const t = require('tap') const { fake: mockNpm } = require('../../fixtures/mock-npm') let result = '' let log = '' t.afterEach(() => { result = '' log = '' }) const routeMap = { '/-/package/@scoped%2fpkg/dist-tags': { latest: '1.0.0', a: '0.0.1', b: '0.5.0', }, '/-/package/@scoped%2fanother/dist-tags': { latest: '2.0.0', a: '0.0.2', b: '0.6.0', }, '/-/package/@scoped%2fanother/dist-tags/c': { latest: '7.7.7', a: '0.0.2', b: '0.6.0', c: '7.7.7', }, '/-/package/workspace-a/dist-tags': { latest: '1.0.0', 'latest-a': '1.0.0', }, '/-/package/workspace-b/dist-tags': { latest: '2.0.0', 'latest-b': '2.0.0', }, '/-/package/workspace-c/dist-tags': { latest: '3.0.0', 'latest-c': '3.0.0', }, } // XXX overriding this does not appear to do anything, adding t.plan to things // that use it fails the test let npmRegistryFetchMock = (url, opts) => { npmRegistryFetchLog = opts.log if (url === '/-/package/foo/dist-tags') { throw new Error('no package found') } return routeMap[url] } let npmRegistryFetchLog npmRegistryFetchMock.json = async (url, opts) => { npmRegistryFetchLog = opts.log return routeMap[url] } const logger = (...msgs) => { for (const msg of [...msgs]) { log += msg + ' ' } log += '\n' } const DistTag = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/dist-tag.js', { 'proc-log': { error: logger, info: logger, verbose: logger, warn: logger, }, get 'npm-registry-fetch' () { return npmRegistryFetchMock }, }) const config = {} const npm = mockNpm({ config, output: msg => { result = result ? [result, msg].join('\n') : msg }, }) const distTag = new DistTag(npm) t.afterEach(() => { npmRegistryFetchLog = null }) t.test('ls in current package', async t => { npm.prefix = t.testdir({ 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: '@scoped/pkg', }), }) await distTag.exec(['ls']) t.ok(npmRegistryFetchLog, 'is passed a logger') t.matchSnapshot( result, 'should list available tags for current package' ) }) t.test('ls global', async t => { t.teardown(() => { = false }) = true await t.rejects( distTag.exec(['ls']), distTag.usage, 'should throw basic usage' ) }) t.test('no args in current package', async t => { npm.prefix = t.testdir({ 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: '@scoped/pkg', }), }) await distTag.exec([]) t.matchSnapshot( result, 'should default to listing available tags for current package' ) }) t.test('borked cmd usage', async t => { npm.prefix = t.testdir({}) await t.rejects( distTag.exec(['borked', '@scoped/pkg']), distTag.usage, 'should show usage error' ) }) t.test('ls on named package', async t => { npm.prefix = t.testdir({}) await distTag.exec(['ls', '@scoped/another']) t.matchSnapshot( result, 'should list tags for the specified package' ) }) t.test('ls on missing package', async t => { npm.prefix = t.testdir({}) await t.rejects( distTag.exec(['ls', 'foo']), distTag.usage ) t.matchSnapshot( log, 'should log no dist-tag found msg' ) }) t.test('ls on missing name in current package', async t => { npm.prefix = t.testdir({ 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ version: '1.0.0', }), }) await t.rejects( distTag.exec(['ls']), distTag.usage, 'should throw usage error message' ) }) t.test('only named package arg', async t => { npm.prefix = t.testdir({}) await distTag.exec(['@scoped/another']) t.matchSnapshot( result, 'should default to listing tags for the specified package' ) }) t.test('workspaces', t => { npm.localPrefix = t.testdir({ 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'root', version: '1.0.0', workspaces: ['workspace-a', 'workspace-b', 'workspace-c'], }), 'workspace-a': { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'workspace-a', version: '1.0.0', }), }, 'workspace-b': { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'workspace-b', version: '1.0.0', }), }, 'workspace-c': { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'workspace-c', version: '1.0.0', }), }, }) t.test('no args', async t => { await distTag.execWorkspaces([], []) t.matchSnapshot(result, 'printed the expected output') }) t.test('no args, one workspace', async t => { await distTag.execWorkspaces([], ['workspace-a']) t.matchSnapshot(result, 'printed the expected output') }) t.test('one arg -- .', async t => { await distTag.execWorkspaces(['.'], []) t.matchSnapshot(result, 'printed the expected output') }) t.test('one arg -- .@1, ignores version spec', async t => { await distTag.execWorkspaces(['.