/** * @fileoverview enforce a particular style for multiline comments * @author Teddy Katz */ "use strict"; const astUtils = require("../ast-utils"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Rule Definition //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module.exports = { meta: { docs: { description: "enforce a particular style for multiline comments", category: "Stylistic Issues", recommended: false }, fixable: "whitespace", schema: [{ enum: ["starred-block", "separate-lines", "bare-block"] }] }, create(context) { const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode(); const option = context.options[0] || "starred-block"; const EXPECTED_BLOCK_ERROR = "Expected a block comment instead of consecutive line comments."; const START_NEWLINE_ERROR = "Expected a linebreak after '/*'."; const END_NEWLINE_ERROR = "Expected a linebreak before '*/'."; const MISSING_STAR_ERROR = "Expected a '*' at the start of this line."; const ALIGNMENT_ERROR = "Expected this line to be aligned with the start of the comment."; const EXPECTED_LINES_ERROR = "Expected multiple line comments instead of a block comment."; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helpers //---------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Gets a list of comment lines in a group * @param {Token[]} commentGroup A group of comments, containing either multiple line comments or a single block comment * @returns {string[]} A list of comment lines */ function getCommentLines(commentGroup) { if (commentGroup[0].type === "Line") { return commentGroup.map(comment => comment.value); } return commentGroup[0].value .split(astUtils.LINEBREAK_MATCHER) .map(line => line.replace(/^\s*\*?/, "")); } /** * Converts a comment into starred-block form * @param {Token} firstComment The first comment of the group being converted * @param {string[]} commentLinesList A list of lines to appear in the new starred-block comment * @returns {string} A representation of the comment value in starred-block form, excluding start and end markers */ function convertToStarredBlock(firstComment, commentLinesList) { const initialOffset = sourceCode.text.slice(firstComment.range[0] - firstComment.loc.start.column, firstComment.range[0]); const starredLines = commentLinesList.map(line => `${initialOffset} *${line}`); return `\n${starredLines.join("\n")}\n${initialOffset} `; } /** * Converts a comment into separate-line form * @param {Token} firstComment The first comment of the group being converted * @param {string[]} commentLinesList A list of lines to appear in the new starred-block comment * @returns {string} A representation of the comment value in separate-line form */ function convertToSeparateLines(firstComment, commentLinesList) { const initialOffset = sourceCode.text.slice(firstComment.range[0] - firstComment.loc.start.column, firstComment.range[0]); const separateLines = commentLinesList.map(line => `// ${line.trim()}`); return separateLines.join(`\n${initialOffset}`); } /** * Converts a comment into bare-block form * @param {Token} firstComment The first comment of the group being converted * @param {string[]} commentLinesList A list of lines to appear in the new starred-block comment * @returns {string} A representation of the comment value in bare-block form */ function convertToBlock(firstComment, commentLinesList) { const initialOffset = sourceCode.text.slice(firstComment.range[0] - firstComment.loc.start.column, firstComment.range[0]); const blockLines = commentLinesList.map(line => line.trim()); return `/* ${blockLines.join(`\n${initialOffset} `)} */`; } /** * Check a comment is JSDoc form * @param {Token[]} commentGroup A group of comments, containing either multiple line comments or a single block comment * @returns {boolean} if commentGroup is JSDoc form, return true */ function isJSDoc(commentGroup) { const lines = commentGroup[0].value.split(astUtils.LINEBREAK_MATCHER); return commentGroup[0].type === "Block" && /^\*\s*$/.test(lines[0]) && lines.slice(1, -1).every(line => /^\s* /.test(line)) && /^\s*$/.test(lines[lines.length - 1]); } /** * Each method checks a group of comments to see if it's valid according to the given option. * @param {Token[]} commentGroup A list of comments that appear together. This will either contain a single * block comment or multiple line comments. * @returns {void} */ const commentGroupCheckers = { "starred-block"(commentGroup) { const commentLines = getCommentLines(commentGroup); if (commentLines.some(value => value.includes("*/"))) { return; } if (commentGroup.length > 1) { context.report({ loc: { start: commentGroup[0].loc.start, end: commentGroup[commentGroup.length - 1].loc.end }, message: EXPECTED_BLOCK_ERROR, fix(fixer) { const range = [commentGroup[0].range[0], commentGroup[commentGroup.length - 1].range[1]]; const starredBlock = `/*${convertToStarredBlock(commentGroup[0], commentLines)}*/`; return commentLines.some(value => value.startsWith("/")) ? null : fixer.replaceTextRange(range, starredBlock); } }); } else { const block = commentGroup[0]; const lines = block.value.split(astUtils.LINEBREAK_MATCHER); const expectedLinePrefix = `${sourceCode.text.slice(block.range[0] - block.loc.start.column, block.range[0])} *`; if (!