path: root/security/nss/tests/cert/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'security/nss/tests/cert/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 807 deletions
diff --git a/security/nss/tests/cert/ b/security/nss/tests/cert/
deleted file mode 100755
index 3956a3b23..000000000
--- a/security/nss/tests/cert/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,807 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-# License.
-# The Original Code is the Netscape security libraries.
-# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-# Netscape Communications Corporation.
-# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1994-2000
-# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-# Contributor(s):
-# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-# either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-# the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-# in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-# of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-# under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-# use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-# decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-# and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-# the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-# the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
-# mozilla/security/nss/tests/cert/
-# Certificate generating and handeling for NSS QA, can be included
-# multiple times from and the individual scripts
-# needs to work on all Unix and Windows platforms
-# included from (don't expect this to be up to date)
-# --------------------------------------------------
-# special strings
-# ---------------
-# FIXME ... known problems, search for this string
-# NOTE .... unexpected behavior
-# FIXME - Netscape - NSS
-############################## cert_init ###############################
-# local shell function to initialize this script
- if [ -z "${CLEANUP}" ] ; then # if nobody else is responsible for
- CLEANUP="${SCRIPTNAME}" # cleaning this script will do it
- fi
- if [ -z "${INIT_SOURCED}" ] ; then
- cd ../common
- . ./
- fi
- CRL_GRP_DATE=`date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ"`
- html_head "Certutil and Crlutil Tests"
- ################## Generate noise for our CA cert. ######################
- # NOTE: these keys are only suitable for testing, as this whole thing
- # bypasses the entropy gathering. Don't use this method to generate
- # keys and certs for product use or deployment.
- #
- ps -efl > ${NOISE_FILE} 2>&1
- ps aux >> ${NOISE_FILE} 2>&1
- noise
-cert_log() ###################### write the cert_status file
- echo "$SCRIPTNAME $*"
- echo $* >>${CERT_LOG_FILE}
-################################ noise ##################################
-# Generate noise for our certs
-# NOTE: these keys are only suitable for testing, as this whole thing bypasses
-# the entropy gathering. Don't use this method to generate keys and certs for
-# product use or deployment.
- #netstat >> ${NOISE_FILE} 2>&1
- date >> ${NOISE_FILE} 2>&1
-################################ certu #################################
-# local shell function to call certutil, also: writes action and options to
-# stdout, sets variable RET and writes results to the html file results
- echo "$SCRIPTNAME: ${CU_ACTION} --------------------------"
- if [ -n "${CU_SUBJECT}" ]; then
- #the subject of the cert contains blanks, and the shell
- #will strip the quotes off the string, if called otherwise...
- echo "certutil -s \"${CU_SUBJECT}\" $*"
- certutil -s "${CU_SUBJECT}" $*
- RET=$?
- else
- echo "certutil $*"
- certutil $*
- RET=$?
- fi
- if [ "$RET" -ne 0 ]; then
- html_failed "<TR><TD>${CU_ACTION} ($RET) "
- cert_log "ERROR: ${CU_ACTION} failed $RET"
- else
- html_passed "<TR><TD>${CU_ACTION}"
- fi
- # echo "Contine?"
- # cat > /dev/null
- return $RET
-################################ certu #################################
-# local shell function to call crlutil, also: writes action and options to
-# stdout, sets variable RET and writes results to the html file results
- echo "$SCRIPTNAME: ${CU_ACTION} --------------------------"
- CRLUTIL=crlutil
- echo "$CRLUTIL $*"
- RET=$?
- if [ "$RET" -ne 0 ]; then
- html_failed "<TR><TD>${CU_ACTION} ($RET) "
- cert_log "ERROR: ${CU_ACTION} failed $RET"
- else
- html_passed "<TR><TD>${CU_ACTION}"
- fi
- # echo "Contine?"
- # cat > /dev/null
- return $RET
-############################# cert_init_cert ##########################
-# local shell function to initialize creation of client and server certs
- CERTDIR="$1"
- DOMAIN="$4"
- if [ ! -d "${CERTDIR}" ]; then
- mkdir -p "${CERTDIR}"
- else
- echo "$SCRIPTNAME: WARNING - ${CERTDIR} exists"
- fi
- cd "${CERTDIR}"
- if [ -n "${MULTIACCESS_DBM}" ]; then
- PROFILEDIR="multiaccess:${DOMAIN}"
- fi
- noise
-############################# hw_acc #################################
-# local shell function to add hw accelerator modules to the db
- if [ -n "$O_HWACC" -a "$O_HWACC" = ON -a -z "$USE_64" ] ; then
- echo "creating $CERTNAME s cert with hwaccelerator..."