@'], []) t.matchSnapshot(result, 'printed the expected output') }) t.test('one arg -- list', async t => { await distTag.execWorkspaces(['list'], []) t.matchSnapshot(result, 'printed the expected output') }) t.test('two args -- list, .', async t => { await distTag.execWorkspaces(['list', '.'], []) t.matchSnapshot(result, 'printed the expected output') }) t.test('two args -- list, .@1, ignores version spec', async t => { await distTag.execWorkspaces(['list', '.@'], []) t.matchSnapshot(result, 'printed the expected output') }) t.test('two args -- list, @scoped/pkg, logs a warning and ignores workspaces', async t => { await distTag.execWorkspaces(['list', '@scoped/pkg'], []) t.match(log, 'Ignoring workspaces for specified package', 'logs a warning') t.matchSnapshot(result, 'printed the expected output') }) t.test('no args, one failing workspace sets exitCode to 1', async t => { npm.localPrefix = t.testdir({ 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'root', version: '1.0.0', workspaces: ['workspace-a', 'workspace-b', 'workspace-c', 'workspace-d'], }), 'workspace-a': { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'workspace-a', version: '1.0.0', }), }, 'workspace-b': { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'workspace-b', version: '1.0.0', }), }, 'workspace-c': { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'workspace-c', version: '1.0.0', }), }, 'workspace-d': { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'workspace-d', version: '1.0.0', }), }, }) await distTag.execWorkspaces([], []) t.equal(process.exitCode, 1, 'set the error status') process.exitCode = 0 t.match(log, 'dist-tag ls Couldn\'t get dist-tag data for workspace-d@latest', 'logs the error') t.matchSnapshot(result, 'printed the expected output') }) t.end() }) t.test('add new tag', async t => { const _nrf = npmRegistryFetchMock t.teardown(() => { npmRegistryFetchMock = _nrf }) npmRegistryFetchMock = async (url, opts) => { t.ok(opts.log, 'is passed a logger') t.equal(opts.method, 'PUT', 'should trigger request to add new tag') t.equal(opts.body, '7.7.7', 'should point to expected version') } npm.prefix = t.testdir({}) await distTag.exec(['add', '@scoped/another@7.7.7', 'c']) t.matchSnapshot( result, 'should return success msg' ) }) t.test('add using valid semver range as name', async t => { npm.prefix = t.testdir({}) await t.rejects( distTag.exec(['add', '@scoped/another@7.7.7', '1.0.0']), /Tag name must not be a valid SemVer range: 1.0.0/, 'should exit with semver range error' ) t.matchSnapshot( log, 'should return success msg' ) }) t.test('add missing args', async t => { npm.prefix = t.testdir({}) config.tag = '' t.teardown(() => { delete config.tag }) await t.rejects( distTag.exec(['add', '@scoped/another@7.7.7']), distTag.usage, 'should exit usage error message' ) }) t.test('add missing pkg name', async t => { npm.prefix = t.testdir({}) await t.rejects( distTag.exec(['add', null]), distTag.usage, 'should exit usage error message' ) }) t.test('set existing version', async t => { npm.prefix = t.testdir({}) await distTag.exec(['set', '@scoped/another@0.6.0', 'b']) t.matchSnapshot( log, 'should log warn msg' ) }) t.test('remove existing tag', async t => { const _nrf = npmRegistryFetchMock t.teardown(() => { npmRegistryFetchMock = _nrf }) npmRegistryFetchMock = async (url, opts) => { t.equal(opts.method, 'DELETE', 'should trigger request to remove tag') } npm.prefix = t.testdir({}) await distTag.exec(['rm', '@scoped/another', 'c']) t.ok(npmRegistryFetchLog, 'is passed a logger') t.matchSnapshot(log, 'should log remove info') t.matchSnapshot(result, 'should return success msg') }) t.test('remove non-existing tag', async t => { npm.prefix = t.testdir({}) await t.rejects( distTag.exec(['rm', '@scoped/another', 'nonexistent']), /nonexistent is not a dist-tag on @scoped\/another/, 'should exit with error' ) t.matchSnapshot(log, 'should log error msg') }) t.test('remove missing pkg name', async t => { npm.prefix = t.testdir({}) await t.rejects( distTag.exec(['rm', null]), distTag.usage, 'should exit usage error message' ) }) t.test('completion', async t => { const { completion } = distTag t.plan(2) const match = completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: ['npm', 'dist-tag'] } } }) t.resolveMatch(match, ['add', 'rm', 'ls'], 'should list npm dist-tag commands for completion') const noMatch = completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: ['npm', 'dist-tag', 'foobar'] } } }) t.resolveMatch(noMatch, []) t.end() })