x release family. This is the last chance to comment before it is locked down for stability. The API is effectively frozen now. </p>
+<p>This version adds backwards-compatible shims for binary addons that use libeio and libev directly. If you find that binary modules that could compile on v0.6 can not compile on this version, please let us know. Note that libev is officially deprecated in v0.8, and will be removed in v0.9. You should be porting your modules to use libuv as soon as possible. </p>
+<p>V8 is on 3.11.10 currently, and will remain on the V8 3.11.x branch for the duration of Node v0.8.x. </p>
+<ul> <li><p>npm: Upgrade to 1.1.30<br> - Improved &apos;npm init&apos;<br> - Fix the &apos;cb never called&apos; error from &apos;oudated&apos; and &apos;update&apos;<br> - Add --save-bundle|-B config<br> - Fix isaacs/npm#2465: Make npm script and windows shims cygwin-aware<br> - Fix isaacs/npm#2452 Use --save(-dev|-optional) in npm rm<br> - <code>logstream</code> option to replace removed <code>logfd</code> (Rod Vagg)<br> - Read default descriptions from files </p>
+ </li> <li><p>Shims to support deprecated <code>ev_*</code> and <code>eio_*</code> methods (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+ </li> <li><p>#3118 net.Socket: Delay pause/resume until after connect (isaacs)</p>
+ </li> <li><p>#3465 Add ./configure --no-ifaddrs flag (isaacs)</p>
+ </li> <li><p>child_process: add .stdin stream to forks (Fedor Indutny)</p>
+ </li> <li><p>build: fix <code>make install DESTDIR=/path</code> (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+ </li> <li><p>tls: fix off-by-one error in renegotiation check (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+ </li> <li><p>crypto: Fix diffie-hellman key generation UTF-8 errors (Fedor Indutny)</p>
+ </li> <li><p>node: change the constructor name of process from EventEmitter to process (Andreas Madsen)</p>
+ </li> <li><p>net: Prevent property access throws during close (Reid Burke)</p>
+ </li> <li><p>querystring: improved speed and code cleanup (Felix Böhm)</p>
+ </li> <li><p>sunos: fix assertion errors breaking (Fedor Indutny)</p>
+ </li> <li><p>unix: stat: detect sub-second changes (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+ </li> <li><p>add stat() based file watcher (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+ </li> </ul> <p>Source Code: <a href=""></a> </p>
+ <p>Macintosh Installer (Universal): <a href=""></a> </p>
+ <p>Windows Installer: <a href=""></a> </p>
+ <p>Windows x64 Installer: <a href=""></a> </p>
+ <p>Windows x64 Files: <a href=""></a> </p>
+ <p>Other release files: <a href=""></a> </p>
+ <p>Website: <a href=""></a> </p>
+ <p>Documentation: <a href=""></a> </p>
+<pre>ded6a2197b1149b594eb45fea921e8538ba442aa blog.html
+be313d35511e6d7e43cae5fa2b18f3e0d2275ba1 node-v0.7.12-x86.msi
+8f7ba0c8283e3863de32fd5c034f5b599c78f830 node-v0.7.12.pkg
+cb570abacbf4eb7e23c3d2620d00dd3080d9c19d node-v0.7.12.tar.gz
+e13a6edfcba1c67ffe794982dd20a222ce8ce40f node.exe
+20906ad76a43eca52795b2a089654a105e11c1e6 node.exp
+acbcbb87b6f7f2af34a3ed0abe6131d9e7a237af node.lib
+4013d5b25fe36ae4245433b972818686cd9a2205 node.pdb
+6c0a7a2e8ee360e2800156293fb2f6a5c1a57382 npm-1.1.30.tgz
+840157b2d6f7389ba70b07fc9ddc048b92c501cc x64/node-v0.7.12-x64.msi
+862d42706c21ea83bf73cd827101f0fe598b0cf7 x64/node.exe
+de0af95fac083762f99c875f91bab830dc030f71 x64/node.exp
+3122bd886dfb96f3b41846cef0bdd7e97326044a x64/node.lib
+e0fa4e42cd19cadf8179e492ca606b7232bbc018 x64/node.pdb</pre>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01bc92ae55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/blog/release/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+version: 0.7.4
+title: Node v0.7.4 (unstable)
+author: Isaac Schlueter
+date: Wed Feb 15 2012 11:38:35 GMT-0800 (PST)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: version-0-7-4-unstable
+<p>2012.02.14, Version 0.7.4 (unstable)
+<li><p>Upgrade V8 to 3.9.5</p>
+<li><p>Upgrade npm to 1.1.1</p>
+<li><p>build: Detect host_arch better (Karl Skomski)</p>
+<li><p>debugger: export <code>debug_port</code> to <code>process</code> (Fedor Indutny)</p>
+<li><p>api docs: CSS bug fixes (isaacs)</p>
+<li><p>build: use -fPIC for native addons on UNIX (Nathan Rajlich)</p>
+<li><p>Re-add top-level v8::Locker (Marcel Laverdet)</p>
+<li><p>Move images out of the dist tarballs (isaacs)</p>
+<li><p>libuv: Remove uv_export and uv_import (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>build: Support x64 build on Windows (Igor Zinkovsky)</p>
