/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8 -*-*/ /* * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is the Netscape security libraries. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are * Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Netscape Communications Corporation. All * Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the * terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the * "GPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable * instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your * version of this file only under the terms of the GPL and not to * allow others to use your version of this file under the MPL, * indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and * replace them with the notice and other provisions required by * the GPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient * may use your version of this file under either the MPL or the * GPL. */ #include "crmf.h" #include "crmfi.h" #include "secasn1.h" #include "keyhi.h" #include "cryptohi.h" #define CRMF_DEFAULT_ALLOC_SIZE 1024 SECStatus crmf_init_encoder_callback_arg (struct crmfEncoderArg *encoderArg, SECItem *derDest) { derDest->data = PORT_ZNewArray(unsigned char, CRMF_DEFAULT_ALLOC_SIZE); if (derDest->data == NULL) { return SECFailure; } derDest->len = 0; encoderArg->allocatedLen = CRMF_DEFAULT_ALLOC_SIZE; encoderArg->buffer = derDest; return SECSuccess; } /* Caller should release or unmark the pool, instead of doing it here. ** But there are NO callers of this function at present... */ SECStatus CRMF_CertReqMsgSetRAVerifiedPOP(CRMFCertReqMsg *inCertReqMsg) { SECItem *dummy; CRMFProofOfPossession *pop; PRArenaPool *poolp; void *mark; PORT_Assert(inCertReqMsg != NULL && inCertReqMsg->pop == NULL); poolp = inCertReqMsg->poolp; mark = PORT_ArenaMark(poolp); if (CRMF_CertReqMsgGetPOPType(inCertReqMsg) != crmfNoPOPChoice) { return SECFailure; } pop = PORT_ArenaZNew(poolp, CRMFProofOfPossession); if (pop == NULL) { goto loser; } pop->popUsed = crmfRAVerified; pop->popChoice.raVerified.data = NULL; pop->popChoice.raVerified.len = 0; inCertReqMsg->pop = pop; dummy = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(poolp, &(inCertReqMsg->derPOP), &(pop->popChoice.raVerified), CRMFRAVerifiedTemplate); return SECSuccess; loser: PORT_ArenaRelease(poolp, mark); return SECFailure; } SECOidTag crmf_map_keytag_to_signtag(SECOidTag inTag) { switch (inTag) { case SEC_OID_PKCS1_RSA_ENCRYPTION: return SEC_OID_PKCS1_SHA1_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION; case SEC_OID_ANSIX9_DSA_SIGNATURE: case SEC_OID_MISSI_KEA_DSS: case SEC_OID_MISSI_DSS: return SEC_OID_ANSIX9_DSA_SIGNATURE_WITH_SHA1_DIGEST; default: /* Put this in here to kill warnings. */ break; } return inTag; } SECOidTag crmf_get_key_sign_tag(SECKEYPublicKey *inPubKey) { CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *spki; SECOidTag tag; spki = SECKEY_CreateSubjectPublicKeyInfo(inPubKey); if (spki == NULL) { return SEC_OID_UNKNOWN; } tag = SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(&spki->algorithm); SECKEY_DestroySubjectPublicKeyInfo(spki); return crmf_map_keytag_to_signtag(tag); } SECAlgorithmID* crmf_create_poposignkey_algid(PRArenaPool *poolp, SECKEYPublicKey *inPubKey) { SECAlgorithmID *algID; SECOidTag tag; SECStatus rv; void *mark; mark = PORT_ArenaMark(poolp); algID = PORT_ArenaZNew(poolp, SECAlgorithmID); if (algID == NULL) { goto loser; } tag = crmf_get_key_sign_tag(inPubKey); if (tag == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN) { goto loser; } rv = SECOID_SetAlgorithmID(poolp, algID, tag, NULL); if (rv != SECSuccess) { goto loser; } PORT_ArenaUnmark(poolp, mark); return algID; loser: PORT_ArenaRelease(poolp, mark); return NULL; } static CRMFPOPOSigningKeyInput* crmf_create_poposigningkeyinput(PRArenaPool *poolp, CERTCertificate *inCert, CRMFMACPasswordCallback fn, void *arg) { /* PSM isn't going to do this, so we'll fail here for now.