var async = require('../lib'); var {expect} = require('chai'); var assert = require('assert'); describe('queue', function(){ // several tests of these tests are flakey with timing issues this.retries(3); it('basics', (done) => { var call_order = []; var delays = [50,10,180,10]; // worker1: --1-4 // worker2: -2---3 // order of completion: 2,1,4,3 var q = async.queue((task, callback) => { setTimeout(() => { call_order.push('process ' + task); callback('error', 'arg'); }, delays.shift()); }, 2); q.push(1, (err, arg) => { expect(err).to.equal('error'); expect(arg).to.equal('arg'); expect(q.length()).to.equal(1); call_order.push('callback ' + 1); }); q.push(2, (err, arg) => { expect(err).to.equal('error'); expect(arg).to.equal('arg'); expect(q.length()).to.equal(2); call_order.push('callback ' + 2); }); q.push(3, (err, arg) => { expect(err).to.equal('error'); expect(arg).to.equal('arg'); expect(q.length()).to.equal(0); call_order.push('callback ' + 3); }); q.push(4, (err, arg) => { expect(err).to.equal('error'); expect(arg).to.equal('arg'); expect(q.length()).to.equal(0); call_order.push('callback ' + 4); }); expect(q.length()).to.equal(4); expect(q.concurrency).to.equal(2); q.drain(() => { expect(call_order).to.eql([ 'process 2', 'callback 2', 'process 1', 'callback 1', 'process 4', 'callback 4', 'process 3', 'callback 3' ]); expect(q.concurrency).to.equal(2); expect(q.length()).to.equal(0); done(); }); }); it('default concurrency', (done) => { var call_order = [], delays = [50,10,180,10]; // order of completion: 1,2,3,4 var q = async.queue((task, callback) => { setTimeout(() => { call_order.push('process ' + task); callback('error', 'arg'); }, delays.shift()); }); q.push(1, (err, arg) => { expect(err).to.equal('error'); expect(arg).to.equal('arg'); expect(q.length()).to.equal(3); call_order.push('callback ' + 1); }); q.push(2, (err, arg) => { expect(err).to.equal('error'); expect(arg).to.equal('arg'); expect(q.length()).to.equal(2); call_order.push('callback ' + 2); }); q.push(3, (err, arg) => { expect(err).to.equal('error'); expect(arg).to.equal('arg'); expect(q.length()).to.equal(1); call_order.push('callback ' + 3); }); q.push(4, (err, arg) => { expect(err).to.equal('error'); expect(arg).to.equal('arg'); expect(q.length()).to.equal(0); call_order.push('callback ' + 4); }); expect(q.length()).to.equal(4); expect(q.concurrency).to.equal(1); q.drain(() => { expect(call_order).to.eql([ 'process 1', 'callback 1', 'process 2', 'callback 2', 'process 3', 'callback 3', 'process 4', 'callback 4' ]); expect(q.concurrency).to.equal(1); expect(q.length()).to.equal(0); done(); }); }); it('zero concurrency', (done) => { expect(() => { async.queue((task, callback) => { callback(null, task); }, 0); }).to.throw(); done(); }); it('error propagation', (done) => { var results = []; var q = async.queue((task, callback) => { callback( === 'foo' ? new Error('fooError') : null); }, 2); q.drain(() => { expect(results).to.eql(['bar', 'fooError']); done(); }); q.push({name: 'bar'}, (err) => { if(err) { results.push('barError'); return; } results.push('bar'); }); q.push({name: 'foo'}, (err) => { if(err) { results.push('fooError'); return; } results.push('foo'); }); }); it('pushAsync', done => { const calls = [] var q = async.queue((task, cb) => { if (task === 2) return cb(new Error('fail')) cb() }) q.pushAsync(1, () => { throw new Error('should not be called') }).then(() => calls.push(1)) q.pushAsync(2).catch(err => { expect(err.message).to.equal('fail') calls.push(2) }) q.pushAsync([3, 4]).map(p => p.then(() => calls.push('arr'))) q.drain(() => setTimeout(() => { console.log('drain') expect(calls).to.eql([1, 2, 'arr', 'arr']) done() })) }) it('unshiftAsync', done => { const calls = [] var q = async.queue((task, cb) => { if (task === 2) return cb(new Error('fail')) cb() }) q.unshiftAsync(1).then(() => calls.push(1)) q.unshiftAsync(2).catch(err => { expect(err.message).to.equal('fail') calls.push(2) }) q.unshiftAsync([3, 4]).map(p => p.then(() => calls.push('arr'))) q.drain(() => setTimeout(() => { console.log('drain') expect(calls).to.eql(['arr', 'arr', 2, 1]) done() })) }) it('global error handler', (done) => { var results = []; var q = async.queue((task, callback) => { callback( === 'foo' ? new Error('fooError') : null); }, 2); q.error((error, task) => { expect(error).to.exist; expect(error.message).to.equal('fooError'); expect('foo'); results.push('fooError'); }); q.drain (() => { expect(results).to.eql(['fooError', 'bar']); done(); }); q.push({name: 'foo'}); q.push({name: 'bar'}, (error) => { expect(error).to.not.exist; results.push('bar'); }); }); // The original queue implementation allowed the concurrency to be changed only // on the same event loop during which a task was added to the queue. This // test attempts to be a more robust test. // Start with a concurrency of 1. Wait until a leter event loop and change // the concurrency to 2. Wait again for a later loop then verify the concurrency // Repeat that one more time by chaning the concurrency to 5. it('changing concurrency', (done) => { var q = async.queue((task, callback) => { setTimeout(() => { callback(); }, 10); }, 1); for(var i = 0; i < 50; i++){ q.push(''); } q.drain(done); setTimeout(() => { expect(q.concurrency).to.equal(1); q.concurrency = 2; setTimeout(() => { expect(q.running()).to.equal(2); q.concurrency = 5; setTimeout(() => { expect(q.running()).to.equal(5); }, 40); }, 40); }, 40); }); it('push without callback', function(done) { this.retries(3); // test can be flakey var call_order = []; var delays = [50,10,180,10]; var concurrencyList = []; var running = 0; // worker1: --1-4 // worker2: -2---3 // order of completion: 2,1,4,3 var q = async.queue((task, callback) => { running++; concurrencyList.push(running); setTimeout(() => { call_order.push('process ' + task); running--; callback('error', 'arg'); }, delays.shift()); }, 2); q.push(1); q.push(2); q.push(3); q.push(4); q.drain(() => { expect(running).to.eql(0); expect(concurrencyList).to.eql([1, 2, 2, 2]); expect(call_order).to.eql([ 'process 2', 'process 1', 'process 4', 'process 3' ]); done(); }); }); it('push with non-function', (done) => { var q = async.queue(() => {}, 1); expect(() => { q.push({}, 1); }).to.throw(); done(); }); it('push with arrays', (done) => { const tasks = [] var q = async.queue((task, cb) => { tasks.push(task) cb() }, 1); q.push([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) q.drain(() => { expect(tasks).to.eql([ [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6] ]) done() }) }) it('unshift', (done) => { var queue_order = []; var q = async.queue((task, callback) => { queue_order.push(task); callback(); }, 1); q.unshift(4); q.unshift(3); q.unshift(2); q.unshift(1); setTimeout(() => { expect(queue_order).to.eql([ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]); done(); }, 100); }); it('too many callbacks', (done) => { var q = async.queue((task, callback) => { callback(); expect(() => { callback(); }).to.throw(); done(); }, 2); q.push(1); }); it('bulk task', (done) => { var call_order = [], delays = [50,10,180,10]; // worker1: --1-4 // worker2: -2---3 // order of completion: 2,1,4,3 var q = async.queue((task, callback) => { setTimeout(() => { call_order.push('process ' + task); callback('error', task); }, delays.splice(0,1)[0]); }, 2); q.push( [1,2,3,4], (err, arg) => { expect(err).to.equal('error'); call_order.push('callback ' + arg); }); expect(q.length()).to.equal(4); expect(q.concurrency).to.equal(2); q.drain(() => { expect(call_order).to.eql([ 'process 2', 'callback 2', 'process 1', 'callback 1', 'process 4', 'callback 4', 'process 3', 'callback 3' ]); expect(q.concurrency).to.equal(2); expect(q.length()).to.equal(0); done(); }); }); it('idle', (done) => { var q = async.queue((task, callback) => { // Queue is busy when workers are running expect(q.idle()).to.equal(false); callback(); }, 1); // Queue is idle before anything added expect(q.idle()).to.equal(true); q.unshift(4); q.unshift(3); q.unshift(2); q.unshift(1); // Queue is busy when tasks added expect(q.idle()).to.equal(false); q.drain(() => { // Queue is idle after drain expect(q.idle()).to.equal(true); done(); }); }); it('pause', (done) => { var call_order = []; var running = 0; var concurrencyList = []; var pauseCalls = ['process 1', 'process 2', 'process 3']; var q = async.queue((task, callback) => { running++; call_order.push('process ' + task); concurrencyList.push(running); setTimeout(() => { running--; callback(); }, 10) }, 2); q.push(1); q.push(2, after2); q.push(3); function after2() { q.pause(); expect(concurrencyList).to.eql([1, 2, 2]); expect(call_order).to.eql(pauseCalls); setTimeout(whilePaused, 5); setTimeout(afterPause, 10); } function