+<p>Source Code: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows Installer: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Macintosh Installer: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Other release files: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Website: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc1e6047dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/blog/release/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+version: 0.7.5
+title: Version 0.7.5 (unstable)
+author: Isaac Schlueter
+date: Thu Feb 23 2012 14:45:21 GMT-0800 (PST)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: version-0-7-5-unstable
+<p>2012.02.23, Version 0.7.5 (unstable)
+<li><p>startup speed improvements (Maciej Małecki)</p>
+<li><p>crypto: add function getDiffieHellman() (Tomasz Buchert)</p>
+<li><p>buffer: support decoding of URL-safe base64 (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>Make QueryString.parse() even faster (Brian White)</p>
+<li><p>url: decode url entities in auth section (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>http: support PURGE request method (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>http: Generate Date headers on responses (Mark Nottingham)</p>
+<li><p>Fix #2762: Add callback to close function. (Mikeal Rogers)</p>
+<li><p>dgram: fix out-of-bound memory read (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>repl: add automatic loading of built-in libs (Brandon Benvie)</p>
+<li><p>repl: remove double calls where possible (Fedor Indutny)</p>
+<li><p>Readline improvements. Related: #2737 #2756 (Colton Baker)</p>
+<li><p>build: disable -fomit-frame-pointer on solaris (Dave Pacheco)</p>
+<li><p>build: arch detection improvements (Nathan Rajlich)</p>
+<li><p>build: Make a fat binary for the OS X <code>make pkg</code>. (Nathan Rajlich)</p>
+<li><p>jslint src/ and lib/ on &apos;make test&apos; (isaacs)</p>
+<p>Source Code: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows Installer: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Macintosh Installer: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Other release files: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Website: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ecf67f3ea0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/blog/release/
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+version: 0.7.6
+title: Version 0.7.6 (unstable)
+author: Isaac Schlueter
+date: Tue Mar 13 2012 14:12:30 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: version-0-7-6-unstable
+<p>2012.03.13, Version 0.7.6 (unstable)
+<li><p>Upgrade v8 to 3.9.17</p>
+<li><p>Upgrade npm to 1.1.8</p>
+- Add support for os/cpu fields in package.json (Adam Blackburn)<br>
+- Automatically node-gyp packages containing a binding.gyp<br>
+- Fix failures unpacking in UNC shares<br>
+- Never create un-listable directories<br>
+- Handle cases where an optionalDependency fails to build<br>
+<li><p>events: newListener emit correct fn when using &apos;once&apos; (Roly Fentanes)</p>
+<li><p>url: Ignore empty port component (Łukasz Walukiewicz)</p>
+<li><p>module: replace &apos;children&apos; array (isaacs)</p>
+<li><p>tls: parse multiple values of a key in ssl certificate (Sambasiva Suda)</p>
+<li><p>cluster: support passing of named pipes (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>Windows: include syscall in fs errors (Bert Belder)</p>
+<li><p>http: #2888 Emit end event only once (Igor Zinkovsky)</p>
+<li><p>readline: add multiline support (Rlidwka)</p>
+<li><p>process: add <code>process.hrtime()</code> (Nathan Rajlich)</p>
+<li><p>net, http, https: add localAddress option (Dmitry Nizovtsev)</p>
+<li><p>addon improvements (Nathan Rajlich)</p>
+<li><p>build improvements (Ben Noordhuis, Sadique Ali, T.C. Hollingsworth, Nathan Rajlich)</p>
+<li><p>add support for &quot;SEARCH&quot; request methods (Nathan Rajlich)</p>
+<li><p>expose the zlib and http_parser version in process.versions (Nathan Rajlich)</p>
+<p>Source Code: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows Installer: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows x64 Files: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Macintosh Installer (Universal): <a href=""></a>
+<p>Other release files: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Website: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6cdcc23128