- #case $ACCELERATOR in
- #rainbow)
- echo "modutil -add rainbow -libfile /usr/lib/ "
- echo " -dbdir ${PROFILEDIR} 2>&1 "
- echo | modutil -add rainbow -libfile /usr/lib/ \
- -dbdir ${PROFILEDIR} 2>&1
- if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "modutil -add rainbow failed in `pwd`"
- HW_ACC_ERR="modutil -add rainbow"
- fi
- echo "modutil -add ncipher "
- echo " -libfile /opt/nfast/toolkits/pkcs11/ "
- echo " -dbdir ${PROFILEDIR} 2>&1 "
- echo | modutil -add ncipher \
- -libfile /opt/nfast/toolkits/pkcs11/ \
- -dbdir ${PROFILEDIR} 2>&1
- if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "modutil -add ncipher failed in `pwd`"
- HW_ACC_RET=`expr $HW_ACC_RET + 2`
- HW_ACC_ERR="$HW_ACC_ERR,modutil -add ncipher"
- fi
- if [ "$HW_ACC_RET" -ne 0 ]; then
- html_failed "<TR><TD>Adding HW accelerators to certDB for ${CERTNAME} ($HW_ACC_RET) "
- else
- html_passed "<TR><TD>Adding HW accelerators to certDB for ${CERTNAME}"
- fi
- fi
- return $HW_ACC_RET
-############################# cert_create_cert #########################
-# local shell function to create client certs
-# initialize DB, import
-# root cert
-# add cert to DB
- cert_init_cert "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4"
- CU_ACTION="Initializing ${CERTNAME}'s Cert DB"
- certu -N -d "${PROFILEDIR}" -f "${R_PWFILE}" 2>&1
- if [ "$RET" -ne 0 ]; then
- return $RET
- fi
- hw_acc
- CU_ACTION="Import Root CA for $CERTNAME"
- certu -A -n "TestCA" -t "TC,TC,TC" -f "${R_PWFILE}" -d "${PROFILEDIR}" \
- -i "${R_CADIR}/root.cert" 2>&1
- if [ "$RET" -ne 0 ]; then
- return $RET
- fi
- cert_add_cert "$5"
- return $?
-############################# cert_add_cert ############################
-# local shell function to add client certs to an existing CERT DB
-# generate request
-# sign request
-# import Cert
- CU_ACTION="Generate Cert Request for $CERTNAME"
- CU_SUBJECT="CN=$CERTNAME, E=${CERTNAME}, O=BOGUS NSS, L=Mountain View, ST=California, C=US"
- certu -R -d "${PROFILEDIR}" -f "${R_PWFILE}" -z "${R_NOISE_FILE}" -o req 2>&1
- if [ "$RET" -ne 0 ]; then
- return $RET
- fi
- CU_ACTION="Sign ${CERTNAME}'s Request"
- certu -C -c "TestCA" -m "$CERTSERIAL" -v 60 -d "${P_R_CADIR}" \
- -i req -o "${CERTNAME}.cert" -f "${R_PWFILE}" "$1" 2>&1
- if [ "$RET" -ne 0 ]; then
- return $RET
- fi
- CU_ACTION="Import $CERTNAME's Cert"
- certu -A -n "$CERTNAME" -t "u,u,u" -d "${PROFILEDIR}" -f "${R_PWFILE}" \
- -i "${CERTNAME}.cert" 2>&1
- if [ "$RET" -ne 0 ]; then
- return $RET
- fi
- cert_log "SUCCESS: $CERTNAME's Cert Created"
- return 0
-################################# cert_all_CA ################################
-# local shell function to build the additional Temp. Certificate Authority (CA)
-# used for the "real life" ssl test with 2 different CA's in the
-# client and in teh server's dir
- echo nss > ${PWFILE}
- ALL_CU_SUBJECT="CN=NSS Test CA, O=BOGUS NSS, L=Mountain View, ST=California, C=US"
- cert_CA $CADIR TestCA -x "CTu,CTu,CTu" ${D_CA} "1"
- ALL_CU_SUBJECT="CN=NSS Server Test CA, O=BOGUS NSS, L=Santa Clara, ST=California, C=US"
- cert_CA $SERVER_CADIR serverCA -x "Cu,Cu,Cu" ${D_SERVER_CA} "2"
