#include "node_blob.h" #include "async_wrap-inl.h" #include "base_object-inl.h" #include "env-inl.h" #include "memory_tracker-inl.h" #include "node_errors.h" #include "threadpoolwork-inl.h" #include "v8.h" #include namespace node { using v8::Array; using v8::ArrayBuffer; using v8::ArrayBufferView; using v8::BackingStore; using v8::Context; using v8::EscapableHandleScope; using v8::Function; using v8::FunctionCallbackInfo; using v8::FunctionTemplate; using v8::HandleScope; using v8::Local; using v8::MaybeLocal; using v8::Number; using v8::Object; using v8::Uint32; using v8::Undefined; using v8::Value; void Blob::Initialize(Environment* env, v8::Local target) { env->SetMethod(target, "createBlob", New); FixedSizeBlobCopyJob::Initialize(env, target); } Local Blob::GetConstructorTemplate(Environment* env) { Local tmpl = env->blob_constructor_template(); if (tmpl.IsEmpty()) { tmpl = FunctionTemplate::New(env->isolate()); tmpl->InstanceTemplate()->SetInternalFieldCount( BaseObject::kInternalFieldCount); tmpl->Inherit(BaseObject::GetConstructorTemplate(env)); tmpl->SetClassName( FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "Blob")); env->SetProtoMethod(tmpl, "toArrayBuffer", ToArrayBuffer); env->SetProtoMethod(tmpl, "slice", ToSlice); env->set_blob_constructor_template(tmpl); } return tmpl; } bool Blob::HasInstance(Environment* env, v8::Local object) { return GetConstructorTemplate(env)->HasInstance(object); } BaseObjectPtr Blob::Create( Environment* env, const std::vector store, size_t length) { HandleScope scope(env->isolate()); Local ctor; if (!GetConstructorTemplate(env)->GetFunction(env->context()).ToLocal(&ctor)) return BaseObjectPtr(); Local obj; if (!ctor->NewInstance(env->context()).ToLocal(&obj)) return BaseObjectPtr(); return MakeBaseObject(env, obj, store, length); } void Blob::New(const FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(args); CHECK(args[0]->IsArray()); // sources CHECK(args[1]->IsUint32()); // length std::vector entries; size_t length = args[1].As()->Value(); size_t len = 0; Local ary = args[0].As(); for (size_t n = 0; n < ary->Length(); n++) { Local entry; if (!ary->Get(env->context(), n).ToLocal(&entry)) return; CHECK(entry->IsArrayBufferView() || Blob::HasInstance(env, entry)); if (entry->IsArrayBufferView()) { Local view = entry.As(); CHECK_EQ(view->ByteOffset(), 0); std::shared_ptr store = view->Buffer()->GetBackingStore(); size_t byte_length = view->ByteLength(); view->Buffer()->Detach(); // The Blob will own the backing store now. entries.emplace_back(BlobEntry{std::move(store), byte_length, 0}); len += byte_length; } else { Blob* blob; ASSIGN_OR_RETURN_UNWRAP(&blob, entry); auto source = blob->entries(); entries.insert(entries.end(), source.begin(), source.end()); len += blob->length(); } } CHECK_EQ(length, len); BaseObjectPtr blob = Create(env, entries, length); if (blob) args.GetReturnValue().Set(blob->object()); } void Blob::ToArrayBuffer(const FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(args); Blob* blob; ASSIGN_OR_RETURN_UNWRAP(&blob, args.Holder()); Local ret; if (blob->GetArrayBuffer(env).ToLocal(&ret)) args.GetReturnValue().Set(ret); } void Blob::ToSlice(const FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(args); Blob* blob; ASSIGN_OR_RETURN_UNWRAP(&blob, args.Holder()); CHECK(args[0]->IsUint32()); CHECK(args[1]->IsUint32()); size_t start = args[0].As()->Value(); size_t end = args[1].As()->Value(); BaseObjectPtr slice = blob->Slice(env, start, end); if (slice) args.GetReturnValue().Set(slice->object()); } void Blob::MemoryInfo(MemoryTracker* tracker) const { tracker->TrackFieldWithSize("store", length_); } MaybeLocal Blob::GetArrayBuffer(Environment* env) { EscapableHandleScope scope(env->isolate()); size_t len = length(); std::shared_ptr store = ArrayBuffer::NewBackingStore(env->isolate(), len); if (len > 0) { unsigned char* dest = static_cast(store->Data()); size_t total = 0; for (const auto& entry : entries()) { unsigned char* src = static_cast(entry.store->Data()); src += entry.offset; memcpy(dest, src, entry.length); dest += entry.length; total += entry.length; CHECK_LE(total, len); } } return scope.Escape(ArrayBuffer::New(env->isolate(), store)); } BaseObjectPtr Blob::Slice(Environment* env, size_t start, size_t