var async = require('../lib'); var expect = require('chai').expect; var assert = require('assert'); describe('cargo', function () { it('cargo', function (done) { var call_order = [], delays = [160, 160, 80]; // worker: --12--34--5- // order of completion: 1,2,3,4,5 var c = async.cargo(function (tasks, callback) { setTimeout(function () { call_order.push('process ' + tasks.join(' ')); callback('error', 'arg'); }, delays.shift()); }, 2); c.push(1, function (err, arg) { expect(err).to.equal('error'); expect(arg).to.equal('arg'); expect(c.length()).to.equal(3); call_order.push('callback ' + 1); }); c.push(2, function (err, arg) { expect(err).to.equal('error'); expect(arg).to.equal('arg'); expect(c.length()).to.equal(3); call_order.push('callback ' + 2); }); expect(c.length()).to.equal(2); // async push setTimeout(function () { c.push(3, function (err, arg) { expect(err).to.equal('error'); expect(arg).to.equal('arg'); expect(c.length()).to.equal(1); call_order.push('callback ' + 3); }); }, 60); setTimeout(function () { c.push(4, function (err, arg) { expect(err).to.equal('error'); expect(arg).to.equal('arg'); expect(c.length()).to.equal(1); call_order.push('callback ' + 4); }); expect(c.length()).to.equal(2); c.push(5, function (err, arg) { expect(err).to.equal('error'); expect(arg).to.equal('arg'); expect(c.length()).to.equal(0); call_order.push('callback ' + 5); }); }, 120); setTimeout(function () { expect(call_order).to.eql([ 'process 1 2', 'callback 1', 'callback 2', 'process 3 4', 'callback 3', 'callback 4', 'process 5' , 'callback 5' ]); expect(c.length()).to.equal(0); done(); }, 800); }); it('without callback', function (done) { var call_order = [], delays = [160,80,240,80]; // worker: --1-2---34-5- // order of completion: 1,2,3,4,5 var c = async.cargo(function (tasks, callback) { setTimeout(function () { call_order.push('process ' + tasks.join(' ')); callback('error', 'arg'); }, delays.shift()); }, 2); c.push(1); setTimeout(function () { c.push(2); }, 120); setTimeout(function () { c.push(3); c.push(4); c.push(5); }, 180); setTimeout(function () { expect(call_order).to.eql([ 'process 1', 'process 2', 'process 3 4', 'process 5' ]); done(); }, 800); }); it('bulk task', function (done) { var call_order = [], delays = [120,40]; // worker: -123-4- // order of completion: 1,2,3,4 var c = async.cargo(function (tasks, callback) { setTimeout(function () { call_order.push('process ' + tasks.join(' ')); callback('error', tasks.join(' ')); }, delays.shift()); }, 3); c.push( [1,2,3,4], function (err, arg) { expect(err).to.equal('error'); call_order.push('callback ' + arg); }); expect(c.length()).to.equal(4); setTimeout(function () { expect(call_order).to.eql([ 'process 1 2 3', 'callback 1 2 3', 'callback 1 2 3', 'callback 1 2 3', 'process 4', 'callback 4', ]); expect(c.length()).to.equal(0); done(); }, 800); }); it('drain once', function (done) { var c = async.cargo(function (tasks, callback) { callback(); }, 3); var drainCounter = 0; c.drain = function () { drainCounter++; }; for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++){ c.push(i); } setTimeout(function(){ expect(drainCounter).to.equal(1); done(); }, 500); }); it('drain twice', function (done) { var c = async.cargo(function (tasks, callback) { callback(); }, 3); var loadCargo = function(){ for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++){ c.push(i); } }; var drainCounter = 0; c.drain = function () { drainCounter++; }; loadCargo(); setTimeout(loadCargo, 500); setTimeout(function(){ expect(drainCounter).to.equal(2); done(); }, 1000); }); it('events', function (done) { var calls = []; var q = async.cargo(function(task, cb) { // nop calls.push('process ' + task); async.setImmediate(cb); }, 1); q.concurrency = 3; q.saturated = function() { assert(q.running() == 3, 'cargo should be saturated now'); calls.push('saturated'); }; q.empty = function() { assert(q.length() === 0, 'cargo should be empty now'); calls.push('empty'); }; q.drain = function() { assert( q.length() === 0 && q.running() === 0, 'cargo should be empty now and no more workers should be running' ); calls.push('drain'); expect(calls).to.eql([ 'process foo', 'process bar', 'saturated', 'process zoo', 'foo cb', 'saturated', 'process poo', 'bar cb', 'empty', 'saturated', 'process moo', 'zoo cb', 'poo cb', 'moo cb', 'drain' ]); done(); }; q.push('foo', function () {calls.push('foo cb');}); q.push('bar', function () {calls.push('bar cb');}); q.push('zoo', function () {calls.push('zoo cb');}); q.push('poo', function () {calls.push('poo cb');}); q.push('moo', function () {calls.push('moo cb');}); }); it('expose payload', function (done) { var called_once = false; var cargo= async.cargo(function(tasks, cb) { if (!called_once) { expect(cargo.payload).to.equal(1); assert(tasks.length === 1, 'should start with payload = 1'); } else { expect(cargo.payload).to.equal(2); assert(tasks.length === 2, 'next call shold have payload = 2'); } called_once = true; setTimeout(cb, 25); }, 1); cargo.drain = function () { done(); }; expect(cargo.payload).to.equal(1); cargo.push([1, 2, 3]); setTimeout(function () { cargo.payload = 2; }, 15); }); });