const t = require('tap') const requireInject = require('require-inject') const { resolve, delimiter } = require('path') const OUTPUT = [] const output = (...msg) => OUTPUT.push(msg) const ARB_CTOR = [] const ARB_ACTUAL_TREE = {} const ARB_REIFY = [] class Arborist { constructor (options) { ARB_CTOR.push(options) this.path = options.path } async loadActual () { return ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[this.path] } async reify (options) { ARB_REIFY.push(options) } } let PROGRESS_ENABLED = true const LOG_WARN = [] let PROGRESS_IGNORED = false const npm = { flatOptions: { yes: true, call: '', package: [], legacyPeerDeps: false, shell: 'shell-cmd', }, localPrefix: 'local-prefix', localBin: 'local-bin', globalBin: 'global-bin', config: { get: k => { if (k !== 'cache') throw new Error('unexpected config get') return 'cache-dir' }, }, log: { disableProgress: () => { PROGRESS_ENABLED = false }, enableProgress: () => { PROGRESS_ENABLED = true }, warn: (...args) => { LOG_WARN.push(args) }, }, } const RUN_SCRIPTS = [] const runScript = async opt => { RUN_SCRIPTS.push(opt) if (!PROGRESS_IGNORED && PROGRESS_ENABLED) throw new Error('progress not disabled during run script!') } const MANIFESTS = {} const pacote = { manifest: async (spec, options) => { return MANIFESTS[spec] }, } const MKDIRPS = [] const mkdirp = async path => MKDIRPS.push(path) let READ_RESULT = '' let READ_ERROR = null const READ = [] const read = (options, cb) => { READ.push(options) process.nextTick(() => cb(READ_ERROR, READ_RESULT)) } const PATH = require('../../lib/utils/path.js') let CI_NAME = 'travis-ci' const mocks = { '@npmcli/arborist': Arborist, '@npmcli/run-script': runScript, '@npmcli/ci-detect': () => CI_NAME, '../../lib/npm.js': npm, pacote, read, 'mkdirp-infer-owner': mkdirp, '../../lib/utils/output.js': output, } const exec = requireInject('../../lib/exec.js', mocks) t.afterEach(cb => { MKDIRPS.length = 0 ARB_CTOR.length = 0 ARB_REIFY.length = 0 RUN_SCRIPTS.length = 0 READ.length = 0 READ_RESULT = '' READ_ERROR = null LOG_WARN.length = 0 PROGRESS_IGNORED = false npm.flatOptions.legacyPeerDeps = false npm.flatOptions.package = [] = '' npm.localBin = 'local-bin' npm.globalBin = 'global-bin' cb() }) t.test('npx foo, bin already exists locally', async t => { const path = t.testdir({ foo: 'just some file', }) PROGRESS_IGNORED = true npm.localBin = path await exec(['foo'], er => { t.ifError(er, 'npm exec') }) t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foo' }}, banner: false, path: process.cwd(), stdioString: true, event: 'npx', env: { PATH: [path, ...PATH].join(delimiter), }, stdio: 'inherit', }]) }) t.test('npx foo, bin already exists globally', async t => { const path = t.testdir({ foo: 'just some file', }) PROGRESS_IGNORED = true npm.globalBin = path await exec(['foo'], er => { t.ifError(er, 'npm exec') }) t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foo' }}, banner: false, path: process.cwd(), stdioString: true, event: 'npx', env: { PATH: [path, ...PATH].join(delimiter), }, stdio: 'inherit', }]) }) t.test('npm exec foo, already present locally', async t => { const path = t.testdir() npm.localPrefix = path ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[path] = { children: new Map([['foo', { name: 'foo', version: '1.2.3' }]]), } = { name: 'foo', version: '1.2.3', bin: { foo: 'foo', }, _from: 'foo@', } await exec(['foo'], er => { if (er) throw er }) t.strictSame(MKDIRPS, [], 'no need to make any dirs') t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ package: ['foo'], path }]) t.strictSame(ARB_REIFY, [], 'no need to reify anything') t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foo' } }, banner: false, path: process.cwd(), stdioString: true, event: 'npx', env: { PATH: process.env.PATH }, stdio: 'inherit', }]) }) t.test('npm exec , run interactive shell', async t => { CI_NAME = null const { isTTY } = process.stdin process.stdin.isTTY = true t.teardown(() => process.stdin.isTTY = isTTY) const run = async (t, doRun = true) => { LOG_WARN.length = 0 ARB_CTOR.length = 0 MKDIRPS.length = 0 ARB_REIFY.length = 0 OUTPUT.length = 0 await exec([], er => { if (er) throw er }) t.strictSame(MKDIRPS, [], 'no need