var async = require('../../lib'); const {expect} = require('chai'); const {default: wrapAsync} = require('../../lib/internal/wrapAsync') module.exports = function () { async function asyncIdentity(val) { var res = await Promise.resolve(val); return res; } const input = [1, 2, 3]; const inputObj = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}; it('asyncify should not add an additional level of wrapping', () => { const wrapped = wrapAsync(async.each) let sameStack = false wrapped([1], (val, cb) => cb(), () => {sameStack = true}) expect(sameStack).to.equal(true) }) it('should throw as expected (async)', async () => { try { await async.each(input, async val => { throw new Error(val) }); } catch (e) { var thrown = e } expect(thrown)'error') }); it('should throw as expected (callback)', async () => { let thrown await async.each(input, (val) => { throw new Error(val) }).catch(e => {thrown = e}) expect(thrown)'error') }) it('should throw as expected (callback, try/catch)', async () => { try { await async.each(input, (val, cb) => { cb(new Error(val)) }); } catch (e) { var thrown = e } expect(thrown)'error') }); /* * Collections */ it('should return a Promise: each', async () => { const calls = [] await async.each(input, async val => { calls.push(val) }); expect(calls).to.eql([1, 2, 3]) expect(async.each(input, asyncIdentity) instanceof Promise).to.equal(true) }); it('should return a Promise: eachSeries', async () => { const calls = [] await async.eachSeries(input, async val => { calls.push(val) }); expect(calls).to.eql([1, 2, 3]) }); it('should return a Promise: eachLimit', async () => { const calls = [] await async.eachLimit(input, 1, async val => { calls.push(val) }); expect(calls).to.eql([1, 2, 3]) }); it('should return a Promise: eachOf', async () => { const calls = [] await async.eachOf(inputObj, async (...args) => { calls.push(args) }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1, 'a'], [2, 'b'], [3, 'c']]) }); it('should return a Promise: eachOfSeries', async () => { const calls = [] await async.eachOfSeries(inputObj, async (...args) => { calls.push(args) }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1, 'a'], [2, 'b'], [3, 'c']]) }); it('should return a Promise: eachOfLimit', async () => { const calls = [] await async.eachOfLimit(inputObj, 1, async (...args) => { calls.push(args) }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1, 'a'], [2, 'b'], [3, 'c']]) }); it('should return a Promise: concat', async () => { const calls = [] await async.concat(inputObj, async (...args) => { calls.push(args) }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1], [2], [3]]) }); it('should return a Promise: concatSeries', async () => { const calls = [] await async.concatSeries(inputObj, async (...args) => { calls.push(args) }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1], [2], [3]]) }); it('should return a Promise: concatLimit', async () => { const calls = [] await async.concatLimit(inputObj, 1, async (...args) => { calls.push(args) }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1], [2], [3]]) }); it('should return a Promise: detect', async () => { const calls = [] await async.detect(input, async (...args) => { calls.push(args); return args[0] === 3 }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1], [2], [3]]) }); it('should return a Promise: detectSeries', async () => { const calls = [] await async.detectSeries(input, async (...args) => { calls.push(args); return args[0] === 3 }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1], [2], [3]]) }); it('should return a Promise: detectLimit', async () => { const calls = [] await async.detectLimit(input, 1, async (...args) => { calls.push(args); return args[0] === 3 }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1], [2], [3]]) }); it('should return a Promise: every', async () => { const calls = [] await async.every(input, async (...args) => { calls.push(args); return args[0] !== 3 }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1], [2], [3]]) }); it('should return a Promise: everySeries', async () => { const calls = [] await async.everySeries(input, async (...args) => { calls.push(args); return args[0] !== 3 }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1], [2], [3]]) }); it('should return a Promise: everyLimit', async () => { const calls = [] await async.everyLimit(input, 1, async (...args) => { calls.push(args); return args[0] !