path: root/deps/npm/test/tap/ci.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/npm/test/tap/ci.js')
1 files changed, 304 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/npm/test/tap/ci.js b/deps/npm/test/tap/ci.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a67b57e77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/npm/test/tap/ci.js
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+'use strict'
+const BB = require('bluebird')
+const common = BB.promisifyAll(require('../common-tap.js'))
+const fs = BB.promisifyAll(require('fs'))
+const mr = BB.promisify(require('npm-registry-mock'))
+const path = require('path')
+const rimraf = BB.promisify(require('rimraf'))
+const Tacks = require('tacks')
+const test = require('tap').test
+const Dir = Tacks.Dir
+const File = Tacks.File
+const testDir = path.join(__dirname, 'ci')
+const EXEC_OPTS = { cwd: testDir }
+const PKG = {
+ name: 'top',
+ version: '1.2.3',
+ dependencies: {
+ optimist: '0.6.0',
+ clean: '2.1.6'
+ }
+let TREE
+function scrubFrom (tree) {
+ // npm ci and npm i write different `from` fields for dependency deps. This
+ // is fine any ok, but it messes with `t.deepEqual` comparisons.
+ function _scrubFrom (deps) {
+ Object.keys(deps).forEach((k) => {
+ deps[k].from = ''
+ if (deps[k].dependencies) { _scrubFrom(deps[k].dependencies) }
+ })
+ }
+ tree.dependencies && _scrubFrom(tree.dependencies)
+test('setup', () => {
+ const fixture = new Tacks(Dir({
+ 'package.json': File(PKG)
+ }))
+ fixture.create(testDir)
+ return mr({port: common.port})
+ .then((server) => {
+ SERVER = server
+ return common.npm([
+ 'install',
+ '--registry', common.registry
+ .then(() => fs.readFileAsync(
+ path.join(testDir, 'package-lock.json'),
+ 'utf8')
+ )
+ .then((lock) => {
+ })
+ .then(() => common.npm(['ls', '--json'], EXEC_OPTS))
+ .then((ret) => {
+ TREE = scrubFrom(JSON.parse(ret[1]))
+ })
+ })
+test('basic installation', (t) => {
+ const fixture = new Tacks(Dir({
+ 'package.json': File(PKG),
+ 'package-lock.json': File(RAW_LOCKFILE)
+ }))
+ return rimraf(testDir)
+ .then(() => fixture.create(testDir))
+ .then(() => common.npm([
+ 'ci',
+ '--registry', common.registry,
+ '--loglevel', 'warn'
+ ], EXEC_OPTS))
+ .then((ret) => {
+ const code = ret[0]
+ const stdout = ret[1]
+ const stderr = ret[2]
+ t.equal(code, 0, 'command completed without error')
+ t.equal(stdout.trim(), '', 'no output on stdout')
+ t.match(
+ stderr.trim(),
+ /^added 6 packages in \d+(?:\.\d+)?s$/,
+ 'no warnings on stderr, and final output has right number of packages'
+ )
+ return fs.readdirAsync(path.join(testDir, 'node_modules'))
+ })
+ .then((modules) => {
+ t.deepEqual(modules.sort(), [
+ 'async', 'checker', 'clean', 'minimist', 'optimist', 'wordwrap'
+ ], 'packages installed')
+ return BB.all( => {
+ return fs.readFileAsync(
+ path.join(testDir, 'node_modules', mod, 'package.json')
+ )
+ .then((f) => JSON.parse(f))
+ .then((pkgjson) => {
+ t.equal(, mod, `${mod} package name correct`)
+ t.match(
+ pkgjson._integrity,
+ /sha\d+-[a-z0-9=+/]+$/i,
+ `${mod} pkgjson has _integrity`
+ )
+ t.match(
+ pkgjson._resolved,
+ new RegExp(`http.*/-/${mod}-${pkgjson.version}.tgz`),
+ `${mod} pkgjson has correct _resolved`
+ )
+ t.match(
+ pkgjson._from,
+ new RegExp(`${mod}@.*`),
+ `${mod} pkgjson has _from field`
+ )
+ })
+ }))
+ })
+ .then(() => fs.readFileAsync(
+ path.join(testDir, 'package-lock.json'),
+ 'utf8')
+ )
+ .then((lock) => t.equal(lock, RAW_LOCKFILE, 'package-lock.json unchanged'))
+ .then(() => common.npm(['ls', '--json'], EXEC_OPTS))
+ .then((ret) => {
+ const lsResult = JSON.parse(ret[1])
+ t.equal(ret[0], 0, 'ls exited successfully')
+ t.deepEqual(scrubFrom(lsResult), TREE, 'tree matches one from `install`')
+ })
+test('supports npm-shrinkwrap.json as well', (t) => {
+ const fixture = new Tacks(Dir({
+ 'package.json': File(PKG),
+ 'npm-shrinkwrap.json': File(RAW_LOCKFILE)
+ }))
+ return rimraf(testDir)
+ .then(() => fixture.create(testDir))
+ .then(() => common.npm([
+ 'ci',
+ '--registry', common.registry,
+ '--loglevel', 'warn'
+ ], EXEC_OPTS))
+ .then((ret) => {
+ const code = ret[0]
+ const stdout = ret[1]
