path: root/lib/liboqs/fetch_liboqs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/liboqs/fetch_liboqs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 302 deletions
diff --git a/lib/liboqs/fetch_liboqs b/lib/liboqs/fetch_liboqs
deleted file mode 100755
index 0d277533b..000000000
--- a/lib/liboqs/fetch_liboqs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-# fetch a new version of liboqs from upstream.
-# This idea is modelled after sqlite, which NSS requires, but usually gets
-# from the system. We want users and experimenters to be able to build NSS
-# without building these pre-req libraries, so we need a standalone version
-# of liboqs (also for testing). SQLite makes this easy by providing a single
-# large source file which includes the entire library. LibOQS doesn't do that,
-# so we used their cmake build system to copy the a proper subset of files
-# we need to build, and then query the resulting files to create our
-# (for gmake builds), and liboqs.gyp (for our gyp builds).
-# Automating this reduces the cost of updating the library.
-# usage: ./fetch_liboqs command [libosq_release_tag}
-# if liboqs_release_tag is not specified, main is used
-# valid commands:
-# clean: clean up the git pull as well as all the generated
-# and intermediate files. All that should be left is our source
-# templates and fetch_liboqs script
-# hgprep: clean up all the files that should not be pushed to hg. This
-# should be done after a checkout and config or checkout and
-# configkeep
-# checkout: clone a new version of liboqs from upstream,
-# but don't process it. This is useful when updating
-# fetch_liboqs or the templates so that you can issue
-# multiple config or configkeep commands without continually
-# going to the internet for a fresh copy from git
-# config: process a checked out version of liboqs into the nss build
-# system. This requires checkout to be called first so that
-# the source tree is in liboqs. If libosq_release_tag is not
-# specified, the last tag requested is used.
-# configkeep: same as config, but the intermediate files are not removed.
-# This is useful for debugging issues. It allows looking at
-# the intermediate CMakeFiles or file.
-# all: clone a new version of liboqs, process it and removed the
-# intermediate files and the clones liboqs directory. This is the
-# normal command to stage a new version of liboqs into NSS. It's
-# probably a good idea to run ./fetch_liboqs clean before running
-# this command in case there are files that were deleted from the
-# previous release. hg status after this command completes will
-# tell you what has changed.
-# help: display the usage message
-# put variables here up front so we can change them easily
-GYP_SEP=$'\\\n '
-# warning header for generated .gyp, make
-FILE_HEADER="# DO NOT EDIT: generated from "
-# these are the files that cmake creates that we don't need in our build system
-CLEANUP_FILES="CMakeCache.txt compile_commands.json CPackConfig.cmake CPackSourceConfig.cmake src/cmake ./src/liboqsConfig.cmake ./src/liboqsConfigVersion.cmake"
-# these are the files we generate from this script or with cmake that we need
-# to checkin, but should not be edited directly
-GENERATED_FILES=" liboqs.gyp include src"
-# this is where we check out the upstream git repository
-# this is the cmake options we use to get the local liboqs for NSS builds.
-# We want the most generic, easiest to build version. If we want platform
-# specific optimizations, we'll need to handle that explicity for each
-# platform since # cmake tries to optimize for the platform you are running on.
-# STD means build the approved NIST algs. If we ever want a different list
-# this is the line we would modify.
-# cleanup the cmake generated files.
-cmake_cleanup() {
- CMAKE_FILES=$(find . -name 'CMakeFiles' -print)
- CMAKE_INSTALL=$(find . -name 'cmake_install.cmake' -print)
-# clean up the generated build tree and files
-generated_cleanup() {
-# clean up the git repository
-git_cleanup() {
- rm -rf liboqs
-# fetch a new git repository
-git_fetch() {
- # fetch the upstream source
- git clone -b main
-#checkout a specific version of the git repository
-checkout() {
- if [ -n "${1}" ]; then
- # switch to the tag
- (cd liboqs; git checkout ${1})
- fi
-# describe our command usage
-usage() {
- echo "usage: fetch_git command [branch]"
- echo " valid commands:"
- echo " clean: clean up the git pull as well as all the generated and intermediate files"
- echo " hgprep: clean all the files that should not be pushed to hg"
- echo " checkout: clone a new version of liboqs from upstream, but don't process it"
- echo " config: process a checked out version of liboqs into the nss build system"
- echo " configkeep: same as config, but the intermediate files are not removed"
- echo " all: clone a new version of liboqs, process it and removed the intermediate files and the clones liboqs directory"
- echo " help: display this message"
- echo "branch is the liboqs tag to processed."
