"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.TimeRange = exports.X509CertificateChain = exports.SubjectAlternativeName = exports.X509Certificate = exports.DistinguishedName = exports.ObjectIdentifierValuePair = exports.ObjectIdentifier = exports.PublicKeyIdentifier = exports.PublicKey = exports.RFC3161SignedTimestamp = exports.LogId = exports.MessageSignature = exports.HashOutput = exports.subjectAlternativeNameTypeToJSON = exports.subjectAlternativeNameTypeFromJSON = exports.SubjectAlternativeNameType = exports.publicKeyDetailsToJSON = exports.publicKeyDetailsFromJSON = exports.PublicKeyDetails = exports.hashAlgorithmToJSON = exports.hashAlgorithmFromJSON = exports.HashAlgorithm = void 0; /* eslint-disable */ const timestamp_1 = require("./google/protobuf/timestamp"); /** * Only a subset of the secure hash standard algorithms are supported. * See for more * details. * UNSPECIFIED SHOULD not be used, primary reason for inclusion is to force * any proto JSON serialization to emit the used hash algorithm, as default * option is to *omit* the default value of an enum (which is the first * value, represented by '0'. */ var HashAlgorithm; (function (HashAlgorithm) { HashAlgorithm[HashAlgorithm["HASH_ALGORITHM_UNSPECIFIED"] = 0] = "HASH_ALGORITHM_UNSPECIFIED"; HashAlgorithm[HashAlgorithm["SHA2_256"] = 1] = "SHA2_256"; })(HashAlgorithm = exports.HashAlgorithm || (exports.HashAlgorithm = {})); function hashAlgorithmFromJSON(object) { switch (object) { case 0: case "HASH_ALGORITHM_UNSPECIFIED": return HashAlgorithm.HASH_ALGORITHM_UNSPECIFIED; case 1: case "SHA2_256": return HashAlgorithm.SHA2_256; default: throw new globalThis.Error("Unrecognized enum value " + object + " for enum HashAlgorithm"); } } exports.hashAlgorithmFromJSON = hashAlgorithmFromJSON; function hashAlgorithmToJSON(object) { switch (object) { case HashAlgorithm.HASH_ALGORITHM_UNSPECIFIED: return "HASH_ALGORITHM_UNSPECIFIED"; case HashAlgorithm.SHA2_256: return "SHA2_256"; default: throw new globalThis.Error("Unrecognized enum value " + object + " for enum HashAlgorithm"); } } exports.hashAlgorithmToJSON = hashAlgorithmToJSON; /** * Details of a specific public key, capturing the the key encoding method, * and signature algorithm. * To avoid the possibility of contradicting formats such as PKCS1 with * ED25519 the valid permutations are listed as a linear set instead of a * cartesian set (i.e one combined variable instead of two, one for encoding * and one for the signature algorithm). */ var PublicKeyDetails; (function (PublicKeyDetails) { PublicKeyDetails[PublicKeyDetails["PUBLIC_KEY_DETAILS_UNSPECIFIED"] = 0] = "PUBLIC_KEY_DETAILS_UNSPECIFIED"; /** PKCS1_RSA_PKCS1V5 - RSA */ PublicKeyDetails[PublicKeyDetails["PKCS1_RSA_PKCS1V5"] = 1] = "PKCS1_RSA_PKCS1V5"; /** PKCS1_RSA_PSS - See RFC8017 */ PublicKeyDetails[PublicKeyDetails["PKCS1_RSA_PSS"] = 2] = "PKCS1_RSA_PSS"; PublicKeyDetails[PublicKeyDetails["PKIX_RSA_PKCS1V5"] = 3] = "PKIX_RSA_PKCS1V5"; PublicKeyDetails[PublicKeyDetails["PKIX_RSA_PSS"] = 4] = "PKIX_RSA_PSS"; /** PKIX_ECDSA_P256_SHA_256 - ECDSA */ PublicKeyDetails[PublicKeyDetails["PKIX_ECDSA_P256_SHA_256"] = 5] = "PKIX_ECDSA_P256_SHA_256"; /** PKIX_ECDSA_P256_HMAC_SHA_256 - See RFC6979 */ PublicKeyDetails[PublicKeyDetails["PKIX_ECDSA_P256_HMAC_SHA_256"] = 6] = "PKIX_ECDSA_P256_HMAC_SHA_256"; /** PKIX_ED25519 - Ed 25519 */ PublicKeyDetails[PublicKeyDetails["PKIX_ED25519"] = 7] = "PKIX_ED25519"; })(PublicKeyDetails = exports.PublicKeyDetails || (exports.PublicKeyDetails = {})); function publicKeyDetailsFromJSON(object) { switch (object) { case 0: case "PUBLIC_KEY_DETAILS_UNSPECIFIED": return PublicKeyDetails.PUBLIC_KEY_DETAILS_UNSPECIFIED; case 1: case "PKCS1_RSA_PKCS1V5": return PublicKeyDetails.PKCS1_RSA_PKCS1V5; case 2: case "PKCS1_RSA_PSS": return PublicKeyDetails.PKCS1_RSA_PSS; case 3: case "PKIX_RSA_PKCS1V5": return