import timesLimit from './timesLimit.js' /** * The same as [times]{@link module:ControlFlow.times} but runs only a single async operation at a time. * * @name timesSeries * @static * @memberOf module:ControlFlow * @method * @see [async.times]{@link module:ControlFlow.times} * @category Control Flow * @param {number} n - The number of times to run the function. * @param {AsyncFunction} iteratee - The async function to call `n` times. * Invoked with the iteration index and a callback: (n, next). * @param {Function} callback - see {@link}. * @returns {Promise} a promise, if no callback is provided */ export default function timesSeries (n, iteratee, callback) { return timesLimit(n, 1, iteratee, callback) }