# v1.1.1 Bug Fix - Small regression with synchronous iterator behavior in `eachSeries` with a 1-element array. Before 1.1.0, `eachSeries`'s callback was called on the same tick, which this patch restores. In 2.0.0, it will be called on the next tick. (#782) # v1.1.0 New Features: - `cargo` now supports all of the same methods and event callbacks as `queue`. - Added `ensureAsync` - A wrapper that ensures an async function calls its callback on a later tick. (#769) - Optimized `map`, `eachOf`, and `waterfall` families of functions - Passing a `null` or `undefined` array to `map`, `each`, `parallel` and families will be treated as an empty array (#667). - The callback is not optional for the composed results of `compose` and `seq`. (#618) - Reduced file size by 4kb, (minified version by 1kb) - Added code coverage through `nyc` and `coveralls` (#768) Bug Fixes: - `forever` will no longer stack overflow with a synchronous iterator (#622) - `eachLimit` and other limit functions will stop iterating once an error occurs (#754) - Always pass `null` in callbacks when there is no error (#439) - Ensure proper conditions when calling `drain()` after pushing an empty data set to a queue (#668) - `each` and family will properly handle an empty array (#578) - `eachSeries` and family will finish if the underlying array is modified during execution (#557) - `queue` will throw if a non-function is passed to `q.push()` (#593) - Doc fixes (#629, #766) # v1.0.0 No known breaking changes, we are simply complying with semver from here on out. Changes: - Start using a changelog! - Add `forEachOf` for iterating over Objects (or to iterate Arrays with indexes available) (#168 #704 #321) - Detect deadlocks in `auto` (#663) - Better support for require.js (#527) - Throw if queue created with concurrency `0` (#714) - Fix unneeded iteration in `queue.resume()` (#758) - Guard against timer mocking overriding `setImmediate` (#609 #611) - Miscellaneous doc fixes (#542 #596 #615 #628 #631 #690 #729) - Use single noop function internally (#546) - Optimize internal `_each`, `_map` and `_keys` functions.