PublicKeyDetails.PKIX_RSA_PKCS1V5; case 4: case "PKIX_RSA_PSS": return PublicKeyDetails.PKIX_RSA_PSS; case 5: case "PKIX_ECDSA_P256_SHA_256": return PublicKeyDetails.PKIX_ECDSA_P256_SHA_256; case 6: case "PKIX_ECDSA_P256_HMAC_SHA_256": return PublicKeyDetails.PKIX_ECDSA_P256_HMAC_SHA_256; case 7: case "PKIX_ED25519": return PublicKeyDetails.PKIX_ED25519; default: throw new globalThis.Error("Unrecognized enum value " + object + " for enum PublicKeyDetails"); } } exports.publicKeyDetailsFromJSON = publicKeyDetailsFromJSON; function publicKeyDetailsToJSON(object) { switch (object) { case PublicKeyDetails.PUBLIC_KEY_DETAILS_UNSPECIFIED: return "PUBLIC_KEY_DETAILS_UNSPECIFIED"; case PublicKeyDetails.PKCS1_RSA_PKCS1V5: return "PKCS1_RSA_PKCS1V5"; case PublicKeyDetails.PKCS1_RSA_PSS: return "PKCS1_RSA_PSS"; case PublicKeyDetails.PKIX_RSA_PKCS1V5: return "PKIX_RSA_PKCS1V5"; case PublicKeyDetails.PKIX_RSA_PSS: return "PKIX_RSA_PSS"; case PublicKeyDetails.PKIX_ECDSA_P256_SHA_256: return "PKIX_ECDSA_P256_SHA_256"; case PublicKeyDetails.PKIX_ECDSA_P256_HMAC_SHA_256: return "PKIX_ECDSA_P256_HMAC_SHA_256"; case PublicKeyDetails.PKIX_ED25519: return "PKIX_ED25519"; default: throw new globalThis.Error("Unrecognized enum value " + object + " for enum PublicKeyDetails"); } } exports.publicKeyDetailsToJSON = publicKeyDetailsToJSON; var SubjectAlternativeNameType; (function (SubjectAlternativeNameType) { SubjectAlternativeNameType[SubjectAlternativeNameType["SUBJECT_ALTERNATIVE_NAME_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED"] = 0] = "SUBJECT_ALTERNATIVE_NAME_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED"; SubjectAlternativeNameType[SubjectAlternativeNameType["EMAIL"] = 1] = "EMAIL"; SubjectAlternativeNameType[SubjectAlternativeNameType["URI"] = 2] = "URI"; /** * OTHER_NAME - OID * See https://github.com/sigstore/fulcio/blob/main/docs/oid-info.md#1361415726417--othername-san * for more details. */ SubjectAlternativeNameType[SubjectAlternativeNameType["OTHER_NAME"] = 3] = "OTHER_NAME"; })(SubjectAlternativeNameType = exports.SubjectAlternativeNameType || (exports.SubjectAlternativeNameType = {})); function subjectAlternativeNameTypeFromJSON(object) { switch (object) { case 0: case "SUBJECT_ALTERNATIVE_NAME_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED": return SubjectAlternativeNameType.SUBJECT_ALTERNATIVE_NAME_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED; case 1: case "EMAIL": return SubjectAlternativeNameType.EMAIL; case 2: case "URI": return SubjectAlternativeNameType.URI; case 3: case "OTHER_NAME": return SubjectAlternativeNameType.OTHER_NAME; default: throw new globalThis.Error("Unrecognized enum value " + object + " for enum SubjectAlternativeNameType"); } } exports.subjectAlternativeNameTypeFromJSON = subjectAlternativeNameTypeFromJSON; function subjectAlternativeNameTypeToJSON(object) { switch (object) { case SubjectAlternativeNameType.SUBJECT_ALTERNATIVE_NAME_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED: return "SUBJECT_ALTERNATIVE_NAME_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED"; case SubjectAlternativeNameType.EMAIL: return "EMAIL"; case SubjectAlternativeNameType.URI: return "URI"; case SubjectAlternativeNameType.OTHER_NAME: return "OTHER_NAME"; default: throw new globalThis.Error("Unrecognized enum value " + object + " for enum SubjectAlternativeNameType"); } } exports.subjectAlternativeNameTypeToJSON = subjectAlternativeNameTypeToJSON; function createBaseHashOutput() { return { algorithm: 0, digest: Buffer.alloc(0) }; } exports.HashOutput = { fromJSON(object) { return { algorithm: isSet(object.algorithm) ? hashAlgorithmFromJSON(object.algorithm) : 0, digest: isSet(object.digest) ? Buffer.from(bytesFromBase64(object.digest)) : Buffer.alloc(0), }; }, toJSON(message) { const obj = {}; message.algorithm !