whilePaused() { q.push(4); } function afterPause() { expect(concurrencyList).to.eql([1, 2, 2]); expect(call_order).to.eql(pauseCalls); q.resume(); q.push(5); q.push(6); q.drain(drain); } function drain () { expect(concurrencyList).to.eql([1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2]); expect(call_order).to.eql([ 'process 1', 'process 2', 'process 3', 'process 4', 'process 5', 'process 6' ]); done(); } }); it('pause in worker with concurrency', (done) => { var call_order = []; var q = async.queue((task, callback) => { if (task.isLongRunning) { q.pause(); setTimeout(() => { call_order.push(; q.resume(); callback(); }, 50); } else { call_order.push(; setTimeout(callback, 10); } }, 10); q.push({ id: 1, isLongRunning: true}); q.push({ id: 2 }); q.push({ id: 3 }); q.push({ id: 4 }); q.push({ id: 5 }); q.drain(() => { expect(call_order).to.eql([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); done(); }); }); it('start paused', (done) => { var q = async.queue((task, callback) => { if (task === 2) { expect(q.length()).to.equal(1); expect(q.running()).to.equal(2); } setTimeout(() => { callback(); }, 40); }, 2); q.pause(); q.push([1, 2, 3]); setTimeout(() => { expect(q.running()).to.equal(0); q.resume(); }, 5); q.drain(done); }); it('kill', (done) => { var q = async.queue((/*task, callback*/) => { setTimeout(() => { throw new Error("Function should never be called"); }, 20); }, 1); q.drain(() => { throw new Error("Function should never be called"); }); q.push(0); q.kill(); setTimeout(() => { expect(q.length()).to.equal(0); done(); }, 40); }); it('events', (done) => { var calls = []; var q = async.queue((task, cb) => { // nop calls.push('process ' + task); setTimeout(cb, 10); }, 3); q.concurrency = 3; q.saturated(() => { assert(q.running() == 3, 'queue should be saturated now'); calls.push('saturated'); }); q.empty(() => { assert(q.length() === 0, 'queue should be empty now'); calls.push('empty'); }); q.drain(() => { assert( q.length() === 0 && q.running() === 0, 'queue should be empty now and no more workers should be running' ); calls.push('drain'); expect(calls).to.eql([ 'process foo', 'process bar', 'saturated', 'process zoo', 'foo cb', 'saturated', 'process poo', 'bar cb', 'empty', 'saturated', 'process moo', 'zoo cb', 'poo cb', 'moo cb', 'drain' ]); done(); }); q.push('foo', () => {calls.push('foo cb');}); q.push('bar', () => {calls.push('bar cb');}); q.push('zoo', () => {calls.push('zoo cb');}); q.push('poo', () => {calls.push('poo cb');}); q.push('moo', () => {calls.push('moo cb');}); }); it('empty', (done) => { var calls = []; var q = async.queue((task, cb) => { // nop calls.push('process ' + task); async.setImmediate(cb); }, 3); q.drain(() => { assert( q.length() === 0 && q.running() === 0, 'queue should be empty now and no more workers should be running' ); calls.push('drain'); expect(calls).to.eql([ 'drain' ]); done(); }); q.push([]); }); // #1367 it('empty and not idle()', (done) => { var calls = []; var q = async.queue((task, cb) => { // nop calls.push('process ' + task); async.setImmediate(cb); }, 1); q.empty(() => { calls.push('empty'); assert(q.idle() === false, 'tasks should be running when empty is called') expect(q.running()).to.equal(1); }) q.drain(() => { calls.push('drain'); expect(calls).to.eql([ 'empty', 'process 1', 'drain' ]); done(); }); q.push(1); }); it('saturated', (done) => { var saturatedCalled = false; var q = async.queue((task, cb) => { async.setImmediate(cb); }, 2); q.saturated(() => { saturatedCalled = true; }) q.drain(() => { assert(saturatedCalled, "saturated not called"); done(); }) q.push(['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'moo']); }); it('started', (done) => { var q = async.queue((task, cb) => { cb(null, task); }); expect(q.started).to.equal(false); q.push('a'); expect(q.started).to.equal(true); done(); }); it('should only call drain once when empty tasks are pushed', (done) => { const q = async.queue(() => { throw new Error('should not be called') }) let numCalled = 0 q.drain(() => { numCalled++ }) q.push([]) q.push([]) q.push([]) setTimeout(() => { expect(numCalled).to.equal(1) done() }, 50); }); it('should not schedule another drain call if one is running', (done) => { const q = async.queue(() => { throw new Error('should not be called') }) let numCalled = 0 q.drain(() => { if (numCalled > 0) { throw new Error('drain