+ const stderr = ret[2]
+ t.equal(code, 0, 'command completed without error')
+ t.equal(stdout.trim(), '', 'no output on stdout')
+ t.match(
+ stderr.trim(),
+ /^added 6 packages in \d+(?:\.\d+)?s$/,
+ 'no warnings on stderr, and final output has right number of packages'
+ )
+ })
+ .then(() => common.npm(['ls', '--json'], EXEC_OPTS))
+ .then((ret) => {
+ t.equal(ret[0], 0, 'ls exited successfully')
+ t.deepEqual(
+ scrubFrom(JSON.parse(ret[1])),
+ 'tree matches one from `install`'
+ )
+ })
+ .then(() => fs.readFileAsync(
+ path.join(testDir, 'npm-shrinkwrap.json'),
+ 'utf8')
+ )
+ .then((lock) => t.equal(lock, RAW_LOCKFILE, 'npm-shrinkwrap.json unchanged'))
+ .then(() => fs.readdirAsync(path.join(testDir)))
+ .then((files) => t.notOk(
+ files.some((f) => f === 'package-lock.json'),
+ 'no package-lock.json created'
+ ))
+test('removes existing node_modules/ before installing', (t) => {
+ const fixture = new Tacks(Dir({
+ 'package.json': File(PKG),
+ 'package-lock.json': File(RAW_LOCKFILE),
+ 'node_modules': Dir({
+ foo: Dir({
+ 'index.js': File('"hello world"')
+ })
+ })
+ }))
+ return rimraf(testDir)
+ .then(() => fixture.create(testDir))
+ .then(() => common.npm([
+ 'ci',
+ '--registry', common.registry,
+ '--loglevel', 'warn'
+ ], EXEC_OPTS))
+ .then((ret) => {
+ const code = ret[0]
+ const stdout = ret[1]
+ const stderr = ret[2]
+ t.equal(code, 0, 'command completed without error')
+ t.equal(stdout.trim(), '', 'no output on stdout')
+ t.match(
+ stderr.trim(),
+ /^npm.*WARN.*removing existing node_modules/,
+ 'user warned that existing node_modules were removed'
+ )
+ return fs.readdirAsync(path.join(testDir, 'node_modules'))
+ })
+ .then((modules) => {
+ t.deepEqual(modules.sort(), [
+ 'async', 'checker', 'clean', 'minimist', 'optimist', 'wordwrap'
+ ], 'packages installed, with old node_modules dir gone')
+ })
+ .then(() => common.npm(['ls'], EXEC_OPTS))
+ .then((ret) => t.equal(ret[0], 0, 'ls exited successfully'))
+ .then(() => fs.readFileAsync(
+ path.join(testDir, 'package-lock.json'),
+ 'utf8')
+ )
+ .then((lock) => t.equal(lock, RAW_LOCKFILE, 'package-lock.json unchanged'))
+test('installs all package types correctly')
+test('errors if package-lock.json missing', (t) => {
+ const fixture = new Tacks(Dir({
+ 'package.json': File(PKG)
+ }))
+ return rimraf(testDir)
+ .then(() => fixture.create(testDir))
+ .then(() => common.npm([
+ 'ci',
+ '--registry', common.registry,
+ '--loglevel', 'warn'
+ ], EXEC_OPTS))
+ .then((ret) => {
+ const code = ret[0]
+ const stdout = ret[1]
+ const stderr = ret[2]
+ t.equal(code, 1, 'command errored')
+ t.equal(stdout.trim(), '', 'no output on stdout')
+ t.match(
+ stderr.trim(),
+ /can only install packages with an existing package-lock/i,
+ 'user informed about the issue'
+ )
+ return fs.readdirAsync(path.join(testDir))
+ })
+ .then((dir) => {
+ t.notOk(dir.some((f) => f === 'node_modules'), 'no node_modules installed')
+ t.notOk(
+ dir.some((f) => f === 'package-lock.json'),
+ 'no package-lock.json created'
+ )
+ })
+test('errors if package-lock.json invalid', (t) => {
+ const badJson = JSON.parse(RAW_LOCKFILE)
+ delete badJson.dependencies.optimist
+ const fixture = new Tacks(Dir({
+ 'package.json': File(PKG),
+ 'package-lock.json': File(badJson)
+ }))
+ return rimraf(testDir)
+ .then(() => fixture.create(testDir))
+ .then(() => common.npm([
+ 'ci',
+ '--registry', common.registry,
+ '--loglevel', 'warn'
+ ], EXEC_OPTS))
+ .then((ret) => {
+ const code = ret[0]
+ const stdout = ret[1]
+ const stderr = ret[2]
+ t.equal(code, 1, 'command errored')
+ t.equal(stdout.trim(), '', 'no output on stdout')
+ t.match(
+ stderr.trim(),
+ /can only install packages when your package.json/i,
+ 'user informed about the issue'
+ )
+ return fs.readdirAsync(path.join(testDir))
+ })
+ .then((dir) => {
+ t.notOk(dir.some((f) => f === 'node_modules'), 'no node_modules installed')
+ })
+ .then(() => fs.readFileAsync(
+ path.join(testDir, 'package-lock.json'),
+ 'utf8')
+ )
+ .then((lock) => t.deepEqual(
+ JSON.parse(lock),
+ badJson,
+ 'bad package-lock.json left unchanged')
+ )
+test('cleanup', () => {
+ SERVER.close()
+ return rimraf(testDir)