'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const child_process = require('child_process'); const cluster = require('cluster'); if (!process.argv[2]) { /* It seems Windows only allocate new console window for * attaching processes spawned by detached processes. i.e. * - If process D is spawned by process C with `detached: true`, * and process W is spawned by process D with `detached: false`, * W will get a new black console window popped up. * - If D is spawned by C with `detached: false` or W is spawned * by D with `detached: true`, no console window will pop up for W. * * So, we have to spawn a detached process first to run the actual test. */ const master = child_process.spawn( process.argv[0], [process.argv[1], '--cluster'], { detached: true, stdio: ['ignore', 'ignore', 'ignore', 'ipc'] }); const messageHandlers = { workerOnline: common.mustCall((msg) => { }), mainWindowHandle: common.mustCall((msg) => { assert.ok(/0\s*/.test(msg.value)); }), workerExit: common.mustCall((msg) => { assert.strictEqual(msg.code, 0); assert.strictEqual(msg.signal, null); }) }; master.on('message', (msg) => { const handler = messageHandlers[msg.type]; assert.ok(handler); handler(msg); }); master.on('exit', common.mustCall((code, signal) => { assert.strictEqual(code, 0); assert.strictEqual(signal, null); })); } else if (cluster.isMaster) { cluster.setupMaster({ silient: true, windowsHide: true }); const worker = cluster.fork(); worker.on('exit', (code, signal) => { process.send({ type: 'workerExit', code: code, signal: signal }); }); worker.on('online', (msg) => { process.send({ type: 'workerOnline' }); let output = '0'; if (process.platform === 'win32') { output = child_process.execSync( 'powershell -NoProfile -c ' + `"(Get-Process -Id ${worker.process.pid}).MainWindowHandle"`, { windowsHide: true, encoding: 'utf8' }); } process.send({ type: 'mainWindowHandle', value: output }); worker.send('shutdown'); }); } else { cluster.worker.on('message', (msg) => { cluster.worker.disconnect(); }); }