'use strict'; // Flags: --expose-internals // Confirm that if a custom ArrayBufferAllocator does not define a zeroFill // property, that the buffer module will zero-fill when allocUnsafe() is called. require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const buffer = require('buffer'); // Monkey-patch setupBufferJS() to have an undefined zeroFill. const internalBuffer = require('internal/buffer'); const originalSetup = internalBuffer.setupBufferJS; internalBuffer.setupBufferJS = (proto, obj) => { originalSetup(proto, obj); assert.strictEqual(obj.zeroFill[0], 1); delete obj.zeroFill; }; const bindingObj = {}; internalBuffer.setupBufferJS(Buffer.prototype, bindingObj); assert.strictEqual(bindingObj.zeroFill, undefined); // Load from file system because internal buffer is already loaded and we're // testing code that runs on first load only. // Do not move this require() to top of file. It is important that // `require('internal/buffer').setupBufferJS` be monkey-patched before this // runs. const monkeyPatchedBuffer = require('../../lib/buffer'); // On unpatched buffer, allocUnsafe() should not zero fill memory. It's always // possible that a segment of memory is already zeroed out, so try again and // again until we succeed or we time out. let uninitialized = buffer.Buffer.allocUnsafe(1024); while (uninitialized.every((val) => val === 0)) uninitialized = buffer.Buffer.allocUnsafe(1024); // On monkeypatched buffer, zeroFill property is undefined. allocUnsafe() should // zero-fill in that case. const zeroFilled = monkeyPatchedBuffer.Buffer.allocUnsafe(1024); assert(zeroFilled.every((val) => val === 0)); // setupBufferJS shouldn't still be exposed on the binding assert(!('setupBufferJs' in process.binding('buffer')));