-# find the file specific defines from
-getdefines() {
- local state="notfound"
- local output=""
- local dir=$1
- while read line
- do
- case $state in
- "notfound")
- if [[ $line == build*liboqs/${dir}* ]]; then
- state="found"
- fi;;
- "found")
- line=${line%%[[:space:]]}
- if [[ $line == FLAGS* ]]; then
- readarray -d ' ' lflags <<< ${line}
- for option in "${lflags[@]}"
- do
- if [[ ${option} == -D* ]]; then
- output="$output $option"
- fi
- done
- echo -n $output
- return;
- fi
- if [[ "$line" == "" ]]; then
- return;
- fi;;
- esac
- done <
-# build an NSS build environment friendly release of the liboqs source from
-# the upstream git repository.
-config() {
- # build the cmake build directory.
- echo "----- use cmake to get an appropriately configured version of liboqs"
- cmake -GNinja ${CMAKE_OPTIONS} ./liboqs
- # copy the current license file
- cp ./liboqs/License.txt .
- # create the list of header files to export
- readarray HEADERS <<< $(cd include ;find . -name '*.h' -print)
- # create the list of object files to build from build.nijna
- readarray -d ' ' OBJECTS <<< $(grep "build lib/*: C_SHARED_LIBRARY_LINKER__oqs_"
- # handle the header files first...
- echo "----- build the Makefile,,, and export.gyp files for include"
- for (( i=0; i < ${#HEADERS[*]}; i++))
- do
- HEADER=${HEADERS[$i]%%[[:space:]]}
- done
- echo "${FILE_HEADER}" > include/
- sed -e "s;<HEADER_FILES>;${GMAKE_HEADERS};" >> include/
- cp Makefile include/Makefile
- echo "$FILE_HEADER" > include/
- cat >> include/
- echo "${FILE_HEADER} exports.gyp.template" > include/exports.gyp
- sed -e "s;<HEADER_FILES>;${GYP_HEADERS};" exports.gyp.template >> include/exports.gyp
- echo "----- set liboqs sub directories from our Ninja build objects list"
- declare -A SOURCES
- SEP="|"
- for (( i=0; i < ${#OBJECTS[*]}; i++))
- do
- SOURCE=${OBJECTS[$i]%%[[:space:]]}
- SOURCE=${SOURCE/\/CMakeFiles\/*.dir\///}
- if [[ ${SOURCE} == *.o ]]; then
- dir=$(dirname $SOURCE)
- SOURCES[$dir]="${SOURCES[$dir]}$(basename $SOURCE)${SEP}"
- fi
- done
- echo "----- copy sources, update the, Makefile, manifest.nm, and gyp files"
- GMAKE_DIRS="${GMAKE_SEP}include \\\\"
- for dir in "${!SOURCES[@]}"
- do
- # first copy any private headers
- mkdir -p $dir
- echo " ... processing $dir source=${SOURCES[$dir]}"
- privateIncludes=$(ls liboqs/$dir/*.{h,macros,inc} 2> /dev/null)
- if [[ -n "${privateIncludes}" ]]; then
- # echo " privateIncludes=|${privateIncludes}|"
- cp ${privateIncludes} ${dir}/
- fi
- GMAKE_DEFINES=$(getdefines $dir)
- echo " defines= $GMAKE_DEFINES"
- ldefines=()
- readarray -d ' ' ldefines <<< ${GMAKE_DEFINES}
- for define in "${ldefines[@]}"
- do
- define=${define##[[:space:]]}
- define=${define#-D}
- define=${define%%[[:space:]]}
- #define=$(sed -e 's/=\(.*\)/="\1"/' <<< ${define})
- if [[ -n $define ]]; then
- GYP_DEFINES="${GYP_DEFINES}${GYP_SEP}'${define}',"
- fi
- done
- lsource=()
- readarray -d '|' lsource <<< ${SOURCES[$dir]}
- # now copy the source files
- for source in "${lsource[@]}"
- do
- source=${source%'|'}
- source=${source%%[[:space:]]}
- if [[ -n $source ]]; then
- cp liboqs/$dir/$source ${dir}/
- GYP_SOURCES="${GYP_SOURCES}${GYP_SEP}'${source}',"
- fi
- done
- # finally copy the build files, editting appropriately
- cp Makefile ${dir}/
- libname=oqs_${dir//\//_}
- # strip out the directory names. Add two levels
- levels=${dir//[^\/]/}'//'
- # insert the .. 's
- levels=${levels//\//..\/}'..'
