tag namev0.10.23 (787a0e905f642de8385a005f710ecea68919798d)
tag date2013-12-11 22:10:42 -0800
tagged byTimothy J Fontaine <>
tagged objectcommit 0462bc2356...
2013.12.12, Version 0.10.23 (Stable)
* uv: Upgrade to v0.10.20 (Timothy J Fontaine) * npm: Upgrade to 1.3.17 (isaacs) * gyp: update to 78b26f7 (Timothy J Fontaine) * build: include postmortem symbols on linux (Timothy J Fontaine) * crypto: Make Decipher._flush() emit errors. (Kai Groner) * dgram: fix abort when getting `fd` of closed dgram (Fedor Indutny) * events: do not accept NaN in setMaxListeners (Fedor Indutny) * events: avoid calling `once` functions twice (Tim Wood) * events: fix TypeError in removeAllListeners (Jeremy Martin) * fs: report correct path when EEXIST (Fedor Indutny) * process: enforce allowed signals for kill (Sam Roberts) * tls: emit 'end' on .receivedShutdown (Fedor Indutny) * tls: fix potential data corruption (Fedor Indutny) * tls: handle `ssl.start()` errors appropriately (Fedor Indutny) * tls: reset NPN callbacks after SNI (Fedor Indutny) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.20 (Darwin) Comment: GPGTools - iEYEABECAAYFAlKpU2IACgkQfTP/nQJGQG2tBwCfapIRfNNwLVkbzolFYjuaVPhT dD4AoJN+KuRHZOlcRPm1iDd0i1NBag9v =vZJO -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----