// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. function main() { for (let v3 = 0; v3 < 120; v3++) { const v6 = [Int16Array,1111]; let v12 = 577623200; const v14 = [2]; const v18 = [1.7976931348623157e+308,1.7976931348623157e+308,1.7976931348623157e+308,1.7976931348623157e+308]; const v20 = [1111,Uint8Array]; const v21 = [v20,v20,v18,v20,1111,1111,1111,-1111]; const v23 = [11.11,11.11,1.7976931348623157e+308,11.11,11.11]; const v26 = -Infinity; const v27 = [v23,v26,1111,v18,Date,1111,-9007199254740992,v21]; const v31 = [v14]; const v32 = [v31,v12,"object",v21,1111,6.0,v18,v27,Int8Array]; const v33 = ["65555",v26,v32]; const v34 = v33.toLocaleString(); let v35 = "659874589"; v35 = v34; const v37 = [11.11,11.11,1111]; const v38 = [v6]; const v39 = [v38,v37,v38]; v37[10000] = v23; v12 = v35; const v54 = [parseInt,v39]; const v56 = String.fromCharCode(); const v61 = [v12,1111,-9007199254740991,1111]; const v63 = [11.11,v54,JSON,v61,11.11,v56,v61]; const v64 = JSON.stringify(v63); const v65 = RegExp(v64); const v66 = v65.exec(v64); } } main();