tag namev0.10.8 (fafb94c047927543c2f7d9cb6bdf6e3fb6019392)
tag date2013-05-24 15:43:37 -0700
tagged byisaacs <>
tagged objectcommit 30d9e9fdd9...
2013.05.24, Version 0.10.8 (Stable)
* v8: update to * uv: upgrade to 0.10.8 * npm: Upgrade to 1.2.23 * http: remove bodyHead from 'upgrade' events (Nathan Zadoks) * http: Return true on empty writes, not false (isaacs) * http: save roundtrips, convert buffers to strings (Ben Noordhuis) * configure: respect the --dest-os flag consistently (Nathan Rajlich) * buffer: throw when writing beyond buffer (Trevor Norris) * crypto: Clear error after DiffieHellman key errors (isaacs) * string_bytes: strip padding from base64 strings (Trevor Norris) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (Darwin) iQEcBAABAgAGBQJRn+0ZAAoJELCniwpsSBz22mEH/0VlNtwIev9etHfzPBjehXbG zyVbGX1LV1qKcnFy5clriQh+q1qk8C/Qz0+EVMmCQl9KdExT47zuE3VqGKlJhgIi H9/lgE7sT7NUWrM+Vi43pWWVbbeXXmXw5motIpNYCZ5I3EPtD4JcQxYTUlHBCLZV TfJV8i3N6j8P3rGtBHZKtb3N88KiH17XV1DXqkIiBU7JWKjMyck5T82vAxSAqRoD n8ZHknOQxaQfPT6nzw9V9XZsyXpL7QeXjvmisA84XTHRntjzP84ilM0nhoDGGtYf e41tIAthPs+nB45vTK1/9cfV9QWN+MMGy+KN2oZA74iuvPEBs/vh2TGECeuff2Y= =zHZV -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----