to make any dirs') t.strictSame(ARB_CTOR, [], 'no need to instantiate arborist') t.strictSame(ARB_REIFY, [], 'no need to reify anything') t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') if (doRun) { t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'shell-cmd' } }, banner: false, path: process.cwd(), stdioString: true, event: 'npx', env: { PATH: process.env.PATH }, stdio: 'inherit', }]) } else t.strictSame(RUN_SCRIPTS, []) RUN_SCRIPTS.length = 0 } t.test('print message when tty and not in CI', async t => { CI_NAME = null process.stdin.isTTY = true await run(t) t.strictSame(LOG_WARN, []) t.strictSame(OUTPUT, [ ['\nEntering npm script environment\nType \'exit\' or ^D when finished\n'], ], 'printed message about interactive shell') }) t.test('no message when not TTY', async t => { CI_NAME = null process.stdin.isTTY = false await run(t) t.strictSame(LOG_WARN, []) t.strictSame(OUTPUT, [], 'no message about interactive shell') }) t.test('print warning when in CI and interactive', async t => { CI_NAME = 'travis-ci' process.stdin.isTTY = true await run(t, false) t.strictSame(LOG_WARN, [ ['exec', 'Interactive mode disabled in CI environment'], ]) t.strictSame(OUTPUT, [], 'no message about interactive shell') }) t.end() }) t.test('npm exec foo, not present locally or in central loc', async t => { const path = t.testdir() const installDir = resolve('cache-dir/_npx/f7fbba6e0636f890') npm.localPrefix = path ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[path] = { children: new Map(), } ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[installDir] = { children: new Map(), } = { name: 'foo', version: '1.2.3', bin: { foo: 'foo', }, _from: 'foo@', } await exec(['foo'], er => { if (er) throw er }) t.strictSame(MKDIRPS, [installDir], 'need to make install dir') t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ package: ['foo'], path }]) t.match(ARB_REIFY, [{add: ['foo@'], legacyPeerDeps: false}], 'need to install foo@') t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') const PATH = `${resolve(installDir, 'node_modules', '.bin')}${delimiter}${process.env.PATH}` t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foo' } }, banner: false, path: process.cwd(), stdioString: true, event: 'npx', env: { PATH }, stdio: 'inherit', }]) }) t.test('npm exec foo, not present locally but in central loc', async t => { const path = t.testdir() const installDir = resolve('cache-dir/_npx/f7fbba6e0636f890') npm.localPrefix = path ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[path] = { children: new Map(), } ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[installDir] = { children: new Map([['foo', { name: 'foo', version: '1.2.3' }]]), } = { name: 'foo', version: '1.2.3', bin: { foo: 'foo', }, _from: 'foo@', } await exec(['foo'], er => { if (er) throw er }) t.strictSame(MKDIRPS, [installDir], 'need to make install dir') t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ package: ['foo'], path }]) t.match(ARB_REIFY, [], 'no need to install again, already there') t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') const PATH = `${resolve(installDir, 'node_modules', '.bin')}${delimiter}${process.env.PATH}` t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foo' } }, banner: false, path: process.cwd(), stdioString: true, event: 'npx', env: { PATH }, stdio: 'inherit', }]) }) t.test('npm exec foo, present locally but wrong version', async t => { const path = t.testdir() const installDir = resolve('cache-dir/_npx/2badf4630f1cfaad') npm.localPrefix = path ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[path] = { children: new Map(), } ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[installDir] = { children: new Map([['foo', { name: 'foo', version: '1.2.3' }]]), } MANIFESTS['foo@2.x'] = { name: 'foo', version: '2.3.4', bin: { foo: 'foo', }, _from: 'foo@2.x', } await exec(['foo@2.x'], er => { if (er) throw er }) t.strictSame(MKDIRPS, [installDir], 'need to make install dir') t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ package: ['foo'], path }]) t.match(ARB_REIFY, [{ add: ['foo@2.x'], legacyPeerDeps: false }], 'need to add foo@2.x') t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') const