Introduction ============ This project provides scripts and data that provide a simple way of using tegrarcm and U-Boot to write U-Boot (or an alternative image) to the boot flash of a Tegra device. This project relies on source and data provided by various other projects. cbootimage - Creates Tegra flash images. cbootimage-configs - Board-specific data for cbootimage. tegrarcm - Communicates with Tegra boot ROM over USB. dtc - Compiles device tree files, and provides utilities to manipulate device trees. U-Boot - A bootloader. Used to write to Tegra's boot flash, and is typically written to the boot flash. cbootimage, tegrarcm, and dtc are simply utilities used by this project. If your distro packages up-to-date versions of these tools, then they may be installed and used. However, this is often not the case, so a script named "build-tools" has been provided, which will build those tools and place them into a directory that the other scripts add to their $PATH. cbootimage-configs and U-Boot are actively used by the "build" script, and hence must always be available. For more details how these tools fit together, see the documentation at: Obtaining the Source ==================== You are expected to use Google's repo tool to obtain the source. For more information about repo, see: To obtain repo, do the following in a directory in your $PATH: curl > repo chmod a+x repo To obtain the source of the tegra-uboot-flasher project, do: mkdir tegra-uboot-flasher cd tegra-uboot-flasher repo init -u git:// repo sync The manifest includes the source to potentially distro-packaged utilities such as cbootimage and tegrarcm, and U-Boot itself. If you already have the pre-requisite tools installed, you may not want to download their source. Similarly, if you already build U-Boot yourself, you may not want another copy of the U-Boot source tree. You can request that repo not download those source trees using the -g option to repo init. For example: # Exclude just the pre-requisite tools: repo init -u ... -g default,-notools # Only include the bare minimum repo init -u ... -g default,-notools,-bootloader Submitting Changes ================== To submit patches to this project, please use the following commands: * git format-patch --subject-prefix="flasher scripts PATCH" Creates a patch file from your git commit. * git send-email --to *.patch Sends the patch by email to the Tegra mailing list. Even though the primary upstream repository for this project is hosted on github, contributions aren't accepted via github pull requests. Github pull requests would bypass public code review on the project mailing list. Patches should be signed off (include a signed-off-by line) to indicate your acceptance of the code's license (see COPYING and the license header in each file). See for details of what signed-off-by implies. Pre-requisites ============== A number of common tools and libraries required to build tegra-uboot-flasher. Typically, these will be provided by standard distribution packages. For recent Debian-/Ubuntu-based distributions, the following list of packages will be useful: build-essential autoconf automake libtool libusb-1.0-0-dev libcrypto++-dev Packages with similar names likely exist for other distributions too. Note: tegrarcm depends on libusb-1.0. On at least current Debian-/Ubuntu-based distributions, the default/unversioned libusb package installed contains libusb-0.1. Make sure that libusb-1.0 is installed by using the explicit versioned package name specified above. Compiling Potentially Packaged Utilities ======================================== If you have installed distro packages for the utilities mentioned above, and/or sync'd the default-notools.xml manifest, skip this step. cd to the scripts sub-directory (i.e. the directory containing this README), and execute: ./build-tools Creating Flash Images ===================== This step creates the target binaries and supporting data files necessary to run the tegra-uboot-flasher script. You will always need to perform this step. You will need an ARM cross-compiler in order to compile U-Boot. This may be obtained from a distribution package, or be a custom-built toolchain. The environment variable CROSS_COMPILE should be set to select the compiler to use. CROSS_COMPILE should contain the common prefix of all the binaries in the cross-compiler, for example if gcc is arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc, then CROSS_COMPILE should be set to arm-linux-gnueabi-, or /path/to/arm-linux-gnueabi-. If this variable is not set, then the build script assumes a value of arm-linux-gnueabi-. cd to the scripts sub-directory (i.e. the directory containing this README), and execute: ./build build Flashing Devices ================ If you wish, you may run the tegra-uboot-flasher script directly from the source tree. The script will automatically find the build results generated in the previous step. For details on running this script, please see README-user.txt in this directory. Packaging the Build Results =========================== The build script generates the directory tree ../_out. this contains all data required by the tegra-uboot-flasher script. The content of this directory should be installed into /usr/share/tegra_uboot_flasher. The tegra-uboot-flasher script itself should be installed somewhere in $PATH. The Python module should be installed somewhere that Python can locate it.