var async = require('../lib/async'); var expect = require('chai').expect; var isBrowser = require('./support/is_browser'); describe('forever', function(){ context('function is asynchronous', function(){ it('executes the function over and over until it yields an error', function(done){ var counter = 0; addOne = function (callback) { counter++; if (counter === 50) { return callback('too big!'); } async.setImmediate(function () { callback(); }); } async.forever(addOne, function (err) { expect(err).to.eql('too big!'); expect(counter).to.eql(50); done(); }); }) }); context('function is synchronous', function(){ it('does not cause a stack overflow', function(done){ if (isBrowser()) return done(); // this will take forever in a browser var counter = 0; function addOne(callback) { counter++; if (counter === 50000) { // needs to be huge to potentially overflow stack in node return callback('too big!'); } callback(); } async.forever(addOne, function (err) { expect(err).to.eql('too big!'); expect(counter).to.eql(50000); done(); }); }); }); });