'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); // This test ensures that ecdhCurve option of TLS server supports colon // separated ECDH curve names as value. if (!common.hasCrypto) common.skip('missing crypto'); if (!common.opensslCli) common.skip('missing openssl-cli'); const assert = require('assert'); const tls = require('tls'); const spawn = require('child_process').spawn; const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures'); function loadPEM(n) { return fixtures.readKey(`${n}.pem`); } const options = { key: loadPEM('agent2-key'), cert: loadPEM('agent2-cert'), ciphers: '-ALL:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256', ecdhCurve: 'secp256k1:prime256v1:secp521r1' }; const reply = 'I AM THE WALRUS'; // something recognizable const server = tls.createServer(options, function(conn) { conn.end(reply); }); let gotReply = false; server.listen(0, function() { const args = ['s_client', '-cipher', `${options.ciphers}`, '-connect', `${this.address().port}`]; const client = spawn(common.opensslCli, args); client.stdout.on('data', function(data) { const message = data.toString(); if (message.includes(reply)) gotReply = true; }); client.on('exit', function(code) { assert.strictEqual(0, code); server.close(); }); client.on('error', assert.ifError); }); process.on('exit', function() { assert.ok(gotReply); // Some of unsupported curves const unsupportedCurves = [ 'wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls1', 'c2pnb163v1', 'prime192v3' ]; // Brainpool is not supported in FIPS mode if (common.hasFipsCrypto) unsupportedCurves.push('brainpoolP256r1'); unsupportedCurves.forEach((ecdhCurve) => { assert.throws(() => tls.createServer({ ecdhCurve }), /Error: Failed to set ECDH curve/); }); });