- gyp_name=$(basename $dir)
- echo "$FILE_HEADER" > $dir/
- sed -e "s;<SOURCE_FILES>;${GMAKE_SOURCES};" -e "s;<LIB_NAME>;${libname};" -e "s;<DEPTH>;${levels};" >> $dir/
- echo "$FILE_HEADER" > $dir/
- sed -e "s;<DEFINES>;${GMAKE_DEFINES};" >> $dir/
- echo "$FILE_HEADER subdir.gyp.template" > $dir/${gyp_name}.gyp
- sed -e "s;<SOURCE_FILES>;${GYP_SOURCES};" -e "s;<LIB_NAME>;${libname};" -e "s;<DEPTH>;${levels};" -e "s;<DEFINES>;${GYP_DEFINES};" subdir.gyp.template >> $dir/${gyp_name}.gyp
- GMAKE_LIBS="${GMAKE_LIBS}${GMAKE_SEP}\$(DIST)/lib/\$(LIB_PREFIX)${libname}.\$(LIB_SUFFIX) \\\\"
- GYP_DIRS="${GYP_DIRS}${GYP_SEP}'$dir/${gyp_name}.gyp:${libname}',"
- done
- echo "----- update,, and liboqs.gyp"
- # insert the object files and headers files into
- echo "$FILE_HEADER" >
- sed -e "s;<DIR_FILES>;${GMAKE_DIRS};" -e "s;<HEADER_FILES>;${GMAKE_HEADERS};" >>
- echo "$FILE_HEADER" >
- sed -e "s;<DIR_FILES>;${GMAKE_DIRS};" -e "s;<LIB_FILES>;${GMAKE_LIBS};" >>
- # insert the object files and liboqs.gyp
- echo "$FILE_HEADER liboqs.gyp.template" > liboqs.gyp
- sed -e "s;<DIR_FILES>;${GYP_DIRS};" liboqs.gyp.template >> liboqs.gyp
-case ${1}x in
- echo "Cleaning up generated, intermediate and pulled files"
- generated_cleanup
- cmake_cleanup
- git_cleanup;;
- echo "Cleaning up intermediate and pulled files"
- cmake_cleanup
- git_cleanup;;
- echo "fetching a new liboqs from git"
- git_cleanup
- git_fetch
- checkout $2;;
- echo "configuring a new liboqs from the liboqs directory"
- checkout $2
- config
- cmake_cleanup;;
- echo "configuring a new liboqs from the liboqs directory.."
- echo "...intermediate files will not be cleaned up"
- checkout $2
- config;;
- echo "fetching a new liboqs from git"
- git_fetch
- checkout $2
- echo "configuring a new liboqs from the liboqs directory"
- config
- echo "Cleaning up all the intermediate files"
- cmake_cleanup
- git_cleanup;;
- usage;;
- usage;;