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/blog/release/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+version: 0.7.7
+title: Version 0.7.7 (unstable)
+author: Isaac Schlueter
+date: Fri Mar 30 2012 11:56:19 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: version-0-7-7-unstable
+<p>2012.03.30, Version 0.7.7 (unstable)
+<li><p>Upgrade V8 to</p>
+<li><p>Upgrade npm to 1.1.15</p>
+<li><p>Handle Emoji characters properly (Erik Corry, Bert Belder)</p>
+<li><p>readline: migrate ansi/vt100 logic from tty to readline (Nathan Rajlich)</p>
+<li><p>readline: Fix multiline handling (Alex Kocharin)</p>
+<li><p>add a -i/--interactive flag to force the REPL (Nathan Rajlich)</p>
+<li><p>debugger: add breakOnException command (Fedor Indutny)</p>
+<li><p>cluster: kill workers when master dies (Andreas Madsen)</p>
+<li><p>cluster: add graceful disconnect support (Andreas Madsen)</p>
+<li><p>child_process: Separate &apos;close&apos; event from &apos;exit&apos; (Charlie McConnell)</p>
+<li><p>typed arrays: add Uint8ClampedArray (Mikael Bourges-Sevenier)</p>
+<li><p>buffer: Fix byte alignment issues (Ben Noordhuis, Erik Lundin)</p>
+<li><p>tls: fix CryptoStream.setKeepAlive() (Shigeki Ohtsu)</p>
+<li><p>Expose http parse error codes (Felix Geisendörfer)</p>
+<li><p>events: don&apos;t delete the listeners array (Ben Noordhuis, Nathan Rajlich)</p>
+<li><p>process: add process.config to view node&apos;s ./configure settings (Nathan Rajlich)</p>
+<li><p>process: process.execArgv to see node&apos;s arguments (Micheil Smith)</p>
+<li><p>process: fix process.title setter (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>timers: handle negative or non-numeric timeout values (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<p>Source Code: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows Installer: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows x64 Files: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Macintosh Installer (Universal): <a href=""></a>
+<p>Other release files: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Website: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/release/ b/doc/blog/release/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e87a9007d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/blog/release/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+version: 0.7.8
+title: Version 0.7.8 (unstable)
+author: Isaac Schlueter
+date: Wed Apr 18 2012 10:39:02 GMT-0700 (PDT)
+status: publish
+category: release
+slug: version-0-7-8-unstable
+<p>2012.04.18, Version 0.7.8, (unstable)
+<li><p>Upgrade V8 to</p>
+<li><p>Upgrade OpenSSL to 1.0.0f</p>
+<li><p>Upgrade npm to 1.1.18</p>
+<li><p>Show licenses in Binary installers</p>
+<li><p>Domains (isaacs)</p>
+<li><p>readline: rename &quot;end&quot; to &quot;close&quot; (Nathan Rajlich)</p>
+<li><p>tcp: make getsockname() return address family as string (Shigeki Ohtsu)</p>
+<li><p>http, https: fix .setTimeout() (ssuda)</p>
+<li><p>os: add cross platform EOL character (Mustansir Golawala)</p>
+<li><p>typed arrays: unexport SizeOfArrayElementForType() (Aaron Jacobs)</p>
+<li><p>net: honor &apos;enable&apos; flag in .setNoDelay() (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>child_process: emit error when .kill fails (Andreas Madsen)</p>
+<li><p>gyp: fix &apos;argument list too long&apos; build error (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<li><p>fs.WriteStream: Handle modifications to (isaacs)</p>
+<li><p>repl, readline: Handle newlines better (Nathan Rajlich, Nathan Friedly)</p>
+<li><p>build: target OSX 10.5 when building on darwin (Nathan Rajlich)</p>
+<li><p>Fix #3052 Handle errors properly in zlib (isaacs)</p>
+<li><p>build: add support for DTrace and postmortem (Dave Pacheco)</p>
+<li><p>core: add reusable Slab allocator (Ben Noordhuis)</p>
+<p>Source Code: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows Installer: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Windows x64 Files: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Macintosh Installer (Universal): <a href=""></a>
+<p>Other release files: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Website: <a href=""></a>
+<p>Documentation: <a href=""></a>
diff --git a/doc/blog/video/ b/doc/blog/video/
index 46fe49999b..0c26cb7a49 100644
--- a/doc/blog/video/
+++ b/doc/blog/video/
@@ -14,6 +14,29 @@ This talk was given at Velocity Conf in 2011.