- ALL_CU_SUBJECT="CN=NSS Chain1 Server Test CA, O=BOGUS NSS, L=Santa Clara, ST=California, C=US"
- cert_CA $SERVER_CADIR chain-1-serverCA "-c serverCA" "u,u,u" ${D_SERVER_CA} "3"
- ALL_CU_SUBJECT="CN=NSS Chain2 Server Test CA, O=BOGUS NSS, L=Santa Clara, ST=California, C=US"
- cert_CA $SERVER_CADIR chain-2-serverCA "-c chain-1-serverCA" "u,u,u" ${D_SERVER_CA} "4"
- ALL_CU_SUBJECT="CN=NSS Client Test CA, O=BOGUS NSS, L=Santa Clara, ST=California, C=US"
- cert_CA $CLIENT_CADIR clientCA -x "Tu,Cu,Cu" ${D_CLIENT_CA} "5"
- ALL_CU_SUBJECT="CN=NSS Chain1 Client Test CA, O=BOGUS NSS, L=Santa Clara, ST=California, C=US"
- cert_CA $CLIENT_CADIR chain-1-clientCA "-c clientCA" "u,u,u" ${D_CLIENT_CA} "6"
- ALL_CU_SUBJECT="CN=NSS Chain2 Client Test CA, O=BOGUS NSS, L=Santa Clara, ST=California, C=US"
- cert_CA $CLIENT_CADIR chain-2-clientCA "-c chain-1-clientCA" "u,u,u" ${D_CLIENT_CA} "7"
- rm $CLIENT_CADIR/root.cert $SERVER_CADIR/root.cert
- # root.cert in $CLIENT_CADIR and in $SERVER_CADIR is the one of the last
- # in the chain
-################################# cert_CA ################################
-# local shell function to build the Temp. Certificate Authority (CA)
-# used for testing purposes, creating a CA Certificate and a root cert
- echo "$SCRIPTNAME: Creating a CA Certificate $NICKNAME =========================="
- if [ ! -d "${CUR_CADIR}" ]; then
- mkdir -p "${CUR_CADIR}"
- fi
- cd ${CUR_CADIR}
- pwd
- if [ -n "${MULTIACCESS_DBM}" ]; then
- LPROFILE="multiaccess:${DOMAIN}"
- fi
- if [ "$SIGNER" = "-x" ] ; then # self signed -> create DB
- CU_ACTION="Creating CA Cert DB"
- certu -N -d ${LPROFILE} -f ${R_PWFILE} 2>&1
- if [ "$RET" -ne 0 ]; then
- Exit 5 "Fatal - failed to create CA $NICKNAME "
- fi
- echo "$SCRIPTNAME: Certificate initialized ----------"
- fi
- ################# Creating CA Cert ######################################
- #
- CU_ACTION="Creating CA Cert $NICKNAME "
- certu -S -n $NICKNAME -t $TRUSTARG -v 600 $SIGNER -d ${LPROFILE} -1 -2 -5 \
- if [ "$RET" -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "return value is $RET"
- Exit 6 "Fatal - failed to create CA cert"
- fi
- ################# Exporting Root Cert ###################################
- #
- CU_ACTION="Exporting Root Cert"
- certu -L -n $NICKNAME -r -d ${LPROFILE} -o root.cert
- if [ "$RET" -ne 0 ]; then
- Exit 7 "Fatal - failed to export root cert"
- fi
- cp root.cert ${NICKNAME}.ca.cert
-############################## cert_smime_client #############################
-# local shell function to create client Certificates for S/MIME tests
- echo "$SCRIPTNAME: Creating Client CA Issued Certificates =============="
- cert_create_cert ${ALICEDIR} "Alice" 30 ${D_ALICE}
- cert_create_cert ${BOBDIR} "Bob" 40 ${D_BOB}
- echo "$SCRIPTNAME: Creating Dave's Certificate -------------------------"
- cert_create_cert "${DAVEDIR}" Dave 50 ${D_DAVE}
- echo "$SCRIPTNAME: Creating multiEmail's Certificate --------------------"
- cert_create_cert "${EVEDIR}" "Eve" 60 ${D_EVE} "-7,,"
- #echo "************* Copying CA files to ${SERVERDIR}"
- #cp ${CADIR}/*.db .