== undefined && (obj.algorithm = hashAlgorithmToJSON(message.algorithm)); message.digest !== undefined && (obj.digest = base64FromBytes(message.digest !== undefined ? message.digest : Buffer.alloc(0))); return obj; }, }; function createBaseMessageSignature() { return { messageDigest: undefined, signature: Buffer.alloc(0) }; } exports.MessageSignature = { fromJSON(object) { return { messageDigest: isSet(object.messageDigest) ? exports.HashOutput.fromJSON(object.messageDigest) : undefined, signature: isSet(object.signature) ? Buffer.from(bytesFromBase64(object.signature)) : Buffer.alloc(0), }; }, toJSON(message) { const obj = {}; message.messageDigest !== undefined && (obj.messageDigest = message.messageDigest ? exports.HashOutput.toJSON(message.messageDigest) : undefined); message.signature !== undefined && (obj.signature = base64FromBytes(message.signature !== undefined ? message.signature : Buffer.alloc(0))); return obj; }, }; function createBaseLogId() { return { keyId: Buffer.alloc(0) }; } exports.LogId = { fromJSON(object) { return { keyId: isSet(object.keyId) ? Buffer.from(bytesFromBase64(object.keyId)) : Buffer.alloc(0) }; }, toJSON(message) { const obj = {}; message.keyId !== undefined && (obj.keyId = base64FromBytes(message.keyId !== undefined ? message.keyId : Buffer.alloc(0))); return obj; }, }; function createBaseRFC3161SignedTimestamp() { return { signedTimestamp: Buffer.alloc(0) }; } exports.RFC3161SignedTimestamp = { fromJSON(object) { return { signedTimestamp: isSet(object.signedTimestamp) ? Buffer.from(bytesFromBase64(object.signedTimestamp)) : Buffer.alloc(0), }; }, toJSON(message) { const obj = {}; message.signedTimestamp !== undefined && (obj.signedTimestamp = base64FromBytes(message.signedTimestamp !== undefined ? message.signedTimestamp : Buffer.alloc(0))); return obj; }, }; function createBasePublicKey() { return { rawBytes: undefined, keyDetails: 0, validFor: undefined }; } exports.PublicKey = { fromJSON(object) { return { rawBytes: isSet(object.rawBytes) ? Buffer.from(bytesFromBase64(object.rawBytes)) : undefined, keyDetails: isSet(object.keyDetails) ? publicKeyDetailsFromJSON(object.keyDetails) : 0, validFor: isSet(object.validFor) ? exports.TimeRange.fromJSON(object.validFor) : undefined, }; }, toJSON(message) { const obj = {}; message.rawBytes !== undefined && (obj.rawBytes = message.rawBytes !== undefined ? base64FromBytes(message.rawBytes) : undefined); message.keyDetails !== undefined && (obj.keyDetails = publicKeyDetailsToJSON(message.keyDetails)); message.validFor !== undefined && (obj.validFor = message.validFor ? exports.TimeRange.toJSON(message.validFor) : undefined); return obj; }, }; function createBasePublicKeyIdentifier() { return { hint: "" }; } exports.PublicKeyIdentifier = { fromJSON(object) { return { hint: isSet(object.hint) ? String(object.hint) : "" }; }, toJSON(message) { const obj = {}; message.hint !== undefined && (obj.hint = message.hint); return obj; }, }; function createBaseObjectIdentifier() { return { id: [] }; } exports.ObjectIdentifier = { fromJSON(object) { return { id: Array.isArray(object?.id) ? object.id.map((e) => Number(e)) : [] }; }, toJSON(message) { const obj = {}; if (message.id) { obj.id = message.id.map((e) => Math.round(e)); } else { obj.id = []; } return obj; }, }; function createBaseObjectIdentifierValuePair() { return { oid: undefined, value: Buffer.alloc(0) }; } exports.ObjectIdentifierValuePair = { fromJSON(object) { return { oid: isSet(object.oid) ? exports.ObjectIdentifier.fromJSON(object.oid) : undefined, value: isSet(object.value) ? Buffer.from(bytesFromBase64(object.value)) : Buffer.alloc(0), }; }, toJSON(message) { const obj = {}; message.oid !== undefined && (obj.oid = message.oid ? exports.ObjectIdentifier.toJSON(message.oid) : undefined); message.value !== undefined && (obj.value = base64FromBytes(message.value !