'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); common.skipIfInspectorDisabled(); const { NodeInstance } = require('../common/inspector-helper.js'); // Sets up JS bindings session and runs till the "paused" event const script = ` const { Session } = require('inspector'); const session = new Session(); let done = false; const interval = setInterval(() => { if (done) clearInterval(interval); }, 150); session.on('Debugger.paused', () => { done = true; }); session.connect(); session.post('Debugger.enable'); console.log('Ready'); console.log('Ready'); `; async function setupSession(node) { const session = await node.connectInspectorSession(); await session.send([ { 'method': 'Runtime.enable' }, { 'method': 'Debugger.enable' }, { 'method': 'Debugger.setPauseOnExceptions', 'params': { 'state': 'none' } }, { 'method': 'Debugger.setAsyncCallStackDepth', 'params': { 'maxDepth': 0 } }, { 'method': 'Profiler.enable' }, { 'method': 'Profiler.setSamplingInterval', 'params': { 'interval': 100 } }, { 'method': 'Debugger.setBlackboxPatterns', 'params': { 'patterns': [] } }, { 'method': 'Runtime.runIfWaitingForDebugger' }, ]); return session; } async function testSuspend(sessionA, sessionB) { console.log('[test]', 'Breaking in code and verifying events are fired'); await sessionA.waitForNotification('Debugger.paused', 'Initial pause'); sessionA.send({ 'method': 'Debugger.resume' }); await sessionA.waitForNotification('Runtime.consoleAPICalled', 'Console output'); // NOTE(mmarchini): Remove second console.log when // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/v8/issues/detail?id=10287 is fixed. await sessionA.waitForNotification('Runtime.consoleAPICalled', 'Console output'); sessionA.send({ 'method': 'Debugger.pause' }); return Promise.all([ sessionA.waitForNotification('Debugger.paused', 'SessionA paused'), sessionB.waitForNotification('Debugger.paused', 'SessionB paused'), ]); } async function runTest() { const child = new NodeInstance(undefined, script); const [session1, session2] = await Promise.all([setupSession(child), setupSession(child)]); await testSuspend(session2, session1); console.log('[test]', 'Should shut down after both sessions disconnect'); await session1.runToCompletion(); await session2.send({ 'method': 'Debugger.disable' }); await session2.disconnect(); return child.expectShutdown(); } runTest().then(common.mustCall());