var async = require('../lib'); var expect = require('chai').expect; var _ = require('lodash'); describe('auto', function () { it('basics', function(done){ var callOrder = [];{ task1: ['task2', function(results, callback){ setTimeout(function(){ callOrder.push('task1'); callback(); }, 25); }], task2: function(callback){ setTimeout(function(){ callOrder.push('task2'); callback(); }, 50); }, task3: ['task2', function(results, callback){ callOrder.push('task3'); callback(); }], task4: ['task1', 'task2', function(results, callback){ callOrder.push('task4'); callback(); }], task5: ['task2', function(results, callback){ setTimeout(function(){ callOrder.push('task5'); callback(); }, 0); }], task6: ['task2', function(results, callback){ callOrder.push('task6'); callback(); }] }, function(err){ expect(err).to.equal(null); expect(callOrder).to.eql(['task2','task3','task6','task5','task1','task4']); done(); }); }); it('auto concurrency', function (done) { var concurrency = 2; var runningTasks = []; function makeCallback(taskName) { return function(/*..., callback*/) { var callback = _.last(arguments); runningTasks.push(taskName); setTimeout(function(){ // Each task returns the array of running tasks as results. var result = runningTasks.slice(0); runningTasks.splice(runningTasks.indexOf(taskName), 1); callback(null, result); }); }; }{ task1: ['task2', makeCallback('task1')], task2: makeCallback('task2'), task3: ['task2', makeCallback('task3')], task4: ['task1', 'task2', makeCallback('task4')], task5: ['task2', makeCallback('task5')], task6: ['task2', makeCallback('task6')] }, concurrency, function(err, results){ _.each(results, function(result) { expect(result.length) + 1); }); done(); }); }); it('auto petrify', function (done) { var callOrder = [];{ task1: ['task2', function (results, callback) { setTimeout(function () { callOrder.push('task1'); callback(); }, 100); }], task2: function (callback) { setTimeout(function () { callOrder.push('task2'); callback(); }, 200); }, task3: ['task2', function (results, callback) { callOrder.push('task3'); callback(); }], task4: ['task1', 'task2', function (results, callback) { callOrder.push('task4'); callback(); }] }, function (err) { if (err) throw err; expect(callOrder).to.eql(['task2', 'task3', 'task1', 'task4']); done(); }); }); it('auto results', function(done){ var callOrder = [];{ task1: ['task2', function(results, callback){ expect(results.task2).to.eql('task2'); setTimeout(function(){ callOrder.push('task1'); callback(null, 'task1a', 'task1b'); }, 25); }], task2: function(callback){ setTimeout(function(){ callOrder.push('task2'); callback(null, 'task2'); }, 50); }, task3: ['task2', function(results, callback){ expect(results.task2).to.eql('task2'); callOrder.push('task3'); callback(null); }], task4: ['task1', 'task2', function(results, callback){ expect(results.task1).to.eql(['task1a','task1b']); expect(results.task2).to.eql('task2'); callOrder.push('task4'); callback(null, 'task4'); }] }, function(err, results){ expect(callOrder).to.eql(['task2','task3','task1','task4']); expect(results).to.eql({task1: ['task1a','task1b'], task2: 'task2', task3: undefined, task4: 'task4'}); done(); }); }); it('auto empty object', function(done){{}, function(err){ expect(err).to.equal(null); done(); }); }); it('auto error', function(done){{ task1: function(callback){ callback('testerror'); }, task2: ['task1', function(/*results, callback*/){ throw new Error('task2 should not be called'); }], task3: function(callback){ callback('testerror2'); } }, function(err){ expect(err).to.equal('testerror'); }); setTimeout(done, 100); }); it('auto no callback', function(done){{ task1: function(callback){callback();}, task2: ['task1', function(results, callback){callback(); done();}] }); }); it('auto concurrency no callback', function(done){{ task1: function(callback){callback();}, task2: ['task1', function(results, callback){callback(); done();}] }, 1); }); it('auto error should pass partial results', function(done) {{ task1: function(callback){ callback(false, 'result1'); }, task2: ['task1', function(results, callback){ callback('testerror', 'result2'); }], task3: ['task2', function(){ throw new Error('task3 should not be called'); }] }, function(err, results){ expect(err).to.equal('testerror'); expect(results.task1).to.equal('result1'); expect(results.task2).to.equal('result2'); done(); }); }); // Issue 24 on github: // Issue 76 on github: it('auto removeListener has side effect on loop iteratee', function(done) {{ task1: ['task3', function(/*callback*/) { done(); }], task2: ['task3', function(/*callback*/) { /* by design: DON'T call callback */ }], task3: function(callback) { callback(); } }); }); // Issue 410 on github: it('auto calls callback multiple times', function(done) { var finalCallCount = 0; try {{ task1: function(callback) { callback(null); }, task2: ['task1', function(results, callback) { callback(null); }] }, // Error throwing final callback. This should only run once function() { finalCallCount++; var e = new Error('An error'); e._test_error = true; throw e; }); } catch (e) { if (!e._test_error) { throw e; } } setTimeout(function () { expect(finalCallCount).to.equal(1); done(); }, 10); }); it('auto calls callback multiple times with parallel functions', function(done) {{ task1: function(callback) { setTimeout(callback,0,'err'); }, task2: function(callback) { setTimeout(callback,0,'err'); } }, // Error throwing final callback. This should only run once function(err) { expect(err).to.equal('err'); done(); }); }); // Issue 462 on github: it('auto modifying results causes final callback to run early', function(done) {{ task1: function(callback){ callback(null, 'task1'); }, task2: ['task1', function(results, callback){ results.inserted = true; setTimeout(function(){ callback(null, 'task2'); }, 50); }], task3: function(callback){ setTimeout(function(){ callback(null, 'task3'); }, 100); } }, function(err, results){ expect(results.inserted).to.equal(true); expect(results.task3).to.equal('task3'); done(); }); }); // Issue 263 on github: it('auto prevent dead-locks due to inexistant dependencies', function(done) { expect(function () {{ task1: ['noexist', function(results, callback){ callback(null, 'task1'); }] }); }).to.throw(/dependency `noexist`/); done(); }); // Issue 263 on github: it('auto prevent dead-locks due to cyclic dependencies', function(done) { expect(function () {{ task1: ['task2', function(results, callback){ callback(null, 'task1'); }], task2: ['task1', function(results, callback){ callback(null, 'task2'); }] }); }).to.throw(); done(); }); // Issue 1092 on github: it('extended cycle detection', function(done) { var task = function (name) { return function (results, callback) { callback(null, 'task ' + name); }; }; expect(function () {{ a: ['c', task('a')], b: ['a', task('b')], c: ['b', task('c')] }); }).to.throw(); done(); }); // Issue 988 on github: it('auto stops running tasks on error', function(done) {{ task1: function (callback) { callback('error'); }, task2: function (/*callback*/) { throw new Error('test2 should not be called'); } }, 1, function (error) { expect(error).to.equal('error'); done(); }); }); it('ignores results after an error', function (done) {{ task1: function (cb) { setTimeout(cb, 25, 'error'); }, task2: function (cb) { setTimeout(cb, 30, null); }, task3: ['task2', function () { throw new Error("task should not have been called"); }] }, function (err) { expect(err).to.equal('error'); setTimeout(done, 25, null); }); }); it("does not allow calling callbacks twice", function () { expect(function () {{ bad: function (cb) { cb(); cb(); } }, function () {}); }).to.throw(); }); it('should handle array tasks with just a function', function (done) {{ a: [function (cb) { cb(null, 1); }], b: ["a", function (results, cb) { expect(results.a).to.equal(1); cb(); }] }, done); }); it("should avoid unncecessary deferrals", function (done) { var isSync = true;{ step1: function (cb) { cb(null, 1); }, step2: ["step1", function (results, cb) { cb(); }] }, function () { expect(isSync).to.equal(true); done(); }); isSync = false; }); // Issue 1358 on github: it('should report errors when a task name is an array method', function (done) {{ 'one': function (next) { next('Something bad happened here'); }, 'filter': function (next) { _.delay(function () { next(null, 'All fine here though'); }, 25); }, 'finally': ['one', 'filter', function (a, next) { _.defer(next); }] }, function (err) { expect(err).to.equal('Something bad happened here'); _.delay(done, 30); }); }); it('should report errors when a task name is an obj prototype method', function (done) {{ 'one': function (next) { next('Something bad happened here'); }, 'hasOwnProperty': function (next) { _.delay(function () { next(null, 'All fine here though'); }, 25); }, 'finally': ['one', 'hasOwnProperty', function (a, next) { _.defer(next); }] }, function (err) { expect(err).to.equal('Something bad happened here'); _.delay(done, 30); }); }); });