'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const tempFile = path.join(common.tmpDir, 'fs-non-number-arguments-throw'); common.refreshTmpDir(); fs.writeFileSync(tempFile, 'abc\ndef'); // a sanity check when using numbers instead of strings const sanity = 'def'; const saneEmitter = fs.createReadStream(tempFile, { start: 4, end: 6 }); assert.throws(function() { fs.createReadStream(tempFile, { start: '4', end: 6 }); }, /^TypeError: "start" option must be a Number$/, "start as string didn't throw an error for createReadStream"); assert.throws(function() { fs.createReadStream(tempFile, { start: 4, end: '6' }); }, /^TypeError: "end" option must be a Number$/, "end as string didn't throw an error for createReadStream"); assert.throws(function() { fs.createWriteStream(tempFile, { start: '4' }); }, /^TypeError: "start" option must be a Number$/, "start as string didn't throw an error for createWriteStream"); saneEmitter.on('data', common.mustCall(function(data) { assert.strictEqual( sanity, data.toString('utf8'), `read ${data.toString('utf8')} instead of ${sanity}`); }));