*/ return NULL; } void crmf_generic_encoder_callback(void *arg, const char* buf, unsigned long len, int depth, SEC_ASN1EncodingPart data_kind) { struct crmfEncoderArg *encoderArg = (struct crmfEncoderArg*)arg; unsigned char *cursor; if (encoderArg->buffer->len + len > encoderArg->allocatedLen) { int newSize = encoderArg->buffer->len+CRMF_DEFAULT_ALLOC_SIZE; void *dummy = PORT_Realloc(encoderArg->buffer->data, newSize); if (dummy == NULL) { /* I really want to return an error code here */ PORT_Assert(0); return; } encoderArg->buffer->data = dummy; encoderArg->allocatedLen = newSize; } cursor = &(encoderArg->buffer->data[encoderArg->buffer->len]); PORT_Memcpy (cursor, buf, len); encoderArg->buffer->len += len; } static SECStatus crmf_encode_certreq(CRMFCertRequest *inCertReq, SECItem *derDest) { struct crmfEncoderArg encoderArg; SECStatus rv; rv = crmf_init_encoder_callback_arg (&encoderArg, derDest); if (rv != SECSuccess) { return SECFailure; } return SEC_ASN1Encode(inCertReq, CRMFCertRequestTemplate, crmf_generic_encoder_callback, &encoderArg); } static SECStatus crmf_sign_certreq(PRArenaPool *poolp, CRMFPOPOSigningKey *crmfSignKey, CRMFCertRequest *certReq, SECKEYPrivateKey *inKey, SECAlgorithmID *inAlgId) { SECItem derCertReq; SECItem certReqSig; SECStatus rv = SECSuccess; rv = crmf_encode_certreq(certReq, &derCertReq); if (rv != SECSuccess) { goto loser; } rv = SEC_SignData(&certReqSig, derCertReq.data, derCertReq.len, inKey,SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(inAlgId)); if (rv != SECSuccess) { goto loser; } /* Now make it a part of the POPOSigningKey */ rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &(crmfSignKey->signature), &certReqSig); /* Convert this length to number of bits */ crmfSignKey->signature.len <<= 3; loser: if (derCertReq.data != NULL) { PORT_Free(derCertReq.data); } if (certReqSig.data != NULL) { PORT_Free(certReqSig.data); } return rv; } static SECStatus crmf_create_poposignkey(PRArenaPool *poolp, CRMFCertReqMsg *inCertReqMsg, CRMFPOPOSigningKeyInput *signKeyInput, SECKEYPrivateKey *inPrivKey, SECAlgorithmID *inAlgID, CRMFPOPOSigningKey *signKey) { CRMFCertRequest *certReq; void *mark; PRBool useSignKeyInput; SECStatus rv; PORT_Assert(inCertReqMsg != NULL && inCertReqMsg->certReq != NULL); mark = PORT_ArenaMark(poolp); if (signKey == NULL) { goto loser; } certReq = inCertReqMsg->certReq; useSignKeyInput = !(CRMF_DoesRequestHaveField(certReq,crmfSubject) && CRMF_DoesRequestHaveField(certReq,crmfPublicKey)); if (useSignKeyInput) { goto loser; } else { rv = crmf_sign_certreq(poolp, signKey, certReq,inPrivKey, inAlgID); if (rv != SECSuccess) { goto loser; } } PORT_ArenaUnmark(poolp,mark); return SECSuccess; loser: PORT_ArenaRelease(poolp,mark); return SECFailure; } SECStatus CRMF_CertReqMsgSetSignaturePOP(CRMFCertReqMsg *inCertReqMsg, SECKEYPrivateKey *inPrivKey, SECKEYPublicKey *inPubKey, CERTCertificate *inCertForInput, CRMFMACPasswordCallback fn, void *arg) { SECAlgorithmID *algID; PRArenaPool *poolp; SECItem derDest = {siBuffer, NULL, 0}; void *mark; SECStatus rv; CRMFPOPOSigningKeyInput *signKeyInput = NULL; CRMFCertRequest *certReq; CRMFProofOfPossession *pop; struct crmfEncoderArg encoderArg; PORT_Assert(inCertReqMsg != NULL && inCertReqMsg->certReq != NULL && inCertReqMsg->pop == NULL); certReq = inCertReqMsg->certReq; if (CRMF_CertReqMsgGetPOPType(inCertReqMsg) != crmfNoPOPChoice || !CRMF_DoesRequestHaveField(certReq, crmfPublicKey)) { return SECFailure; } poolp = inCertReqMsg->poolp; mark = PORT_ArenaMark(poolp); algID = crmf_create_poposignkey_algid(poolp, inPubKey); if(!CRMF_DoesRequestHaveField(certReq,crmfSubject)) { signKeyInput = crmf_create_poposigningkeyinput(poolp, inCertForInput, fn, arg); if (signKeyInput == NULL) { goto loser; } } pop = PORT_ArenaZNew(poolp, CRMFProofOfPossession); if (pop == NULL) { goto loser; } rv = crmf_create_poposignkey(poolp, inCertReqMsg, signKeyInput, inPrivKey, algID, &(pop->popChoice.signature)); if (rv != SECSuccess) { goto loser; } pop->popUsed = crmfSignature; pop->popChoice.signature.algorithmIdentifier = algID; inCertReqMsg->pop = pop; rv = crmf_init_encoder_callback_arg (&encoderArg, &derDest); if (rv != SECSuccess) { goto loser; } rv = SEC_ASN1Encode(&pop->popChoice.signature, CRMFPOPOSigningKeyTemplate, crmf_generic_encoder_callback, &encoderArg); if (rv != SECSuccess) { goto loser; } rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &(inCertReqMsg->derPOP), &derDest); PORT_Free (derDest.data); if (rv != SECSuccess) { goto loser; } PORT_ArenaUnmark(poolp,mark); return SECSuccess; loser: PORT_ArenaRelease(poolp,mark); if (derDest.data != NULL) { PORT_Free(derDest.data); } return SECFailure; } static const SEC_ASN1Template* crmf_get_popoprivkey_subtemplate(CRMFPOPOPrivKey *inPrivKey) { const SEC_ASN1Template *retTemplate = NULL; switch (inPrivKey->messageChoice) { case crmfThisMessage: retTemplate = CRMFThisMessageTemplate; break; case crmfSubsequentMessage: retTemplate = CRMFSubsequentMessageTemplate; break; case crmfDHMAC: retTemplate = CRMFDHMACTemplate; break; default: retTemplate = NULL; } return retTemplate; } static SECStatus crmf_encode_popoprivkey(PRArenaPool *poolp, CRMFCertReqMsg *inCertReqMsg, CRMFPOPOPrivKey *popoPrivKey, const SEC_ASN1Template *privKeyTemplate) { struct crmfEncoderArg encoderArg; SECItem derDest; SECStatus rv; void *mark; const SEC_ASN1Template *subDerTemplate; mark = PORT_ArenaMark(poolp); rv = crmf_init_encoder_callback_arg(&encoderArg, &derDest); if (rv != SECSuccess) { goto loser; } subDerTemplate = crmf_get_popoprivkey_subtemplate(popoPrivKey); /* We've got a union, so a pointer to one item is a pointer to * all the items in the union. */ rv = SEC_ASN1Encode(&popoPrivKey->message.thisMessage, subDerTemplate, crmf_generic_encoder_callback, &encoderArg); if (rv != SECSuccess) { goto loser; } if (encoderArg.allocatedLen > derDest.len+2) { void *dummy = PORT_Realloc(derDest.data, derDest.len+2); if (dummy == NULL) { goto loser; } derDest.data = dummy; } PORT_Memmove(&derDest.data[2], &derDest.data[0], derDest.len); /* I couldn't figure out how to get the ASN1 encoder to implicitly * tag an implicitly tagged der blob. So I'm putting in the outter- * most tag myself. -javi */ derDest.data[0] = (unsigned char)privKeyTemplate->kind; derDest.data[1] = (unsigned char)derDest.len; derDest.len += 2; rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &inCertReqMsg->derPOP, &derDest); if (rv != SECSuccess) { goto loser; } PORT_Free(derDest.data); PORT_ArenaUnmark(poolp, mark); return SECSuccess; loser: PORT_ArenaRelease(poolp, mark); if (derDest.data) { PORT_Free(derDest.data); } return SECFailure; } static const SEC_ASN1Template* crmf_get_template_for_privkey(CRMFPOPChoice inChoice) { switch (inChoice) { case crmfKeyAgreement: return CRMFPOPOKeyAgreementTemplate; case crmfKeyEncipherment: return CRMFPOPOKeyEnciphermentTemplate; default: break; } return NULL; } static SECStatus crmf_add_privkey_thismessage(CRMFCertReqMsg *inCertReqMsg, SECItem *encPrivKey, CRMFPOPChoice inChoice) { PRArenaPool *poolp; void *mark; CRMFPOPOPrivKey *popoPrivKey; CRMFProofOfPossession *pop; SECStatus rv; PORT_Assert(inCertReqMsg != NULL && encPrivKey != NULL); poolp = inCertReqMsg->poolp; mark = PORT_ArenaMark(poolp); pop = PORT_ArenaZNew(poolp, CRMFProofOfPossession); if (pop == NULL) { goto loser; } pop->popUsed = inChoice; /* popChoice is a union, so getting a pointer to one * field gives me a pointer to the other fields as * well. This in essence points to both * pop->popChoice.keyEncipherment and * pop->popChoice.keyAgreement */ popoPrivKey = &pop->popChoice.keyEncipherment; rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &(popoPrivKey->message.thisMessage), encPrivKey); if (rv != SECSuccess) { goto loser; } popoPrivKey->message.thisMessage.len <<= 3; popoPrivKey->messageChoice = crmfThisMessage; inCertReqMsg->pop = pop; rv = crmf_encode_popoprivkey(poolp, inCertReqMsg, popoPrivKey, crmf_get_template_for_privkey(inChoice)); if (rv != SECSuccess) { goto loser; } PORT_ArenaUnmark(poolp, mark); return SECSuccess; loser: PORT_ArenaRelease(poolp, mark); return SECFailure; } static SECStatus crmf_add_privkey_subseqmessage(CRMFCertReqMsg *inCertReqMsg, CRMFSubseqMessOptions subsequentMessage, CRMFPOPChoice inChoice) { void *mark; PRArenaPool *poolp; CRMFProofOfPossession *pop; CRMFPOPOPrivKey *popoPrivKey; SECStatus rv; const SEC_ASN1Template *privKeyTemplate; if (subsequentMessage == crmfNoSubseqMess) { return SECFailure; } poolp = inCertReqMsg->poolp; mark = PORT_ArenaMark(poolp); pop = PORT_ArenaZNew(poolp, CRMFProofOfPossession); if (pop == NULL) { goto loser; } pop->popUsed = inChoice; /* * We have a union, so a pointer to one member of the union * is also a member to another member of that same union. */ popoPrivKey = &pop->popChoice.keyEncipherment; switch (subsequentMessage) { case crmfEncrCert: rv = crmf_encode_integer(poolp, &(popoPrivKey->message.subsequentMessage), 0); break; case crmfChallengeResp: rv = crmf_encode_integer(poolp, &(popoPrivKey->message.subsequentMessage), 1); break; default: goto loser; } if (rv != SECSuccess) { goto loser; } popoPrivKey->messageChoice = crmfSubsequentMessage; privKeyTemplate = crmf_get_template_for_privkey(inChoice); inCertReqMsg->pop = pop; rv = crmf_encode_popoprivkey(poolp, inCertReqMsg, popoPrivKey, privKeyTemplate); if (rv != SECSuccess) { goto loser; } PORT_ArenaUnmark(poolp, mark); return SECSuccess; loser: PORT_ArenaRelease(poolp, mark); return SECFailure; } SECStatus CRMF_CertReqMsgSetKeyEnciphermentPOP(CRMFCertReqMsg *inCertReqMsg, CRMFPOPOPrivKeyChoice inKeyChoice, CRMFSubseqMessOptions subseqMess, SECItem *encPrivKey) { SECStatus rv; PORT_Assert(inCertReqMsg != NULL && inCertReqMsg->pop == NULL); if (CRMF_CertReqMsgGetPOPType(inCertReqMsg) != crmfNoPOPChoice) { return SECFailure; } switch (inKeyChoice) { case crmfThisMessage: rv = crmf_add_privkey_thismessage(inCertReqMsg, encPrivKey, crmfKeyEncipherment); break; case crmfSubsequentMessage: rv = crmf_add_privkey_subseqmessage(inCertReqMsg, subseqMess, crmfKeyEncipherment); break; case crmfDHMAC: default: rv = SECFailure; } return rv; } SECStatus CRMF_CertReqMsgSetKeyAgreementPOP (CRMFCertReqMsg *inCertReqMsg, CRMFPOPOPrivKeyChoice inKeyChoice, CRMFSubseqMessOptions subseqMess, SECItem *encPrivKey) { SECStatus rv; PORT_Assert(inCertReqMsg != NULL && inCertReqMsg->pop == NULL); switch (inKeyChoice) { case crmfThisMessage: rv = crmf_add_privkey_thismessage(inCertReqMsg, encPrivKey, crmfKeyAgreement); break; case crmfSubsequentMessage: rv = crmf_add_privkey_subseqmessage(inCertReqMsg, subseqMess, crmfKeyAgreement); break; case crmfDHMAC: /* This case should be added in the future. */ default: rv = SECFailure; } return rv; }