PATH = `${resolve(installDir, 'node_modules', '.bin')}${delimiter}${process.env.PATH}` t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foo' } }, banner: false, path: process.cwd(), stdioString: true, event: 'npx', env: { PATH }, stdio: 'inherit', }]) }) t.test('npm exec --package=foo bar', async t => { const path = t.testdir() npm.localPrefix = path ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[path] = { children: new Map([['foo', { name: 'foo', version: '1.2.3' }]]), } = { name: 'foo', version: '1.2.3', bin: { foo: 'foo', }, _from: 'foo@', } npm.flatOptions.package = ['foo'] await exec(['bar'], er => { if (er) throw er }) t.strictSame(MKDIRPS, [], 'no need to make any dirs') t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ package: ['foo'], path }]) t.strictSame(ARB_REIFY, [], 'no need to reify anything') t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'bar' } }, banner: false, path: process.cwd(), stdioString: true, event: 'npx', env: { PATH: process.env.PATH }, stdio: 'inherit', }]) }) t.test('npm exec @foo/bar -- --some=arg, locally installed', async t => { const foobarManifest = { name: '@foo/bar', version: '1.2.3', bin: { foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar', }, } const path = t.testdir({ node_modules: { '@foo/bar': { 'package.json': JSON.stringify(foobarManifest), }, }, }) npm.localPrefix = path ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[path] = { children: new Map([['@foo/bar', { name: '@foo/bar', version: '1.2.3' }]]), } MANIFESTS['@foo/bar'] = foobarManifest await exec(['@foo/bar', '--some=arg'], er => { if (er) throw er }) t.strictSame(MKDIRPS, [], 'no need to make any dirs') t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ package: ['@foo/bar'], path }]) t.strictSame(ARB_REIFY, [], 'no need to reify anything') t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'bar' } }, banner: false, path: process.cwd(), stdioString: true, event: 'npx', env: { PATH: process.env.PATH }, stdio: 'inherit', }]) }) t.test('npm exec @foo/bar, with same bin alias and no unscoped named bin, locally installed', async t => { const foobarManifest = { name: '@foo/bar', version: '1.2.3', bin: { baz: 'corge', // pick the first one qux: 'corge', quux: 'corge', }, } const path = t.testdir({ node_modules: { '@foo/bar': { 'package.json': JSON.stringify(foobarManifest), }, }, }) npm.localPrefix = path ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[path] = { children: new Map([['@foo/bar', { name: '@foo/bar', version: '1.2.3' }]]), } MANIFESTS['@foo/bar'] = foobarManifest await exec(['@foo/bar'], er => { if (er) throw er }) t.strictSame(MKDIRPS, [], 'no need to make any dirs') t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ package: ['@foo/bar'], path }]) t.strictSame(ARB_REIFY, [], 'no need to reify anything') t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'baz' } }, banner: false, path: process.cwd(), stdioString: true, event: 'npx', env: { PATH: process.env.PATH }, stdio: 'inherit', }]) }) t.test('npm exec @foo/bar, with different bin alias and no unscoped named bin, locally installed', t => { const path = t.testdir() npm.localPrefix = path ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[path] = { children: new Map([['@foo/bar', { name: '@foo/bar', version: '1.2.3' }]]), } MANIFESTS['@foo/bar'] = { name: '@foo/bar', version: '1.2.3', bin: { foo: 'qux', corge: 'qux', baz: 'quux', }, _from: 'foo@', _id: '@foo/bar@1.2.3', } return t.rejects(exec(['@foo/bar'], er => { if (er) throw er }), { message: 'could not determine executable to run', pkgid: '@foo/bar@1.2.3', }) }) t.test('run command with 2 packages, need install, verify sort', t => { // test both directions, should use same install dir both times // also test the read() call here, verify that the prompts match const cases = [['foo', 'bar'], ['bar', 'foo']] t.plan(cases.length) for (const packages of cases) { t.test(packages.join(', '), async t => { npm.flatOptions.package = packages const add = => `${p}@`).sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b)) const path = t.testdir() const installDir = resolve('cache-dir/_npx/07de77790e5f40f2') npm.localPrefix = path ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[path] = { children: new Map(), } ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[installDir] = { children: new Map(), } = { name: 'foo', version: '1.2.3', bin: { foo: 'foo', }, _from: 'foo@', } = { name: 'bar', version: '1.2.3', bin: { bar: 'bar', }, _from: 'bar@', } await exec(['foobar'], er => { if (er) throw er }) t.strictSame(MKDIRPS, [installDir], 'need to make install dir') t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ package: packages, path }]) t.match(ARB_REIFY, [{add, legacyPeerDeps: false}], 'need to install both packages') t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') const PATH = `${resolve(installDir, 'node_modules', '.bin')}${delimiter}${process.env.PATH}` t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foobar' } }, banner: false, path: process.cwd(), stdioString: true, event: 'npx', env: { PATH }, stdio: 'inherit', }]) }) } }) t.test('npm exec foo, no bin in package', t => { const path = t.testdir() npm.localPrefix = path ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[path] = { children: new Map([['foo', { name: 'foo', version: '1.2.3' }]]), } = { name: 'foo', version: '1.2.3', _from: 'foo@', _id: 'foo@1.2.3', } return t.rejects(exec(['foo'], er => { if (er) throw er }), { message: 'could not determine executable to run', pkgid: 'foo@1.2.3', }) }) t.test('npm exec foo, many bins in package, none named foo', t => { const path = t.testdir() npm.localPrefix = path ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[path] = { children: new Map([['foo', { name: 'foo', version: '1.2.3' }]]), } = { name: 'foo', version: '1.2.3', bin: { bar: 'bar', baz: 'baz', }, _from: 'foo@', _id: 'foo@1.2.3', } return t.rejects(exec(['foo'], er => { if (er) throw er }), { message: 'could not determine executable to run', pkgid: 'foo@1.2.3', }) }) t.test('npm exec -p foo -c "ls -laF"', async t => { const path = t.testdir() npm.localPrefix = path npm.flatOptions.package = ['foo'] = 'ls -laF' ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[path] = { children: new Map([['foo', { name: 'foo', version: '1.2.3' }]]), } = { name: 'foo', version: '1.2.3', _from: 'foo@', } await exec([], er => { if (er) throw er }) t.strictSame(MKDIRPS, [], 'no need to make any dirs') t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ package: ['foo'], path }]) t.strictSame(ARB_REIFY, [], 'no need to reify anything') t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'ls -laF' } }, banner: false, path: process.cwd(), stdioString: true, event: 'npx', env: { PATH: process.env.PATH }, stdio: 'inherit', }]) }) t.test('positional args and --call together is an error', t => { = 'true' return exec(['foo'], er => t.equal(er, exec.usage)) }) t.test('prompt when installs are needed if not already present and shell is a TTY', async t => { const stdoutTTY = process.stdout.isTTY const stdinTTY = process.stdin.isTTY t.teardown(() => { process.stdout.isTTY = stdoutTTY process.stdin.isTTY = stdinTTY CI_NAME = 'travis-ci' }) process.stdout.isTTY = true process.stdin.isTTY = true CI_NAME = false const packages = ['foo', 'bar'] READ_RESULT = 'yolo' npm.flatOptions.package = packages npm.flatOptions.yes = undefined const add = => `${p}@`).sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b)) const path = t.testdir() const installDir = resolve('cache-dir/_npx/07de77790e5f40f2') npm.localPrefix = path ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[path] = { children: new Map(), } ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[installDir] = { children: new Map(), } = { name: 'foo', version: '1.2.3', bin: { foo: 'foo', }, _from: 'foo@', } = { name: 'bar', version: '1.2.3', bin: { bar: 'bar', }, _from: 'bar@', } await exec(['foobar'], er => { if (er) throw er }) t.strictSame(MKDIRPS, [installDir], 'need to make install dir') t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ package: packages, path }]) t.match(ARB_REIFY, [{add, legacyPeerDeps: false}], 'need to install both packages') t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') const PATH = `${resolve(installDir, 'node_modules', '.bin')}${delimiter}${process.env.PATH}` t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foobar' } }, banner: false, path: process.cwd(), stdioString: true, event: 'npx', env: { PATH }, stdio: 'inherit', }]) t.strictSame(READ, [{ prompt: 'Need to install the following packages:\n bar\n foo\nOk to proceed? ', default: 'y', }]) }) t.test('skip prompt when installs are needed if not already present and shell is not a tty (multiple packages)', async t => { const stdoutTTY = process.stdout.isTTY const stdinTTY = process.stdin.isTTY t.teardown(() => { process.stdout.isTTY = stdoutTTY process.stdin.isTTY = stdinTTY CI_NAME = 'travis-ci' }) process.stdout.isTTY = false process.stdin.isTTY = false CI_NAME = false const packages = ['foo', 'bar'] READ_RESULT = 'yolo' npm.flatOptions.package = packages npm.flatOptions.yes = undefined const add = => `${p}@`).sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b)) const path = t.testdir() const installDir = resolve('cache-dir/_npx/07de77790e5f40f2') npm.localPrefix = path ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[path] = { children: new Map(), } ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[installDir] = { children: new Map(), } = { name: 'foo', version: '1.2.3', bin: { foo: 'foo', }, _from: 'foo@', } = { name: 'bar', version: '1.2.3', bin: { bar: 'bar', }, _from: 'bar@', } await exec(['foobar'], er => { if (er) throw er }) t.strictSame(MKDIRPS, [installDir], 'need to make install dir') t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ package: packages, path }]) t.match(ARB_REIFY, [{add, legacyPeerDeps: false}], 'need to install both packages') t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') const PATH = `${resolve(installDir, 'node_modules', '.bin')}${delimiter}${process.env.PATH}` t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foobar' } }, banner: false, path: process.cwd(), stdioString: true, event: 'npx', env: { PATH }, stdio: 'inherit', }]) t.strictSame(READ, [], 'should not have prompted') t.strictSame(LOG_WARN, [['exec', 'The following packages were not found and will be installed: bar, foo']], 'should have printed a warning') }) t.test('skip prompt when installs are needed if not already present and shell is not a tty (single package)', async t => { const stdoutTTY = process.stdout.isTTY const stdinTTY = process.stdin.isTTY t.teardown(() => { process.stdout.isTTY = stdoutTTY process.stdin.isTTY = stdinTTY CI_NAME = 'travis-ci' }) process.stdout.isTTY = false process.stdin.isTTY = false CI_NAME = false const packages = ['foo'] READ_RESULT = 'yolo' npm.flatOptions.package = packages npm.flatOptions.yes = undefined const add = => `${p}@`).sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b)) const path = t.testdir() const installDir = resolve('cache-dir/_npx/f7fbba6e0636f890') npm.localPrefix = path ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[path] = { children: new Map(), } ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[installDir] = { children: new Map(), } = { name: 'foo', version: '1.2.3', bin: { foo: 'foo', }, _from: 'foo@', } await exec(['foobar'], er => { if (er) throw er }) t.strictSame(MKDIRPS, [installDir], 'need to make install dir') t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ package: packages, path }]) t.match(ARB_REIFY, [{add, legacyPeerDeps: false}], 'need to install the package') t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') const PATH = `${resolve(installDir, 'node_modules', '.bin')}${delimiter}${process.env.PATH}` t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foobar' } }, banner: false, path: process.cwd(), stdioString: true, event: 'npx', env: { PATH }, stdio: 'inherit', }]) t.strictSame(READ, [], 'should not have prompted') t.strictSame(LOG_WARN, [['exec', 'The following package was not found and will be installed: foo']], 'should have printed a warning') }) t.test('abort if prompt rejected', async t => { const stdoutTTY = process.stdout.isTTY const stdinTTY = process.stdin.isTTY t.teardown(() => { process.stdout.isTTY = stdoutTTY process.stdin.isTTY = stdinTTY CI_NAME = 'travis-ci' }) process.stdout.isTTY = true process.stdin.isTTY = true CI_NAME = false const packages = ['foo', 'bar'] READ_RESULT = 'no, why would I want such a