src="" frameborder="0"
-<div id="__ss_8332407"> <strong><a href="" title="Instrumenting the real-time web" target="_blank">Instrumenting the real-time web</a></strong> <div style="width:425px" id="__ss_8332407"> <strong style="display:block;margin:12px 0 4px"><a href="" title="Instrumenting the real-time web" target="_blank">Instrumenting the real-time web</a></strong> <object id="__sse8332407" width="425" height="355"> <param name="movie" value="" /> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"/> <embed name="__sse8332407" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed> </object> <div style="padding:5px 0 12px"> View more <a href="" target="_blank">presentations</a> from <a href="" target="_blank">bcantrill</a> </div> </div>
+ <div style="width:425px" id="__ss_8332407">
+ <strong style="display:block;margin:12px 0 4px"><a href=
+ ""
+ title="Instrumenting the real-time web" target=
+ "_blank">Instrumenting the real-time web</a></strong>
+ <object id="__sse8332407" width="425" height="355">
+ <param name="movie" value=
+ ";stripped_title=instrumenting-the-realtime-web&amp;userName=bcantrill">
+ <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true">
+ <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always">
+ <param name="wmode" value="transparent">
+ <embed name="__sse8332407" src=
+ ";stripped_title=instrumenting-the-realtime-web&amp;userName=bcantrill"
+ type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess=
+ "always" allowfullscreen="true" wmode="transparent" width=
+ "425" height="355">
+ </object>
+ <div style="padding:5px 0 12px">
+ View more <a href="" target=
+ "_blank">presentations</a> from <a href=
+ "" target=
+ "_blank">bcantrill</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
diff --git a/doc/blog/video/ b/doc/blog/video/
index e1f08c66d6..3ac3985832 100644
--- a/doc/blog/video/
+++ b/doc/blog/video/
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ status: publish
category: video
slug: welcome-to-the-node-blog
-Since Livejournal is disintegrating into Russian spam, I'm moving my technical blog to I hope to do frequent small posts about what's going on in Node development and include posts from other core Node developers. Please subscribe to the RSS feed.
-To avoid making this post completely devoid of content, here is a new video from a talk I gave at the SF PHP group tastefully produced by <A href="">Marakana</a>:
+Since Livejournal is disintegrating into Russian spam, I'm moving my technical blog to I hope to do frequent small posts about what's going on in Node development and include posts from other core Node developers. Please subscribe to the RSS feed.
+To avoid making this post completely devoid of content, here is a new video from a talk I gave at the SF PHP group tastefully produced by <A href="">Marakana</a>:
<iframe width="640" height="360"
src="" frameborder="0"
diff --git a/doc/blog/vulnerability/ b/doc/blog/vulnerability/
index 219a08ba71..22a8c71922 100644
--- a/doc/blog/vulnerability/
+++ b/doc/blog/vulnerability/
@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ slug: http-server-security-vulnerability-please-upgrade-to-0-6-17
<p>A few weeks ago, Matthew Daley found a security vulnerability in Node&apos;s HTTP implementation, and thankfully did the responsible thing and reported it to us via email. He explained it quite well, so I'll quote him here:</p>
-<p>There is a vulnerability in node&apos;s http_parser binding which allows information disclosure to a remote attacker:
+<p>There is a vulnerability in node&apos;s `http_parser` binding which allows information disclosure to a remote attacker:
-<p>In node::StringPtr::Update, an attempt is made at an optimization on certain inputs (, line 151). The intent is that if the current string pointer plus the current string size is equal to the incoming string pointer, the current string size is just increased to match, as the incoming string lies just beyond the current string pointer. However, the check to see whether or not this can be done is incorrect; &quot;size&quot; is used whereas &quot;size_&quot; should be used. Therefore, an attacker can call Update with a string of certain length and cause the current string to have other data appended to it. In the case of HTTP being parsed out of incoming socket data, this can be incoming data from other sockets.
+<p>In node::StringPtr::Update, an attempt is made at an optimization on certain inputs (``, line 151). The intent is that if the current string pointer plus the current string size is equal to the incoming string pointer, the current string size is just increased to match, as the incoming string lies just beyond the current string pointer. However, the check to see whether or not this can be done is incorrect; &quot;size&quot; is used whereas &quot;size_&quot; should be used. Therefore, an attacker can call Update with a string of certain length and cause the current string to have other data appended to it. In the case of HTTP being parsed out of incoming socket data, this can be incoming data from other sockets.
-<p>Normally node::StringPtr::Save, which is called after each execution of http_parser, would stop this from being exploitable as it converts strings to non-optimizable heap-based strings. However, this is not done to 0-length strings. An attacker can therefore exploit the mistake by making Update set a 0-length string, and then Update past its boundary, so long as it is done in one http_parser execution. This can be done with an HTTP header with empty value, followed by a continuation with a value of certain length.
+<p>Normally node::StringPtr::Save, which is called after each execution of `http_parser`, would stop this from being exploitable as it converts strings to non-optimizable heap-based strings. However, this is not done to 0-length strings. An attacker can therefore exploit the mistake by making Update set a 0-length string, and then Update past its boundary, so long as it is done in one `http_parser` execution. This can be done with an HTTP header with empty value, followed by a continuation with a value of certain length.
<p>The <a href="">attached files</a> demonstrate the issue: </p>