- #hw_acc
- #########################################################################
- #
- #cd ${CERTDIR}
- #CU_ACTION="Creating ${CERTNAME}'s Server Cert"
- #CU_SUBJECT="CN=${CERTNAME}, E=${CERTNAME}, O=BOGUS Netscape, L=Mountain View, ST=California, C=US"
- #certu -S -n "${CERTNAME}" -c "TestCA" -t "u,u,u" -m "$CERTSERIAL" \
- # -d ${PROFILEDIR} -f "${R_PWFILE}" -z "${R_NOISE_FILE}" -v 60 2>&1
- #CU_ACTION="Export Dave's Cert"
- #cd ${DAVEDIR}
- #certu -L -n "Dave" -r -d ${P_R_DAVE} -o Dave.cert
- ################# Importing Certificates for S/MIME tests ###############
- #
- echo "$SCRIPTNAME: Importing Certificates =============================="
- CU_ACTION="Import Bob's cert into Alice's db"
- certu -E -t "p,p,p" -d ${P_R_ALICEDIR} -f ${R_PWFILE} \
- -i ${R_BOBDIR}/Bob.cert 2>&1
- CU_ACTION="Import Dave's cert into Alice's DB"
- certu -E -t "p,p,p" -d ${P_R_ALICEDIR} -f ${R_PWFILE} \
- -i ${R_DAVEDIR}/Dave.cert 2>&1
- CU_ACTION="Import Dave's cert into Bob's DB"
- certu -E -t "p,p,p" -d ${P_R_BOBDIR} -f ${R_PWFILE} \
- -i ${R_DAVEDIR}/Dave.cert 2>&1
- CU_ACTION="Import Eve's cert into Alice's DB"
- certu -E -t "p,p,p" -d ${P_R_ALICEDIR} -f ${R_PWFILE} \
- -i ${R_EVEDIR}/Eve.cert 2>&1
- CU_ACTION="Import Eve's cert into Bob's DB"
- certu -E -t "p,p,p" -d ${P_R_BOBDIR} -f ${R_PWFILE} \
- -i ${R_EVEDIR}/Eve.cert 2>&1
- if [ "$CERTFAILED" != 0 ] ; then
- cert_log "ERROR: SMIME failed $RET"
- else
- cert_log "SUCCESS: SMIME passed"
- fi
-############################## cert_ssl ################################
-# local shell function to create client + server certs for extended SSL test
- ################# Creating Certs for extended SSL test ####################
- #
- echo "$SCRIPTNAME: Creating Certificates, issued by the last ==============="
- echo " of a chain of CA's which are not in the same database============"
- echo "Server Cert"
- cert_init_cert ${EXT_SERVERDIR} "${HOSTADDR}" 1 ${D_EXT_SERVER}
- CU_ACTION="Initializing ${CERTNAME}'s Cert DB (ext.)"
- certu -N -d "${PROFILEDIR}" -f "${R_PWFILE}" 2>&1
- CU_ACTION="Generate Cert Request for $CERTNAME (ext)"
- CU_SUBJECT="CN=$CERTNAME, E=${CERTNAME}, O=BOGUS NSS, L=Mountain View, ST=California, C=US"
- certu -R -d "${PROFILEDIR}" -f "${R_PWFILE}" -z "${R_NOISE_FILE}" -o req 2>&1
- CU_ACTION="Sign ${CERTNAME}'s Request (ext)"
- certu -C -c "chain-2-serverCA" -m 200 -v 60 -d "${P_SERVER_CADIR}" \
- -i req -o "${CERTNAME}.cert" -f "${R_PWFILE}" 2>&1
- CU_ACTION="Import $CERTNAME's Cert -t u,u,u (ext)"
- certu -A -n "$CERTNAME" -t "u,u,u" -d "${PROFILEDIR}" -f "${R_PWFILE}" \
- -i "${CERTNAME}.cert" 2>&1
- CU_ACTION="Import Client Root CA -t T,, for $CERTNAME (ext.)"