thing??' npm.flatOptions.package = packages npm.flatOptions.yes = undefined const path = t.testdir() const installDir = resolve('cache-dir/_npx/07de77790e5f40f2') npm.localPrefix = path ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[path] = { children: new Map(), } ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[installDir] = { children: new Map(), } = { name: 'foo', version: '1.2.3', bin: { foo: 'foo', }, _from: 'foo@', } = { name: 'bar', version: '1.2.3', bin: { bar: 'bar', }, _from: 'bar@', } await exec(['foobar'], er => { t.equal(er, 'canceled', 'should be canceled') }) t.strictSame(MKDIRPS, [installDir], 'need to make install dir') t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ package: packages, path }]) t.strictSame(ARB_REIFY, [], 'no install performed') t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') t.strictSame(RUN_SCRIPTS, []) t.strictSame(READ, [{ prompt: 'Need to install the following packages:\n bar\n foo\nOk to proceed? ', default: 'y', }]) }) t.test('abort if prompt false', async t => { const stdoutTTY = process.stdout.isTTY const stdinTTY = process.stdin.isTTY t.teardown(() => { process.stdout.isTTY = stdoutTTY process.stdin.isTTY = stdinTTY CI_NAME = 'travis-ci' }) process.stdout.isTTY = true process.stdin.isTTY = true CI_NAME = false const packages = ['foo', 'bar'] READ_ERROR = 'canceled' npm.flatOptions.package = packages npm.flatOptions.yes = undefined const path = t.testdir() const installDir = resolve('cache-dir/_npx/07de77790e5f40f2') npm.localPrefix = path ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[path] = { children: new Map(), } ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[installDir] = { children: new Map(), } = { name: 'foo', version: '1.2.3', bin: { foo: 'foo', }, _from: 'foo@', } = { name: 'bar', version: '1.2.3', bin: { bar: 'bar', }, _from: 'bar@', } await exec(['foobar'], er => { t.equal(er, 'canceled', 'should be canceled') }) t.strictSame(MKDIRPS, [installDir], 'need to make install dir') t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ package: packages, path }]) t.strictSame(ARB_REIFY, [], 'no install performed') t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') t.strictSame(RUN_SCRIPTS, []) t.strictSame(READ, [{ prompt: 'Need to install the following packages:\n bar\n foo\nOk to proceed? ', default: 'y', }]) }) t.test('abort if -n provided', async t => { const stdoutTTY = process.stdout.isTTY const stdinTTY = process.stdin.isTTY t.teardown(() => { process.stdout.isTTY = stdoutTTY process.stdin.isTTY = stdinTTY CI_NAME = 'travis-ci' }) process.stdout.isTTY = true process.stdin.isTTY = true CI_NAME = false const packages = ['foo', 'bar'] npm.flatOptions.package = packages npm.flatOptions.yes = false const path = t.testdir() const installDir = resolve('cache-dir/_npx/07de77790e5f40f2') npm.localPrefix = path ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[path] = { children: new Map(), } ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[installDir] = { children: new Map(), } = { name: 'foo', version: '1.2.3', bin: { foo: 'foo', }, _from: 'foo@', } = { name: 'bar', version: '1.2.3', bin: { bar: 'bar', }, _from: 'bar@', } await exec(['foobar'], er => { t.equal(er, 'canceled', 'should be canceled') }) t.strictSame(MKDIRPS, [installDir], 'need to make install dir') t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ package: packages, path }]) t.strictSame(ARB_REIFY, [], 'no install performed') t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') t.strictSame(RUN_SCRIPTS, []) t.strictSame(READ, []) }) t.test('forward legacyPeerDeps opt', async t => { const path = t.testdir() const installDir = resolve('cache-dir/_npx/f7fbba6e0636f890') npm.localPrefix = path ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[path] = { children: new Map(), } ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[installDir] = { children: new Map(), } = { name: 'foo', version: '1.2.3', bin: { foo: 'foo', }, _from: 'foo@', } npm.flatOptions.yes = true npm.flatOptions.legacyPeerDeps = true await exec(['foo'], er => { if (er) throw er }) t.match(ARB_REIFY, [{add: ['foo@'], legacyPeerDeps: true}], 'need to install foo@ using legacyPeerDeps opt') })