== 3 }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1], [2], [3]]) }); it('should return a Promise: filter', async () => { const calls = [] await async.filter(inputObj, async (...args) => { calls.push(args) }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1], [2], [3]]) }); it('should return a Promise: filterSeries', async () => { const calls = [] await async.filterSeries(inputObj, async (...args) => { calls.push(args) }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1], [2], [3]]) }); it('should return a Promise: filterLimit', async () => { const calls = [] await async.filterLimit(inputObj, 1, async (...args) => { calls.push(args) }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1], [2], [3]]) }); it('should return a Promise: groupBy', async () => { const calls = [] await async.groupBy(inputObj, async (...args) => { calls.push(args) }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1], [2], [3]]) }); it('should return a Promise: groupBySeries', async () => { const calls = [] await async.groupBySeries(inputObj, async (...args) => { calls.push(args) }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1], [2], [3]]) }); it('should return a Promise: groupByLimit', async () => { const calls = [] await async.groupByLimit(inputObj, 1, async (...args) => { calls.push(args) }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1], [2], [3]]) }); it('should return a Promise: map', async () => { const calls = [] await, async (...args) => { calls.push(args) }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1], [2], [3]]) }); it('should return a Promise: mapSeries', async () => { const calls = [] await async.mapSeries(inputObj, async (...args) => { calls.push(args) }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1], [2], [3]]) }); it('should return a Promise: mapLimit', async () => { const calls = [] await async.mapLimit(inputObj, 1, async (...args) => { calls.push(args) }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1], [2], [3]]) }); it('should return a Promise: mapValues', async () => { const calls = [] await async.mapValues(inputObj, async (...args) => { calls.push(args) }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1, 'a'], [2, 'b'], [3, 'c']]) }); it('should return a Promise: mapValuesSeries', async () => { const calls = [] await async.mapValuesSeries(inputObj, async (...args) => { calls.push(args) }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1, 'a'], [2, 'b'], [3, 'c']]) }); it('should return a Promise: mapValuesLimit', async () => { const calls = [] await async.mapValuesLimit(inputObj, 1, async (...args) => { calls.push(args) }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1, 'a'], [2, 'b'], [3, 'c']]) }); it('should return a Promise: reduce', async () => { const calls = [] await async.reduce(input, 1, async (...args) => calls.push(args)); expect(calls).to.eql([[1, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3]]) }); it('should return a Promise: reduceRight', async () => { const calls = [] await async.reduceRight(input, 1, async (...args) => calls.push(args)); expect(calls).to.eql([[1, 3], [1, 2], [2, 1]]) }); it('should return a Promise: reject', async () => { const calls = [] await async.reject(inputObj, async (...args) => { calls.push(args) }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1], [2], [3]]) }); it('should return a Promise: rejectSeries', async () => { const calls = [] await async.rejectSeries(inputObj, async (...args) => { calls.push(args) }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1], [2], [3]]) }); it('should return a Promise: rejectLimit', async () => { const calls = [] await async.rejectLimit(inputObj, 1, async (...args) => { calls.push(args) }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1], [2], [3]]) }); it('should return a Promise: some', async () => { const calls = [] await async.some(input, async (...args) => { calls.push(args); return args[0] === 3 }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1], [2], [3]]) }); it('should return a Promise: someSeries', async () => { const calls = [] await async.someSeries(input, async (...args) => { calls.push(args); return args[0] === 3 }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1], [2], [3]]) }); it('should return a Promise: someLimit', async () => { const calls = [] await async.someLimit(input, 1, async (...args) => { calls.push(args); return args[0] === 3 }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1], [2], [3]]) }); it('should return a