const t = require('tap') const requireInject = require('require-inject') const redactCwd = (path) => { const normalizePath = p => p .replace(/\\+/g, '/') .replace(/\r\n/g, '\n') const replaceCwd = p => p .replace(new RegExp(normalizePath(process.cwd()), 'g'), '{CWD}') const cleanupWinPaths = p => p .replace(normalizePath(process.execPath), '/path/to/node') .replace(normalizePath(process.env.HOME), '~/') return cleanupWinPaths( replaceCwd( normalizePath(path) ) ) } t.cleanSnapshot = (str) => redactCwd(str) let result = '' const types = { 'init-author-name': String, 'init-version': String, '': String, 'init.version': String, } const defaults = { 'init-author-name': '', 'init-version': '1.0.0', '': '', 'init.version': '1.0.0', } const flatOptions = { editor: 'vi', json: false, long: false, global: false, } const npm = { flatOptions, log: { info: () => null, enableProgress: () => null, disableProgress: () => null, }, config: { data: new Map(Object.entries({ default: { data: defaults, source: 'default values' }, global: { data: {}, source: '/etc/npmrc' }, cli: { data: flatOptions, source: 'command line options' }, })), get (key) { return flatOptions[key] }, validate () { return true }, }, } const usageUtil = () => 'usage instructions' const mocks = { '../../lib/utils/config.js': { defaults, types }, '../../lib/npm.js': npm, '../../lib/utils/output.js': msg => { result = msg }, '../../lib/utils/usage.js': usageUtil, } const config = requireInject('../../lib/config.js', mocks) t.test('config no args', t => { config([], (err) => { t.match(err, /usage instructions/, 'should not error out on empty locations') t.end() }) }) t.test('config list', t => { t.plan(2) npm.config.find = () => 'cli' result = '' t.teardown(() => { result = '' delete npm.config.find }) config(['list'], (err) => { t.ifError(err, 'npm config list') t.matchSnapshot(result, 'should list configs') }) }) t.test('config list overrides', t => { t.plan(2)'user', { data: { '': 'Foo', '//': 'f00ba1', }, source: '~/.npmrc', }) flatOptions[''] = 'Bar' npm.config.find = () => 'cli' result = '' t.teardown(() => { result = '''user') delete flatOptions[''] delete npm.config.find }) config(['list'], (err) => { t.ifError(err, 'npm config list') t.matchSnapshot(result, 'should list overriden configs') }) }) t.test('config list --long', t => { t.plan(2) npm.config.find = key => key in flatOptions ? 'cli' : 'default' flatOptions.long = true result = '' t.teardown(() => { delete npm.config.find flatOptions.long = false result = '' }) config(['list'], (err) => { t.ifError(err, 'npm config list --long') t.matchSnapshot(result, 'should list all configs') }) }) t.test('config list --json', t => { t.plan(2) flatOptions.json = true result = '' npm.config.list = [{ '//': 'f00ba1','cli').data, }] const npmConfigGet = npm.config.get npm.config.get = key => npm.config.list[0][key] t.teardown(() => { delete npm.config.list flatOptions.json = false npm.config.get = npmConfigGet result = '' }) config(['list'], (err) => { t.ifError(err, 'npm config list --json') t.deepEqual( JSON.parse(result), { editor: 'vi', json: true, long: false, global: false, }, 'should list configs usin json' ) }) }) t.test('config delete no args', t => { config(['delete'], (err) => { t.equal( err.message, 'usage instructions', 'should throw usage error' ) t.equal(err.code, 'EUSAGE', 'should throw expected error code') t.end() }) }) t.test('config delete key', t => { t.plan(4) npm.config.delete = (key, where) => { t.equal(key, 'foo', 'should delete expected keyword') t.equal(where, 'user', 'should delete key from user config by default') } = where => { t.equal(where, 'user', 'should save user config post-delete') } config(['delete', 'foo'], (err) => { t.ifError(err, 'npm config delete key') }) t.teardown(() => { delete npm.config.delete delete }) }) t.test('config delete key --global', t => { t.plan(4) npm.config.delete = (key, where) => { t.equal(key, 'foo', 'should delete expected keyword from global configs') t.equal(where, 'global', 'should delete key from global config by default') } = where => { t.equal(where, 'global', 'should save global config post-delete') } = true config(['delete', 'foo'], (err) => { t.ifError(err, 'npm config delete key --global') }) t.teardown(() => { = false delete npm.config.delete delete }) }) t.test('config set no args', t => { config(['set'], (err) => { t.equal( err.message, 'usage instructions', 'should throw usage error' ) t.end() }) }) t.test('config set key', t => { t.plan(5) npm.config.set = (key, val, where) => { t.equal(key, 'foo', 'should set expected key to user config') t.equal(val, 'bar', 'should set expected value to user config') t.equal(where, 'user', 'should set key/val in user config by default') } = where => { t.equal(where, 'user', 'should save user config') } config(['set', 'foo', 'bar'], (err) => { t.ifError(err, 'npm config set key') }) t.teardown(() => { delete npm.config.set delete }) }) t.test('config set key=val', t => { t.plan(5) npm.config.set = (key, val, where) => { t.equal(key, 'foo', 'should set expected key to user config') t.equal(val, 'bar', 'should set expected value to user config') t.equal(where, 'user', 'should set key/val in user config by default') } = where => { t.equal(where, 'user', 'should save user config') } config(['set', 'foo=bar'], (err) => { t.ifError(err, 'npm config set key') }) t.teardown(() => { delete npm.config.set delete }) }) t.test('config set key to empty value', t => { t.plan(5) npm.config.set = (key, val, where) => { t.equal(key, 'foo', 'should set expected key to user config') t.equal(val, '', 'should set empty value to user config') t.equal(where, 'user', 'should set key/val in user config by default') } = where => { t.equal(where, 'user', 'should save user config') } config(['set', 'foo'], (err) => { t.ifError(err, 'npm config set key to empty value') }) t.teardown(() => { delete npm.config.set delete }) }) t.test('config set invalid key', t => { t.plan(3) const npmConfigValidate = npm.config.validate = () => null npm.config.set = () => null npm.config.validate = () => false npm.log.warn = (title, msg) => { t.equal(title, 'config', 'should warn with expected title') t.equal(msg, 'omitting invalid config values', 'should use expected msg') } t.teardown(() => { npm.config.validate = npmConfigValidate delete delete npm.config.set delete npm.log.warn }) config(['set', 'foo', 'bar'], (err) => { t.ifError(err, 'npm config set invalid key') }) }) t.test('config set key --global', t => { t.plan(5) npm.config.set = (key, val, where) => { t.equal(key, 'foo', 'should set expected key to global config') t.equal(val, 'bar', 'should set expected value to global config') t.equal(where, 'global', 'should set key/val in global config') } = where => { t.equal(where, 'global', 'should save global config') } = true config(['set', 'foo', 'bar'], (err) => { t.ifError(err, 'npm config set key --global') }) t.teardown(() => { = false delete npm.config.set delete }) }) t.test('config get no args', t => { t.plan(2) npm.config.find = () => 'cli' result = '' t.teardown(() => { result = '' delete npm.config.find }) config(['get'], (err) => { t.ifError(err, 'npm config get no args') t.matchSnapshot(result, 'should list configs on config get no args') }) }) t.test('config get key', t => { t.plan(2) const npmConfigGet = npm.config.get npm.config.get = (key) => { t.equal(key, 'foo', 'should use expected key') return 'bar' } = where => { throw new Error('should not save') } config(['get', 'foo'], (err) => { t.ifError(err, 'npm config get key') }) t.teardown(() => { npm.config.get = npmConfigGet delete }) }) t.test('config get private key', t => { config(['get', '//'], (err) => { t.match( err, /The \/\/\/:_authThoken option is protected, and cannot be retrieved in this way/, 'should throw unable to retrieve error' ) t.end() }) }) t.test('config edit', t => { t.plan(12) const npmrc = `// sign-git-commit=true`'user', { source: '~/.npmrc', }) = async where => { t.equal(where, 'user', 'should save to user config by default') } const editMocks = { ...mocks, 'mkdirp-infer-owner': async () => null, fs: { readFile (path, encoding, cb) { cb(null, npmrc) }, writeFile (file, data, encoding, cb) { t.equal(file, '~/.npmrc', 'should save to expected file location') t.matchSnapshot(data, 'should write config file') cb() }, }, editor: (file, { editor }, cb) => { t.equal(file, '~/.npmrc', 'should match user source data') t.equal(editor, 'vi', 'should use default editor') cb() }, } const config = requireInject('../../lib/config.js', editMocks) config(['edit'], (err) => { t.ifError(err, 'npm config edit') // test no config file result editMocks.fs.readFile = (p, e, cb) => { cb(new Error('ERR')) } const config = requireInject('../../lib/config.js', editMocks) config(['edit'], (err) => { t.ifError(err, 'npm config edit') }) }) t.teardown(() => {'user') delete }) }) t.test('config edit --global', t => { t.plan(6) = true const npmrc = '''global', { source: '/etc/npmrc', }) = async where => { t.equal(where, 'global', 'should save to global config') } const editMocks = { ...mocks, 'mkdirp-infer-owner': async () => null, fs: { readFile (path, encoding, cb) { cb(null, npmrc) }, writeFile (file, data, encoding, cb) { t.equal(file, '/etc/npmrc', 'should save to global file location') t.matchSnapshot(data, 'should write global config file') cb() }, }, editor: (file, { editor }, cb) => { t.equal(file, '/etc/npmrc', 'should match global source data') t.equal(editor, 'vi', 'should use default editor') cb() }, } const config = requireInject('../../lib/config.js', editMocks) config(['edit'], (err) => { t.ifError(err, 'npm config edit --global') }) t.teardown(() => { = false'user') delete }) }) t.test('config edit no editor set', t => { flatOptions.editor = undefined config(['edit'], (err) => { t.match( err, /No `editor` config or EDITOR environment variable set/, 'should throw no available editor error' ) flatOptions.editor = 'vi' t.end() }) }) t.test('completion', t => { const { completion } = config const testComp = (argv, expect) => { completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: argv } } }, (er, res) => { t.ifError(er) t.strictSame(res, expect, argv.join(' ')) }) } testComp(['npm', 'foo'], []) testComp(['npm', 'config'], [ 'get', 'set', 'delete', 'ls', 'rm', 'edit', 'list', ]) testComp(['npm', 'config', 'set', 'foo'], []) const possibleConfigKeys = [...Object.keys(types)] testComp(['npm', 'config', 'get'], possibleConfigKeys) testComp(['npm', 'config', 'set'], possibleConfigKeys) testComp(['npm', 'config', 'delete'], possibleConfigKeys) testComp(['npm', 'config', 'rm'], possibleConfigKeys) testComp(['npm', 'config', 'edit'], []) testComp(['npm', 'config', 'list'], []) testComp(['npm', 'config', 'ls'], []) completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: ['npm', 'config'], }, }, partialWord: 'l', }, (er, res) => { t.ifError(er) t.strictSame(res, [ 'get', 'set', 'delete', 'ls', 'rm', 'edit', ], 'npm config') }) t.end() })