- certu -A -n "clientCA" -t "T,," -f "${R_PWFILE}" -d "${PROFILEDIR}" \
- -i "${CLIENT_CADIR}/" 2>&1
- echo "Importing all the server's own CA chain into the servers DB"
- for CA in `find ${SERVER_CADIR} -name "?*.ca.cert"` ;
- do
- N=`basename $CA | sed -e "s/.ca.cert//"`
- if [ $N = "serverCA" ] ; then
- T="-t C,C,C"
- else
- T="-t u,u,u"
- fi
- CU_ACTION="Import $N CA $T for $CERTNAME (ext.) "
- certu -A -n $N $T -f "${R_PWFILE}" -d "${PROFILEDIR}" \
- -i "${CA}" 2>&1
- done
- echo "Client Cert"
- cert_init_cert ${EXT_CLIENTDIR} ExtendedSSLUser 1 ${D_EXT_CLIENT}
- CU_ACTION="Initializing ${CERTNAME}'s Cert DB (ext.)"
- certu -N -d "${PROFILEDIR}" -f "${R_PWFILE}" 2>&1
- CU_ACTION="Generate Cert Request for $CERTNAME (ext)"
- CU_SUBJECT="CN=$CERTNAME, E=${CERTNAME}, O=BOGUS NSS, L=Mountain View, ST=California, C=US"
- certu -R -d "${PROFILEDIR}" -f "${R_PWFILE}" -z "${R_NOISE_FILE}" -o req 2>&1
- CU_ACTION="Sign ${CERTNAME}'s Request (ext)"
- certu -C -c "chain-2-clientCA" -m 300 -v 60 -d "${P_CLIENT_CADIR}" \
- -i req -o "${CERTNAME}.cert" -f "${R_PWFILE}" 2>&1
- CU_ACTION="Import $CERTNAME's Cert -t u,u,u (ext)"
- certu -A -n "$CERTNAME" -t "u,u,u" -d "${PROFILEDIR}" -f "${R_PWFILE}" \
- -i "${CERTNAME}.cert" 2>&1
- CU_ACTION="Import Server Root CA -t C,C,C for $CERTNAME (ext.)"
- certu -A -n "serverCA" -t "C,C,C" -f "${R_PWFILE}" -d "${PROFILEDIR}" \
- -i "${SERVER_CADIR}/" 2>&1
- echo "Importing all the client's own CA chain into the servers DB"
- for CA in `find ${CLIENT_CADIR} -name "?*.ca.cert"` ;
- do
- N=`basename $CA | sed -e "s/.ca.cert//"`
- if [ $N = "clientCA" ] ; then
- T="-t T,C,C"
- else
- T="-t u,u,u"
- fi
- CU_ACTION="Import $N CA $T for $CERTNAME (ext.)"
- certu -A -n $N $T -f "${R_PWFILE}" -d "${PROFILEDIR}" \
- -i "${CA}" 2>&1
- done
- if [ "$CERTFAILED" != 0 ] ; then
- cert_log "ERROR: EXT failed $RET"
- else
- cert_log "SUCCESS: EXT passed"
- fi
-############################## cert_ssl ################################
-# local shell function to create client + server certs for SSL test
- ################# Creating Certs for SSL test ###########################
- #
- echo "$SCRIPTNAME: Creating Client CA Issued Certificates ==============="
- cert_create_cert ${CLIENTDIR} "TestUser" 70 ${D_CLIENT}
- echo "$SCRIPTNAME: Creating Server CA Issued Certificate for \\"
- echo " ${HOSTADDR} ------------------------------------"
- cert_create_cert ${SERVERDIR} "${HOSTADDR}" 100 ${D_SERVER}
- certu -M -n "TestCA" -t "TC,TC,TC" -d ${PROFILEDIR}
-# cert_init_cert ${SERVERDIR} "${HOSTADDR}" 1 ${D_SERVER}
-# echo "************* Copying CA files to ${SERVERDIR}"
-# cp ${CADIR}/*.db .
