// Flags: --expose-internals 'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); if (!common.hasCrypto) common.skip('missing crypto'); const assert = require('assert'); const h2 = require('http2'); const { kSocket } = require('internal/http2/util'); const Countdown = require('../common/countdown'); { const server = h2.createServer(); server.listen(0, common.mustCall(() => { const destroyCallbacks = [ (client) => client.destroy(), (client) => client[kSocket].destroy() ]; const countdown = new Countdown(destroyCallbacks.length, () => { server.close(); }); destroyCallbacks.forEach((destroyCallback) => { const client = h2.connect(`http://localhost:${server.address().port}`); client.on('connect', common.mustCall(() => { const socket = client[kSocket]; assert(socket, 'client session has associated socket'); assert( !client.destroyed, 'client has not been destroyed before destroy is called' ); assert( !socket.destroyed, 'socket has not been destroyed before destroy is called' ); destroyCallback(client); client.on('close', common.mustCall(() => { assert(client.destroyed); })); countdown.dec(); })); }); })); } // test destroy before client operations { const server = h2.createServer(); server.listen(0, common.mustCall(() => { const client = h2.connect(`http://localhost:${server.address().port}`); const socket = client[kSocket]; socket.on('close', common.mustCall(() => { assert(socket.destroyed); })); const req = client.request(); req.on('error', common.expectsError({ code: 'ERR_HTTP2_STREAM_CANCEL', type: Error, message: 'The pending stream has been canceled' })); client.destroy(); req.on('response', common.mustNotCall()); const sessionError = { type: Error, code: 'ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_SESSION', message: 'The session has been destroyed' }; common.expectsError(() => client.request(), sessionError); common.expectsError(() => client.settings({}), sessionError); client.close(); // should be a non-op at this point // Wait for setImmediate call from destroy() to complete // so that state.destroyed is set to true setImmediate(() => { common.expectsError(() => client.request(), sessionError); common.expectsError(() => client.settings({}), sessionError); client.close(); // should be a non-op at this point }); req.resume(); req.on('end', common.mustCall()); req.on('close', common.mustCall(() => server.close())); })); } // test destroy before goaway { const server = h2.createServer(); server.on('stream', common.mustCall((stream) => { stream.session.destroy(); })); server.listen(0, common.mustCall(() => { const client = h2.connect(`http://localhost:${server.address().port}`); // On some platforms (e.g. windows), an ECONNRESET may occur at this // point -- or it may not. Do not make this a mustCall client.on('error', () => {}); client.on('close', () => { server.close(); // calling destroy in here should not matter client.destroy(); }); const req = client.request(); // On some platforms (e.g. windows), an ECONNRESET may occur at this // point -- or it may not. Do not make this a mustCall req.on('error', () => {}); })); }