const fs = require('fs') const util = require('util') const readdir = util.promisify(fs.readdir) const { test } = require('tap') const requireInject = require('require-inject') test('should use Arborist', (t) => { const ci = requireInject('../../lib/ci.js', { '../../lib/npm.js': { prefix: 'foo', flatOptions: { global: false, }, }, '../../lib/utils/reify-finish.js': async () => {}, '@npmcli/arborist': function (args) { t.ok(args, 'gets options object') this.loadVirtual = () => { t.ok(true, 'loadVirtual is called') return Promise.resolve(true) } this.reify = () => { t.ok(true, 'reify is called') } }, util: { inherits: () => {}, promisify: (fn) => fn, }, rimraf: (path) => { t.ok(path, 'rimraf called with path') return Promise.resolve(true) }, '../../lib/utils/reify-output.js': function (arb) { t.ok(arb, 'gets arborist tree') }, }) ci(null, er => { if (er) throw er t.end() }) }) test('should pass flatOptions to Arborist.reify', (t) => { const ci = requireInject('../../lib/ci.js', { '../../lib/npm.js': { prefix: 'foo', flatOptions: { production: true, }, }, '../../lib/utils/reify-finish.js': async () => {}, '@npmcli/arborist': function () { this.loadVirtual = () => Promise.resolve(true) this.reify = async (options) => { t.equal(options.production, true, 'should pass flatOptions to Arborist.reify') t.end() } }, }) ci(null, er => { if (er) throw er }) }) test('should throw if package-lock.json or npm-shrinkwrap missing', (t) => { const testDir = t.testdir({ 'index.js': 'some contents', 'package.json': 'some info', }) const ci = requireInject('../../lib/ci.js', { '../../lib/npm.js': { prefix: testDir, flatOptions: { global: false, }, }, '../../lib/utils/reify-finish.js': async () => {}, npmlog: { verbose: () => { t.ok(true, 'log fn called') }, }, }) ci(null, (err, res) => { t.ok(err, 'throws error when there is no package-lock') t.notOk(res) t.end() }) }) test('should throw ECIGLOBAL', (t) => { const ci = requireInject('../../lib/ci.js', { '../../lib/npm.js': { prefix: 'foo', flatOptions: { global: true, }, }, '../../lib/utils/reify-finish.js': async () => {}, }) ci(null, (err, res) => { t.equals(err.code, 'ECIGLOBAL', 'throws error with global packages') t.notOk(res) t.end() }) }) test('should remove existing node_modules before installing', (t) => { const testDir = t.testdir({ node_modules: { 'some-file': 'some contents', }, }) const ci = requireInject('../../lib/ci.js', { '../../lib/npm.js': { prefix: testDir, flatOptions: { global: false, }, }, '../../lib/utils/reify-finish.js': async () => {}, '@npmcli/arborist': function () { this.loadVirtual = () => Promise.resolve(true) this.reify = async (options) => { t.equal(, false, 'npm ci should never save') // check if node_modules was removed before reifying const contents = await readdir(testDir) const nodeModules = contents.filter((path) => path.startsWith('node_modules')) t.same(nodeModules, ['node_modules'], 'should only have the node_modules directory') t.end() } }, }) ci(null, er => { if (er) throw er }) })