end) { CHECK_LE(start, length()); CHECK_LE(end, length()); CHECK_LE(start, end); std::vector slices; size_t total = end - start; size_t remaining = total; if (total == 0) return Create(env, slices, 0); for (const auto& entry : entries()) { if (start + entry.offset > entry.store->ByteLength()) { start -= entry.length; continue; } size_t offset = entry.offset + start; size_t len = std::min(remaining, entry.store->ByteLength() - offset); slices.emplace_back(BlobEntry{entry.store, len, offset}); remaining -= len; start = 0; if (remaining == 0) break; } return Create(env, slices, total); } Blob::Blob( Environment* env, v8::Local obj, const std::vector& store, size_t length) : BaseObject(env, obj), store_(store), length_(length) { MakeWeak(); } BaseObjectPtr Blob::BlobTransferData::Deserialize( Environment* env, Local context, std::unique_ptr self) { if (context != env->context()) { THROW_ERR_MESSAGE_TARGET_CONTEXT_UNAVAILABLE(env); return {}; } return Blob::Create(env, store_, length_); } BaseObject::TransferMode Blob::GetTransferMode() const { return BaseObject::TransferMode::kCloneable; } std::unique_ptr Blob::CloneForMessaging() const { return std::make_unique(store_, length_); } FixedSizeBlobCopyJob::FixedSizeBlobCopyJob( Environment* env, Local object, Blob* blob, FixedSizeBlobCopyJob::Mode mode) : AsyncWrap(env, object, AsyncWrap::PROVIDER_FIXEDSIZEBLOBCOPY), ThreadPoolWork(env), mode_(mode) { if (mode == FixedSizeBlobCopyJob::Mode::SYNC) MakeWeak(); source_ = blob->entries(); length_ = blob->length(); } void FixedSizeBlobCopyJob::AfterThreadPoolWork(int status) { Environment* env = AsyncWrap::env(); CHECK_EQ(mode_, Mode::ASYNC); CHECK(status == 0 || status == UV_ECANCELED); std::unique_ptr ptr(this); HandleScope handle_scope(env->isolate()); Context::Scope context_scope(env->context()); Local args[2]; if (status == UV_ECANCELED) { args[0] = Number::New(env->isolate(), status), args[1] = Undefined(env->isolate()); } else { args[0] = Undefined(env->isolate()); args[1] = ArrayBuffer::New(env->isolate(), destination_); } ptr->MakeCallback(env->ondone_string(), arraysize(args), args); } void FixedSizeBlobCopyJob::DoThreadPoolWork() { unsigned char* dest = static_cast(destination_->Data()); if (length_ > 0) { size_t total = 0; for (const auto& entry : source_) { unsigned char* src = static_cast(entry.store->Data()); src += entry.offset; memcpy(dest, src, entry.length); dest += entry.length; total += entry.length; CHECK_LE(total, length_); } } } void FixedSizeBlobCopyJob::MemoryInfo(MemoryTracker* tracker) const { tracker->TrackFieldWithSize("source", length_); tracker->TrackFieldWithSize( "destination", destination_ ? destination_->ByteLength() : 0); } void FixedSizeBlobCopyJob::Initialize(Environment* env, Local target) { v8::Local job = env->NewFunctionTemplate(New); job->Inherit(AsyncWrap::GetConstructorTemplate(env)); job->InstanceTemplate()->SetInternalFieldCount( AsyncWrap::kInternalFieldCount); env->SetProtoMethod(job, "run", Run); env->SetConstructorFunction(target, "FixedSizeBlobCopyJob", job); } void FixedSizeBlobCopyJob::New(const FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { static constexpr size_t kMaxSyncLength = 4096; static constexpr size_t kMaxEntryCount = 4; Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(args); CHECK(args.IsConstructCall()); CHECK(args[0]->IsObject()); CHECK(Blob::HasInstance(env, args[0])); Blob* blob; ASSIGN_OR_RETURN_UNWRAP(&blob, args[0]); // This is a fairly arbitrary heuristic. We want to avoid deferring to // the threadpool if the amount of data being copied is small and there // aren't that many entries to copy. FixedSizeBlobCopyJob::Mode mode = (blob->length() < kMaxSyncLength && blob->entries().size() < kMaxEntryCount) ? FixedSizeBlobCopyJob::Mode::SYNC : FixedSizeBlobCopyJob::Mode::ASYNC; new FixedSizeBlobCopyJob(env, args.This(), blob, mode); } void FixedSizeBlobCopyJob::Run(const FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(args); FixedSizeBlobCopyJob* job; ASSIGN_OR_RETURN_UNWRAP(&job, args.Holder()); job->destination_ = ArrayBuffer::NewBackingStore(env->isolate(), job->length_); if (job->mode() == FixedSizeBlobCopyJob::Mode::ASYNC) return job->ScheduleWork(); job->DoThreadPoolWork(); args.GetReturnValue().Set( ArrayBuffer::New(env->isolate(), job->destination_)); } } // namespace node