// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Flags: --expose-wasm load("test/mjsunit/wasm/wasm-constants.js"); load("test/mjsunit/wasm/wasm-module-builder.js"); function AddFunctions(builder) { let sig_index = builder.addType(kSig_i_ii); let mul = builder.addFunction("mul", sig_index) .addBody([ kExprGetLocal, 0, // -- kExprGetLocal, 1, // -- kExprI32Mul // -- ]); let add = builder.addFunction("add", sig_index) .addBody([ kExprGetLocal, 0, // -- kExprGetLocal, 1, // -- kExprI32Add // -- ]); let sub = builder.addFunction("sub", sig_index) .addBody([ kExprGetLocal, 0, // -- kExprGetLocal, 1, // -- kExprI32Sub // -- ]); return {mul: mul, add: add, sub: sub}; } function js_div(a, b) { return (a / b) | 0; } (function ExportedTableTest() { print("ExportedTableTest..."); let builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); let d = builder.addImport("q", "js_div", kSig_i_ii); let f = AddFunctions(builder); builder.addFunction("main", kSig_i_ii) .addBody([ kExprI32Const, 33, // -- kExprGetLocal, 0, // -- kExprGetLocal, 1, // -- kExprCallIndirect, 0, kTableZero]) // -- .exportAs("main"); f.add.exportAs("blarg"); builder.setFunctionTableLength(10); let g = builder.addImportedGlobal("q", "base", kWasmI32); builder.addFunctionTableInit(g, true, [f.mul.index, f.add.index, f.sub.index, d]); builder.addExportOfKind("table", kExternalTable, 0); let module = new WebAssembly.Module(builder.toBuffer()); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { print(" base = " + i); let instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(module, {q: {base: i, js_div: js_div}}); main = instance.exports.main; let table = instance.exports.table; assertTrue(table instanceof WebAssembly.Table); assertEquals(10, table.length); for (let j = 0; j < i; j++) { assertSame(null, table.get(j)); } let mul = table.get(i+0); let add = table.get(i+1); let sub = table.get(i+2); print(" mul=" + mul); print(" add=" + add); print(" sub=" + sub); assertEquals("function", typeof mul); assertEquals("function", typeof add); assertEquals("function", typeof sub); assertEquals(2, mul.length); assertEquals(2, add.length); assertEquals(2, sub.length); assertEquals(String(f.add.index), add.name); let exp_div = table.get(i+3); assertEquals("function", typeof exp_div); print(" js_div=" + exp_div); // Should have a new, wrapped version of the import. assertFalse(js_div == exp_div); for (let j = i + 4; j < 10; j++) { assertSame(null, table.get(j)); } assertEquals(-33, mul(-11, 3)); assertEquals(4444444, add(3333333, 1111111)); assertEquals(-9999, sub(1, 10000)); assertEquals(-44, exp_div(-88.1, 2)); } })(); (function ImportedTableTest() { let kTableSize = 10; print("ImportedTableTest..."); var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); let d = builder.addImport("q", "js_div", kSig_i_ii); let f = AddFunctions(builder); builder.setFunctionTableLength(kTableSize); let g = builder.addImportedGlobal("q", "base", kWasmI32); builder.addFunctionTableInit(g, true, [f.mul.index, f.add.index, f.sub.index, d]); builder.addExportOfKind("table", kExternalTable, 0); let m1 = new WebAssembly.Module(builder.toBuffer()); var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); builder.addImportedTable("r", "table", kTableSize, kTableSize); builder.addFunction("main", kSig_i_ii) .addBody([ kExprI32Const, 33, // -- kExprGetLocal, 0, // -- kExprGetLocal, 1, // -- kExprCallIndirect, 0, kTableZero]) // -- .exportAs("main"); let m2 = new WebAssembly.Module(builder.toBuffer()); // Run 5 trials at different table bases. for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { print(" base = " + i); let i1 = new WebAssembly.Instance(m1, {q: {base: i, js_div: js_div}}); let table = i1.exports.table; assertEquals(10, table.length); let i2 = new WebAssembly.Instance(m2, {r: {table: table}}); let main = i2.exports.main; for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) { assertThrows(() => main(0, j)); assertSame(null, table.get(j)); } // mul assertEquals("function", typeof table.get(i+0)); assertEquals(0, main(0, i+0)); assertEquals(66, main(2, i+0)); // add assertEquals("function", typeof table.get(i+1)); assertEquals(33, main(0, i+1)); assertEquals(38, main(5, i+1)); // sub assertEquals("function", typeof table.get(i+2)); assertEquals(32, main(1, i+2)); assertEquals(28, main(5, i+2)); // div assertEquals("function", typeof table.get(i+3)); assertEquals(8, main(4, i+3)); assertEquals(3, main(11, i+3)); for (var j = i + 4; j < (kTableSize + 5); j++) { assertThrows(x => main(0, j)); if (j < kTableSize) assertSame(null, table.get(j)); } } })(); (function ImportedTableTest() { let kTableSize = 10; print("ManualTableTest..."); var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); let d = builder.addImport("q", "js_div", kSig_i_ii); builder.addImportedTable("q", "table", kTableSize, kTableSize); let g = builder.addImportedGlobal("q", "base", kWasmI32); let f = AddFunctions(builder); builder.addFunctionTableInit(g, true, [f.mul.index, f.add.index, f.sub.index, d]); builder.addFunction("main", kSig_i_ii) .addBody([ kExprI32Const, 55, // -- kExprGetLocal, 0, // -- kExprGetLocal, 1, // -- kExprCallIndirect, 0, kTableZero]) // -- .exportAs("main"); let m2 = new WebAssembly.Module(builder.toBuffer()); // Run 5 trials at different table bases. for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { print(" base = " + i); let table = new WebAssembly.Table({element: "anyfunc", initial: kTableSize, maximum: kTableSize}); assertEquals(10, table.length); let i2 = new WebAssembly.Instance(m2, {q: {base: i, table: table, js_div: js_div}}); let main = i2.exports.main; for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) { assertThrows(() => main(0, j)); assertSame(null, table.get(j)); } // mul assertEquals("function", typeof table.get(i+0)); assertEquals(0, main(0, i+0)); assertEquals(110, main(2, i+0)); // add assertEquals("function", typeof table.get(i+1)); assertEquals(55, main(0, i+1)); assertEquals(60, main(5, i+1)); // sub assertEquals("function", typeof table.get(i+2)); assertEquals(54, main(1, i+2)); assertEquals(50, main(5, i+2)); // div assertEquals("function", typeof table.get(i+3)); assertEquals(13, main(4, i+3)); assertEquals(5, main(11, i+3)); for (var j = i + 4; j < (kTableSize + 5); j++) { assertThrows(x => main(0, j)); if (j < kTableSize) assertSame(null, table.get(j)); } } })(); (function CumulativeTest() { print("CumulativeTest..."); let kTableSize = 10; let table = new WebAssembly.Table( {element: "anyfunc", initial: kTableSize, maximum: kTableSize}); var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); builder.addImportedTable("x", "table", kTableSize, kTableSize); let g = builder.addImportedGlobal("x", "base", kWasmI32); let sig_index = builder.addType(kSig_i_v); builder.addFunction("g", sig_index) .addBody([ kExprGetGlobal, g ]); builder.addFunction("main", kSig_i_ii) .addBody([ kExprGetLocal, 0, kExprCallIndirect, sig_index, kTableZero]) // -- .exportAs("main"); builder.addFunctionTableInit(g, true, [g]); let module = new WebAssembly.Module(builder.toBuffer()); for (var i = 0; i < kTableSize; i++) { print(" base = " + i); let instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(module, {x: {base: i, table: table}}); for (var j = 0; j < kTableSize; j++) { let func = table.get(j); if (j > i) { assertSame(null, func); assertTraps(kTrapFuncSigMismatch, () => instance.exports.main(j)); } else { assertEquals("function", typeof func); assertEquals(j, func()); assertEquals(j, instance.exports.main(j)); } } } })(); (function TwoWayTest() { print("TwoWayTest..."); let kTableSize = 3; // Module {m1} defines the table and exports it. var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); builder.addType(kSig_i_i); builder.addType(kSig_i_ii); var sig_index1 = builder.addType(kSig_i_v); var f1 = builder.addFunction("f1", sig_index1) .addBody([kExprI32Const, 11]); builder.addFunction("main", kSig_i_ii) .addBody([ kExprGetLocal, 0, // -- kExprCallIndirect, sig_index1, kTableZero]) // -- .exportAs("main"); builder.setFunctionTableLength(kTableSize); builder.addFunctionTableInit(0, false, [f1.index]); builder.addExportOfKind("table", kExternalTable, 0); var m1 = new WebAssembly.Module(builder.toBuffer()); // Module {m2} imports the table and adds {f2}. var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); builder.addType(kSig_i_ii); var sig_index2 = builder.addType(kSig_i_v); var f2 = builder.addFunction("f2", sig_index2) .addBody([kExprI32Const, 22]); builder.addFunction("main", kSig_i_ii) .addBody([ kExprGetLocal, 0, // -- kExprCallIndirect, sig_index2, kTableZero]) // -- .exportAs("main"); builder.addImportedTable("z", "table", kTableSize, kTableSize); builder.addFunctionTableInit(1, false, [f2.index], true); var m2 = new WebAssembly.Module(builder.toBuffer()); assertFalse(sig_index1 == sig_index2); var i1 = new WebAssembly.Instance(m1); var i2 = new WebAssembly.Instance(m2, {z: {table: i1.exports.table}}); assertEquals(11, i1.exports.main(0)); assertEquals(11, i2.exports.main(0)); assertEquals(22, i1.exports.main(1)); assertEquals(22, i2.exports.main(1)); assertThrows(() => i1.exports.main(2)); assertThrows(() => i2.exports.main(2)); assertThrows(() => i1.exports.main(3)); assertThrows(() => i2.exports.main(3)); })(); (function MismatchedTableSize() { print("MismatchedTableSize..."); let kTableSize = 5; for (var expsize = 1; expsize < 4; expsize++) { for (var impsize = 1; impsize < 4; impsize++) { print(" expsize = " + expsize + ", impsize = " + impsize); var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); builder.setFunctionTableLength(expsize); builder.addExportOfKind("expfoo", kExternalTable, 0); let m1 = new WebAssembly.Module(builder.toBuffer()); var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); builder.addImportedTable("y", "impfoo", impsize, impsize); let m2 = new WebAssembly.Module(builder.toBuffer()); var i1 = new WebAssembly.Instance(m1); // TODO(titzer): v8 currently requires import table size to match // export table size. var ffi = {y: {impfoo: i1.exports.expfoo}}; if (expsize == impsize) { var i2 = new WebAssembly.Instance(m2, ffi); } else { assertThrows(() => new WebAssembly.Instance(m2, ffi)); } } } })(); (function TableGrowBoundsCheck() { print("TableGrowBoundsCheck"); var kMaxSize = 30, kInitSize = 5; let table = new WebAssembly.Table({element: "anyfunc", initial: kInitSize, maximum: kMaxSize}); var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); builder.addImportedTable("x", "table", kInitSize, kMaxSize); let module = new WebAssembly.Module(builder.toBuffer()); let instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(module, {x: {base: 1, table: table}}); for(var i = kInitSize; i < kMaxSize; i+=5) { assertEquals(i, table.length); for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) table.set(j, null); for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) assertEquals(null, table.get(j)); assertThrows(() => table.set(i, null)); assertThrows(() => table.get(i)); assertEquals(i, table.grow(5)); } assertEquals(30, table.length); assertThrows(() => table.grow(1)); assertThrows(() => table.set(kMaxSize, null)); assertThrows(() => table.get(kMaxSize)); })(); (function CumulativeGrowTest() { print("CumulativeGrowTest..."); let table = new WebAssembly.Table({ element: "anyfunc", initial: 10, maximum: 30}); var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); builder.addImportedTable("x", "table", 10, 30); let g = builder.addImportedGlobal("x", "base", kWasmI32); let sig_index = builder.addType(kSig_i_v); builder.addFunction("g", sig_index) .addBody([ kExprGetGlobal, g ]); builder.addFunction("main", kSig_i_ii) .addBody([ kExprGetLocal, 0, kExprCallIndirect, sig_index, kTableZero]) // -- .exportAs("main"); builder.addFunctionTableInit(g, true, [g]); let module = new WebAssembly.Module(builder.toBuffer()); var instances = []; for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { print(" base = " + i); instances.push(new WebAssembly.Instance( module, {x: {base: i, table: table}})); } for (var j = 0; j < 10; j++) { let func = table.get(j); assertEquals("function", typeof func); assertEquals(j, func()); assertEquals(j, instances[j].exports.main(j)); } assertEquals(10, table.grow(10)); // Verify that grow does not alter function behaviors for (var j = 0; j < 10; j++) { let func = table.get(j); assertEquals("function", typeof func); assertEquals(j, func()); assertEquals(j, instances[j].exports.main(j)); } let new_builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); new_builder.addExport("wasm", new_builder.addFunction("", kSig_v_v).addBody([])); new_builder.addImportedTable("x", "table", 20, 30); let new_module = new WebAssembly.Module(new_builder.toBuffer()); let instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(new_module, {x: {table: table}}); let new_func = instance.exports.wasm; for (var j = 10; j < 20; j++) { table.set(j, new_func); let func = table.get(j); assertEquals("function", typeof func); assertSame(new_func, table.get(j)); } assertThrows(() => table.grow(11)); })(); (function TestImportTooLarge() { print("TestImportTooLarge..."); let builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); builder.addImportedTable("t", "t", 1, 2); // initial size is too large assertThrows(() => builder.instantiate({t: {t: new WebAssembly.Table( {element: "anyfunc", initial: 3, maximum: 3})}})); // maximum size is too large assertThrows(() => builder.instantiate({t: {t: new WebAssembly.Table( {element: "anyfunc", initial: 1, maximum: 4})}})); // no maximum assertThrows(() => builder.instantiate({t: {t: new WebAssembly.Table( {element: "anyfunc", initial: 1})}})); })(); (function TableImportLargerThanCompiled() { print("TableImportLargerThanCompiled..."); var kMaxSize = 30, kInitSize = 5; var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); builder.addImportedTable("x", "table", 1, 35); let table = new WebAssembly.Table({element: "anyfunc", initial: kInitSize, maximum: kMaxSize}); let module = new WebAssembly.Module(builder.toBuffer()); let instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(module, {x: {base: 1, table: table}}); for (var i = 0; i < kInitSize; ++i) table.set(i, null); for (var i = 0; i < kInitSize; ++i) assertEquals(null, table.get(i)); assertThrows(() => table.set(kInitSize, null)); })(); (function ModulesShareTableAndGrow() { print("ModulesShareTableAndGrow..."); let module1 = (() => { let builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); builder.addImportedTable("x", "table", 1, 35); return new WebAssembly.Module(builder.toBuffer()); })(); let module2 = (() => { let builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); builder.addImportedTable("x", "table", 2, 40); return new WebAssembly.Module(builder.toBuffer()); })(); var kMaxSize = 30, kInitSize = 5; let table = new WebAssembly.Table({element: "anyfunc", initial: kInitSize, maximum: kMaxSize}); let instance1 = new WebAssembly.Instance( module1, {x: {base: 1, table: table}}); let instance2 = new WebAssembly.Instance( module2, {x: {base: 1, table: table}}); for (var i = 0; i < kInitSize; ++i) table.set(i, null); for (var i = 0; i < kInitSize; ++i) assertEquals(null, table.get(i)); assertThrows(() => table.set(kInitSize, null)); assertEquals(kInitSize, table.grow(5)); for (var i = 0; i < 2*kInitSize; ++i) table.set(i, null); for (var i = 0; i < 2*kInitSize; ++i) assertEquals(null, table.get(i)); assertThrows(() => table.set(2*kInitSize, null)); // Try to grow past imported maximum assertThrows(() => table.grow(21)); })();