import { skipIfInspectorDisabled } from '../common/index.mjs'; skipIfInspectorDisabled(); import * as fixtures from '../common/fixtures.mjs'; import startCLI from '../common/debugger.js'; import assert from 'assert'; import { spawn } from 'child_process'; // NOTE(oyyd): We might want to import this regexp from "lib/_inspect.js"? const kDebuggerMsgReg = /Debugger listening on ws:\/\/\[?(.+?)\]?:(\d+)\//; function launchTarget(...args) { const childProc = spawn(process.execPath, args); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const onExit = () => { reject(new Error('Child process exits unexpectedly')); }; childProc.on('exit', onExit); childProc.stderr.setEncoding('utf8'); let data = ''; childProc.stderr.on('data', (chunk) => { data += chunk; const ret = kDebuggerMsgReg.exec(data); childProc.removeListener('exit', onExit); if (ret) { resolve({ childProc, host: ret[1], port: ret[2], }); } }); }); } { const script = fixtures.path('debugger/alive.js'); let cli = null; let target = null; function cleanup(error) { if (cli) { cli.quit(); cli = null; } if (target) { target.kill(); target = null; } assert.ifError(error); } try { const { childProc, host, port } = await launchTarget('--inspect=0', script); target = childProc; cli = startCLI([`${host || ''}:${port}`]); await cli.waitForPrompt(); await cli.command('sb("alive.js", 3)'); await cli.waitFor(/break/); await cli.waitForPrompt(); assert.match( cli.output, /> 3 {3}\+\+x;/, 'marks the 3rd line' ); } finally { cleanup(); } }