should not be called more than one') } numCalled++ q.push([]) }) q.push([]) setTimeout(() => { expect(numCalled).to.equal(1) done() }, 50); }); context('q.saturated(): ', () => { it('should call the saturated callback if tasks length is concurrency', (done) => { var calls = []; var q = async.queue((task, cb) => { calls.push('process ' + task); async.setImmediate(cb); }, 4); q.saturated(() => { calls.push('saturated'); }); q.empty(() => { expect(calls.indexOf('saturated')); setTimeout(() => { expect(calls).eql([ 'process foo0', 'process foo1', 'process foo2', "saturated", 'process foo3', 'foo0 cb', "saturated", 'process foo4', 'foo1 cb', 'foo2 cb', 'foo3 cb', 'foo4 cb' ]); done(); }, 50); }); q.push('foo0', () => {calls.push('foo0 cb');}); q.push('foo1', () => {calls.push('foo1 cb');}); q.push('foo2', () => {calls.push('foo2 cb');}); q.push('foo3', () => {calls.push('foo3 cb');}); q.push('foo4', () => {calls.push('foo4 cb');}); }); }); context('q.unsaturated(): ', () => { it('should have a default buffer property that equals 25% of the concurrenct rate', (done) => { var calls = []; var q = async.queue((task, cb) => { // nop calls.push('process ' + task); async.setImmediate(cb); }, 10); expect(q.buffer).to.equal(2.5); done(); }); it('should allow a user to change the buffer property', (done) => { var calls = []; var q = async.queue((task, cb) => { // nop calls.push('process ' + task); async.setImmediate(cb); }, 10); q.buffer = 4; expect(q.buffer).to.not.equal(2.5); expect(q.buffer).to.equal(4); done(); }); it('should call the unsaturated callback if tasks length is less than concurrency minus buffer', (done) => { var calls = []; var q = async.queue((task, cb) => { calls.push('process ' + task); async.setImmediate(cb); }, 4); q.unsaturated(() => { calls.push('unsaturated'); }); q.empty(() => { expect(calls.indexOf('unsaturated')); setTimeout(() => { expect(calls).eql([ 'process foo0', 'process foo1', 'process foo2', 'process foo3', 'foo0 cb', 'unsaturated', 'process foo4', 'foo1 cb', 'unsaturated', 'foo2 cb', 'unsaturated', 'foo3 cb', 'unsaturated', 'foo4 cb', 'unsaturated' ]); done(); }, 50); }); q.push('foo0', () => {calls.push('foo0 cb');}); q.push('foo1', () => {calls.push('foo1 cb');}); q.push('foo2', () => {calls.push('foo2 cb');}); q.push('foo3', () => {calls.push('foo3 cb');}); q.push('foo4', () => {calls.push('foo4 cb');}); }); }); context('workersList', () => { it('should be the same length as running()', (done) => { var q = async.queue((task, cb) => { async.setImmediate(() => { expect(q.workersList().length).to.equal(q.running()); cb(); }); }, 2); q.drain(() => { expect(q.workersList().length).to.equal(0); expect(q.running()).to.equal(0); done(); }); q.push('foo'); q.push('bar'); q.push('baz'); }); it('should contain the items being processed', (done) => { var itemsBeingProcessed = { 'foo': ['foo'], 'foo_cb': ['foo', 'bar'], 'bar': ['foo', 'bar'], 'bar_cb': ['bar', 'baz'], 'baz': ['bar', 'baz'], 'baz_cb': ['baz'] }; function getWorkersListData(q) { return q.workersList().map((v) => { return; }); } var q = async.queue((task, cb) => { expect( getWorkersListData(q) ).to.eql(itemsBeingProcessed[task]); expect(q.workersList().length).to.equal(q.running()); async.setImmediate(() => { expect( getWorkersListData(q) ).to.eql(itemsBeingProcessed[task+'_cb']); expect(q.workersList().length).to.equal(q.running()); cb(); }); }, 2); q.drain(() => { expect(q.workersList()).to.eql([]); expect(q.workersList().length).to.equal(q.running()); done(); }); q.push('foo'); q.push('bar'); q.push('baz'); }); }) it('remove', (done) => { var result = []; var q = async.queue((data, cb) => { result.push(data); async.setImmediate(cb); }); q.push([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); q.remove((node) => { return === 3; }); q.drain(() => { expect(result).to.eql([1, 2, 4, 5]); done(); }) }); it('should be iterable', (done) => { var q = async.queue((data, cb) => { if (data === 3) { q.push(6) expect([...q]).to.eql([4, 5, 6]); } async.setImmediate(cb); }); q.push([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); expect([...q]).to.eql([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); q.drain(() => { expect([...q]).to.eql([]); done(); }) }) it('should error when re-assigning event methods', () => { var q = async.queue(() => {}) expect(() => { q.drain = () => {} }).to.throw() }) });