'use strict'; const { mustCall, hasCrypto, hasIPv6, skip, expectsError } = require('../common'); if (!hasCrypto) skip('missing crypto'); const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures'); const assert = require('assert'); const { createServer, createSecureServer, connect } = require('http2'); const { connect: netConnect } = require('net'); const { connect: tlsConnect } = require('tls'); // Check for session connect callback and event { const server = createServer(); server.listen(0, mustCall(() => { const authority = `http://localhost:${server.address().port}`; const options = {}; const listener = () => mustCall(); const clients = new Set(); // Should not throw. clients.add(connect(authority)); clients.add(connect(authority, options)); clients.add(connect(authority, options, listener())); clients.add(connect(authority, listener())); for (const client of clients) { client.once('connect', mustCall((headers) => { client.close(); clients.delete(client); if (clients.size === 0) { server.close(); } })); } })); } // Check for session connect callback on already connected socket { const server = createServer(); server.listen(0, mustCall(() => { const { port } = server.address(); const onSocketConnect = () => { const authority = `http://localhost:${port}`; const createConnection = mustCall(() => socket); const options = { createConnection }; connect(authority, options, mustCall(onSessionConnect)); }; const onSessionConnect = (session) => { session.close(); server.close(); }; const socket = netConnect(port, mustCall(onSocketConnect)); })); } // Check for https as protocol { const authority = 'https://localhost'; // A socket error may or may not be reported, keep this as a non-op // instead of a mustCall or mustNotCall connect(authority).on('error', () => {}); } // Check for session connect callback on already connected TLS socket { const serverOptions = { key: fixtures.readKey('agent1-key.pem'), cert: fixtures.readKey('agent1-cert.pem') }; const server = createSecureServer(serverOptions); server.listen(0, mustCall(() => { const { port } = server.address(); const onSocketConnect = () => { const authority = `https://localhost:${port}`; const createConnection = mustCall(() => socket); const options = { createConnection }; connect(authority, options, mustCall(onSessionConnect)); }; const onSessionConnect = (session) => { session.close(); server.close(); }; const clientOptions = { ALPNProtocols: ['h2'], port, rejectUnauthorized: false }; const socket = tlsConnect(clientOptions, mustCall(onSocketConnect)); })); } // Check for error for init settings error { createServer(function() { connect(`http://localhost:${this.address().port}`, { settings: { maxFrameSize: 1 // An incorrect settings } }).on('error', expectsError({ code: 'ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_SETTING_VALUE', name: 'RangeError' })); }); } // Check for error for an invalid protocol (not http or https) { const authority = 'ssh://localhost'; assert.throws(() => { connect(authority); }, { code: 'ERR_HTTP2_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL', name: 'Error' }); } // Check for literal IPv6 addresses in URL's if (hasIPv6) { const server = createServer(); server.listen(0, '::1', mustCall(() => { const { port } = server.address(); const clients = new Set(); clients.add(connect(`http://[::1]:${port}`)); clients.add(connect(new URL(`http://[::1]:${port}`))); for (const client of clients) { client.once('connect', mustCall(() => { client.close(); clients.delete(client); if (clients.size === 0) { server.close(); } })); } })); } // Check that `options.host` and `options.port` take precedence over // `authority.host` and `authority.port`. { const server = createServer(); server.listen(0, mustCall(() => { connect('http://foo.bar', { host: 'localhost', port: server.address().port }, mustCall((session) => { session.close(); server.close(); })); })); }