'use strict'; const { hasCrypto, mustCall, mustNotCall, skip } = require('../common'); if (!hasCrypto) skip('missing crypto'); const { deepStrictEqual, strictEqual, throws } = require('assert'); const { createSecureServer, createServer, connect } = require('http2'); const { URL } = require('url'); const Countdown = require('../common/countdown'); const { readKey } = require('../common/fixtures'); const key = readKey('agent8-key.pem', 'binary'); const cert = readKey('agent8-cert.pem', 'binary'); const ca = readKey('fake-startcom-root-cert.pem', 'binary'); const exceptionHasFields = ({ code, name }) => (err) => { return err.code === code && err.name === name; }; { const server = createSecureServer({ key, cert }); server.on('stream', mustCall((stream) => { stream.session.origin('https://example.org/a/b/c', new URL('https://example.com')); stream.respond(); stream.end('ok'); })); server.on('session', mustCall((session) => { session.origin('https://foo.org/a/b/c', new URL('https://bar.org')); // Won't error, but won't send anything session.origin(); [0, true, {}, []].forEach((input) => { throws( () => session.origin(input), exceptionHasFields({ code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', name: 'Error [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]' }) ); }); [new URL('foo://bar'), 'foo://bar'].forEach((input) => { throws( () => session.origin(input), exceptionHasFields({ code: 'ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_ORIGIN', name: 'Error [ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_ORIGIN]' }) ); }); ['not a valid url'].forEach((input) => { throws( () => session.origin(input), exceptionHasFields({ code: 'ERR_INVALID_URL', name: 'TypeError [ERR_INVALID_URL]' }) ); }); })); server.listen(0, mustCall(() => { const originSet = [`https://localhost:${server.address().port}`]; const client = connect(originSet[0], { ca }); const checks = [ ['https://foo.org', 'https://bar.org'], ['https://example.org', 'https://example.com'] ]; const countdown = new Countdown(2, () => { client.close(); server.close(); }); client.on('origin', mustCall((origins) => { const check = checks.shift(); originSet.push(...check); deepStrictEqual(originSet, client.originSet); deepStrictEqual(origins, check); countdown.dec(); }, 2)); client.request().on('close', mustCall()).resume(); })); } // Test automatically sending origin on connection start { const origins = [ 'https://foo.org/a/b/c', 'https://bar.org' ]; const server = createSecureServer({ key, cert, origins }); server.on('stream', mustCall((stream) => { stream.respond(); stream.end('ok'); })); server.listen(0, mustCall(() => { const check = ['https://foo.org', 'https://bar.org']; const originSet = [`https://localhost:${server.address().port}`]; const client = connect(originSet[0], { ca }); client.on('origin', mustCall((origins) => { originSet.push(...check); deepStrictEqual(originSet, client.originSet); deepStrictEqual(origins, check); client.close(); server.close(); })); client.request().on('close', mustCall()).resume(); })); } // If return status is 421, the request origin must be removed from the // originSet { const server = createSecureServer({ key, cert }); server.on('stream', mustCall((stream) => { stream.respond({ ':status': 421 }); stream.end(); })); server.on('session', mustCall((session) => { session.origin('https://foo.org'); })); server.listen(0, mustCall(() => { const origin = `https://localhost:${server.address().port}`; const client = connect(origin, { ca }); client.on('origin', mustCall((origins) => { deepStrictEqual([origin, 'https://foo.org'], client.originSet); const req = client.request({ ':authority': 'foo.org' }); req.on('response', mustCall((headers) => { strictEqual(421, headers[':status']); deepStrictEqual([origin], client.originSet); })); req.resume(); req.on('close', mustCall(() => { client.close(); server.close(); })); }, 1)); })); } // Origin is ignored on plain text HTTP/2 connections... server will still // send them, but client will ignore them. { const server = createServer(); server.on('stream', mustCall((stream) => { stream.session.origin('https://example.org', new URL('https://example.com')); stream.respond(); stream.end('ok'); })); server.listen(0, mustCall(() => { const client = connect(`http://localhost:${server.address().port}`); client.on('origin', mustNotCall()); strictEqual(client.originSet, undefined); const req = client.request(); req.resume(); req.on('close', mustCall(() => { client.close(); server.close(); })); })); }