Promise: sortBy', async () => { const calls = [] await async.sortBy(input, async (...args) => { calls.push(args) }); expect(calls).to.eql([[1], [2], [3]]) }); it('should return a Promise: times', async () => { const calls = [] await async.times(3, async (...args) => { calls.push(args); return args[0] === 3 }); expect(calls).to.eql([[0], [1], [2]]) }); it('should return a Promise: timesSeries', async () => { const calls = [] await async.timesSeries(3, async (...args) => { calls.push(args); return args[0] === 3 }); expect(calls).to.eql([[0], [1], [2]]) }); it('should return a Promise: timesLimit', async () => { const calls = [] await async.timesLimit(3, 1, async (...args) => { calls.push(args); return args[0] === 3 }); expect(calls).to.eql([[0], [1], [2]]) }); it('should return a Promise: transform', async () => { const calls = [] await async.transform(inputObj, 1, async (...args) => calls.push(args)); expect(calls).to.eql([[1, 1, 'a'], [1, 2, 'b'], [1, 3, 'c']]) }); it('should return a Promise: transform (2 args)', async () => { const calls = [] await async.transform(inputObj, async (...args) => calls.push(args)); expect(calls).to.eql([[{}, 1, 'a'], [{}, 2, 'b'], [{}, 3, 'c']]) }); /* * Control flow */ it('should return a Promise: applyEach', async () => { const calls = [] await async.applyEach([ async (v, x) => { calls.push(v, x) }, async (v, x) => { calls.push(v, x) } ], 5, 6)(); expect(calls).to.eql([5, 6, 5, 6]) }) it('should return a Promise: applyEachSeries', async () => { const calls = [] await async.applyEachSeries([ async (v, x) => { calls.push(v, x) }, async (v, x) => { calls.push(v, x) } ], 5, 6)(); expect(calls).to.eql([5, 6, 5, 6]) }) it('should return a Promise: auto', async () => { const calls = [] await{ async a () { calls.push('a') return Promise.resolve('a') }, b: ['a', 'c', async () => calls.push('b')], async c () { await Promise.resolve() calls.push('c') return Promise.resolve('c') } }); expect(calls).to.eql(['a', 'c', 'b']) }); it('should return a Promise: autoInject', async () => { const calls = [] await async.autoInject({ async a () { calls.push('a') return 'a' }, async b(a, c) { calls.push('b'); calls.push(a, c) }, async c () { calls.push('c') return 'c' } }, 1); expect(calls).to.eql(['a', 'c', 'b', 'a', 'c']) }); it('should return a Promise: compose', async () => { const calls = [] const fn = async.compose( async (...args) => calls.push('a', args), async (...args) => calls.push('b', args) ); const result = await fn(1, 2) expect(calls).to.eql(['b', [1, 2], 'a', [2]]) expect(result).to.eql(4) }); it('should return a Promise: seq', async () => { const calls = [] const fn = async.seq( async (...args) => calls.push('a', args), async (...args) => calls.push('b', args) ); const result = await fn(1, 2) expect(calls).to.eql(['a', [1, 2], 'b', [2]]) expect(result).to.eql(4) }); it('should return a Promise: whilst', async () => { const calls = [] let counter = 0 await async.whilst( async () => {calls.push('test', counter); return counter < 5}, async () => { calls.push('fn'); counter++ } ); expect(calls).to.eql([ 'test', 0, 'fn', 'test', 1, 'fn', 'test', 2, 'fn', 'test', 3, 'fn', 'test', 4, 'fn', 'test', 5 ]) }); it('should return a Promise: until', async () => { const calls = [] let counter = 0 await async.until( async () => {calls.push('test', counter); return counter === 5}, async () => { calls.push('fn'); counter++ } ); expect(calls).to.eql([ 'test', 0, 'fn', 'test', 1, 'fn', 'test', 2, 'fn', 'test', 3, 'fn', 'test', 4, 'fn', 'test', 5 ]) }); it('should return a Promise: doWhilst', async () => { const calls = [] let counter = 0 await async.doWhilst( async () => { calls.push('fn'); counter++ }, async () => {calls.push('test', counter); return counter < 5} ); expect(calls).to.eql([ 'fn', 'test', 1, 'fn', 'test', 2, 'fn', 'test', 3, 'fn', 'test', 4, 'fn', 'test', 5 ]) }); it('should return a Promise: doUntil', async () => { const calls = [] let counter = 0 await async.doUntil( async () => { calls.push('fn'); counter++ }, async () => {calls.push('test', counter); return counter === 5} ); expect(calls).to.eql([ 'fn', 'test', 1, 'fn', 'test', 2, 'fn', 'test', 3, 'fn', 'test', 4, 'fn', 'test', 5 ]) }); it('should return a Promise: forever', async () => { const calls = [] let counter = 0 try { await async.forever(async () => { calls.push(counter) counter++ await Promise.resolve() if (counter === 5) throw new Error() }) } catch (e) { var err = e } expect(calls).to.eql([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) expect(err)'error') }); it('should return a Promise: parallel', async () => { const calls = [] await async.parallel([ async () => { await Promise.resolve(); calls.push(1) }, async () => { await Promise.resolve(); calls.push(1) }, async () => { await Promise.resolve(); calls.push(1) }, async () => { await Promise.resolve(); calls.push(1) }, ]) expect(calls).to.eql([1, 1, 1, 1]) }); it('should return a Promise: parallelLimit', async () => { const calls = [] await async.parallelLimit([ async () => { await Promise.resolve(); calls.push(1) }, async () => { await Promise.resolve(); calls.push(1) }, async () => { await Promise.resolve(); calls.push(1) }, async () => { await Promise.resolve(); calls.push(1) }, ], 2) expect(calls).to.eql([1, 1, 1, 1]) }); it('should return a Promise: series', async () => { const calls = [] await async.series([ async () => { await Promise.resolve(); calls.push(1) }, async () => { await Promise.resolve(); calls.push(1) }, async () => { await Promise.resolve(); calls.push(1) }, async () => { await Promise.resolve(); calls.push(1) }, ], 2) expect(calls).to.eql([1, 1, 1, 1]) }); it('should return a Promise: race', async () => { const calls = [] await async.race([ async () => { await Promise.resolve(); calls.push(1) }, async () => { await Promise.resolve(); calls.push(1) }, async () => { await Promise.resolve(); calls.push(1) }, async () => { await Promise.resolve(); calls.push(1) }, ], 2) expect(calls).to.eql([1, 1, 1, 1]) }); it('should return a Promise: retryable', async () => { let counter = 0 const calls = [] const fn = async.retryable(async (a, b) => { calls.push(a, b) counter++ if (counter < 3) throw new Error() }) const promise = fn(1, 2) expect(promise.then)'function') await promise expect(calls).to.eql([1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2]) }); it('should return a Promise: retryable (arity 0)', async () => { let counter = 0 const calls = [] const fn = async.retryable({times: 5}, async () => { calls.push(0) counter++ if (counter < 3) throw new Error() }) await fn() expect(calls).to.eql([0, 0, 0]) }); it('should return a Promise: retry', async () => { let counter = 0 const calls = [] await async.retry(async () => { calls.push(counter) counter++ if (counter < 3) throw new Error() }) expect(calls).to.eql([0, 1, 2]) }); it('should return a Promise: retry (multiple cb args)', async () => { let counter = 0 const results = await async.retry((cb) => { counter++ if (counter < 3) return cb(new Error()) cb(null, 0, 1, 2) }) expect(results).to.eql([0, 1, 2]) }); it('should return a Promise: tryEach', async () => { const calls = [] await async.tryEach([ async () => { await Promise.resolve(); calls.push(1); throw new Error() }, async () => { await Promise.resolve(); calls.push(2); throw new Error() }, async () => { await Promise.resolve(); calls.push(3) }, async () => { await Promise.resolve(); calls.push(4) }, ], 2) expect(calls).to.eql([1, 2, 3]) }); it('should return a Promise: waterfall', async () => { const calls = [] await async.waterfall([ async () => { await Promise.resolve(); calls.push(1) }, async () => { await Promise.resolve(); calls.push(2) }, async () => { await Promise.resolve(); calls.push(3) }, async () => { await Promise.resolve(); calls.push(4) }, ], 2) expect(calls).to.eql([1, 2, 3, 4]) }); it('should work with queues', async () => { const q = async.queue(async (data) => { if (data === 2) throw new Error('oh noes') await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10)) return data }, 5) const calls = [] const errorCalls = [] const emptyCalls = [] q.error().catch(d => errorCalls.push('error ' + d)) q.saturated().then(() => calls.push('saturated')) q.unsaturated().then(() => calls.push('unsaturated')) q.empty().then(() => emptyCalls.push('empty')) q.push(1).then(d => calls.push('push cb ' + d)) q.push(2).then(d => errorCalls.push('push cb ' + d)) q.push([3, 4, 5, 6]).map(p => p.then(d => calls.push('push cb ' + d))) q.push(7).then(d => calls.push('push cb ' + d)) q.push(8).then(d => calls.push('push cb ' + d)) const multiP = Promise.all(q.push([9, 10])) await q.drain() await multiP expect(calls.join()).to.eql([ 'saturated', 'push cb 1', 'push cb 3', 'push cb 4', 'push cb 5', 'push cb 6', 'push cb 7', 'unsaturated', 'push cb 8' ].join()) expect(errorCalls).to.eql([ 'push cb undefined', 'error Error: oh noes', ]) expect(emptyCalls).to.eql([ 'empty', ]) }) /* * Util */ };