// Thanks to nyc not working properly with proxies this doesn't affect // coverage. but it does ensure that every command has a usage that renders, // contains its name, a description, and if it has completion it is a function. // That it renders also ensures that any params we've defined in our commands // work. const requireInject = require('require-inject') const npm = requireInject('../../lib/npm.js') const t = require('tap') const { cmdList } = require('../../lib/utils/cmd-list.js') let npmOutput = [] npm.output = (msg) => { npmOutput = msg } t.test('load each command', t => { t.plan(cmdList.length + 1) npm.load((er) => { t.notOk(er) npm.config.set('usage', true) for (const cmd of cmdList.sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b))) { t.test(cmd, t => { const impl = npm.commands[cmd] if (impl.completion) t.isa(impl.completion, 'function', 'completion, if present, is a function') t.isa(impl, 'function', 'implementation is a function') t.ok(impl.description, 'implementation has a description') t.ok(impl.name, 'implementation has a name') t.match(impl.usage, cmd, 'usage contains the command') impl([], (err) => { t.notOk(err) t.match(npmOutput, impl.usage, 'usage is output') t.end() }) }) } }) })