== undefined ? message.value : Buffer.alloc(0))); return obj; }, }; function createBaseDistinguishedName() { return { organization: "", commonName: "" }; } exports.DistinguishedName = { fromJSON(object) { return { organization: isSet(object.organization) ? String(object.organization) : "", commonName: isSet(object.commonName) ? String(object.commonName) : "", }; }, toJSON(message) { const obj = {}; message.organization !== undefined && (obj.organization = message.organization); message.commonName !== undefined && (obj.commonName = message.commonName); return obj; }, }; function createBaseX509Certificate() { return { rawBytes: Buffer.alloc(0) }; } exports.X509Certificate = { fromJSON(object) { return { rawBytes: isSet(object.rawBytes) ? Buffer.from(bytesFromBase64(object.rawBytes)) : Buffer.alloc(0) }; }, toJSON(message) { const obj = {}; message.rawBytes !== undefined && (obj.rawBytes = base64FromBytes(message.rawBytes !== undefined ? message.rawBytes : Buffer.alloc(0))); return obj; }, }; function createBaseSubjectAlternativeName() { return { type: 0, identity: undefined }; } exports.SubjectAlternativeName = { fromJSON(object) { return { type: isSet(object.type) ? subjectAlternativeNameTypeFromJSON(object.type) : 0, identity: isSet(object.regexp) ? { $case: "regexp", regexp: String(object.regexp) } : isSet(object.value) ? { $case: "value", value: String(object.value) } : undefined, }; }, toJSON(message) { const obj = {}; message.type !== undefined && (obj.type = subjectAlternativeNameTypeToJSON(message.type)); message.identity?.$case === "regexp" && (obj.regexp = message.identity?.regexp); message.identity?.$case === "value" && (obj.value = message.identity?.value); return obj; }, }; function createBaseX509CertificateChain() { return { certificates: [] }; } exports.X509CertificateChain = { fromJSON(object) { return { certificates: Array.isArray(object?.certificates) ? object.certificates.map((e) => exports.X509Certificate.fromJSON(e)) : [], }; }, toJSON(message) { const obj = {}; if (message.certificates) { obj.certificates = message.certificates.map((e) => e ? exports.X509Certificate.toJSON(e) : undefined); } else { obj.certificates = []; } return obj; }, }; function createBaseTimeRange() { return { start: undefined, end: undefined }; } exports.TimeRange = { fromJSON(object) { return { start: isSet(object.start) ? fromJsonTimestamp(object.start) : undefined, end: isSet(object.end) ? fromJsonTimestamp(object.end) : undefined, }; }, toJSON(message) { const obj = {}; message.start !== undefined && (obj.start = message.start.toISOString()); message.end !== undefined && (obj.end = message.end.toISOString()); return obj; }, }; var globalThis = (() => { if (typeof globalThis !== "undefined") { return globalThis; } if (typeof self !== "undefined") { return self; } if (typeof window !== "undefined") { return window; } if (typeof global !== "undefined") { return global; } throw "Unable to locate global object"; })(); function bytesFromBase64(b64) { if (globalThis.Buffer) { return Uint8Array.from(globalThis.Buffer.from(b64, "base64")); } else { const bin = globalThis.atob(b64); const arr = new Uint8Array(bin.length); for (let i = 0; i < bin.length; ++i) { arr[i] = bin.charCodeAt(i); } return arr; } } function base64FromBytes(arr) { if (globalThis.Buffer) { return globalThis.Buffer.from(arr).toString("base64"); } else { const bin = []; arr.forEach((byte) => { bin.push(String.fromCharCode(byte)); }); return globalThis.btoa(bin.join("")); } } function fromTimestamp(t) { let millis = Number(t.seconds) * 1000; millis += t.nanos / 1000000; return new Date(millis); } function fromJsonTimestamp(o) { if (o instanceof Date) { return o; } else if (typeof o === "string") { return new Date(o); } else { return fromTimestamp(timestamp_1.Timestamp.fromJSON(o)); } } function isSet(value) { return value !== null && value !== undefined; }