/^\*?\s*$/.test(lines[0])) { const start = block.value.startsWith("*") ? block.range[0] + 1 : block.range[0]; context.report({ loc: { start: block.loc.start, end: { line: block.loc.start.line, column: block.loc.start.column + 2 } }, message: START_NEWLINE_ERROR, fix: fixer => fixer.insertTextAfterRange([start, start + 2], `\n${expectedLinePrefix}`) }); } if (!/^\s*$/.test(lines[lines.length - 1])) { context.report({ loc: { start: { line: block.loc.end.line, column: block.loc.end.column - 2 }, end: block.loc.end }, message: END_NEWLINE_ERROR, fix: fixer => fixer.replaceTextRange([block.range[1] - 2, block.range[1]], `\n${expectedLinePrefix}/`) }); } for (let lineNumber = block.loc.start.line + 1; lineNumber <= block.loc.end.line; lineNumber++) { const lineText = sourceCode.lines[lineNumber - 1]; if (!lineText.startsWith(expectedLinePrefix)) { context.report({ loc: { start: { line: lineNumber, column: 0 }, end: { line: lineNumber, column: sourceCode.lines[lineNumber - 1].length } }, message: /^\s*\*/.test(lineText) ? ALIGNMENT_ERROR : MISSING_STAR_ERROR, fix(fixer) { const lineStartIndex = sourceCode.getIndexFromLoc({ line: lineNumber, column: 0 }); const linePrefixLength = lineText.match(/^\s*\*? ?/)[0].length; const commentStartIndex = lineStartIndex + linePrefixLength; const replacementText = lineNumber === block.loc.end.line || lineText.length === linePrefixLength ? expectedLinePrefix : `${expectedLinePrefix} `; return fixer.replaceTextRange([lineStartIndex, commentStartIndex], replacementText); } }); } } } }, "separate-lines"(commentGroup) { if (!isJSDoc(commentGroup) && commentGroup[0].type === "Block") { const commentLines = getCommentLines(commentGroup); const block = commentGroup[0]; const tokenAfter = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(block, { includeComments: true }); if (tokenAfter && block.loc.end.line === tokenAfter.loc.start.line) { return; } context.report({ loc: { start: block.loc.start, end: { line: block.loc.start.line, column: block.loc.start.column + 2 } }, message: EXPECTED_LINES_ERROR, fix(fixer) { return fixer.replaceText(block, convertToSeparateLines(block, commentLines.filter(line => line))); } }); } }, "bare-block"(commentGroup) { if (!isJSDoc(commentGroup)) { const commentLines = getCommentLines(commentGroup); // disallows consecutive line comments in favor of using a block comment. if (commentGroup[0].type === "Line" && commentLines.length > 1 && !commentLines.some(value => value.includes("*/"))) { context.report({ loc: { start: commentGroup[0].loc.start, end: commentGroup[commentGroup.length - 1].loc.end }, message: EXPECTED_BLOCK_ERROR, fix(fixer) { const range = [commentGroup[0].range[0], commentGroup[commentGroup.length - 1].range[1]]; const block = convertToBlock(commentGroup[0], commentLines.filter(line => line)); return fixer.replaceTextRange(range, block); } }); } // prohibits block comments from having a * at the beginning of each line. if (commentGroup[0].type === "Block") { const block = commentGroup[0]; const lines = block.value.split(astUtils.LINEBREAK_MATCHER).filter(line => line.trim()); if (lines.length > 0 && lines.every(line => /^\s*\*/.test(line))) { context.report({ loc: { start: block.loc.start, end: { line: block.loc.start.line, column: block.loc.start.column + 2 } }, message: EXPECTED_BLOCK_ERROR, fix(fixer) { return fixer.replaceText(block, convertToBlock(block, commentLines.filter(line => line))); } }); } } } } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public //---------------------------------------------------------------------- return { Program() { return sourceCode.getAllComments() .filter(comment => comment.type !== "Shebang") .filter(comment => !astUtils.COMMENTS_IGNORE_PATTERN.test(comment.value)) .filter(comment => { const tokenBefore = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(comment, { includeComments: true }); return !tokenBefore || tokenBefore.loc.end.line < comment.loc.start.line; }) .reduce((commentGroups, comment, index, commentList) => { const tokenBefore = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(comment, { includeComments: true }); if ( comment.type === "Line" && index && commentList[index - 1].type === "Line" && tokenBefore && tokenBefore.loc.end.line === comment.loc.start.line - 1 && tokenBefore === commentList[index - 1] ) { commentGroups[commentGroups.length - 1].push(comment); } else { commentGroups.push([comment]); } return commentGroups; }, []) .filter(commentGroup => !(commentGroup.length === 1 && commentGroup[0].loc.start.line === commentGroup[0].loc.end.line)) .forEach(commentGroupCheckers[option]); } }; } };