- ByteArray/Blob - slice - unpack - toJSON = toString = unpack("U*") - change build system to scons. - ARGV - jslint integration. compile it into the node binary and run it automatically on each execution. - signal handlers. Signals.onHUP = function () { ... }; - stdin, stdout, stderr. Accessing these with read()/write() blocks. They cannot be select()ed. They are always readable. Thus all access to them needs to be done in a thread pool. (E.G. oi_file_open_stdin()) - some sort of module loading mechanism. Would be nice if it was structured like rubygems. STANDARD LIBRARY MODULES - DNS look up (thru http://25thandclement.com/~william/projects/dns.c.html) - File (thru oi_file?) - AMQP (thru 0mq?) - Postgres (thru libpq-async http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/interactive/libpq-async.html) - Memcached (can be implemented in pure js?) - Redis (can be implemented in pure js?) - TCPServer - HTTPClient