-# hw_acc
-# CU_ACTION="Creating ${CERTNAME}'s Server Cert"
-# CU_SUBJECT="CN=${CERTNAME}, O=BOGUS Netscape, L=Mountain View, ST=California, C=US"
-# certu -S -n "${CERTNAME}" -c "TestCA" -t "Pu,Pu,Pu" -d ${PROFILEDIR} \
-# -f "${R_PWFILE}" -z "${R_NOISE_FILE}" -v 60 2>&1
- if [ "$CERTFAILED" != 0 ] ; then
- cert_log "ERROR: SSL failed $RET"
- else
- cert_log "SUCCESS: SSL passed"
- fi
-############################## cert_stresscerts ################################
-# local shell function to create client certs for SSL stresstest
- ############### Creating Certs for SSL stress test #######################
- #
- cd "${CERTDIR}"
- if [ -n "${MULTIACCESS_DBM}" ]; then
- PROFILEDIR="multiaccess:${D_CLIENT}"
- fi
- echo "$SCRIPTNAME: Creating Client CA Issued Certificates ==============="
- while [ $CONTINUE -ge $GLOB_MIN_CERT ]
- do
-# cert_add_cert ${CLIENTDIR} "TestUser$CONTINUE" $CERTSERIAL
- cert_add_cert
- CONTINUE=`expr $CONTINUE - 1 `
- done
- if [ "$CERTFAILED" != 0 ] ; then
- cert_log "ERROR: StressCert failed $RET"
- else
- cert_log "SUCCESS: StressCert passed"
- fi
-############################## cert_fips #####################################
-# local shell function to create certificates for FIPS tests
- echo "$SCRIPTNAME: Creating FIPS 140-1 DSA Certificates =============="
- cert_init_cert "${FIPSDIR}" "FIPS PUB 140-1 Test Certificate" 1000 "${D_FIPS}"
- CU_ACTION="Initializing ${CERTNAME}'s Cert DB"
- certu -N -d "${PROFILEDIR}" -f "${R_FIPSPWFILE}" 2>&1
- echo "$SCRIPTNAME: Enable FIPS mode on database -----------------------"
- CU_ACTION="Enable FIPS mode on database for ${CERTNAME}"
- echo "modutil -dbdir ${PROFILEDIR} -fips true "
- modutil -dbdir ${PROFILEDIR} -fips true 2>&1 <<MODSCRIPT
- RET=$?
- if [ "$RET" -ne 0 ]; then
- html_failed "<TR><TD>${CU_ACTION} ($RET) "
- cert_log "ERROR: ${CU_ACTION} failed $RET"
- else
- html_passed "<TR><TD>${CU_ACTION}"
- fi
- CU_ACTION="Generate Certificate for ${CERTNAME}"
- CU_SUBJECT="CN=${CERTNAME},, O=BOGUS NSS, OU=FIPS PUB 140-1, L=Mountain View, ST=California, C=US"
- certu -S -n ${FIPSCERTNICK} -x -t "Cu,Cu,Cu" -d "${PROFILEDIR}" -f "${R_FIPSPWFILE}" -k dsa -v 600 -m 500 -z "${R_NOISE_FILE}" 2>&1
- if [ "$RET" -eq 0 ]; then
- cert_log "SUCCESS: FIPS passed"
- fi
-############################## cert_stresscerts ################################
-# local shell function to generate certs and crls for SSL tests
- ################# Creating Certs ###################################
- #
- cd $CADIR
- echo "$SCRIPTNAME: Creating Client CA Issued Certificates Range $CRL_GRP_1_BEGIN - $CRL_GRPS_END ==="
- CU_ACTION="Creating client test certs"
- while [ $CERTSERIAL -le $CRL_GRPS_END ]
- do
- cert_add_cert
- done
- #################### CRL Creation ##############################
- echo "$SCRIPTNAME: Creating CA CRL ====================================="
- CRL_GRP_END=`expr ${CRL_GRP_1_BEGIN} + ${CRL_GRP_1_RANGE} - 1`
- CRLUPDATE=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ`
- CU_ACTION="Generating CRL for range ${CRL_GRP_1_BEGIN}-${CRL_GRP_END} TestCA authority"
- CRL_GRP_END_=`expr ${CRL_GRP_END} - 1`
- crlu -d $CADIR -G -n "TestCA" -f ${R_PWFILE} -o ${CRL_FILE_GRP_1}_or <<EOF_CRLINI
-addext reasonCode 0 4
-addext issuerAltNames 0 "||x400Address:x400Address|directoryName:CN=NSS Test CA,O=BOGUS NSS,L=Mountain View,ST=California,C=US|URI:|ipAddress:|registerID=reg CA"
-# This extension should be added to the list, but currently nss has bug
-#addext authKeyId 0 "CN=NSS Test CA,O=BOGUS NSS,L=Mountain View,ST=California,C=US" 1
- CRL_GEN_RES=`expr $? + $CRL_GEN_RES`
- chmod 600 ${CRL_FILE_GRP_1}_or
- echo test > file
- ############################# Modification ##################################
- echo "$SCRIPTNAME: Modifying CA CRL by adding one more cert ============"
- sleep 2
- CRL_GRP_DATE=`date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ"`
- CU_ACTION="Modification CRL by adding one more cert"
- crlu -d $CADIR -M -n "TestCA" -f ${R_PWFILE} -o ${CRL_FILE_GRP_1}_or1 \
- -i ${CRL_FILE_GRP_1}_or <<EOF_CRLINI
- CRL_GEN_RES=`expr $? + $CRL_GEN_RES`
- chmod 600 ${CRL_FILE_GRP_1}_or1
- ########### Removing one cert ${UNREVOKED_CERT_GRP_1} #######################
- echo "$SCRIPTNAME: Modifying CA CRL by removing one cert ==============="
- CU_ACTION="Modification CRL by removing one cert"
- crlu -d $CADIR -M -n "TestCA" -f ${R_PWFILE} -o ${CRL_FILE_GRP_1} \
- -i ${CRL_FILE_GRP_1}_or1 <<EOF_CRLINI
- chmod 600 ${CRL_FILE_GRP_1}
- ########### Creating second CRL which includes groups 1 and 2 ##############
- CRL_GRP_END=`expr ${CRL_GRP_2_BEGIN} + ${CRL_GRP_2_RANGE} - 1`
- echo "$SCRIPTNAME: Creating CA CRL for groups 1 and 2 ==============="
- CRLUPDATE=`date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ"`
- CRL_GRP_DATE=`date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ"`
- CU_ACTION="Creating CRL for groups 1 and 2"
- crlu -d $CADIR -M -n "TestCA" -f ${R_PWFILE} -o ${CRL_FILE_GRP_2} \
-addext invalidityDate 0 $CRLUPDATE
- CRL_GEN_RES=`expr $? + $CRL_GEN_RES`
- chmod 600 ${CRL_FILE_GRP_2}
- ########### Creating second CRL which includes groups 1, 2 and 3 ##############
- CRL_GRP_END=`expr ${CRL_GRP_3_BEGIN} + ${CRL_GRP_3_RANGE} - 1`
- echo "$SCRIPTNAME: Creating CA CRL for groups 1, 2 and 3 ==============="
- sleep 2
- CRLUPDATE=`date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ"`
- CRL_GRP_DATE=`date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ"`
- CU_ACTION="Creating CRL for groups 1, 2 and 3"
- crlu -d $CADIR -M -n "TestCA" -f ${R_PWFILE} -o ${CRL_FILE_GRP_3} \
-addext crlNumber 0 2
- CRL_GEN_RES=`expr $? + $CRL_GEN_RES`
- chmod 600 ${CRL_FILE_GRP_3}
- ############ Importing Server CA Issued CRL for certs of first group #######
- echo "$SCRIPTNAME: Importing Server CA Issued CRL for certs ${CRL_GRP_BEGIN} trough ${CRL_GRP_END}"
- CU_ACTION="Importing CRL for groups 1"
- crlu -I -i ${CRL_FILE} -n "TestCA" -f "${R_PWFILE}" -d "${R_SERVERDIR}"
- CRL_GEN_RES=`expr $? + $CRL_GEN_RES`
- if [ "$CERTFAILED" != 0 -o "$CRL_GEN_RES" != 0 ] ; then
- cert_log "ERROR: SSL CRL prep failed $CERTFAILED : $CRL_GEN_RES"
- else
- cert_log "SUCCESS: SSL CRL prep passed"
- fi
-############################## cert_cleanup ############################
-# local shell function to finish this script (no exit since it might be
-# sourced)
- cert_log "$SCRIPTNAME: finished $SCRIPTNAME"
- html "</TABLE><BR>"
- cd ${QADIR}
- . common/
-################## main #################################################
-if [ -n "$DO_DIST_ST" -a "$DO_DIST_ST" = "TRUE" ] ; then
- cert_stresscerts
- #following lines to be used when databases are to be reused
- #cp -r /u/sonmi/tmp/stress/kentuckyderby.13/* $HOSTDIR
- #cp -r $HOSTDIR/../${HOST}.2/* $HOSTDIR